Of course, Qingfeng would not pay attention to this. He looked at Wan Jiansheng and said, "You have done many evil things. I must kill you today."

At this moment, Qingfeng's whole body was not hurt. After all, he practiced the Hegemony Technique and the Hunyuan Star Fighting Kung Fu. At this moment, with the blessing of the Lord's Ring, his physical body had truly become indestructible.

So the sword just struck didn't hurt him.

Wan Jiansheng opened his mouth and laughed loudly: "Do you really think you can kill me with the power of the Ring? What a joke, I am an immortal existence."


One of his legs suddenly exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist that flew away.

He was surprised: "How could this happen?"

"Bang bang..."

His two arms also shattered at this moment.

His eyes were filled with horror as he said, "No, this is impossible."

Jin Ling and Mu Ling said: "Hmph, do you really think Daluo Jinxian is invincible in the world?"

Wan Jiansheng said: "You guys, what have you done to me? I am an immortal existence."

Zhulong said: "Hmph, you haven't developed an indestructible body, how can you be immortal? Are you just wishful thinking?"

Qingfeng said: "Wan Jiansheng, go to hell."

He stopped talking, waved the big stick in his hand, and hit Wan Jiansheng on the head.

Although Wan Jiansheng tried his best to resist, it was a pity that even the big star would be smashed to pieces with a force of 100 billion kilograms.


Wan Jiansheng's head was smashed by the stick, and only half of his body fell to the ground, and he died like this.

In fact, this made Qingfeng a little unexpected.

I didn't expect that this guy was so powerful and died like this.

Looking at Wan Jiansheng's body, he was silent for a moment, but then said: "Dust will return to dust. You have done many evil things, so you deserve it."

He turned around and looked at Jin Ling, Wood Ling and Zhu Long and said, "Are you okay?"

Jin Ling: "It's okay, it's just a minor injury. Just rest for a while and it will be fine."

Mu Ling: "Well, yes, don't worry about us, dad. When all seven of us come out, huh, let's see if you dare to bully you again."

Zhulong laughed loudly and said: "Okay, Qingfeng, if you have these little guys, you will have to walk sideways wherever you go in the future."

At this moment, the initial light of the Lord of the Rings dissipated.

Demon Blood told Qingfeng: "The energy has been exhausted, and you may not be able to use it for a long time." ŴŴŴ.

Qingfeng felt a little disappointed, but this was normal. After all, if this kind of magical object could continuously increase people's energy, wouldn't they be invincible if they got it?

In this world, only the Dharma can be invincible, but treasures cannot last forever.

His strength also returned to its original appearance at this moment.

At this time, he told everyone: "Okay, the matter here is over, you all go back to recuperate."

At this time, Qingfeng told Jin Ling and Mu Ling the secret spell for entering and exiting the stone jar, so that they could freely enter and exit the stone jar.

After doing all this, Zhulong returned behind him and fell asleep.

The golden spirit and the wooden spirit turned into a ball again and hung on the gourd vine to rest.

There were only a few remaining little guys who immediately chatted with the two of them.

Qingfeng looked at the empty space, thought for a moment and said: "Devil Blood, this magic ring will be handed over to the Ninth Prince when the time comes, in exchange for the lives of Duobao and others.

I have it on now, so what. "

Demonic Blood said: "It doesn't matter, Master, you can hand this thing over to him when the time comes. After you escape, I will naturally transform this Lord of the Rings away."

Qingfeng: "It's not that simple. The Ninth Prince is not a vegetarian."

Demon Blood said: "It doesn't matter, you don't know what I'm capable of yet. When the time comes, I will make sure that he can't see anything and can't find me.

I will go find you later, so you can rest assured that I will do the work. "

Qingfeng could only choose to believe it at this moment. After all, he had no better way.

At this time, he took off the magic ring and fired several spells on it.

The light on the Lord of the Rings shone brightly, and then the light it emitted turned into a door of light.

Qingfeng knew that this was the door to the outside.

So he stepped into it without hesitation and disappeared.

At the same time, Wan Jiansheng's corpse suddenly turned into countless demonic energy and rolled up, and countless blood mist in mid-air also condensed into the demonic energy again.

However, in a moment, the demonic energy converged and finally turned into a demon. The demon said in an extremely gloomy voice: "Qingfeng, I will never let you go, and you actually killed my body.

But you must have never imagined that I, Wan Jiansheng, am immortal. It is ridiculous to think that destroying my body will kill me.

Just wait, wait for the anger of my revenge to burn. I have swallowed up countless fortunes, and I am the real son of fate. "

At this moment, Qingfeng's body flashed and he had returned to the Demonic Abyss. How did he know that Wan Jiansheng deliberately pretended to be dead in order not to be really killed by Qingfeng to avoid his killing blow.

Above the Demonic Abyss, dozens of people were waiting here. When everyone saw Qingfeng coming out, some were really happy and some were pleased.

Shen Jizi said with joy in his eyes: "Yes, yes, I know you are the destined person and will definitely take this thing back."

Qingfeng's body flashed and he was already in front of Shen Jizi.

Shen Jizi stretched out his hand and asked for the Ring.

Qingfeng took out the magic ring and showed it to Shenjizi, but did not give it to him.

He looked at Shenjizi and said, "I need you to put it in before I can give it to you."

Shenjizi smiled calmly and said, "Okay, this matter is over, let's go back now."

When the others saw Qingfeng got the magic ring, their eyes were burning, but unfortunately this thing was not something that could be snatched by force, so everyone could only watch the two of them leave.

When Qingfeng appeared in the Demon King's Palace again, the Ninth Prince and the Great Demon Priest were very happy.

The Ninth Prince couldn't wait to let Qingfeng hand over the magic ring.

Qingfeng insisted that they let him go first.

Although the Ninth Prince was angry, he compromised under Shenjizi's persuasion.

Duobao and others were released, and Qingfeng told them to leave quickly.

In desperation, this mission could only be declared a failure.

But Duobao had another request, which was to ask Shenjizi something.

Shen Jizi gave Qingfeng a chance and asked, "What else do you want?"

Duobao said, "Since you have already surrendered to the demon world, I will not force you to hand over the Dao Compass, but can you tell me where the replica of the Dao Compass is, so that I can have an explanation when I go back."

Hearing this, Shen Jizi narrowed his eyes and said, "You are really good at calculating. There is indeed a replica of the Dao Compass.

Since I don't know if I can return to the fairy world in this life, it's okay to tell you, but you have to promise me that you must tell this secret to the Shen Ji Sect and let their disciples take it out."

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