
After Tiandu and Zhaixing landed on the ground, they immediately ran back in a mess.

Qingfeng shouted: "Devil, where are you running?"

He wanted to attack, but at this time, several demons among the crowd turned into humans. It was Ye Quanzhen and others, and they beat up the drowned dog.

He chased Tiandu and Zhaixing relentlessly, beating them until they were seriously injured and in a state of embarrassment.

Fortunately, Qianye arrived in time with some demons, otherwise the two of them would have died.

At this time, due to the sneak attack by Qingfeng and others, the demons were defeated in this battle and fled back.

The people of the Immortal Realm took advantage of the victory to pursue, killing countless demons along the way, and unexpectedly achieved a great victory.

Countless people in the immortal world cheered.

Duobao and others rushed to the camp with a group of people.

When they arrived at the Xiongwu Hall, the Giant Spirit God and Yu Daozi were waiting for them here.

Seeing these two great gods, everyone was filled with joy, knowing that nothing could threaten them anymore.

Yu Daozi immediately asked about what happened during this period.

Taoist Duobao asked Master Huanglong to tell the story to the two of them.

In the end, the two of them found out, and everyone was amazed at the opportunity.

When the two of them heard about Qingfeng, they both expressed sighs.

At this time, the Giant Spirit God looked at Qingfeng and asked: "You went to the Imperial Capital, do you know what is going on there now?"

Qingfeng immediately said: "Disciple doesn't know. After all, after I went there, I was taken directly to the Demon Abyss. A lot of things happened in it. In the end, I was just lucky enough to win the Lord of the Rings."

Next, Qingfeng told everyone about his experience in the Demon Abyss.

Everyone who heard this was extremely shocked, especially the one hundred and eight Taiyi Golden Immortal-level demon generals attacking everyone together.

Fortunately, Qingfeng just lied in the end. Someone was carrying a heavy treasure and everyone was killed. Only he was the immortal hegemon, so he got the Lord of the Rings by luck.

Although what he said made people a little suspicious of his words.

However, Qingfeng can't control much. After all, this is the only truest reason he can make up. Is it possible that he really wants to tell all his secrets.

If that were the case, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to leave this hall.

At this moment, although everyone was a little suspicious of his words, since he came back like this, no one could guess anything else out of thin air.

The matter was dropped. Regardless of whether what he said was true or false, or whether he was hiding something, of course no one would investigate further.

At this time, the Giant Spirit God said: "Yes, yes, you are really young and promising. In this way, I will report your contribution to the Emperor of Heaven immediately. Then you can just wait for the imperial conferment."

Upon hearing this, Qingfeng immediately thanked him.

Everyone was also very happy for Qingfeng.

At this time, Monk Duobao also told the location of the replica of the Dao Compass.

After the giant spirit god got the news, he sent it back to heaven using secret methods.

Yu Daozi also said at this moment: "Everyone has made great contributions this time. Although we did not get back the real Dao Compass, we also experienced the test of life and death.

This time everyone has a reward, which will be distributed to the door when the time comes. "

Of course everyone was happy when they heard this. After all, what happened this time was really dangerous. If Wan Jiansheng hadn't been there, everyone would have died.

Yu Daozi waved his hand and asked everyone to go back and have a rest.

After everyone left, Juling Shen looked at Monk Duobao and said, "Fellow Taoist, tell me, what are the differences between Wan Jian and this son? That divine machine is only waiting for his arrival.

Why is he so sure that Wan Jiansheng can get the Lord of the Rings? "

Duobao thought for a moment and said: "This is actually my doubt, but this guy is really powerful in terms of fighting alone.

Based on my observations of him, perhaps there is no opponent for him among the Taiyi Golden Immortals at the same level. "

As soon as these words came out, both Juling Shen and Yu Daozi were slightly stunned.

The Giant Spirit God looked at Yu Daozi at this moment and said: "This boy is so powerful, why haven't I heard about it in these years?"

Yu Daozi smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest, I don't know. This guy has only shown his prominence in the past two years. But if you have time, you can call Master Taiyi here and you will know the whole story."

The Giant Spirit God was deeply convinced and said: "Well, I always feel that this boy is a little strange. Let Master Taiyi come to see me when the time comes. After all, to enter the heaven, one must be clean."

Of course Qingfeng didn't know what happened in the hall.

At this moment, he was already at Mo Hongchen.

In front of a pear-shaped table, Mo Hongchen held his chin in one hand while listening to Qingfeng's magical journey.

She lamented that Qingfeng was really too dangerous this time. If it weren't for the Zhulong, the Golden Spirit and the Wood Spirit, he would really be dead.

Qingfeng said indifferently: "Despite this, the profit this time is also very good. Not to mention anything else, even one hundred thousand immortal crystals are what others desire but cannot reach."

Mo Hongchen said, "You, everything I talk to you is in vain. I just hope you can protect yourself."

Qingfeng said: "During these days when I'm not around, has anything big happened here?"

Mo Hongchen shook his head and said: "That's not true. After experiencing this great catastrophe in the immortal world, I think the demons can calm down for a while."

After the two chatted for a while, Qingfeng returned to his residence. He went to the stone jar to see Jin Ling and Mu Ling. The two little guys were recuperating.

He took out 10,000 fairy crystals and buried them under the gourd vine for them to recuperate, which naturally made the gourd brothers and sisters very happy.

After coming out of the stone jar, he also began to meditate and practice, and had recovered the power of cultivation consumed in these days.

Time passed quickly, and a year passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, the demon world launched several battles again, but unfortunately they all ended in failure.

And Qingfeng and his group, after a year of recuperation, everyone's cultivation has once again recovered to the peak moment.

It's just that everyone admires Qingfeng more, and everything will silently follow his opinion.

On this day, everyone was discussing how to counterattack the demon world.

They saw the giant spirit god, Yu Daozi and an old man with white hair and white beard walking into the hall together.

Everyone immediately stood up and looked at the salute=, and looked at the visitor in confusion.

The giant spirit waved his hand and said happily: "Don't be so, we will be colleagues in the future.

Let me introduce you to everyone, this is Lord Taibai Jinxing, whose official position is higher than mine."

Taibai Jinxing was not arrogant at all, and smiled at everyone and said: "Congratulations to everyone this time, your achievements have been reported back to the heaven, and Emperor Haotian is very happy with your achievements.

So he gave you a big reward.

He specially ordered me to publicize the decree to encourage you."

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