After hearing what White Bird said, Mirage Dragon said extremely miserably: "You guys, it's easy to say that my dragon scales can only change one color every ten thousand years. This body of dragon scales has taken me millions of years." It just grows.

Just wait, if I don't take revenge for this, I swear I won't be a dragon. "

When Bai Niao heard this, he couldn't help but said angrily: "Huh, just to give you some face, you can open a dyeing workshop. Do you believe it or not? I will kill you now. If it weren't for your relatively rare face, why would I listen?" You have to be here chirping."

I saw Shiratori turning his face and looking angry.

The mirage immediately calmed down, fearing that she would kill it if she got excited, and it would have to swallow its grievances alone.

Qingfeng looked at Bainiao in confusion and said, "What are you doing with it? This is too..."

Bai Niao didn't wait for him to finish, but he chuckled and said: "It doesn't matter, this guy is immortal, and will return to its original state after living for a few million years. There is no need to worry about it, and its original power has not been touched. It’s just some superficiality.”

Qingfeng shook her head helplessly and couldn't bear to blame her for anything.

At this time, Bai Niao had a bracelet on his hand, with nine nine-color bells on it.

She looked at Qingfeng and said, "No, this is what I made from its scales. It looks good."

Qingfeng said speechlessly: " just want to get some accessories, right?"

Shiratiao: "Of course not. This is the supreme treasure Nine Dragon Bell. When the time comes to cooperate with my transformation, no one can catch me, and you don't need to worry."

Upon hearing this reason, Qingfeng immediately said: "Oh, that's it. This is great. Why don't we just take this dragon away and use it when you need it."

After hearing this, Mirage couldn't help but trembled and said, "My hero, I don't want it."

Seeing its appearance, Bai Niao couldn't help but chuckle and said: "You are even more cruel than me. This mirage is not something you can feed casually. Let's just leave it here. Let's not be too greedy."

Qingfeng hummed, but his eyes still wandered around the mirage a few times.

The mirage was stared at by his eyes, and cold sweat broke out on its forehead.

At this moment, Bai Niao said to the mirage: "You little guy, don't say that I bullied you. In fact, I also saved your life back then. Now I just took the cause and effect."

Mirage was shocked and said: "What, how is it possible?"

The white bird pointed at its head, and a golden light shot into its mind.

Then a picture appeared in its mind.

That was the appearance of the woman in front of her. One day, she snatched a nine-color dragon egg from the mouth of a two-headed white tiger, and then she hatched the egg into a small dragon the size of a palm.

Later she released the little dragon.

Only then did it realize that there was such a connection before it was born. It immediately looked at the white bird with gratitude and said: "I see, but you also made me covered in dragon scales. Let's just wipe out our past. It can be considered settled." This is a big cause and effect.”

Bai Niao said: "If fate comes together and fate falls apart, it will be good for you to resolve this cause and effect. From now on, you will have nothing to worry about."

Mirage curled his lips and said: "As if I should be happy, you can't get less dragon scales, that's all, I really don't care about you."

The white bird snorted and put it back into the pool.

Mirage looked at White Bird and said, "For the sake of saving my life, I will help you too. We will really not owe each other anything in the future."

As it spoke, it opened its mouth and spit out a golden ball and placed it on the white bird's hand.

Then I heard it say: "Give this thing to the monk outside, and say what I said, green pods in the floating sea, all good things are evil, and I will let you go."

Bai Niao held the golden bead in his hand and said, "Okay, then I'll thank you."

Mirage Dragon said disdainfully: "If you don't owe me anything in this life, I won't see you in the next life."

After it finished speaking, it plunged into the pond and disappeared.

When Qingfeng saw this, he couldn't help but feel confused and didn't know what happened between the two of them. He couldn't understand a word at all.

Shiratiao also wanted to ask what happened to Qingfeng.

I heard a voice like a lion's roar coming from outside: "Listen to me, you monster inside, I will ask you to come out immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Hearing this, Bai Niao said disdainfully: "This old monk, why don't you come down here if you have the ability? It's not like you don't dare. m.

Qingfeng, it looks like I'm leaving soon. Maybe I won't be able to go back for a while, but don't miss me too much. "

Qingfeng said speechlessly: "Girl, where are you going?"

Shiratiao said: "Of course I still have a lot of things to do. When I finish everything, I will go back to the city and wait for you. If you have anything, just leave me a message."

Qingfeng didn't want the two of them to meet each other in a hurry and say goodbye in a hurry, so she could only say: "You have to take care."

Bai Niao looked at Qingfeng and kissed his lips gently.

She said with joyful eyes, "Well, I know, it feels good to be cared about."

Qingfeng: "You are still so naughty."

The two immediately flew out of the Tongxuan Secret Realm one after the other.

At this moment, the old monk Wuwei's eyes were filled with angry light, and he looked at Bainiao and said: "You monster, I trust you so much, I didn't expect you to plot against me, you deserve to be damned.

Why don't you tell me why you entered the secret realm? "

The white bird changed her laughing expression at this moment, her face became serious, and she looked at the monk with endless majesty and said: "This matter is of great importance, I can't talk to you about it."

As she said that, she threw something at the monk.

The monk wanted to get angry, but when he saw the flying golden bead, he immediately caught it in his hand, and his face changed constantly.

The white bird said: "The guy below told me to tell you that floating sea duckweed, all good is evil, let you let me go."

Wuwei held the golden elixir in his hand, his face changed constantly, and finally snorted and said: "Okay, you are cruel, this time we will say goodbye, if you come to my Little Leiyin Temple again in the future, I must capture you and throw you into the Demon Suppression Tower."

The white bird looked at him with contempt and said: "Hmph, with you, this sir is not interested in coming to your broken place again."

As she said that, she looked at Qingfeng deeply, and then turned into a white light and rushed away into the distance, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Fayuan: "Master."

Tietou Tuo: "Uncle Master."

Wuwei ignored the two and looked at Qingfeng and said, "What's wrong with you? Are you in the same group as that woman?"

Before Qingfeng could speak, Tietou Tuo and Fayuan said in unison, "No."

Wuwei looked at the two and said, "Hmph, then tell me what's going on."

Tietou Tuo immediately told the whole story. After listening to Tietou Tuo's explanation, Wuwei knew Qingfeng's identity.

But he still had doubts in his heart, but the white bird had already left, and he was afraid that the boy could say anything, so it was useless to ask like this.

He could only feel depressed.

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