Hearing this, the leading fairy could only say to Qingfeng in a cold voice: "Hmph, I will remember you. Today's matter is not over yet. When I have free time, I will definitely have a good argument with you."

Qingfeng was really speechless. He didn't expect that such a fairy would be like this. He didn't know what to say.

In the end, he didn't say anything. Let it be whatever it is. Now he was worried about Mu Ling in his heart.

The leading fairy saw that Qingfeng didn't say anything and ignored her. She felt boring. She snorted coldly and led everyone to the peach forest.

It was at this moment that Mu Ling floated back and landed beside Qingfeng.

Qingfeng immediately asked, "Second brother, where did you go?"

Mu Ling laughed and said, "Daddy, I'm going to avenge you."

Qingfeng thought it was bad when he heard this, and immediately said, "You won't go to the peach forest."

Mu Ling nodded and said, "Yes, I also picked all the big peaches on the tree. Daddy will show you later that the peaches on the tree are still quite big, and I specially left some small ones for them.

It's embarrassing to let them pick them back."

Qingfeng was helpless when he heard this. This Mu Ling was still a teenager. If he was discovered like this, he would definitely cause trouble.

It was a small matter for him to offend the Heavenly Court, but he was so patient and accomplice to the tiger, not for the ultimate goal of rescuing the Golden Mother.

If this plan failed, he couldn't rescue the Golden Mother, and he really couldn't face her in his heart.

But now that things have come to this, he can't blame Mu Ling for this matter. After all, this guy did this reckless thing just to vent his anger.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "Mu Ling, you go into the stone jar first, and we'll talk about other things later. Let's leave here first."

Mu Ling nodded and said: "Okay, Daddy."

At this moment, Qingfeng didn't think too much, and still felt that it was better to leave here first.

Besides, the seven fairies came to the peach forest, and they only felt that the peaches in the forest were very small. The eldest sister wondered: "Why is it like this? When I came last time, I clearly remember that there were still many big peaches. Could it be that they were really stolen?"

Several girls also recalled and said that it shouldn't be.

This matter is of great importance, but they are waiting to eat peaches now, so there is no way, they can only pick some back first.

Qingfeng knew that something bad was going to happen, so he immediately found Zhang Fei and asked him when he would leave. Zhang Fei thought Qingfeng was an impatient person, and he didn't know that Qingfeng was infected with a huge disaster.

He told Qingfeng that it would be fine soon and he could leave soon.

Qingfeng could only wait anxiously. In his mind, it was just a few peaches. If it was a serious matter, he would be forgotten after he left.

After all, the Heavenly Court was in need of people now. As long as he made meritorious contributions, he didn't believe that the Heavenly Court would really punish him for a few peaches.

Qingfeng, oh Qingfeng, how could he know the significance of these peaches to the Queen Mother, and how could he know that the Queen Mother would be so angry that blood would splatter thousands of miles.

At this moment, in the Hundred Flowers Garden of the Heavenly Court, the Queen Mother was entertaining three people. One of these three people was the Immortal King, and two were Daluo Jinxian, all of whom were famous figures.

The Seven Fairies turned around and met several big figures.

Her face was not very good, and she came to the Queen Mother with some embarrassment.

The Queen Mother immediately said, "Well, why don't you take out the fairy peaches."

The Seven Fairies looked at each other, and finally made up their minds to open the box of peaches.

There were only a few fist-sized peaches in the box.

Seeing this scene, the face of the Queen Mother changed and said: "What's going on? Why did you only pick these small peaches? Could it be that there are no big peaches left?"

The eldest sister among the seven fairies thought for a while and said: "Reporting to the Queen Mother, we are also very strange. A hundred years ago, we picked peaches and clearly remembered that there were still many ripe big peaches, but this time, there was none left. This is really weird."

Hearing this, the Queen Mother was furious and said: "There is such a thing. Didn't you ask the person who takes care of the peach forest?"

The fairy said: "We asked, and he said it was impossible at the time, because he would enter the garden every year to count, and he clearly remembered that there were 54 ripe big peaches and 32 small peaches.

We took him into the garden and saw that there was no big peach.

Even the fairy who was watching the garden didn't know the reason for this."

Hearing that the Peach Garden should have been stolen, the Queen Mother was furious.

I only heard her voice angrily saying: "The peaches can't be lost so easily. Who is so bold as to steal them from me? You wait and check for me. This matter must be investigated thoroughly."

The Seventh Fairy nodded immediately and agreed, put down the peaches and left.

The Queen of Heaven was angry, feeling that this matter was too strange.

But at this moment, there were guests, so she could only endure it and invite the guests to eat peaches. Fortunately, there were still small peaches to eat, otherwise it would be a big loss of face.

Even so, she hated the peach thief to death.

The Seventh Fairy immediately went to find Zhang Lingdao, the great immortal in charge of the Heavenly Observatory.

After hearing about the Queen of Heaven, Zhang Lingdao dared not neglect it.

He immediately went to the Peach Forest with the Seventh Fairy.

After understanding the situation, he told them that they could only use the method of Yuantian Mirror to trace back to the source to see what happened in the past year.

It's a pity that this method requires a day of preparation.

There was no other way, so everyone could only wait. During this time, the Seven Fairies did suspect Qingfeng, but the gatekeeper fairy told them that he had been keeping a close eye on Qingfeng, fearing that something might happen.

He didn't take a break until the Seven Fairies came.

And they couldn't believe that Qingfeng, a Taiyi Jinxian, dared to steal peaches in front of them. Unless he was crazy, he would do such a crazy thing.

So the Seven Fairies ruled out Qingfeng's crime.

One day later, Zhang Lingdao took out the Yuantian Treasure Mirror and cast countless spells on the mirror. He saw that the mirror absorbed the spiritual energy in the courtyard, and then a picture appeared.

It can be seen that the garden was originally quiet, but suddenly a green gas flew in, and then a person with green clothes and even green hair appeared.

The guy looked around, then waved his hand, and his body turned into green smoke, but in the blink of an eye, he saw the peaches on the tree were picked by him.

In the end, this person actually flew to Qingfeng's side and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, the Seven Fairies and others immediately showed incredible expressions. They really didn't expect that Qingfeng could be so crazy and dared to steal peaches in front of them.

Zhang Lingdao told them, "If nothing unexpected happens, this person must be the one who stole the peaches. Alas, I have never seen such a daring person in my life. I don't know who this person is, but I must arrest him immediately."

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