The Fire Thunderbird was no match for Qingfeng. His most proud Binghuo Shenlei was helpless against this guy. He could only rely on his physical strength to deal with him.

Unfortunately, the Fire Thunderbird's power was no match for Qingfeng's.

In the end, the Fire Thunderbird was beaten to death by Qingfeng.

Looking at the corpse of the Fire Thunderbird, Qingfeng's eyes flickered.

Suddenly, a crazy idea came into his mind. He sucked the Fire Thunderbird into his stomach.

It turned out that he used the Heaven-Swallowing Skill taught by the Demon Ancestor.

This Heaven-Swallowing Skill is to cultivate the virtual mustard seed space. What surprised Qingfeng was that this skill could really be used.

Although the Thunderbird was sucked into his mouth, it was swallowed directly into the mustard seed space he cultivated.

Seeing that this skill was feasible, he immediately sat cross-legged and started to refine the Fire Thunderbird by using the Heaven-Swallowing Skill.

As the technique was put into operation, the body of the Fire Thunderbird was soon refined by him. A stream of Binghuo lightning power began to be transmitted from the mustard seed space, and Qingfeng used a secret method to let it attach to the bones to evolve flesh and blood.

However, this method is extremely difficult. Once the lightning comes out, it will be attracted by the thunderclouds in the sky and fly away. Fortunately, some of it can still be left.

But Qingfeng was very unwilling. He used all his strength to operate this technique and found that the lightning power would accumulate more and more, and the number of lightning absorbed by the thunderclouds would decrease.

This made him very happy, proving that this technique is really an extraordinary technique. After all, this technique was created by a figure like the Demon Ancestor, and its power should not be underestimated.

He patiently continued to refine the Fire Thunderbird. After half a day, his bones were covered with a thin layer of flesh and blood evolved from lightning.

Although it was not much, he was still very happy.

And the Fire Thunderbird was also completely refined by him.

He looked forward and continued to set off, but soon, another Kuishui Wolf appeared in front of him.

This wolf was ice blue in color, and it emitted the power of Kuishui lightning.

Qingfeng resisted its lightning and found that it was not much different from that of the thunderbird. At this time, he finally figured out a problem, that is, although the lightning power of these two guys was fierce, it was still a small witch compared to the Great Five Elements Extinction Thunder that struck him.

It was not that his body was immune, but that their lightning was still too small.

After all, the Great Five Elements Extinction Thunder was the combination of the five elements of thunder, and its power could naturally reach the domineering level of destroying the world, which was terrifying.

He had survived the powerful lightning power of the Great Five Elements Extinction Thunder, so of course he would not be afraid of the lightning power of these guys.

Soon, Kuishui Wolf was also killed by him, swallowed and refined, and his flesh and blood grew a little more.

The road ahead was long, and lightning essences continued to appear.

What Yimu Shenlei Pig, Wutu Shenlei Monkey, Gengjin Shenlei Bear...

He met countless along the way, but in the end he killed and refined them all.

As the saying goes, "If you look at the mountain, you will die." The golden mountain looked very close, but it took a long time to reach it.

Qingfeng had to kill and absorb and refine the essence of lightning along the way.

So this walk took him a full year.

One year later, he finally arrived in front of the golden mountain of thunder.

At this moment, it can be seen that his body already has muscles and blood, but unfortunately it is not full and has no skin. It looks like a skinned evil ghost, which looks very scary.

But he naturally didn't care, and now he can really catch those lightning essences, and he is not afraid of their lightning power at all.

Maybe he absorbed and refined too much lightning power, and those guys now sent lightning to attack him, and he could only feel a little pain.

Unfortunately, at this moment, he still couldn't stimulate his lightning power, otherwise, he felt that the power of his attack would be extremely terrifying.

After all, his flesh and blood are condensed from the five elements of lightning, how can it be underestimated.

At this moment, he looked up at the mountain. He climbed up without hesitation. When he reached a height of 100 feet, there was a loud rumble in the sky, and a bolt of lightning struck him.


The power of thunder and lightning should not be underestimated. He suddenly felt extremely painful all over his body, and felt that he was in agony. Fortunately, he still persisted.

But he was a little puzzled. He had walked all the way without being struck by lightning. Why was he struck here?

He didn't have time to think about it. Another lightning struck down. He could only dodge it with his body.


The lightning struck the mountain, but the rocks were extremely solid and unmoved.

The breeze touched the rocks, and it felt that the rocks were really different from ordinary stones.

Fortunately, because he absorbed the power of thunder and lightning, his speed was much faster invisibly, so he was able to avoid the attack of thunder and lightning.

In this way, he continued to move forward.

Along the way, lightning struck from time to time, most of which he dodged, at least hitting him, so he endured it.

A month later, Qingfeng finally reached the top of the mountain.

At this moment, he could see that the top of the mountain was surprisingly smooth, as if it was cut out by a knife.

Looking forward, a thousand feet away, there was a golden palace standing there.

Countless lightning struck it from time to time, making it shine with even more golden light.

"Is this the quenching of heavenly thunder?" He couldn't help but whisper.

For some reason, although the thunderclouds were hovering over his head, they did not strike him down.

He walked towards the hall step by step, with curiosity in his eyes.

When he came to three feet away from the hall.

Only then could he see the hall clearly.

It can be seen that the hall occupies a hundred feet in diameter and is ten feet high. It is very majestic. On the hanging beams of the hall, there are two statues of thunder beasts.

Each of them opened their mouths and looked up at the sky. There was lightning that actually jumped directly into their mouths and disappeared. It was really magical.

Looking at the whole hall again, it seemed like a golden move. On the eaves, countless fist-sized gems of various colors were inlaid, shining.

Looking at the pair of doors of the hall, there were also two thunder beasts carved on them, and each of them held different weapons in their hands.

One held a flaming diamond ring, and the other held a mixed sky silk.

The two of them were baring their teeth and claws, and there were countless runes around them, and there were many mysterious lines.

It dazzled him, but he couldn't see any useful information.

Finally, his eyes fell on the huge plaque above the gate.

On it were a few ancient and vicissitudes of life characters... Wanlei Xiandian.

Qingfeng couldn't help crying with joy when he saw these words. He really didn't guess wrong. After such a long journey, he finally came here, Wanlei Xiandian.

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