Soon, several young disciples came to the mountain. When they saw Xue Lichu, they immediately bowed and said, "Hello, uncle."

"Hello, master."

"Hello, grandmaster."

Xue Lichu looked at them for a moment, then looked at the seven-colored black crystal stone, and always felt that this matter was not simple.

Just when everyone was chattering about something.

The stone suddenly said, "I am the innate divine stone, and my master is the Daluo Jinxian Qingfeng. You all protect me well. When I am born, I will definitely protect your ten thousand years of foundation and make it immortal."

Hearing the word "Qingfeng", Xue Lichu couldn't help but stand still. She said in disbelief, "What you said is true, Qingfeng, is it really him?"

The monkey saw that there was a play, and thought to himself, could it be that he really borrowed the master's luck and met the master's acquaintance when he came to this world? He immediately said happily, "Yes, it's Qingfeng."

You know, he doesn't want to be disturbed now, otherwise, how can he practice Nirvana with peace of mind?

Thinking of this, he immediately drew Qingfeng's face on the black crystal.

Seeing Qingfeng's face, Xue Lichu cried with joy and walked forward to touch the portrait.

The disciples were all stunned when they saw Xue Lichu like this.

At the same time, they couldn't help but think of the rumor. With this thought, they finally believed that the thing was true.

At this moment, Xue Lichu said: "I can't believe it, I really can't believe that after so many years, you have achieved Daluo. It seems that the gap between us is getting bigger and bigger."

At this point, she couldn't help but ask: "How is your master recently, and what's your situation."

At this moment, the monkey's spiritual energy was exhausted, and he could only say weakly: "I can't do it anymore. You help me cover it first. When I have a chance, I will recover some vitality and talk to you."

Xue Lichu didn't doubt him, nodded and said: "Okay."

As she said, she cast a spell, and the surrounding rocks gathered on the colorful black crystal stone, and soon it turned into a huge stone about ten feet long standing there.

Xue Lichu turned around and said, "Remember, this matter must not be spread to others. If it is spread out, there will be no peace in Huaguo Mountain."

Many disciples nodded and promised not to tell the seriousness of the matter.

Some people wanted to ask Xue Lichu about Qingfeng, but seeing Xue Lichu's silent face, they didn't dare to say it.

At this moment, Xue Lichu looked up at the sky and whispered, "Hey, missed, missed, after all, Qingfeng, Qingfeng, I don't know if we can meet again in this life, maybe there will be no chance.

I really want to sing a song for you..."

Qingfeng at this moment certainly didn't know what happened in the human world. He never thought that he would accept a disciple and disappear in the blink of an eye. In this way, the two of them might be the shortest master-disciple relationship in this world.

I can't care about much, so I'd better go do something else first.

But then he stopped.

He took out the monkey blood, thought for a moment, and then came to the jade bed and sat down cross-legged.

Then he pointed at the drop of true blood.

The true blood floated above his head and then submerged in his body.

It turned out that Qingfeng felt that it was better to refine this blood first. After all, in this strange world, with the monkey's spiritual body, it might be much easier.

Anyway, now that he has infinite cultivation, it won't take long to refine this blood.

As his true spirit nine changes were running, the drop of true blood began to be refined by him.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, the light flashed in the cave, and a figure flew out of the cave.

Then a huge golden giant ape figure a hundred feet tall appeared.

This giant ape was Qingfeng's transformation. He slapped his chest with both hands and made a humming sound. Hearing this sound, many giant beasts began to retreat continuously, as if they were very afraid of this spiritual body.

Seeing this scene, Qingfeng was happy in his heart. He couldn't help thinking, doesn't his cheap apprentice seem to have deceived him? He thought that he had created some reputation in this world. With this spiritual body, he might be able to reduce a lot of trouble.

At this moment, he did not change back to his original body, but flew forward with this spiritual body. Along the way, he saw many monsters avoiding him and running away.

However, there were still fierce creatures that would come to trouble him, and they were all beaten up by him.

This giant ape's body has great spiritual power, which is a good body for fighting.

All the way to the west, the continent is extremely large, and there are many exotic flowers and plants in it, but these things are not in Qingfeng's eyes unless they are too precious.

After all, he has millions of immortal crystals on him, and there is no shortage of spiritual flowers and herbs. Such things are of no use to his practice.

Unless he refines a peerless immortal pill, it may help his practice, otherwise, it will be a drop in the bucket and will be of no use.

He doesn't have time to delay on such a small matter.

He was so fast that he crossed half the continent in a short time.

One day, countless giant trees in front of him suddenly disappeared, revealing a dry land with no grass growing on it. This was the case for a thousand miles.

This made Qingfeng very confused.

But he didn't care and continued to move forward.

When he came to the middle of the land, he saw a golden coffin standing there from a distance.

The coffin was upright, and it was the first time he saw it, and he could see countless blood-colored runes lingering on it.

He could also see countless sun powers in the sky, which merged into countless rays of light and were drawn into the coffin.

This was the first time he had seen such a spectacle.

But all this had nothing to do with him, and he didn't want to cause any trouble, so he left.

But at this moment, the stone jar emitted a stream of hot power, as if to indicate that there was something it needed in the coffin.

Qingfeng was surprised. This was the first time the stone jar was like this. Could it be that there was some treasure in the coffin?

At this point, he couldn't think too much, so he just opened the coffin and took a look.

He stretched out his hand and sucked the coffin, and the lid of the coffin was sucked down by him.


A loud noise came, revealing the true appearance of the coffin.

What surprised Qingfeng was that there was a headless corpse inside.

The corpse's Dantian continuously shone with dazzling light, and countless sun powers were drawn away by this bead.

Seeing this bead, Qingfeng understood that this thing was actually the Earth Essence Bead, and it was also the last bead that the stone jar needed.

Seeing this thing, how could Qingfeng not be happy? After all, with it, the stone jar might undergo another huge change.

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