Qingfeng thought about a few more plans, then made a determined decision, took out the stone jar with a thought, and then sucked the fire into the jar without hesitation.

With just a flick of the brush, the flame was sucked into the stone jar, and Qingfeng couldn't help but marvel at the smoothness of it.

Just when he wanted to see how the thing was tossed in the stone jar, suddenly under the flames and in the magma, a sword shining with red light slowly rose up.

As soon as the sword moved, the eight flying swords around it began to tremble.

Then the sword suddenly flashed into a sky-reaching beam of light, and a sword cry resounded through the sky.

"Buzz..." sound.

The sound of the sword spread immediately and echoed throughout the space.

The next moment, the remaining eight flying swords themselves actually appeared and emerged with beams of light. They were of different colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. However, even if these lights were added together, they could not compete with the swords among them. compared to.

"Excalibur, Divine Sword has been born." Someone exclaimed, not expecting that those magical swords would appear at such a magical moment. Without even thinking, they knew that these swords were extraordinary.

As soon as these words came out, the crowd suddenly started to commotion, and everyone came with their weapons and came to fight for it.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Qingfeng grasped the last red sword that appeared in the center and was very close at hand. At this moment, the remaining eight swords buzzed and immediately flew into the air one by one, galloping away into the distance.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes became even more intense and they chased him away.

Qingfeng couldn't control much at the moment. He could feel that the sword was extraordinary. It was struggling and making a buzzing sound.

At this time, he remembered many ways to practice swords, but this thing was magical and he didn't know which one to use.

After thinking for a moment, I couldn't do anything too complicated at this time, I could only do the blood refining method.

Thinking of this, his mind moved, and he immediately spurted a mouthful of blood from his mouth onto the sword body, and then saw him perform countless mysterious finger techniques with one hand.

He was chanting some obscure spells in his mouth.

Then he sat cross-legged and began to practice the sword.

The remaining eight flying swords kept running around in this space, and everyone kept chasing them.

Finally Zhang Feng caught a black sword.

In another moment, Yu Long caught up with a white sword.

At this time, Qingfeng opened his eyes. He had successfully trained the red sword. To his surprise, the sword turned out to be a magic flying sword.

Although the sword was subdued by him at this time, he still had to warm it with blood and essence at all times.

Thinking of this, he grabbed the sword and looked at it. He saw that the sword was blood red and as transparent as a spar. One side was painted with mysterious patterns and the other side was engraved with countless dense red runes.

And on the hilt of the sword there are two big characters with flying dragons and phoenixes... Feng Ming.

At this time, he knew that the sword was called Fengming.

The name sounded nice and grand, and Qingfeng liked it very much.

As soon as he thought of this, he held the sword in his hand and channeled his magic power into it. Suddenly, the sword light shot out three feet from the Fengming sword body, and the light from it came out through the body.

A clear sound came from the sword body, and then countless runes rolled out from the sword body, swirling around the magic sword, and an unparalleled power spread.

"Good sword"

Qingfeng sighed, raised his sword, and slashed down with one strike.

Just hearing a loud roar, the whole space began to vibrate.

"Oh my god" Qingfeng didn't know whether it was the power of the sword or the space that was about to collapse. By coincidence, after he swung the sword, the space became chaotic.

There was another bang, and then a huge white light burst out, and the sky and the earth were completely white.

After a while, the light dissipated, and everyone discovered that everyone had returned to Wuqi Mountain, and the phoenix nest above their heads had disappeared.

Before everyone could react, someone exclaimed "Excalibur."

At this time, everyone saw that the remaining swords had not been caught. At this moment, they emerged from the mysterious space. The swords were like fish leaping across the sea and birds flying into the sky.

At this moment, no one cared about anything, and they all chased in the direction of the sword. In a blink of an eye, there were only a few people left here, and they didn't know that the lucky person would be able to get the remaining sword.

Zhang Feng and Yu Long both looked excited because they had caught one of them and no longer expected anything else.

Zhang Feng looked at the black sword in his hand. This sword was extremely heavy. The sword body was made of black gold and iron. It was densely covered with mysterious patterns. There was also a word "Yu" engraved on the hilt. This must be the name of the sword. .

In fact, what makes him most happy is that this sword is a magic weapon flying sword, although it seems to be the lowest level magic weapon flying sword.

That also made him excited. You must know that once the flying sword is included in the ranks of magic weapons, its power is extremely powerful and its price is priceless.

The Flying Sword magic weapon is even more powerful than the ordinary types of magic weapons, and it is the favorite of cultivators across the continent.

At this time, he came to Qingfeng and saw that he was still bowing his head in thought, so he said happily: "Congratulations, fellow Taoist Qingfeng congratulates you."

Yu Long also came over at this moment, also congratulating Qingfeng.

Qingfeng smiled at the two of them, glanced at the flying swords in their hands, and then looked at his own flying sword. In comparison, his was still better.

At this time, Zhang Feng asked about the name of their sword.

The breeze announces "Feng Ming"

Zhang Feng said: "Yu"

But Yu Long's is: "Zhou"

Hearing their names, Zhang Feng said thoughtfully: "If my guess is right, then the flying swords must be the same set. Our swords are all named with single characters. Only Qingfeng's sword is named with double characters. I think These swords of ours might as well be called Fengming Nine Swords.”

Yu Long's eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful."

"If we are destined in the future, it will be a grand event for us and the Nine Swordsmen to gather together."

Qingfeng also exclaimed that it was amazing, and he didn't know if it was Zhenfeng who condensed these nine flying swords back then. It was such a great trick.

After a while, Zhang Feng looked at Qingfeng and Yu Long and suddenly said: "Brother Qingfeng, fellow Taoist Yu Long, you and I are so destined, I wonder if we can become brothers of the opposite sex."

Yu Long glanced at Qingfeng and exclaimed, "It's wonderful."

Qingfeng looked at the two of them but smiled bitterly and said, "It's not that I, Qingfeng, don't want to, but I have a special status. If I sworn sworn brothers with you today, it would harm the two eldest brothers."

When Zhang Feng heard this, his expression changed and he said: "Brother Qingfeng, you are looking down on me. I, Zhang Feng, have been upright and upright in my life, and I don't stick to trivial matters. Just looking at your character, I know what you are like." people.

No matter where you are from, I don't care. "

Yu Long laughed loudly and said: "That's right, why should we meet before? We cultivators are free in the world. It doesn't matter even if you are a demon. What we look at is your person and your character. Today I just feel that everyone is straightforward and straightforward, that’s why I feel like this.”

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