Looking at the ashes on the ground, Qingfeng lifted his sleeves, and the ashes spun up into the sky and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

He covered his chest and walked forward. The front was still dark, and the rolling demonic energy was extremely thick.

After walking a hundred feet, Qingfeng saw some light flashing in front of him.

He immediately quickened his pace and walked another hundred feet. There was a valley in front of him. There was a huge demon corpse lying on its back in the valley.

The demon corpse was forty or fifty feet long and extremely huge. The rolling demonic energy was gushing out from the corpse.

About three feet above the corpse, there was a round stone tire. The stone tire was locked in one direction by five bronze chains as thick as thighs.

Looking along the chain, the end of each chain was wrapped around a dark green bamboo that was about ten feet high and could only be hugged by three people.

You can see that each bamboo has ice-blue lightning patterns on its surface, and lightning is surrounding it. A trace of lightning goes along the iron chain into the stone tire, making a squeaking sound.

Qingfeng was stunned when he saw this scene, and wondered what was going on.

Demon corpse, thunder bamboo, and the most bizarre stone tire.

The stone tire absorbed the demonic energy and the lightning power at the same time. What was this operation and what was its purpose.

Qingfeng couldn't understand or guess.

He walked closer step by step, looking at the huge demon corpse, his pupils shrank. This demon corpse had two tentacles and looked very ugly. It was really a thing from the demon world.

Qingfeng walked around this place and found that the bamboo should be the legendary Tianlei Shenzhu, a kind of bamboo that can generate lightning by itself, and is one of the three ancient divine bamboos.

This bamboo is very rare, and I don't know which powerful person would get five of them at once, and they are still such a big bamboo.

He shook his head slightly, thinking that the person who created such a formation must be a man of great means.

However, he had a guess that the thing nurtured in the stone embryo must be extraordinary, perhaps an extremely powerful demon.

If his guess was right, this guy who was driven to grow by demonic energy and lightning, once born, there might be nothing in the world that could restrain him.

When Qingfeng thought of the tragic situation of an invincible demon being born and bloodbathing the human world, his heart tightened. A creature that might destroy the mortal world in the future was right in front of him. What could he do?

At this moment, he had two choices. One was to turn around and leave, forget everything here, and pretend that he had not seen anything. After all, even if the people of the world suffered, it had little to do with him.

But is it really like this? He shook his head slightly. The master told him that cultivators should hate evil as much as they hate enemies, listen to the heart of heaven and the heart of Tao, kill all demons, and protect world peace.

Cultivators are born between heaven and earth, and they have cultivated the supreme Tao body. Naturally, they must understand the mysteries of the Tao, so that their Tao hearts will be immortal and indestructible.

Once the heart of Taoism is shaken, no matter how high the cultivation is, it is impossible to comprehend the ultimate mystery of Taoism. If you don't become an immortal, everything is an ant.

Everyone has his own Taoism and must stick to it. Qingfeng once asked himself about his Taoism.

But he was very confused and didn't know what his Taoism was.

He hated evil and wanted to kill all the evil in the world.

But he went deep into the devil's cave and practiced the supreme magic skills.

So is he good or evil? The master once said that the devil cannot be crossed, that is the source of all evil.

But the heavenly book said that all the laws of action are like dreams and bubbles, and all falsehoods are illusions.

According to this meaning, is it aimed at people or skills?

For a moment, he suddenly became a little confused.

Maybe the master is right, and what the heavenly book says is also true. It is too difficult to follow one's heart once you enter the devil's way.

Just like himself, sometimes he is unconsciously changed by this skill, but he is in it and can't know it.

"Ah" he sighed.

Sighing why he had such a rough journey, sighing about his bad fate, sighing about the fear of the demon seed he had been carrying.

With this thought, Qingfeng suddenly became a little discouraged.

At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness, and as his eyes lit up, he saw that he had unknowingly walked under the stone fetus.

Then he heard the old demon in the sea of ​​consciousness shouting: "Qingfeng, what's wrong, I felt like you were about to be possessed by the devil just now."

Hearing this, Qingfeng suddenly realized that he had just unknowingly been bewitched by the stone fetus and was bewitched by it.

And now that he was under the stone fetus, could it be that it was going to attack him?

At this moment, his forehead suddenly broke into cold sweat, and he was terrified.

At this time, he stood under the stone fetus, and only then did he see this thing clearly. It turned out that there were countless mysterious runes painted on this stone fetus, and this stone fetus was like a heart, constantly beating gently, but no sound came out.

This thing is very important. Qingfeng's nature certainly doesn't think too much about the gains and losses. He just raised his fist and punched the stone fetus, wanting to solve this trouble in one go.

Unexpectedly, before his fist arrived, a small hole suddenly opened at the bottom of the stone fetus, and black and white air came out. A huge suction force came, and before Qingfeng could struggle, it sucked Qingfeng in.

There was chaos in the stone fetus, and Qingfeng felt like he was suffocating.

Then there was a semi-solid thing in the chaos that instantly wrapped him up. Qingfeng was injured at the moment and had no power to stop it.

And at this moment he felt like he was in a quagmire, and it was very difficult to struggle.

Then the thing actually wanted to swallow Qingfeng and began to squeeze him.

Qingfeng was terrified. It was the first time he encountered such a strange thing.

At this time, he couldn't see anything clearly, but he felt as if there were two red eyes in front of him looking at him.

This thing was very strange, like a fetus. Qingfeng guessed that it should be something bred in the stone fetus, but it had not yet taken shape.

Even so, this thing seemed to be something he could not deal with, and he was still injured and could not use too much strength.

The thing became more and more ferocious, and actually began to absorb his essence and blood.

Qingfeng felt cold at this moment, thinking that he was going to die here. He felt that his energy and spirit were slowly disappearing and being sucked away by that thing.

No, no, he couldn't die, and didn't want to die. In a rage, he immediately activated the Heaven Devouring Demonic Art, but in this situation, he couldn't even move, and couldn't use this art at all, and finally failed.

Qingfeng was a little dumbfounded, his mind was changing, and he decided to see the opening of the demon seed again.

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