Turtle Master was questioned by King Kong, shook the two beards around his mouth, nodded and said: "Don't shake, if you shake me again, my skeleton will be broken by you, not bad, not bad, it's this person, the second son of Qingkun."

King Kong confirmed the name of this person, and trembled all over. He stared at Qingfeng with wide eyes and said: "Immortal, it's over, it's over. It is rumored that Qingkun is a famous vicious person. He will take a concubine every few days. This is nothing.

The main thing is that this person has a weird personality and is vicious and perverted. Every person who is taken as a concubine by him will be tortured to death by him after a few days. The worst thing is that when those people are about to die, Qingkun will let them watch themselves being eaten alive.

So almost everyone in our sea area knows the name of Qingkun. Children crying at night will stop crying when they hear this name."

Qingfeng nodded. He had heard that monsters were cruel and ruthless before, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated them.

"What should I do? What should I do? Cai'er will definitely die if she goes there. Immortal, please save Cai'er. Save Cai'er. Do you know how much effort Cai'er put into getting you back when you were unconscious? For this, a sea dog bit off a piece of flesh from her calf."

"What? Qingfeng is confused?"

"That day, Cai'er saw you being surrounded and bitten by a group of sea dogs while you were unconscious, and she saved you regardless of her life.

At that time, a piece of flesh from her leg was bitten off by the sea dog. She wouldn't let me say anything, saying that you gave her life, and a piece of flesh was nothing.

For this reason, she even detonated the Hun Tian Pearl that was passed down from my family's ancestors to take you out."

Hearing this explanation, Qingfeng realized that every time Cai'er walked into the house, she walked with a limp, and there was always a bit of pain on her face, but she hid it under a forced smile.

Qingfeng was also distracted in those days and didn't observe too carefully. He thought that mermaids might walk like this.

He knew that Cai'er was kind by nature, but he didn't expect her to be so innocent. It was just a casual effort of his, but he didn't expect that she would never forget it and would go all out to save him at the cost of her life.

Since Cai'er, an ordinary fairy, could do this, Qingfeng thought he was upright and righteous, so how could he ignore the life of that beautiful and kind girl?

At this moment, he thought in his heart that there were mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, and he would save Cai'er.

Thinking of this, he looked at General Black Shark and said, "Where does Qingkun live, and how can we get there?"

Black Shark answered all the questions for his own life at this moment, and didn't care about his face. After all, staying alive was the most important thing. As for this guy going to die, he was eager for it.

So he told Qingfeng everything he knew, and also gave him a sea chart.

Qingfeng looked at it carefully and nodded slightly. He thought Black Shark was quite reasonable, but this guy was not a good monster. Without him, Cai'er would not be sold again.

With this thought in mind, Qingfeng waved his hand and asked him to give Cai'er some compensation.

At this moment, Black Shark dared not disobey, and immediately sent someone to get 10,000 sea soul crystals to compensate Qingfeng. Although his heart was bleeding, saving his life was the most important thing at this moment. If this guy had the intention to kill, he would definitely die.

Seeing those sea soul crystals, Qingfeng waved his sleeves and put them all into the jade bracelet space.

King Kong looked at those sea soul crystals with envy. He made up his mind several times to speak, but in the end he didn't dare to say a word.

After accepting the sea soul crystals, Qingfeng snorted coldly and said, "This is the compensation I want for Cai'er. I hope you will take care of yourself in the future, but you can escape the death penalty, but you can't escape the living crime."

Hearing this, Black Shark immediately looked at Qingfeng.

Qingfeng punched him in the face without saying a word.

In an instant, General Black Shark felt blood piercing his nose, dizziness and severe pain. He only had time to shout "Fuck me..." before his eyes went dark and he passed out.

At this moment, Qingfeng could see that this guy was completely unrecognizable, with a collapsed nose. It would take at least a few years to recover. This was also a small lesson for him, so he should not do such evil in the future.

With this thought, he grabbed King Kong's arm, and his figure flashed and disappeared from here.

Seeing Qingfeng leave, countless fish soldiers and crab generals ran over, mumbling words like revenge in their mouths, but they didn't know who they were doing it for.

And the turtle master, seeing General Black Shark in such a miserable state, also sneered, thinking in his heart that fortunately, the man did not make him uncomfortable, and he was lucky to escape.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed out of nowhere, and Master Turtle suddenly felt a cold arm. He turned his head and saw that his arm had been cut off at the root, and the root was bleeding.

Then a sharp pain came late, but unfortunately the guy fainted before he could cry out in pain.

For a moment, without the master's command, there was a mess.

Outside the bubble, Qingfeng snorted coldly, thinking that he almost let the same evil guy get away. The old turtle had a cunning heart and was the most cunning. Cai'er was sold, and he was even more related, so Qingfeng would punish him.

The matter here was over, and Qingfeng didn't have much time to stay here. He asked King Kong if he wanted to go with him.

King Kong's face was serious, and he told Qingfeng that of course he would go.

Although Qingfeng didn't know why this guy had become good, since he was Cai'er's brother, it would be bad to leave him here alone for Cai'er's sake.

At this time, he called out Xiaohong, stood on its head, and asked the King Kong to stand up as well.

He took out the map and looked through it. He saw that there was a place circled on the sea chart, which was the place where the Jiaowang Mansion was located.

This place is called Jincheng Dawang Mansion.

This is where the Jiaolong King is located. It is said that the Jiaolong King is a green Jiaolong, whose strength is unfathomable and extremely brave.

Although it is a wolf cave and tiger den, Qingfeng had to go there for Caier.

Xiaohong rushed all the way, and Qingfeng kept swallowing pills during this period, which was just right to recover from his injuries.

Finally, after three days, Qingfeng took King Kong to see the Jincheng bubble a thousand meters away. At this time, Qingfeng's injuries had recovered almost completely.

From a distance, it can be seen that the huge bubble actually has an area of ​​dozens of miles. Through the bubble, you can see that the city is very lively, and monsters come and go on the wide streets.

Qingfeng put Xiaohong away and swam to the bubble with King Kong.

The two of them easily entered the bubble. At this time, Qingfeng could see that the things sold on both sides of the street were all very novel sea creatures, most of which Qingfeng had never seen before.

King Kong was also in such a big bubble for the first time, and he was a little timid for a while.

At this time, Qingfeng asked about the location of the Jiaowang Mansion, but when people heard him asking about this, they all left in a hurry with a taboo look on their faces, which made Qingfeng look confused.

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