A mortal asks the heavens: I want to become an immortal

Chapter 352: All Thoughts of the Heavens

Qingfeng felt really relaxed and refreshed in the past few days in Wuyou Mountain, and his injuries were basically healed.

Yesterday he went to see Cai'er. Cai'er's place of cultivation was good. Qingfeng also helped him build a house by the Hualong Pond, and gave Cai'er all the 10,000 sea soul crystals he asked for from the Black Shark General.

Cai'er also told him some of the things the ancestor said to her. Qingfeng was shocked to know that Cai'er actually had such a bloodline. He also asked Cai'er if she wanted to know her life experience. Cai'er told him that she only wanted to avenge her brother. As for those past events, she didn't want to touch them again.

Qingfeng didn't say much, but thought that it was good for Cai'er to do so. After all, the more you know, the more tired you will be.

Early in the morning of this day, Qingfeng had just gotten up when Zi Xin came to his house and told him that the ancestor was waiting for him at the Tianchi on the top of the mountain.

Qingfeng immediately followed Zi Xin to the Tianchi after hearing what he said.

When Qingfeng stood on the top of the mountain and looked down, he really felt like he was on top of the world.

The top of Wuyou Mountain is a flat area of ​​100 meters in radius, with green grass on it and several fruit trees full of red fruits growing on the cliffs.

Not far away, there is an ancient tree that has been there for who knows how many years. The trunk is thick enough for more than a dozen people to hug, and the huge crown covers half of the mountain.

Under the big tree, there is a pool of water, which is not large, about 20 to 30 meters in radius.

At this moment, the old ancestor Wuyou is standing next to the pool, wearing white clothes, white hair and white beard, just like an immortal from heaven descending to the mortal world.

Qingfeng hurried over to pay his respects, and the old ancestor Wuyou just nodded slightly and told him: "This pool is the Tianchi. Don't think it is an ordinary pool. You will know when you enter the water."

The old ancestor Wuyou actually kept it a secret and didn't say it directly, which made Qingfeng a little puzzled.

Then, the old ancestor Wuyou said, "I will teach you a secret mantra in a while. After you enter the water, you will start to recite this mantra from my side."

The old ancestor took out a jade tablet and gave it to Qingfeng. Qingfeng's consciousness moved and entered it. The words of the secret mantra appeared in the jade tablet, and Qingfeng carefully wrote them down one by one.

At this time, the old ancestor said, "I have laid down the Star Dou Great Array in this Tianchi to help you refine the demon seed. Once this array is opened, it cannot be stopped. If you regret it now, it is not too late."

Qingfeng shook his head and said with a firm face, "Old ancestor, I have made up my mind and will never regret it."

The old ancestor nodded, and then he recited a spell and asked him to start practicing the skills according to this spell. He also told him that he would personally use the Zhutian Wannian Jue to draw out the demon seed, but whether the demon seed can be eliminated depends on Qingfeng himself.

The demon seed is actually another Qingfeng. It was born and nurtured by the inner demon. Whether he can defeat his inner demon, the old ancestor Wuyou really can't do anything.

After all, it was killing oneself. Once external forces helped, who knows what kind of consequences would be caused.

At this time, the ancestor Wuyou ordered Zi Xin to guard here for the two of them, and no one could approach the Tianchi.

Zi Xin naturally obeyed the order and guarded beside him. She was also very curious about what the ancestor wanted to do with this young man, and he actually used the power of the Tianchi.

At this time, the ancestor signaled Qingfeng to take off his robe and go down to the Tianchi.

Qingfeng took off his clothes, and Zi Xin saw his muscular body, and couldn't help but smack her lips and blushed slightly. She thought that this man had a well-proportioned body, white skin and luster, which was even more beautiful than her body as a woman, which made her somewhat envious and jealous.

Although she was a little shy, she couldn't help but sneak a few glances. As the saying goes, everyone has a love of beauty, and she, a girl, is no exception.

Qingfeng walked into the Tianchi with his upper body naked. As soon as he entered the water, he immediately felt a stream of thunder power, and then the water surface crackled with lightning.

At this moment, Qingfeng finally understood why the ancestor said that this Tianchi was different. It was clearly a thunder pond.

Fortunately, these thunder and lightning were not so fierce. Compared with the Tianlei God Stone, they were just like a small witch meeting a big witch.

And he also practiced thunder magic, which could fully adapt to this level of thunder and lightning.

The water of Tianchi was not deep, only more than ten feet. Qingfeng walked into it and sat cross-legged on the water.

At this moment, the ancestor Wuyou flicked his fingers, and hundreds of golden lights suddenly rose around the Tianchi. These lights intertwined and surrounded, forming a big net, hovering three feet above Qingfeng's head.

"Hold your mind, I will use the great method to help you lead out the demon seeds first."

Qingfeng heard the words and began to spit out the secret mantra taught by the ancestor Wuyou, and used the mysterious skills to teach him the law.

At this time, the ancestor Wuyou kept making seals with his hands, and dark clouds rolled in the sky to cover the sky.

When the disciples from all over Wuyou Mountain saw this situation, they all looked up and watched.

"Fortunately, Zi Xin informed us yesterday, otherwise I would have thought something serious was going to happen." Wang Er said in a long-winded tone in the medicine field.

Another disciple nodded slightly, but said nonchalantly: "What are you afraid of? Even if there is a terrifying existence here, it is probably not the opponent of the master. Even if the sky falls, the master will support it. Let's do it quickly. If it rains later, we won't be able to complete our mission today."

In a beautiful place on the back of Wuyou Mountain, a man looked up at the sky, frowned, and looked puzzled.

Then he said to himself: "I really don't understand why the master is spending so much energy."

In a forbidden area, a bearded man looked up at the sky, but his face showed a solemn expression and said: "It's started. Master values ​​this boy so much, but I don't know if he can withstand the power of heavenly thunder. If he can succeed, his future cultivation will be limitless."

With a rumble, the sky was covered with dark clouds, as if pressing on people's heads, making people feel breathless.

Qingfeng Xuan Gong was running, and he felt that countless thunder and lightning forces under his body began to gather in his dantian.

At this moment, there was a loud rumble above his head, and a silver lightning in the dark clouds instantly struck down.

The lightning was as thick as an arm, piercing through the sky and the earth.

It instantly hit the golden light shield above the Tianchi. Surprisingly, the lightning actually split into thousands of fine filaments along the light shield and led into the Tianchi along the light shield.

Qingfeng immediately felt that the thunder and lightning power absorbed into his body increased a lot.

These thunder and lightning powers began to form talismans in his dantian and rotated around the demon seed.

As the power of thunder and lightning entered, the talismans became more and more numerous and more and more refined.

At this time, divine thunder began to strike continuously from the sky, and was then absorbed into the Tianchi by the formation.

The energy gathered in Qingfeng's body was also increasing. Finally, after half an incense stick of time, the demon seed in Qingfeng's abdomen had been tightly wrapped by the divine thunder.

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