Then, countless red spots of light appeared in front of them, and they came quickly.

Lu Ruyan only had time to shout "bad" before she was annihilated by countless red spots of light.

The next moment, with Xiaobai as the center, there was a loud bang, and a hot white light burst out, instantly illuminating the entire cave.

At this time, everyone saw clearly that those guys were actually huge bats, each of which was about half a meter in size.

These bats had dog-like faces, with three-inch fangs outside their mouths, and each one was extremely fierce.

After Lu Ruyan's move, Aunt Qing immediately took out a small seal, and the small seal immediately emitted light as soon as it appeared, covering several people and Xiaobai.

At this moment, the three looked at the countless bats around them in horror.

"What a ferocious guy, each of them has the strength of a first-level monster."

"Well, although these guys are not powerful individually, there are too many of them. We can't fight them here, otherwise they will trap us to death."

Hearing Aunt Qing's words, Lu Ruyan nodded.

At this moment, she took out a zither, and then the sound of the zither sounded, and waves of intoxicating zither sounds rang out.

The sound of the zither seemed to come from the sky, like a dream, and countless bats fell into the illusion after playing a song.

Some fell from the sky, some began to kill each other, some flew in the air, and some made calls, very excited.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ruyan immediately called Xiaobai to rush out quickly.

Xiaobai was certainly not easy to mess with. Suddenly, four claws flew up and rushed out in a blink of an eye.

I didn't expect that there were no number of bats, and I didn't know how many I killed along the way. I ran for a long time before I ran out of the place surrounded by bats.

When I came out of there, there was a sound of rushing water in front.

At this moment, the bats broke away from the sound of the zither and attacked the three people fiercely again in anger.

At this time, I couldn't care about much, Lu Ruyan asked Xiaobai to cross the water.

As soon as he entered the water, he found that the water was extremely cold. Xiaobai was so cold that he shivered all over. He swam for a long time. The bats stopped chasing him for some reason and ran back.

Several people stood on Xiaobai's back and kept paying attention to the water surface, fearing that some monster would suddenly appear. Fortunately, the water was very calm, but Xiaobai couldn't stand the coldness at this moment, and his teeth began to tremble and fight.

At this moment, Xiaobai only felt that something was biting his exposed skin under him, and then he felt that many things pounced on him and began to bite his body.

This frightened him so much that he jumped out of the water and jumped into the air.

Lu Ruyan and others were shocked. When Aunt Qing's spirit beads hit the water surface, they saw countless big-headed giant fish with more than one foot long and full of fangs in their mouths swimming in the water. They were so dense that they were countless.

Xiaobai howled and fell into the water again. Lu Ruyan and others immediately used their magic power and sacrificed their weapons to help Xiaobai clean up those strange fish.

But those guys were so hard that no matter what magic weapon hit them, they could only be knocked away. ŴŴŴ.

Xiaobai was swimming forward with all his might at this moment. He felt that his chrysanthemum was bitten by those hateful guys, and it was very painful.

Fortunately, the water was not very wide, and everyone came ashore soon. Xiaobai shook his body and found that there was a fish biting on his chrysanthemum. He was so angry that he trembled all over.

He used all his strength, and a muffled sound came from his chrysanthemum, and the strange fish flew out immediately. Xiaobai was still not satisfied, so he turned his head and sprayed a green wind blade at the guy, which immediately cut it into two pieces.

Seeing Xiaobai so brave, several people were stunned.

Xiaobai ignored the gazes of several people, but just signaled Lu Ruyan to get him some hemostatic medicine.

Lu Ruyan's face flushed, and she stared at Xiaobai speechlessly.

In the end, Aunt Qing smiled and applied some hemostatic medicine to Xiaobai, which made Xiaobai feel much better. However, it immediately rolled its eyes at Lu Ruyan, which meant that you were too disloyal.

Lu Ruyan ignored it, and the others continued to move forward. There was a pile of rocks scattered all over the place in front of them.

At the end of the rocks, there were more than a dozen passages. For a moment, the three of them didn't know how to choose.

This Ghost God Stream was really terrifying. The several waves of people following Lu Ruyan encountered the scene they experienced. All parties suffered losses, so I won't describe them one by one.

After half a day, Qingfeng finally arrived at the Ghost God Stream. Looking at the dark abyss, Qingfeng knew that Xiaobai and the others must have entered here.

This was the place where Xiaobai disappeared last. Looking at the dark bottom, Qingfeng realized why he lost Xiaobai's voice. It should be related to this place.

After looking at the entrance for a while, Qingfeng communicated with Moye and decided to put it into the stone jar first. After all, this place is too mysterious. If something special happens, he will not be able to protect Moye.

In this way, if Qingfeng is in danger, a helper will suddenly appear, which is also a wonderful thing.

Qingfeng is certainly not afraid of this guy knowing the secret of the stone jar, after all, his life is in Qingfeng's hands.

After putting away Moye, Qingfeng jumped down into the deep ravine without hesitation.

This place is much deeper than Qingfeng imagined, and he didn't know how long it took before his feet touched the hard ground.

The place in front of him was extremely dark, and Qingfeng sacrificed a spirit bead, and the surroundings instantly became bright.

At this moment, his induction of Xiaobai reappeared, and he also found that the two were not far apart, which made Qingfeng very happy.

So he quickened his pace and walked inside quickly.

At this time, he saw several bat corpses on the ground. These bats had dog heads. They should be the dog-headed bats in the legend. It is said that this kind of bat is huge and extremely ferocious.

He walked for a while and found that there was another corpse wearing the clothes of a demon sect disciple.

This made him alert immediately. He looked at the scars of the corpse and saw that the spine of the corpse was actually cut open by something, and the bones were cut off neatly, revealing the internal organs.

And his blood and flesh essence were also absorbed by something, and there was a fist-sized hole on his head, and the brain matter inside was all sucked out.

Seeing this scene, Qingfeng looked at the dead dog-headed bats on the ground again, feeling that this level of damage should not be caused by it.

He shook his head, didn't think too much, and continued to move forward.

After a while, there was a rustling sound coming from the front. Qingfeng knew without thinking that it was those dog-headed bats coming.

At this moment, he thought about it and the three flying swords, Zhuxie, Zhumo, and Zhuyao, were ejected by him. In an instant, they formed a sword formation to protect him.

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