As soon as Lu Ruyan finished speaking, the golden skeleton's body swelled, and finally punched one of the figures.

The figure then disappeared.

When one figure was broken, blood dripped out of Lu Ruyan's mouth, and it was obvious that she had suffered some injuries.

Qingfeng saw this. He was extremely anxious.

The golden skeleton had already hit the second figure at this moment, and was about to hit it.

Qingfeng roared: "Go to hell."

Then he made a move, and saw him jump up and hit the top of the golden skeleton's head.

Thick lightning immediately filled his brain, and then he raised his other hand, and suddenly thunder shook in the sky, and three lightning bolts struck down in succession.

Because the golden skeleton's body was solidified, it could only be hit on the head by lightning one by one.

The sound of booming continued to sound, and after the lightning, the golden skeleton fell down limply.

Qingfeng didn't have time to think about anything else. As soon as the magic sword came out, he chopped off its skull with one sword.

Then he saw him change his palm into a fist, break its skull with one punch, and take out the soul flame inside.

At this time, Lu Ruyan's body softened and fell backwards. , Qingfeng moved his body and immediately hugged her in his arms. Tianlai Novel Network

"Are you okay?"

Lu Ruyan shook her head slightly, her face was a little pale.

"It's okay, just some minor injuries."

Qingfeng immediately took out a pill and fed it to her. After taking the pill, her face immediately improved.

At this time, a roar came from a distance: "Dare to hurt me, stinky skeleton, you die."

Then I saw a ray of light rushing over. When the light came close, the six-winged cicada looked at the corpse on the ground and suddenly widened his eyes and said: "Fortunately you died quickly, otherwise I would have to stab you to death with golden light, hum." As he said that, he even showed a proud look.

Qingfeng was speechless, but Lu Ruyan couldn't help but burst out laughing, thinking how this little guy could be so interesting.

Seeing her laugh at him, the six-winged Tianchan said unhappily at that time: "Why do you look down on me, my uncle?"

"Well, Tianchan, isn't that a bit too much?"

Hearing Qingfeng's words, Tianchan's tone changed and he said, "That's not it, Master, I was a little excited for a while."

While this guy was talking, he was thinking in his heart, hum, he really forgot about me, his brother, because he had a lover, women, women, beauty is a disaster.

While thinking in his heart, his eyes did not stop, and he looked around.

"Look for this again"

As Qingfeng said this, two golden soul flames suddenly appeared in his palm. Seeing this thing, Jinchan's eyes suddenly glowed green.

It immediately flattered him and said, "Master, you are mighty, Master, be strong. My admiration for you is like the endless water of the Milky Way, and like the flood of the Black River, which is out of control."

"Hey, hey, where did you learn to be so slick? It seems that you were out for so long last time. Did you follow someone?"

Tianchan smiled, and a figure appeared in his mind. That person was his best friend. The most classic thing was his two mustaches. He was nicknamed Hu Baxian. This person was extraordinary. He knew everything about astronomy and geography. He knew everything in the world.

When Jinchan saw him at first, he was really shocked. He didn't expect that the two of them would admire each other very much after communicating with each other.

From then on, Jinchan and Hu Baxian lived a shameless and cunning life, oh no, it should be a life like brothers.

At this moment, on a rural dirt road thousands of miles away, a man and a dog were walking. I just heard that person singing a little song:

"Walk, walk, walk, walk, I am not worried about being unlearned. I don't tell the truth to anyone, I just rely on my three-inch rotten tongue. I know astronomy and geography, there is nothing in the world that I don't know, the sky is vast and the wilderness is vast, two gays are telling their true feelings..."


"Damn, who is talking about me," Hu Baxian looked up and looked around, but there was nothing in the sky except a hot sun.

"What a pity, the brother who boasted and farted with me was not polite, he left as soon as he said, leaving my brother alone, how boring."

"Hey, my sworn brother doesn't know that everyone is bored, and life without brothers must be hard." At this moment, Tianchan also looked sighing.

At this time, Moye also came over, looking at the two soul fires in Qingfeng's palm with a fiery face.

Qingfeng looked at the two soul fires and didn't say much. He just flicked his fingers and flicked the two golden soul fires to a corpse and a worm respectively.

Although the six-winged cicada wanted to take all the two soul fires for itself, Qingfeng had already distributed them, so it could only sigh helplessly.

At this time, Moye had already swallowed the golden soul fire.

As soon as the soul fire entered his stomach, Moye also felt an unprecedented huge soul power. He hurriedly said: "Master, this soul power is too much and too overbearing. I must refine it slowly."

Qingfeng nodded and sent him to the stone jar without saying anything more.

After entering the stone jar wooden room. Moye quickly lay straight, and a golden soul power instantly enveloped him.

Seeing this magical scene, Qingfeng felt that the zombie's cultivation method was very interesting. He hoped that Moye could go further, so that he could help himself more.

At this time, the six-winged cicada also opened its mouth and sucked, and immediately sucked the golden flame into its belly.

Soon, the six-winged cicada exclaimed: "Master, I am so sleepy, I want to enter a deep sleep, maybe I will break through."

So fast, this is too exaggerated, Qingfeng was speechless for a while, and felt that the cultivation speed of these monsters seemed to be very fast.

There was no way, this helper was about to leave again just now, and Qingfeng was really reluctant for a while.

He was about to agree to it, but Lu Ruyan said on the side: "No, you haven't found the node for us yet, take us away from here."

The six-winged cicada looked at Lu Ruyan with an unhappy face, and then reluctantly used the skills.

It was seen that it exuded endless brilliance all over its body, and the brilliance became bigger and bigger, and it actually covered the sky and went in all directions.

After half an incense stick of time, Tianchan suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Found it."

He took Qingfeng and Lu Ruyan to fly to a place. After flying for about ten miles, they saw the six-winged Tianchan blowing a golden gas at a place, and then biting it.

After a while, a space barrier appeared, and Tianchan continued to bite until the place could pass one person, and then he stopped.

"Master, I have to fall asleep soon."

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