Qingfeng saw the sword energy flying over there, and in a blink of an eye, the two of them came together, and then the two of them cooperated tacitly to kill those fierce ghosts.

At this moment, Qingfeng seemed to understand something when he looked at the two of them. It must have been that just when the man in blue robe appeared, his Fengming Sword trembled again.

It feels like it complements something.

It was the same when the girl appeared. At that time, he recognized the flying sword in the girl's hand. It was one of the eight flying swords beside it when he took the Fengming Sword.

There is no love without reason in this world, and there is no hatred without reason. Qingfeng is not a young boy who has just fledged. There will never be another encounter like that with Lu Ruyan.

But he felt that the girl's ability to obtain this sword proved that the two of them had a great chance. Although she practiced ghost cultivation, after getting to know him, he also knew that the girl had no choice but to do so.

None of this matters. As long as she still has a human heart and doesn't enter the ghost realm, she can still be saved. Aren't she also a fellow Taoist demon practitioner?

That's why he gave her a chance to follow him, just to test and observe whether this girl was worth what he paid for.

The two boys and girls in the distance became more and more understanding as they fought, and the more they fought, the more frightened they became, because the two boys discovered that they seemed to have known each other and practiced together every day.

Every move of the two people can be connected well together, and they all have a special feeling of familiarity with each other. After careful tasting, they found that it was the relationship between the two swords, which surprised them even more.

But now is not the time to think about these things. The two of them cooperated perfectly and quickly killed those ghosts.

At this moment, the big ghost leader was very angry, and he used the supreme ghost method, and the whole sky suddenly turned dark.

Seeing this scene, Qingfeng shook his head slightly, feeling that it would be difficult for the two of them to defeat the big ghost, and he didn't want to waste time at this moment, so he said: "Moye, get rid of that ghost so that we can have a good rest." ”

After saying that, he had no intention of watching the battle and turned around and walked into the Taoist temple.

After a moment, he only heard a loud noise coming from outside, followed by a shrill scream, and then calmness returned. The haze in the sky dissipated, revealing the bright moonlight.

Mo Tian walked cautiously behind Mo Xie, his eyes half surprised and half frightened. He was surprised that this man would suddenly take action, but he was frightened because this man was so powerful.

One move, just one move, beat the spirit of the big ghost leader to pieces, and he would never rest in peace.

To be honest, this was the first time in many years that he had seen such a cruel person.

He wanted to leave, but this person insisted that he follow him to meet someone. Mo Tian was even more panicked because he didn't know who could instigate such a powerful person to move him.

Although he, Mo Tian, ​​is a heroic young man, he is only in this place. In the end, he is just a casual cultivator, and he is still weak.

He walked into the Taoist temple with an uneasy feeling. As soon as he entered the room, his heart suddenly felt relieved, because he felt a familiar feeling that he had not seen for a long time, which was actually a bit stronger than the girl.

He looked up at the young man by the fire, and at one glance, he couldn't help but feel the corners of his eyes getting wet, because he would never forget that face in his life.

"My benefactor, is it you?"

Mo Tian walked over and knelt down with a plop.

This scene made Qingfeng a little surprised. The two of them had never met before, and they didn't know why the young man said this.

"Did you admit the wrong person?"

The boy shook his head, and immediately said in an excited voice: "My dear benefactor, do you still remember the Phoenix Nest that appeared on that Wuqi Mountain?

When my master was brutally murdered, you were the one who upheld justice for me. I am the little boy back then. "

"Immortal grass" At this moment, he suddenly remembered a fate in the Phoenix Nest.

Having said this, he touched his hand and took out a piece of green grass that was more than a foot long. He saw that the leaves of the grass were shining with light spots like stars. It was not fairy grass or something.

Qingfeng has not used this grass for many years. Unexpectedly, it can be returned to its original owner today, which is considered a blessing.

When Mo Tian saw the fairy grass, he couldn't help but shed tears. It was because of this thing that his master was killed. This has always been his heartache. Now he saw this thing without any nostalgia.

"This thing should be returned to its original owner." Qingfeng said and handed it to him.

Mo Tian shook his head and said in an excited voice: "Take it away. I don't want to see it. When I see it, I will think of Master. Please take it away."

At this moment, this young man who was so brave just now has become so powerless.

Qingfeng sighed, knowing that that incident should have left a shadow in the young man's heart. Maybe only time will heal it all.

Thinking of this, he put away the fairy grass and said: "Since you don't choose this grass, I will pay you a thousand spiritual stones."

The young man waved his hands repeatedly and said: "No, no, I don't want it. My benefactor, Mo Tian has not been able to repay the kindness of saving my life. How can I still accept your benefits? Mo Tian can't do such a thing."

However, Qingfeng was very persistent and took out a small bag of spiritual stones and told him: "This is what you deserve, you must accept it. This can be regarded as understanding a period of cause and effect, and there will be no flaws in my Taoist heart. So you have to hold it."

With that said, he threw it to Mo Tian without any doubt and asked him to accept it. Tianlai Novel Network

Mo Tian wanted to refuse, but seeing Qingfeng's determined eyes, he could only accept it temporarily. However, he swore in his heart that he would return it a hundred times and a thousand times in the future.

Seeing him accept it, Qingfeng felt relieved. He didn't know whether he understood the cause and effect. For a moment, he felt much better.

At this time, Mo Tian suddenly said: "My benefactor, I don't know why you came here, and I have a little doubt. Please explain it to me."

Qingfeng first answered his first question and told him that he wanted to go to the East China Sea and was just passing through here.

He asked Mo Tian to ask any questions.

Hearing that Qingfeng wanted to go to the East China Sea, Mo Tian's eyes lit up, but he didn't say much. He just asked first: "My benefactor, I don't know why, I always have a special feeling about you. That feeling is very strange, very familiar and intimate."

Hearing him say this, Bu Chenshuang's eyes also flashed and looked at Qingfeng. This question has been in her mind for a long time.

It's just that she is withdrawn and doesn't like to communicate with others, especially Qingfeng. She doesn't want to ask, but this question has been lingering in her heart.

She really couldn't figure out why, otherwise she wouldn't have followed Qingfeng so persistently, just to find out the answer.

At this time, seeing that both of them were looking at her expectantly, Qingfeng smiled and said, "Perhaps, some people are naturally charming and have their own law of attraction."

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