He walked forward, stretched out his hand to hold the knife, and lifted it up, lifted it up...

Qingfeng exerted force again, and then he found that the knife was extremely heavy. He now had a strength of more than 4 million pounds, how heavy could a weapon be.

But he couldn't shake the knife at all with all his strength.

"Qingfeng, what's the situation below?" Yu Zixin's voice came at this time.

"There is no danger, you guys come down."

Hearing this, Tianguan couldn't help but jump down first.

Yu Zixin followed, and the two came to Qingfeng and saw this strange boning knife, and they were also stunned.

"Daddy, that toad won't just want this broken knife, right?" She said, giggling and walked forward, holding the knife, and then she found that this seemingly small knife, she couldn't shake it at all.

"Ah" Tianguan used all her strength, but unfortunately the knife was still motionless.

"What's going on?" Yu Zixin asked.

Qingfeng shook his head and said, "I don't know. This blade is extremely heavy. I can't even move it with my strength. It's really rare in the world. I don't know what material this blade is made of."

Yu Zixin walked over and observed the blade. After seeing it, she couldn't help but sigh that the things engraved on the blade were really amazing.

Especially the two words "killing gods" on the blade. After watching it for a long time, people feel a chill in their hearts and their souls tremble.

"This knife is not simple" is Yu Zixin's final judgment.

Tianguan was still gritting his teeth and trying to lift the knife, but it was a pity that it was useless.

Qingfeng stepped forward again, and this time he was ready to refine the knife.

But after working for a long time and trying three or four ways of refining, he was still afraid. This made Qingfeng even more speechless.

Yu Zixin also frowned. She tried to pull it out and found that the blade was extremely heavy like a mountain. It was simply beyond human power.

She was also curious, who made this thing, what materials were used to make it, she had never heard of or seen such heavy materials.

Finally, Qingfeng had no choice but to take out the stone jar to see if he could put it in.

He chanted a spell, and the stone jar covered his head.

A flash of aurora flashed, and the knife disappeared.

It was really put in, Qingfeng was very happy, at this moment, countless golden characters appeared on the stone jar, forming a second circle of golden runes on the stone jar.

"This..." Qingfeng suddenly realized something.

His consciousness immediately came to the stone jar, and he saw that the last room was also lit up, with the words "Golden Room" written on it.

Behind a layer of transparent light cover, a black knife stood in the center of the room, and a murderous aura filled the entire room.

Seeing this scene, Qingfeng was sure in his heart that this knife was not simple. It could actually be recognized by the room. It must be at the same level as the Thunder God Stone. It was just that this knife was too heavy, and he didn't know if he could recover it in the future.

Before he could think about it, the five rooms suddenly trembled, and then five rays of light came out of the five rooms respectively. These five rays of light entangled together and sank down.

There was a loud rumbling sound, as if the world was created.

A moment later, another room appeared under the room. The room formed a yin and yang polar pattern, one side was as black as ink, and the other side was as white as snow.

Qingfeng's consciousness sank into it, and he saw that the things on the ground were soil, two kinds of black and white soil.

At this moment, a stream of fairy music sounded in the stone jar, and then lines of fonts appeared out of thin air in the space.

Yin and Yang domains, Qiankun creation, the way of all things, the world is infinite.

Then a ray of light hit Qingfeng's brain, and Qingfeng was shocked and knew something in an instant.

He only heard him whisper, so that's it, the information told him that this place is the Yin and Yang domains, and it needs to be watered with the blood of gods, demons, Shuras, evil spirits, and all the true spirits of gods to grow Yin and Yang polar flowers.

When the flower blooms, something will be revealed. Unfortunately, the information ends here. However, according to his guess, something that has mobilized so many troops will definitely not be that simple. Tianlai Novel Network

He is also very confused now. What on earth is this stone jar? It's really strange.

He squatted down and pinched some of the black soil. Only then did he find that the soil was actually black and red, like coagulated blood, and each of them was like sand.

But he didn't see the bipolar flower at all.

Seeing this, he shook his head, and his consciousness came out of the stone jar.

Yu Zixin and Tianguan were constantly calling his name. As soon as he came out, he immediately asked what happened.

Yu Zixin and Tianguan immediately blamed him, saying that he suddenly lost his mind and scared them, and Yu Zixin asked him where he took the knife.

Qingfeng didn't know how to explain it for a while, but at this moment, the stone jar was hot, and another line of golden runes appeared, just drawing a circle.

Qingfeng looked at the stone jar, and his mind moved. He immediately made a few finger gestures, opened his mouth and sucked the stone jar into his stomach.

His eyes lit up. He didn't expect that the stone jar could really be sucked into his dantian. This made him very happy. It turned out that when the golden rune appeared, he felt that the stone jar had changed slightly.

At the same time, he had a few more spells in his mind, which led to the above scene.

Looking at the swallowed stone jar, Yu Zixin asked curiously: "Qingfeng, what is that."

Qingfeng thought for a moment, but still didn't tell her the real function of the stone jar, but he didn't want to deceive her, so he could only say that this thing was very important, and he didn't know what it was.

And he also said that he had put the God-killing Sword in the stone jar, and he couldn't take it out at this moment.

Yu Zixin looked at him meaningfully, and finally she nodded, without asking any further questions.

Looking at the cave, there was nothing else, and everyone was about to leave, but at this time Qingfeng saw the jade platform and thought that this thing could hold the God-killing Sword, so it must not be an ordinary thing, so he took out the Wanmu Pearl and put it in it.

At this time, he chanted the magical spell again, and the Wanmu Pearl was also swallowed into his stomach.

Qingfeng exclaimed that it was magical, and he didn't know why the spell had such a magical power that it could subdue these rare treasures.

Yu Zixin didn't see the Wanmu Pearl, so she didn't say much.

At this moment, she had already left the cave. Tianguan saw the Wanmu Pearl with sharp eyes. Unfortunately, Qingfeng flicked her head and told her not to be too curious and think too much.

Looking at Qingfeng's stomach, around the golden elixir, there were Fengming Sword, stone jar, Wanmu Pearl and the big stick he had taken out, all revolving around the golden elixir.

Qingfeng smiled helplessly, his stomach was about to become a weapons depot.

At this time, he didn't think much, and rushed out of the cave with Tianguan. Yu Zixin looked at Qingfeng and suddenly said: "The magic sword has been taken away by you, how should we deal with the guy outside?"

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