A mortal asks the heavens: I want to become an immortal

Chapter 506: Tempering the Heart in the World of Mortals

When Qingfeng heard this, he hesitated a little, but then he thought, if this person had the idea of ​​harming him, just one thought was enough.

His worries are purely unnecessary, and this thunder method was obtained from Wanshan Sect back then. It is purely his own thing, and he has no worries at all.

Thinking of this, he nodded, and with a thought, a golden book appeared in his hand.

He handed it to the skeleton respectfully, and the skeleton took it and took a look.

The flames in his eyes could not help but beat.

Then it turned to the first page, and the flames beat even more fiercely.

"It's incredible. This book doesn't look like it should exist in this world. Where did you get this book?" The bones said in a somewhat excited voice.

Qingfeng didn't dare to hide it, so he told the origin of this book.

The skeleton nodded and continued: "This book is no small matter, it is an unparalleled treasure, no, it should be called the treasure of thunder.

Qingfeng, I have a suggestion. Are you willing to exchange Lei Zhenzi for this book? "

Hearing this, Qingfeng was stunned. He didn't expect that the Bone Skull would care so much about this book. Although Qingfeng also knew that this book was great, it couldn't be compared with the Secret Scroll of the Heavenly Book.

But then he thought about it. For a cultivator obsessed with thunder and lightning, this book was like discovering a new continent.

But he hesitated for a moment and said: "Senior, it's not that I don't want to exchange, it's just that I haven't read the last level of this book yet. Even if I exchange it with you, I have to study it first."

Hearing his words, Bai Gu nodded and said: "This book is very mysterious. With your current cultivation level, it is already very powerful to be able to see the second level.

Okay, I will give you a month's time limit to fully understand this book. If you still can't read it, you can read it at will no matter when you come in the future. Do you think this method is good for me. "

When Qingfeng heard what White Bones said, he already understood what he meant, that is, your book must stay here, and it won't work if you don't change it.

Qingfeng smiled bitterly and could only agree.

For no other reason than he understood the last level of this book. The Law of Thunder is not a technique that anyone can practice casually, so leaving this book in his possession will be of no use in the future, and may even be a disaster.

Using it to summon a thunder path treasure, is there anything more cost-effective than this?

Qingfeng's second level skill, Wind and Thunder Wings, has been practiced to the point of mastery. All he needs to do is continue practicing in the future.

After practicing the Wind and Thunder Wings for several days in this sea of ​​thunder.

On this day, he looked through the third level of exercises.

"The thunder of heaven is the most effective method, the most powerful and the most powerful sun, the general outline of heaven and earth."

There is a line like this on the first page of the chapter, followed by three big characters - Lei Xin Jue.

After Qingfeng Lei Dao Kung Fu was completed, when he read these words again, his soul was no longer as it was before, and his consciousness was also expanded three times, which was unmatched by his previous consciousness.

This time, when he watched the third level of the technique, it was much smoother. However, the third level of the technique was not comparable to the first two. This third level can be said to be the highest secret of the Five Thunders Booming Heaven Technique, which is obscure. It’s hard to understand.

This is also the core part of the Five Thunders Booming Technique. Qingfeng memorized the contents of this book one by one.

Unfortunately, Qingfeng wanted to carve the seal, but found that this book was like a heavenly book. It could only be memorized but could not be written or spoken.

At this moment, Qingfeng understood why this book was so precious. The white-bone skeleton agreed to exchange for this treasure, a thunder treasure like Lei Zhenzi.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret it now. If you want to leave secretly, you have to agree to it.

Qingfeng smiled bitterly, but still didn't want to think about anything else and thought about the secret of this technique.

It's a pity that this book can't be discussed with anyone, so it can only be understood by oneself. However, in the past few days, the white-bone skeleton has been quite particular and explained the secrets of the thunder technique to Qingfeng.

Qingfeng suddenly became enlightened about some obscure aspects of Lei Fa before.

Time passed so quickly. The third level of Thunder Heart Technique was too profound. Qingfeng had no clue. However, after listening to the Skeleton Skull's sermons these days, his understanding of Thunder Method was one step closer.

As for the palm thunder and wind thunder wings, they are even more skillful in using them.

On this day, Qingfeng also completely refined Lei Zhenzi.

As soon as he moved his palm, the thunderbolt flew out of the house, and a bolt of lightning struck, but it was unable to hit it.

Qingfeng's thoughts moved, and the object suddenly exploded with countless thunder and lightning, and lightning surged within a hundred feet in an instant.

At this time, another thunder and lightning struck. Qingfeng moved his mind, and Lei Zhenzi actually sucked the lightning in. m.

This magic weapon is different from other objects. Although the magic power can support him to emit thunder and lightning, it can also store some of it itself. However, the amount of storage is also limited. Even so, it will save a lot of mana.

Although Qingfeng possesses the Thunder Technique, logically speaking, he does not need this thing, but everyone does not know that the biggest feature of this thing is amplification.

Qingfeng's lightning power can be turned into two with the blessing of this object, and the power will be one level more powerful.

Yes, this thing is so magical, otherwise it wouldn't be called the Thunder Path Treasure.

The breeze opened its mouth and sucked the substance into its belly, accumulating it.

At this time, he looked at the white skeleton and said: "Senior, Qingfeng is about to leave, but I don't know your name yet. I wonder if you can tell me."

The white-bone skeleton looked at him and said in a calm voice: "Why should we meet before? My name is Xiaoyaozi."

What a bohemian name, Qingfeng thought in her mind.

Qingfeng frowned as he looked at him. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Senior, I still have something I don't understand. I wonder if you can help me solve it."


Qingfeng organized his words and said, "I don't understand. Senior, you have great magical powers, why do you have to appear in the world as bones? I once saw a monk who was also like this. Could it be that all senior masters are like this?"

Hearing this, Xiaoyaozi was slightly stunned.

Then he heard him say, "The world refines the heart. We have experienced countless worlds and are no longer attached to that body."

Hearing this, Qingfeng was really impressed.

But he had to leave after staying here for too long. Qingfeng bowed to Xiaoyaozi and said, "Senior, all good things must come to an end. We will not see each other again after today. I hope we can meet again. Senior, goodbye."

The skeleton nodded and said, "Our fate is not over yet. Maybe we will meet again one day."

Qingfeng was overjoyed to hear this and said happily, "Senior, I hope so."

After saying this, he strode out of the house. As soon as he got outside, he spread his wind and thunder wings and flew away. Under the rolling thunder, Qingfeng flew farther and farther.

At this moment, the skeleton's eyes flashed with fire, and then countless bones and flesh grew on his head and body, followed by skin. However, in an instant, he turned from a skeleton into a middle-aged man.

If outsiders saw him, they would be amazed.

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