In order to survive, the ancient monster succumbed and signed a contract with Qingfeng. Qingfeng also swore that he would only let it stay with him for three hundred years before giving it freedom.

and will not force it to do something it cannot do.

After the contract was formed, the Taotie suddenly transformed into a body of one foot in size.

The Qingfeng method was put away and its power began to disappear. However, he soon discovered that something was wrong. His own strength also began to disappear, and he began to become weaker and weaker.

He quickly asked Black Dragon what the reason was, and Black Dragon hesitated and said: "I forgot to tell you, the side effect is that how much energy you use needs to be returned after fighting, I think you should be weak for a while Bar."

At this moment, Qingfeng really wanted to pull the black dragon out and punch it twice. I really don't know why he didn't explain such a serious matter in advance.

If I didn't take in this Taotie guy, I would definitely not be able to survive tonight in this forest.

Seeing Qingfeng's anger, Black Dragon could only hehe and fell asleep, fearing that Qingfeng would start a violent attack.

Until this time, Qingfeng was already very weak, like a mortal. This was the first time he felt such powerlessness.

He quickly turned over and jumped on Taotie's back, telling him that he was very weak now and would depend on it for the rest of the way.

Taotie was speechless and really wanted to drag him down and gnaw him.

We agreed to understand and respect each other...

Two flowers bloomed, one on each branch. Not to mention Qingfeng being carried all the way out of the forest by Taotie, the human world was already in danger at this moment.

Tianlong City did not wait for support, but was bulldozed by countless monsters led by the Demon Emperor.

Countless disciples of the seven sects died on the battlefield.

The Demon Sect also suffered heavy losses, but Zhui Tiangou had already expected this scene and had already evacuated many disciples from the Hades Palace in advance.

Compared to other sects, their losses were minimal.

Tianlong City was lost, and all factions returned the same way. Mo Tian, ​​Bu Chenshuang and others also returned to the Hades Palace.

The Demon Realm army galloped all the way and occupied a quarter of the human world in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, there have been humans in the demon realm for a long time, and the monsters also know how to control humans, but they have not killed all humans. Their policy is to raise and eat them at the same time, treating humans as domesticated food.

And when Pluto was born, countless ghosts rushed out of the Towering Temple. These ghosts didn't care, they killed people when they saw them, and directly killed the humans and beasts in the territory they occupied, turning it into Shura Hell.

For a time, the human world was devastated, and countless monks were forced to move far away.

The seven factions were no longer able to organize a larger battle, so they could only disperse and form small teams to kill the ghosts and monsters.

The human world is constantly being eroded by the ghost world and the demon world. It seems that the human race has no hope. There are mourners everywhere and the land is in a mess.

In the demon realm, Taotie was galloping along with the breeze, traveling tens of thousands of miles a day, causing the Taotie to complain.

Qingfeng can't control much. He is very worried about the safety of the human world now. The side effects of Naihe's borrowing are so great. It has been ten days and he is still very weak.

"Taotie, tell me what happened to the Demon Emperor Xuantian." Qingfeng couldn't help but said while looking at the Kirin cub in her arms.

Taotie reluctantly said: "What else can I do? I have been guarding the forbidden fruit of heaven and earth for tens of thousands of years, just to wait for it to mature enough to eat it and complete the second transformation.

It's a pity that despite all my calculations, I didn't realize that this demon emperor had laid the plan hundreds of years ago. Back then, this demon emperor had always been close to me and would give me treasures and elixirs, as well as an inexhaustible supply of wine and beauties.

We both even became brothers. Who would have thought that this guy was eyeing my forbidden fruit and wanted to take it for himself.

That time he came to my place and got me drunk. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he ate the forbidden fruit of heaven and earth that was about to mature.

And hid in the sacred tree cave. The guy had already made arrangements to build a cave on the sacred tree, and he would come here to practice every hundred years. In fact, he secretly reinforced the safety of the cave.

It's all my fault for being so careless and being deceived by this guy with a human face and an animal heart.

Fortunately, God has eyes. The process of heaven and earth he swallowed is not fully mature. It seems that something happened to make him behave like this. Hehe, this is retribution. "

Qingfeng was speechless when he heard this. He did not expect that Taotie and the Demon Emperor would have such a love-hate relationship.

But now he needed help from the Demon King, so he could only ask again: "Taotie, how can I make him return to his original appearance? At least he can speak."

"Hmph, then we can only wait, or feed him some heavenly and earthly treasures. But let me remind you, this guy is cunning and cunning. If I were you, I would strangle him to death right now."

Speaking of this, the Taotie looked at Qilinzi with a vicious look on his face, wondering if he would bite it to death when Qingfeng couldn't see it.

The Qilinzi seemed to know the danger, and immediately burrowed into Qingfeng's arms again.

Qingfeng now has two heads in total, and he doesn't know what to do.

This trip to the Demon Realm can only be said to have completed half of the mission, but now he is very concerned about the human world. Since things here are like this, it is better to return to the human world as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Taotie was protecting him, and it unleashed tremendous pressure along the way. No monster that was not afraid of death dared to touch his brow.

Half a month later, the two finally arrived at the exit of the Demon Realm.

Qingfeng still chose the place where he came in. I don't know whether it was because the monsters hadn't been discovered, or because all the monsters had gone to the human world. Anyway, there was still no monster here.

Not only that, Qingfeng discovered that there weren't many monsters along the way.

After leaving the Demon Realm, we came to the Great Rift Valley.

Qingfeng saw that there were a lot less monsters here. He caught a lone monster and asked about the current situation in the human world.

I didn't want to ask, and then I realized that the human world has been half destroyed.

Qingfeng was slightly shocked when he heard the news. He didn't expect that less than a year after he left home, the world would already be like this.

With a sigh, he didn't kill the monster and let it go.

Taotie couldn't help but sneer when he saw his appearance: "The world has fallen and I care about you, just like your family has died."

When Qingfeng heard what it said, he smiled bitterly and said, "I just lament that things in the world are impermanent."

Having said that, he didn't want to argue with this guy. Fortunately, his strength was rapidly recovering and he was almost at his peak.

One man and one beast moved forward quickly. Along the way, Qingfeng saw human corpses everywhere. It could be said that the fields were littered with corpses.

Ghosts and monsters are rampant in this world, killing and arresting people everywhere, and Qingfeng sees every scene.

Although he couldn't help but help when he saw this scene, he couldn't kill many monsters and ghosts by himself. He was really powerless.

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