A mortal asks the heavens: I want to become an immortal

Chapter 535: Under the Wanren Mountain, in the Jedi

Qingfeng and Mo Hongchen sped along the way and found that there were really fewer monsters along the way. When they met some monsters burning, killing and looting in some small villages, the two of them would go up and kill them all.

But the two of them had limited power and were limited to the villages they passed by.

On the way, Qingfeng sighed that he didn't know when the disasters in this world would end.

Mo Hongchen said: "Everything in the world has a destiny, and we can only do our best. I think you are doing very well, and I have great confidence in you."

Qingfeng didn't expect Mo Hongchen to say this, and was a little surprised for a while.

"You really think so highly of everything I do."

Mo Hongchen nodded and said: "Well, I find that there seems to be a light on you, which is very attractive, otherwise there won't be so many people who will come to you and follow you to shed their blood."

Qingfeng smiled indifferently and said: "Well, with your words, I have to work hard, because I believe that there must be hope in the human world."

At this moment, his eyes were very firm, and he looked a little fascinated for a while.

Mo Hongchen didn't know why, but when she looked at his sunny face, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

"What's wrong with you?" Qingfeng looked at her and said.

Mo Hongchen's face turned slightly red, and she hurriedly said that it was nothing, so she should set off quickly.

Qingfeng didn't doubt it, but she didn't know that the woman was fascinated by him just now, but now she was angry with him.

Three days later, there were more monsters in front of them. The two turned into little monsters and asked along the way. Finally, they found out that the place where the monster bone was born was in the Wanren Valley.

The Wanren Valley was originally a forbidden place. Legend has it that there are always strange things happening in it.

The two didn't think too much and ran there directly.

When they arrived, they were even more surprised, because the Wanren Mountain was towering into the clouds, but they didn't know why this peak was broken from the middle and half of the mountain was broken.

When they reached the top of the mountain and looked down, they saw that the huge valley under the Wanren Mountain had collapsed, revealing a huge pit. Countless monsters were watching from the edge of the pit, and monsters jumped into the pit from time to time.

Qingfeng and the other two looked at each other with surprise in their eyes. They didn't know what was in the deep pit that would attract these monsters to come here without hesitation.

Qingfeng and the other two mixed in with the monster group and started to investigate.

At this moment, a monster with a tiger head and a human body whispered to Qingfeng: "You are new here, why did you come so late for such a big event?

Let me tell you, as long as you are brave enough and have good luck, as long as you get an ancient magic pearl down there, your demon power will soar after swallowing it.

The dog head who was a soldier with me yesterday has become a team leader today, and his strength has jumped two levels directly."

Hearing this, Qingfeng hurriedly asked: "Brother Tiger, why didn't you go down to find opportunities?"

"Hehe," he looked around and said, "There are great opportunities and great dangers down there. Yesterday, the dog head came up and said that it was too scary down there, and he told me that going down there would be a life of death, so think it through before going down.

I secretly calculated and observed, Xiaobai and Xiaohei went down two days ago, and they haven't come up yet. I don't know if something happened. I'll wait and see.

Brother, I advise you not to be too impulsive." He patted Qingfeng on the shoulder.

Qingfeng nodded and glanced at Mo Hongchen.

He came to her and whispered, "I don't think we can get any useful information, so why don't we go down and take a look."

The tiger-headed monster looked at the two people whispering to each other, and immediately came over, hugged them together and said, "Brother, I'm not trying to scare you, but it's hard for you two to go down with your small bodies."

At this moment, Qingfeng and Mo Hongchen were squeezed together by the tiger-headed monster, and their faces were almost touching. For a moment, Qingfeng really wanted to kick the tiger-headed monster.

But there were so many monsters here, of course he couldn't expose himself casually, so he could only pull the tiger-headed monster away and said, "Thank you, brother, for your concern. My brother and I still want to go down and take a look."

Without waiting for Mo Hongchen to think more, he grabbed her hand and jumped down.

"Hey, brother, don't be impulsive." The tiger-headed monster sighed.

The pit was very deep, and Qingfeng used his skills to hover in the air and slowly descended.

The same was true for Mo Hongchen, but the two of them forgot that they were still holding hands.

When they landed on the ground, they remembered that they were still holding hands. For a moment, Mo Hongchen blushed and Qingfeng felt a little rude, but he just forgot about it in a hurry.

"It's so dark," Mo Hongchen quickly changed the subject.

Although it was still the surface of the cave entrance, the sunlight above could not shine in, and it was pitch black.

Qingfeng took out a spirit bead at this time, and the spirit bead lit up after inputting mana, illuminating the surrounding area of ​​more than ten feet.

There was a slope in front, extending down all the way, and no one knew where it led.

And it was very cold here, and the further you went in, the colder it was.

At this moment, Mo Hongchen suddenly exclaimed: "Hey, my mana is actually starting to decrease."ŴŴŴ.

Qingfeng felt it, so he nodded and said: "It is true, but very little."

The two continued to move forward and found that the further they went in, the colder it was, and the mana was slowly decreasing.

At this time, the two saw that the front suddenly became wider, and there was a faint light shining.

Through these light sources, we can see that there are countless corpses of monsters in front of us. At this moment, only piles of bones are left on the ground, lying in all directions.

Some of the bones are dim, while others are shining, with faint monster souls emerging from them.

At this moment, a little monster saw that scene and immediately rushed up and sucked the monster soul in one breath. Then he saw that his whole body began to tremble. After a while, Qingfeng found that the monster's cultivation had increased a little.

This is very strange, and the monster turned over the corpse for a while, and saw that he found a green monster bead under the corpse.

The monster ate the bead without hesitation, and his cultivation increased a few points in a blink of an eye.

What surprised Qingfeng was that in the end, the monster didn't know what method he used, but he actually refined the corpse of the monster into his body, and his cultivation increased a few points.

This is too weird. Qingfeng has never seen such a method to increase cultivation. It is simply a bit horrifying. This is wrong.

He and Mo Hongchen exchanged a glance, and the two came to the monster.

When the monster saw the two, he immediately frowned and said, "If you want an opportunity, go find it yourself. I have already absorbed it. You are too late."

Qingfeng pretended to be stupid and said, "Brother Monster, I just want to ask, how did you do it."

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