Daokong heard this and immediately shouted that his senior brother was polite.

Patriarch Yunchen came at this moment and told Daokong that the resting place was ready, and he asked him to go and rest quickly.

After Daokong left, Tianxingzhe asked Yunchen: "Has Mo Hongchen not been found yet?"

Yunchen shook his head and said: "There has been no news from Mo Hongchen, and I don't know where he is now, but I think he has cultivated well, and nothing serious should happen to him."

Tianxingzhe sighed and thought to himself that Hongchen is the Tianjiao disciple of our sect and cannot be lost.

At this moment, everyone checked and found that most people were seriously injured, and the rest were arranged by Hunyuanzi.

Master Mingdao looked at the people coming and going in the hall and couldn't help sighing: "The demon domain is too powerful to be defeated."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked inside, but at this time he could see that one of his arms was gone.

Fortunately, it is not a big deal for a cultivator to regenerate a broken arm, but it still takes some time.

After this battle, Ming Dao once again witnessed the strength of the demon realm and the ghost world, which made him look down on the seven sects and thought that it would be useless to continue like this.

He just hoped that the chess piece he had planted that year could exert different power. According to his guess, that person must be the one who should be robbed.

But after this battle, he began to lose confidence in his judgment that year. The demon realm and the ghost world were so terrifying.

With so many great masters, they couldn't turn the tide. Could that person do it?

In Taiyi Sect, Master Fuyao returned with the elite disciples of the sect, but there were fewer familiar faces. More than 20 people went this time, and only half of the disciples came back in the end.

Master Fuyao was seriously injured and is now barely maintaining.

The disciples of Taiyi Sect were all sad when they saw this moment.

Guiyuanzi said a few words to Fuyao, and Fuyao went to the back mountain to retreat and heal his injuries, but at this moment his back was a little desolate, as if he had aged a lot in an instant.

Cangquan and Muye looked at each other and sighed.

Yu Zixin walked up to Gui Yuanzi and said, "Master, I have tried my best."

Gui Yuanzi looked at his beloved disciple and nodded slightly, saying, "It's good that you can come back."

The Taiyi Sect's main hall was filled with gloom. Fairy Shuiyue and Xue Lichu came over at this moment. The two comforted Yu Zixin, but they didn't know how to comfort everyone.

After all, their Ruoshui Dragon Palace was more tragic than the Taiyi Sect. Now that the sect was destroyed, they were like homeless children living under someone else's roof.

There was no one to tell their bitterness.

Qingfeng's steps still stopped at Dayu Mountain. After crossing Dayu Mountain, he could see a plain in front of him. There was no natural barrier there, so Qingfeng still didn't dare to send troops.

After all, there was news coming from the front that the Demon King was regrouping and preparing to send troops. If Qingfeng's guess was correct, there would be many tough battles to fight in the future.

So during this period of time, they were constantly searching for surviving cultivators and mortals who knew kung fu.

On this day, Tianguan and Moye came with Taotie.

Because the rear is now safe.

After not seeing each other for many days, Tianguan saw Qingfeng and shouted happily: "Daddy, I miss you so much, Tianguan wants to tell you a good news."

"What good news?" Qingfeng asked hurriedly.

"Hehe, Qilinzi has grown up a lot recently, but this guy still can't speak, I don't know if he is pretending." As she said, she pulled a little guy out from behind.

At this moment, the young Qilinzi has grown a lot, and can be the size of an adult dog.

But this guy looks lazy, as if he has nothing to live for.

Qingfeng looked at it and asked loudly: "Demon Emperor Xuantian, are you still not awake?"

Qilinzi looked at him, his eyes full of disdain, just lazily looking away, as if he didn't know what Qingfeng was talking about at all.

"Daddy, he seems stupid. I have asked him so many times, but he is always like this. I think he must be out of his mind."

Qingfeng nodded and sighed, "Maybe the fruit is too powerful, and the sequelae are too severe."

"What do you think, Taotie?"

Taotie snorted and said, "Who knows if this guy is pretending to be stupid? He is cunning and sly, and he is a good liar. Otherwise, I would not be deceived by him. Now I have the urge to bite him to death.

Hey, why don't we give it a try? I bite him to death. If he recovers his memory, he will definitely be able to avoid my bite. If he can't avoid it, just think he is unlucky. I will bite him to death."

Hearing this, Qingfeng was speechless. Of course, he would not let him do this. After all, the demon king was his last hope.

Just as the few people were chatting, someone else came to report that Tiancan Dique and Lu Tianfeng were ready. As long as Qingfeng gave an order, they could attack Xuan Ye's demon sect.

Qingfeng nodded, and he immediately called all his subordinates together to discuss.

Three days later, considering Mo Hongchen's identity, it was finally decided to keep her here to take charge. This would be good for her and everyone else. Although she was a huge helper, it would be better not to drag her down.

Mo Hongchen wanted to refuse this arrangement because she didn't care. After all, that Xuan Ye seemed to be very powerful, and with her help, it would be more effective.

But Qingfeng still refused, for a simple reason. If she helped him guard this place, the battle here might be even more brutal.

Wu Chen and Wu Di also stayed.

Qingfeng brought the four great Vajra and some elite disciples, and Tianguan and Taotie were also taken with him.

After all, this time he was facing Xuan Ye, a demon from ten thousand years ago, whose strength was unfathomable. Qingfeng suspected that he was the demon in the demon life in the note.

So he had to be careful.

On the way, Tianguan asked: "Dad, I see you are worried, is that guy so powerful? Don't be afraid, Tianguan is even more powerful now. If that guy dares to harm you, Tianguan will help you deal with him."

Qingfeng looked at him and said with relief: "Okay, with Tianguan here, Dad is not afraid of anyone."

At this moment, I don't know if it was Tianguan's words of encouragement, all the depression and worries in his heart disappeared.

Yes, who is he, he is Qingfeng, what else is he afraid of in this world except the pain of separation.

The road ahead is full of thorns and bumps, but he is not afraid or regretful.

Three days later, they joined the two teams of Tiancan Dique and Lu Tianfeng.

A team of more than 10,000 people walked densely towards the Valley of Ten Thousand Souls.

The Demon Cult has now established its lair in the Valley of Ten Thousand Souls.

In the Hall of the Demon God in the Valley of Ten Thousand Souls, Xuan Ye looked at the people in the Hall of the Demon God and said in a gloomy voice: "You bunch of useless people, you can't even do a small thing."

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