A mortal asks the heavens: I want to become an immortal

Chapter 573 Demonic Cult Treasure House

Qingfeng knew at this moment that this corpse worm was not simple. Before he could think about it, a corpse worm broke through his body protection and ran in. Qingfeng stretched out two fingers and grabbed him immediately.

The corpse worm's eyes were bloodshot, and it bit down on his fingers. Unfortunately, he was wearing the Tiancan Gloves, which were invulnerable to swords and guns, and were not invaded by water and fire. The mouthparts of the corpse worm were extremely hard, but unfortunately it still couldn't bite through such a treasure as the Tiancan Gloves.

Qingfeng used his fingers to force it and immediately clamped it in half.

Unexpectedly, after being clamped in half, the head and tail of this thing began to grow rapidly, and it instantly became two corpse worms.

Qingfeng immediately pinched the two guys, and his heart was horrified.

If this is the case, wouldn't it be more and more.

Thinking of this, two lightning bolts suddenly appeared on his fingertips and hit the corpse worm.

The corpse worm squeaked and was burned by the lightning and died completely.

Seeing that lightning worked, Qingfeng finally felt relieved. He thought that this thing was immortal, which would be speechless.

As soon as he exerted his strength, he immediately shook off the countless corpse worms on his body, and then he took out the Thunder Zhenzi. As soon as his magic power moved, countless tiny lightning bolts from the Thunder Zhenzi hit the corpse worms.

For a moment, countless corpse worms screamed, and they fell to the ground with burnt bodies, dead as hell.

Xue Tu looked at the bead in Qingfeng's hand, and his eyes were suddenly shocked. He only heard him shout: "The treasure of the Thunder Dao, the Thunder Zhenzi."

Qingfeng didn't have time to say more. The sound of the big-headed doll rang again, and no one knew what to do next.

Qingfeng sacrificed the Thunder Zhenzi, and a lightning bolt as thick as an arm shot towards the big-headed doll.

With a bang, the big-headed doll trembled all over, and blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

He pointed at Qingfeng and shouted, "You... you dare to kill me."

Qingfeng's mind moved, and a thicker lightning shot out again, with a loud bang, directly blew the big-headed doll to pieces. Tianlai Novel Network

"Tranquility." Qingfeng shouted.

Xue Tu looked at the Lei Zhenzi in Qingfeng's hand at this moment, sighed and said, "It seems that I really underestimated you. This kind of peerless treasure, I searched the entire continent back then but couldn't find it."

Hearing his words, Qingfeng knew in his heart that this Xue Tu must have been unruly when he was young, and loved to collect these treasures to play with. Unfortunately, he didn't know how much pain his actions would bring to the righteous.

But this is not the time to say these things, he can only say: "This thing was exchanged with people in the demon domain."

Xue Tu was stunned, and then nodded, and the surprise in his eyes became more intense, because it is conceivable that something that can be exchanged for such a precious thing is probably more powerful than this treasure.

At this time, Xue Tu had to sigh that the immortal gate is full of talents, and a new generation replaces the old.

The two walked forward, and a small door appeared on the wall in front of them.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking in their hearts, why do you have to test people like this.

Pushing the door open, there was another huge palace inside. The palace was supported by twelve stone pillars that were enough for dozens of people to hug, and countless portraits of demons were carved on them.

The roof and walls of the hall were also full of pictures of demons and beasts. Those portraits were vivid and looked vivid and ingenious.

For some reason, there was no living thing in this room.

What was going on? The two were a little confused.

The two came to the end of the hall and saw two dragons carved on the wall. The dragons were golden in color and all had five claws. They were real dragons.

Xue Tu saw this and exclaimed, "Look, is there something missing between the two dragons?"

"Two dragons playing with a pearl" Qingfeng suddenly said.

Xue Tu nodded and said, "It should be. Take out the Wanmu Pearl quickly."

Qing Feng heard it and opened his mouth to spit out the Wanmu Pearl. The pearl was suspended in his hand.

He held the pearl and hit it between the two dragons.

With a bang, just when the Wanmu Pearl just reached the middle of the two dragons.

The painting wall suddenly emitted a golden light, and then the two dragons actually fell off the painting wall, like real dragons, and each of them sprayed a flame at the Wanmu Pearl.

The flame sprayed on the Wanmu Pearl, and the Wanmu Pearl suddenly shone with golden light, and then a golden light column shone out from the bead.

The whole stone tablet was immediately covered, and pictures appeared on the stone tablet.

The two could see that on the picture, a demon god descended to this world, passed down the Taoist tradition, and countless people worshiped this god.

Later, countless people in Taoist robes came to kill countless people from the Demon Sect, and also killed the demon god and cut it into several pieces and buried it.

Seeing this scene, Qingfeng recalled that he had absorbed several pieces of the remains of the demon corpses. Could it be that they were all from this demon god?

Now thinking about it, it seems to be true. After all, which living creature's corpse can be so powerful.

Then the picture flashed, and countless demon cultists collected countless natural treasures and put them into the demon cult's treasure house. From then on, one person held a token to establish the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, and the other person held the Ten Thousand Mu Pearl and traveled around the world, and finally disappeared.

At this point in the picture, two lines of text appeared on the wall.

"The power of the demons is mighty, and the demonic energy of heaven and earth will last forever."

The two people could not understand these two lines of text, and did not understand their meaning.

At this moment, all the pictures and text disappeared, and only a rumbling sound was heard, and the stone wall split to both sides.

The Ten Thousand Mu Pearl flew to Qingfeng's hand and floated.

Behind the stone wall, a passage was revealed.

The two walked into the corridor.

On the stone walls on both sides of the corridor, there were countless scenes of fighting between demons and people wearing Taoist robes. In his opinion, they should be disciples sent to this world by the upper world.

The pictures were vivid, and he actually saw a person using a stick as a weapon, but that person was dressed in black, obviously a disciple of the Demon Sect.

When the two walked to the end of the corridor, a door made of pure gold appeared.

Seeing this door, for some reason, Qingfeng wanted to take it away, but he still resisted the idea. After all, he was the leader of a sect, how would the Blood Slaughter Ancestor look at him.

Pushing open the door, it was pitch black. After a moment, countless flames ignited by themselves, and continued to burn along both sides of the cave, instantly illuminating the entire cave.

In front of the two, countless spiritual stones were piled on both sides of the road.

Qingfeng hurried over and couldn't help sighing when he saw the neatly arranged spiritual stones. There should be hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones in this pile. Looking around, there were at least hundreds of such spiritual stones.

The first thought in Qingfeng's mind was that he had become rich.

Walking forward, countless magic weapons and immortal swords were neatly arranged on both sides. At a glance, there were endless rows and there was no telling how many there were.

Countless colorful materials were piled up and emitted a faint light.

Going further, there were countless magic classics on the rows of bookshelves. Qingfeng flipped through them and found that there were actually many righteous skills in them. I think they must have been snatched by the people of the magic sect at that time.

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