Qingfeng was speechless after being scolded by Lu Ruyan. He felt helpless and could only silently advise himself that a good man should not fight with a woman.

Xu Rong and others behind him also caught their breath. When they saw Lu Ruyan's face, they were all stunned.

They all thought they were dazzled.

Qingfeng hurriedly explained to her that he did so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble. Those people thought that this girl Ruyan was so beautiful that if those bad guys saw her, they would inevitably have bad intentions.

Bad intentions will cause trouble, so no one thought much about it.

There were just a few disciples of Daoxuan Sect who kept looking over here secretly, as if they couldn't see enough. ŴŴŴ.

Xu Rong pretended to cough twice, which made those guys look straight ahead and calm down.

It was already midnight and the weather was extremely cold. Everyone couldn't take a rest. After all, it was too cold. They were afraid that they would be turned into popsicles when they woke up. They had no choice but to meditate to relieve their fatigue.

After waiting until the sun rose, a hint of warmth came from the horizon. Only then did everyone see clearly that there were countless giant wolf corpses, and no one knew how many Qingfeng had killed overnight.

While everyone was amazed, Qingfeng had already walked over, grabbed the corpse of a giant wolf and began to skin it. Everyone saw that they understood and followed suit.

It didn't take long for the fur to be peeled off. Qingfeng worked again, and the huge wolf skin turned into a fur coat. He threw the coat to Lu Ruyan, and Lu Ruyan was very happy. She felt warm when she put on the clothes, and she really couldn't let it go for a while.

It was a pity that there was no firewood, otherwise it would be good to roast some wolf meat to eat.

After a while, the nine people in the group were all wearing wolf fur coats, and they couldn't be distinguished from the snow-capped mountains from a distance.

Halfway through the day's journey, there was a voice in front of them shouting "Help... Help... Help..." Although the voice was vague and intermittent, it was still heard by everyone with sharp ears and eyes.

Several people hurried to find the sound. In less than half a minute, they saw a small dark hole on the mountain wall, which was very obvious among the white snow.

Everyone ran over and could hear a faint breath in the cave. Xu Rong walked over carefully. At this moment, a spiritual bead flew up from his body. The bead emitted a faint glow and flew into the cave. In the blur, a person with blood all over his head and face could be seen.

Everyone saw this scene and immediately walked forward without hesitation. A junior brother entered the cave and dragged the man out.

He was dressed in ordinary clothes and did not look like a person from the Seven Sects. At this moment, the man was confused, with huge torn wounds all over his body, and blood and flesh rolled. It looked shocking and it was obvious that he was not going to survive.

Qingfeng saw him like this and felt emotional. He immediately took off his coat and put it on the man.

A disciple took out some water and poured some into his mouth. At this time, the man was a little more awake. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at everyone.

Qingfeng walked up and asked him if he could still hold on.

The man shook his head and grabbed Qingfeng's hand. He only heard him say vaguely: "Great terror, there is great terror"

Then he reached into his arms and took out a wrinkled animal skin. He handed the animal skin to Qingfeng and then said intermittently: "Give it to, give it to... Liang... Qiu... Qiu"

When he said this, his head tilted and he died.

Qingfeng held the thing in his hand and sighed helplessly. This brother just said Liang Qiu, what on earth is Liang Qiu, and where can he find this person.

Although this was the last wish of this person, he could do nothing about it and could only let it go.

At this moment, Lu Ruyan came over and curiously opened the animal skin. At this time, she saw that there was a map engraved on it, but the map was only half, but she looked at it and her eyes flashed, as if she had discovered something extraordinary.

Qingfeng gently wiped the man's wide-open eyes and let him close his eyes. At this time, he saw Lu Ruyan was still looking at the animal skin seriously, but he was slightly angry in his heart, so he snatched the animal skin away.

Lu Ruyan was stunned, and saw Qingfeng's face full of anger and said: "This is someone else's relic, how can you watch it casually."

After being said by Qingfeng, Lu Ruyan's face turned cold and she was a little unhappy, but then she seemed to have figured something out, and then she pouted and said: "How do you know what it is if you don't see it? What if this person is a bad guy?"

After being pushed by Lu Ruyan, Qingfeng was speechless. He felt that what she said seemed to make some sense, but it seemed to be a bit unreasonable, but he didn't say anything, for fear that this girl would say two more words to him.

He just quietly put away the animal skin and waited for later.

Xu Rong and others also sighed slightly. Everyone put him into the cave. Qingfeng punched him, and countless gravels fell and buried the entire cave entrance.

After this little episode, everyone continued to move forward. On the way, a few people speculated about the great terror that person mentioned.

The horrible scars on the man's body might have been caused by the giant wolves biting him yesterday. I really don't know how he escaped.

Although the giant wolves were numerous and extremely ferocious, they were not as terrifying as the great terror. Could it be that he was referring to something else?

In the end, everyone decided not to talk about this topic. After all, the person left too little information, so everyone could only guess.

Lu Ruyan was silent all the way. Qingfeng thought she was angry and wanted to comfort her, but when the words came to his lips, he still didn't know what to say.

As night approached, heavy snow fell from the sky again. Unfortunately, there was no place to hide nearby, so everyone could only camp on this vast mountain.

Fortunately, everyone had wolf fur coats, which were very warm. However, Qingfeng's coat was draped on that person and they were buried together. However, he was born in body training, so he could still withstand it.

In the middle of the night, the full moon hung high in the sky, the snow fell heavier, and a cold wind blew again in the vast white space between the sky and the earth.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Qingfeng suddenly felt warm all over her body. When she turned around, she saw Lu Ruyan's beautiful face pressing closely against her, and she also gave half of her coat to Qingfeng.

The two bodies were in close contact, and a warmth suddenly spread throughout their bodies.

Qingfeng looked at her, feeling a little regretful for reprimanding her at that time. After a few pauses, he made up his mind and said, "I'm sorry, I...I shouldn't yell at you."

Hearing these words, Lu Ruyan looked at him for a moment, and the corners of his eyes became moist for a moment. Then he saw her little mouth pouting, giving him a soft look and saying, "Humph, you idiot."

Seeing her like this, he knew in his heart that she was no longer angry. He felt very happy and scratched the back of his head.

This scene looked even more adorable in Lu Ruyan's eyes.

Fortunately, there was no giant wolf coming today. Although the night was cold, Qingfeng felt warm in his heart for some reason, as if he had never felt this way in many years.

How did he know that the girl beside him felt the same way.

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