As he spoke, he raised a small flag in his hand. The flag was triangular in shape and engraved with dazzling spells. The small flag grew in the wind and was more than one meter high in a blink of an eye. There was endless black air around the small flag. The endless resentful souls on the flag were flying and wailing ferociously. The cave was suddenly filled with cold wind.

"Hehuan Sect, it turned out to be you." Xu Rong said hatefully.

"Hehehe, it's us, so what? Go to hell. Your blood and essence can just be used to sacrifice my Five Ghosts Banner, and your flesh and blood can also be used to train blood corpses."

As he spoke, he saw him wave the flag, and it seemed that endless resentful souls broke through the flag and flew towards everyone with their fangs and claws. For a while, the cave was filled with black air and cold winds, which was so cold and terrifying.

Qingfeng saw this scene and felt cold all over. He immediately protected Lu Ruyan behind him, and Lu Ruyan was secretly holding something at this moment, pretending to attack at any time.

Countless wronged souls flew by, but Xu Rong shouted to form a formation.

As he spoke, several people actually set up a formation in a fixed place. They all had different weapons, but at this moment, with Xu Rong as the center, a five-colored divine light appeared. Then he saw him flick his finger, and the wronged souls immediately melted away where the five-colored divine light passed.

The leader was shocked when he saw this scene, and shouted with great distress: "You actually reduced my soul power, damn it."

As he spoke, he saw him wave his hand, and the people behind him rushed up all at once.

Qingfeng saw this scene and immediately rushed up and blocked in front of several people, fearing that they would break the formation.

After a fight, Qingfeng knew that these people were not as powerful as he imagined, but just a little difficult to deal with. He swung the big stick, and those people had no idea of ​​the power of this stick, so he immediately took advantage of it.

There were bang bang bang sounds, and three people were knocked out in a blink of an eye. At this time, the leader noticed him. He sent out a finger gesture, and a one-horned ghost appeared in the Five Ghost Banner.

This ghost was extremely ugly, with a big mouth and a single horn. There was no skin on his body, only blood, flesh and tendons, which made people look terrified.

His eyes were red, and he looked like he was going to bite someone.

It was the first time Qingfeng fought with a ghost, so he didn't dare to be careless. He hit it with a stick, but he didn't expect that this thing was also very powerful. He actually took his powerful stick with his bare hands.

This made Qingfeng horrified, and he didn't dare to be careless.

The one-horned ghost spit out a ghost gas at him. Qingfeng only felt that after the ghost gas attacked, his whole body was cold, and the ghost gas actually drilled into his body, and then a strong bloody smell came, which made people feel a little confused.

In a trance, he saw the big ghost opening its bloody mouth and biting towards his head. In a flash, he quickly turned his head and narrowly avoided it.

In the distance, Lu Ruyan once again clenched the things in her hand. Just now, when she saw Qingfeng in danger, she almost threw the things in her hand away. At this moment, she was in the formation, but her eyes were only staring at Qingfeng, fearing that his life would be in danger.

Qingfeng and the big ghost fought for a long time, and saw that the demons of the demon sect had actually passed him and attacked the disciples of Daoxuan Sect. Fortunately, their formation was mysterious, and they actually intercepted all those people outside the formation for a while.

The big ghost saw that it couldn't take Qingfeng for a long time, and it actually roared, and its eyes instantly overflowed with red light. It actually grabbed those resentful souls and stuffed them into its mouth. Its body was actually bigger, as much as three meters.

He patted his chest vigorously and sprayed a foul-smelling liquid at Qingfeng. Fortunately, he dodged it quickly. When the foul-smelling liquid fell on the ground, it actually corroded a huge hole in the rocks.

The big ghost missed the attack and was very angry. He sprayed several times in succession. Fortunately, Qingfeng had the skill of shrinking the earth into an inch, which allowed him to move out instantly. This is how he narrowly avoided several situations where he was sure to be hit.

This time, the big ghost was even more crazy. He rushed up and slapped him hard with a palm as big as a palm fan.

Qingfeng snorted coldly and punched him in the same way, but he didn't expect that this time they were still evenly matched.

The two fought a few more times. Qingfeng saw that he would be dragged to death here sooner or later. Suddenly, he felt a heat in his purple palace and a purple air began to flow.

At this moment, he suddenly thought that he had the skill of the Great Sunset Clouds. Wasn't the purple air he absorbed every day the purest yang energy between heaven and earth?

Thinking of this, he silently practiced his skills, and the purple energy was instantly moved in his palm. Then, when he and the big ghost collided again, he heard the big ghost suddenly screamed and looked at him with horror.

Looking at the big ghost's palm, half of it had been melted by the innate purple energy.

The big ghost was terrified, but the person who controlled it didn't know this. Seeing that the big ghost was at a disadvantage, he immediately increased his magic power to help him.

It actually made the big ghost's body bigger.

This time, Qingfeng moved the purple energy on the big stick. He waved the big stick like he used a bamboo sword to chop trees and cleverly avoided the big ghost's attack.

Then he saw that his big stick had hit the big ghost. Everyone heard a bang, and the big ghost's waist was actually blown up by this stick, just like the big tree back then.

The big ghost didn't even have the chance to scream, and immediately melted between heaven and earth.

At this moment, the air seemed to be still. When the big ghost died, the person who was controlling it screamed and flew out, but he suffered a huge backlash.

The small flag was thrown up out of thin air and fell to the ground. Without the support of magic power, the resentful souls immediately shrank back, and the whole cave returned to normal again.

Seeing this scene, before everyone could think about it, Qingfeng had already swung his stick to fight back. Those demon sect demons fought back, and most of them were killed by Qingfeng in a blink of an eye.

The leader saw that things were not going well, so he immediately sacrificed a magic weapon and turned into a black mist and ran back, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Everyone was fighting fiercely here, so how could they spare any manpower to intercept him? They could only let him run away.

In just a short while, all the demon sect demons were killed here, and a bloody breath filled the cave.

Xu Rong came to the side of the little junior brother at this moment, but this person was already dead, deader than dead. Everyone walked over and mourned for a moment, and saw Xu Rong shoot out a ball of fire, burning the body of the little junior brother into ashes.

After the body was burned, they picked up a few intact bones and put them in a small box. They would go back and bury them in the mountains later, which was also considered a return to their hometown.

Everyone was on the road again, but unfortunately there was no more laughter, only a faint sadness mixed in.

At this moment, Qingfeng had a new understanding of life. Life is really unpredictable, so don't leave any regrets.

He saw a pair of beautiful eyes looking at him, and for some reason he felt a little unusually touched in his heart.

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