Qingfeng and Lu Ruyan walked forward cautiously. Soon, the ground in front of them began to tremble. The two were shocked and didn't know what could make such a big noise.

Just as they were wondering, they saw a huge thing like a meat mountain approaching here.

Seeing that thing, it was hard for them not to be afraid.

It had a pig's head and a human body. It was ten meters tall when standing upright, and the head actually occupied one-third of the body. The fangs sticking out of the mouth were more than two meters long.

On the huge belly, fat fell layer by layer, the skin was hairless and smooth, and the thighs were as thick as a giant elephant.

The guy was ecstatic when he saw Qingfeng and Lu Ruyan, and immediately ran towards them. This thing looked extremely clumsy, but it ran as fast as the wind and came to the side of the two in a blink of an eye.

It picked up its huge claws and grabbed the two.

Qingfeng quickly pulled Lu Ruyan back, but fortunately, Lu Ruyan was not as weak as he had imagined, and her body was very agile.

At this time, she shouted: "This thing is called Zhu Tuo (tuo), and it likes to eat living people the most. Once it targets you, it will not stop until you die. Qingfeng, don't worry, I will kill it."

After Lu Ruyan said this, she nimbly dodged to the side.

Qingfeng nodded. Although he didn't know why she knew this thing, he didn't doubt it in his heart. He drew out the colorful short stick and rushed towards the guy.

Of course he was afraid, but Qingfeng had been hovering between life and death these days. He already knew that these fierce monsters would kill you if you didn't kill them, so there was no place to retreat.

What's more, although this place has a great impact on cultivators, it doesn't have much impact on Qingfeng who is practicing physical skills. After all, he still has strength.

He swung the short stick and collided with the huge claw. After all, the claw of the red crocodile was made of flesh and blood, and was immediately broken by the short stick. It screamed wildly in pain.

This aroused its ferocity even more. It took out a huge bone stick from nowhere and smashed it at Qingfeng.

With a loud bang, a big pit was smashed where Qingfeng had just been.

Then the guy was like crazy, not giving Qingfeng a chance to breathe, and smashed hard at the place where he jumped down.

Qingfeng was like a flea, jumping left and right to barely avoid the guy's attack. It kept like this, and Qingfeng was also hit by tinnitus and heartbeats.

He kept dodging, but he thought in his heart that if he kept doing this, he would definitely be hit. Now it’s better to take the initiative to attack. Although this thing is powerful, it’s too big and can’t be as agile as him.

Thinking of this, he immediately seized the opportunity, jumped up, and smashed directly at its huge head.

That guy never thought that this tiny human would attack it. He didn't have time to dodge, and the huge head collided violently with Qingfeng.

Zhu Tu was still careless. He felt his head was stunned, and the brain in his head was shaken into a ball by the huge force, like a paste.

He fell back dizzy, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth and nostrils, and he died just like that.

Qingfeng was surprised. He didn't expect this guy to be so fragile. In fact, he didn't think about how fierce his attack was.

And he just happened to hit Zhu Tu's most vulnerable brain stem, so that guy died directly.

Lu Ruyan widened her beautiful eyes and walked over. She was secretly happy in her heart that she really made the right bet. With Qingfeng joining, her goal might have been achieved halfway.

Looking at the huge corpse on the ground, Qingfeng's heart moved. He didn't want to waste such a good thing in vain, so he immediately took out the stone jar and sucked it in.

Lu Ruyan saw that he actually had such a magic weapon, and her eyes lit up, and she immediately asked what it was.

After Qingfeng put away the huge body of Zhu Lu, he said mysteriously: "This thing is a divine weapon. It can't be said, it can't be said."

Lu Ruyan gave him a big eye roll. She never thought that this kid was so tight-lipped.

She also heard that there are some space-type treasures that can store some things directly into the mustard seed space. Their Demon Heaven Sect has such a treasure, called the bag of all things, which can hold all things. It is said that there is a very huge void space inside.

Presumably, his treasure should also have such an effect, but this makes Lu Ruyan a little confused. How can Qingfeng have such a treasure?

At this moment, Qingfeng has put away the stone jar. Seeing Lu Ruyan still thinking there, he can't help but laugh, thinking that this girl must be wondering what treasure his stone jar is.

Unfortunately, he couldn't tell her what this thing was, but it was better not to let her know its function. After all, this matter was of great importance, and it might not be a good thing for her if she knew it.

Fortunately, Lu Ruyan didn't ask any more questions, and the two continued to move forward. Not long after, a corpse appeared in front of them. This person was wearing a black robe, and only a white skeleton was left on his body. Lu Ruyan walked forward.

There was a magic weapon on the ground, but unfortunately, it had no effect due to its age and turned into an ordinary weapon.

The identity of the person could not be seen from the skeleton alone, so the two could only jump over it and continue to move forward. They saw many skeletons of cultivators along the way, but most of the skeletons were scattered on the ground, and they didn't know how they died.

After walking about a hundred meters, another huge corpse appeared on the ground. It was the corpse of a green-eyed toad. It looked like it had just died not long ago. The blood on its body had not yet coagulated. It seemed that it was done by the two people who came in earlier.

This was a good opportunity for Qingfeng. He put the corpse into the stone jar again.

It was unknown how big this Zhulongyuan was. There was no end to it. There was only a gray area in the distance. At this time, not long after walking, he encountered another huge monster. This thing was ten meters long and ugly. It was unknown what species it was.

After a bloody battle, Qingfeng finally succeeded in killing it, and then put it into the stone jar in the same way.

In this way, every once in a while, he would encounter a corpse or a living thing. Each body was very huge. Along the way, even if Qingfeng was in good health, he was still out of breath due to injuries.

When they killed another giant beast, Lu Ruyan suddenly said, "Hey, there's a sound of water."

The two walked towards the sound, and in a short while, they saw a place in front of them that was covered with stalactites. Countless water drops dripped from the stalactites, and the ding-dong sound was very pleasant.

"It is rumored that there are three treasures in this Candle Dragon Abyss. One of them is the ten thousand year old stone milk. Taking it can quickly improve your cultivation. If it is used to make pills, it can not only increase the success rate of the pills, but also its effectiveness is incomparable. I just don't know how lucky we are. If we can find this thing, this trip will not be in vain."

After Lu Ruyan finished speaking, her eyes were full of desire.

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