A mortal asks the heavens: I want to become an immortal

Chapter 74 Eight-winged Frost Centipede Seven-leaf Snow Lotus

Seeing the entire snow mountain begin to shake, Qingfeng didn't know why, but he thought it must be closely related to the golden throne.

Just as he was thinking about whether to escape from here, the black air suddenly disappeared, and the snow mountain stopped shaking, as if nothing had happened.

He looked around and nothing strange happened, so he was completely relieved.

But at this time he found that the wall of the deep pit was covered with a layer of ice. This ice was extremely cold, and you could feel the cold air even if you stood far away.

Seeing this scene, Qingfeng suddenly became happy. Why? Because this environment is most suitable for the growth of the seven-leaf snow lotus. Tianlai Novel Network

For a moment, all the haze in his heart was swept away. He stood on the edge of the pit and looked down. It was extremely dark inside, and he didn't know how deep it was.

But even so, he had to go down and walk. He found his colorful short stick and inserted it into the ice. Then he switched back and forth and gradually went down.

The deeper he went, the colder the ice cave became. Even if he used all his magic power, he couldn't get rid of the cold. The cold went straight into his bones, freezing him shivering.

He didn't know how deep the pit was. He walked down for an hour before he felt his feet harden and he was on the ground.

But it was pitch black and he didn't know where he was.

At this moment, he took out a bead from his body. The bead emitted a faint glow, and he could barely see things. This thing was given to him by Xu Rong. It was not a valuable thing, but just a gem that could glow.

He walked forward with the bead and found that there was another cave under the deep pit. He walked along the pit for a while, and it began to become more and more spacious.

After walking about a hundred meters, there was light overflowing in front of him, which made him very excited.

He hurried forward, and when he arrived, he saw a huge cave that was a hundred feet high, with countless cold jades inlaid on the cave wall. The cold jades emitted a green glow, which immediately illuminated the entire cave.

Seeing this scene, he understood why the pit was so cold, and it turned out that the reason was all on the cold jade.

Cold jade is a good thing, but it is very difficult to dig these things out of the wall, because this kind of wall is extremely hard, even stronger than gold and iron, and there is no need to think about it without special tools.

And the temperature here is even more needless to say, his blood was frozen.

But he still gritted his teeth and held on. Suddenly, a buzzing sound sounded. He looked forward and didn't see anything.

Just when he was confused, a ray of light came rushing in from a distance. Before he could react, his body was hit by that thing and flew out immediately.

After landing, he saw clearly that it was a flying centipede more than one meter long.

This thing was so fast that it flew over again in a blink of an eye. Qingfeng immediately raised his short stick to fight back, but this thing was so fast that he couldn't hit it.

Qingfeng was furious and attacked frantically, but he saw that the flying centipede suddenly spit out frost from its mouth and attacked Qingfeng. Qingfeng couldn't dodge in time and was about to be hit by the thing. Fortunately, at the critical moment, he waved his short stick and barely blocked the attack.

When the short stick was hit by the frost, it suddenly felt extremely cold. Qingfeng hurriedly threw it on the ground and saw that the ground was frozen together.

Qingfeng was shocked. He didn't expect that this little thing would have such a powerful magical power.

After the flying centipede spit out the cold breath, it seemed to have leaked its essence, and its speed slowed down. Qingfeng saw the opportunity and actually grabbed its tail in mid-air.

Qingfeng had no strength and immediately threw it to the ground. With a bang, its whole body was thrown limp.

The flying centipede let out a piercing scream, and then died.

Qingfeng snorted coldly and picked up the short stick on the ground. At this time, he saw that the place where it had just been sprayed had actually been frozen off. For a moment, he felt lucky. If his body had been sprayed directly, the consequences could be imagined.

He looked at the centipede on the ground, of course thinking that it should not be wasted, and threw it into the stone jar.

But before he could finish all this, a louder and more piercing squeak sounded in the cave.

Then a huge thing came in a flash. Qingfeng saw the size of the guy and almost forgot to hide. It turned out to be a flying centipede with a body length of seven or eight meters. It had eight wings on its body, and it was clearly a fourth-level monster.

Looking at its appearance again, it looked no different from the little centipede just now, and its face was equally ferocious, and the eight wings on its body indicated that this guy should be the eight-winged frost centipede.

I never thought that after beating the little one, the big one would come to take revenge, and this guy had the strength of a human foundation. Qingfeng was shocked for a moment, and didn't care about the little one's body, and hurriedly ran forward to save his life.

But the eight-winged frost centipede would never let him go. It raised its head and roared, then flapped its wings and chased Qingfeng.

Qingfeng knew that once it caught up, he would definitely be doomed, so he could only run as hard as he could, and at this moment he almost forgot the cold.

I don't know how many meters I ran, and there was a large piece of cold jade stone that was more than half a foot high in front of me. On the stone was a white snow lotus shining with a five-color halo.

Seeing this scene, Qingfeng was very excited. He hurried forward to check. This snow lotus has seven leaves. The upper half of the leaves is snow-white and the lower half is pink. It must be the seven-leaf snow lotus.

Unfortunately, before he could be happy, the eight-winged frost centipede had already chased him. Qingfeng was afraid that this thing would damage the snow lotus, so he hurried away from here.

At this moment, the eight-winged frost centipede saw that his child was beaten to death, and he had already gone crazy. He used all his strength to kill the human to avenge his child.

No matter how fast Qingfeng was, he could not outrun the eight-winged frost centipede. In a blink of an eye, he was caught up by it.

He saw that there was no way to retreat, so he could only fight it. He jumped up with a short stick and hit the centipede.

With a bang, Qingfeng was swept by the centipede's tail before he touched the centipede. He flew out and hit the rock wall directly.

The extremely hard rock wall was actually knocked out by him into a deep pit of about one meter.

He even spat out a mouthful of blood, and his entire chest was in great pain.

The eight-winged frost centipede saw this, flapped its wings, opened its huge mouthparts and bit him.

Qingfeng was seriously injured at this moment, and could not dodge, so he could only watch it bite him.

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