When Wu Gui heard this, he could only chuckle and say nothing more.

A pair of eyes rolled around, and he took out a green leather gourd.

He opened the gourd's mouth, and the gourd began to absorb the evil energy.

Unfortunately, there was not much space inside the gourd. After sucking for a while, it was filled with demonic energy.

When Ye Feiye saw this move, he didn't even laugh at him. Instead, he took out a bigger gourd and began to absorb the real demonic aura here.

Wu Gui was speechless when he saw her gourd, which was two or three times bigger than him.

Ye Feiye looked at Qingfeng and said, "It's good to release some of this true demonic energy during cultivation, so that you can improve your cultivation. You can also mix some of it when refining elixirs, which can increase the success rate of the elixirs."

Qingfeng shook his head, he still didn't need this thing, but his Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Skill unexpectedly activated itself, and he began to greedily absorb these real demonic energies on his own.

Qingfeng looked forward and said doubtfully: "What is going on? Why is there such a strong demonic energy? There must be something ahead."

At this time, Ye Feiye had already filled the gourd, and he put it away happily and said, "Maybe, maybe the thing inside is the source of the mutation under the ancestral tree."

The spirit bead emits bright light, which can only illuminate a range of more than ten feet in the thick darkness.

The three of them were together, not daring to separate for a moment, who knew if some scary monster would suddenly appear.

The further you go into this place, the more demonic energy becomes thicker.

"Hey, look carefully, there are actually transformed insects in this demonic aura." Qingfeng said suddenly while looking at the demonic aura.

Qingfeng then pointed at a bug less than a foot floating in the air in front of him.

I saw that the insect was completely black and as thick as chopsticks. Only two eyes are blood red. If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to tell what they look like, almost blending in with the demonic energy.

Wu Gui and Ye Feiye saw this thing after being reminded.

When the demonic insect saw a few people, it immediately chirped excitedly and swam towards them.

You can see that this thing's head is like a big bag with sharp teeth inside. It looks like an earthworm, but it is much scarier than an earthworm.

It opened its mouth and the teeth inside began to rotate in a spiral shape.

At this moment, it was not far away from the three of them. Suddenly it flicked its tail and flew into Wu Gui's face.

Wu Gui grabbed the object, but unexpectedly it effortlessly broke through Wu Gui's protective shield and bit him in the face.

He screamed in pain immediately.

Unfortunately, the thing's mouth was like a suction cup, sucking firmly on his face, as if half of his face would be pulled off with any force.

Then I saw its body move and start to suck Wu Gui's blood.

When Qingfeng saw this scene, he immediately pointed out a bolt of lightning and struck the insect. The insect felt pain and then let go.

Wu Gui pulled it off, and immediately started using his magic power, he crushed the insect and exploded it, and countless blood flew out.

What made people speechless was that Wu Gui's face instantly swelled up, like a pig's head.

"What's going on? My face won't be disfigured, right?" Wu Gui muttered loudly.

Qingfeng reached out and handed him a Baiqing Pill, which can cure all poisons.

Wu Gui immediately swallowed the elixir into his belly. Miraculously, the swelling on his face visibly subsided.

Seeing how miraculous the elixir was, Wu Gui hurriedly asked if Qingfeng still had it, and gave him a few more pills for future use.

Qingfeng looked at him speechlessly and told him, one thousand spiritual stones.

Wu Gui immediately stopped talking, for fear of worrying about the money for the elixir he was going to take.

At this time, black bugs kept appearing in front of them. At this moment, several people had experience and killed them immediately when they saw them.

There were more and more insects along the way, and Qingfeng had no choice but to call out the Tianjiu Fire Phoenix to protect a few people.

The fire phoenix is ​​a defensive spiritual treasure. Its body emits scorching flames. Once a demonic insect breaks into its vicinity, it will be forced back by the flames, or it will be burned and melted directly.

With the fire phoenix's defense, everyone's pace was much faster.

When they walked another hundred feet, the insects in front of them rolled into big balls one after another, rolling back and forth along the road.

Fortunately, those guys were afraid of flames and did not attack a few people. Even so, it still frightened a few of them.

Fortunately, at this time, the demonic energy in front suddenly faded, and everyone's vision became clearer.

With a splash, the sound of water sounded in front.

A few steps further, a pool of water appeared in front of me. I don't know how deep the water was. The water in it was all blood red. It didn't look like it was blood water, because the blood red water didn't have any blood at all. the breath.

This is strange. Several people wanted to fly over the pool, but as soon as they took a step forward, there was a huge pressure in front of them, which made it impossible for them to get into the air at all. Even if they walked forward, they couldn't. To withstand tremendous pressure.

There was no choice but to cross the water. For safety reasons, Qingfeng walked in front. If anything happened, he could handle it.

To their surprise, the water in the pool was not deep. It only reached the waist and remained like this. The front seemed to be very flat.

Suddenly, there was a splashing sound in the water, which made people startled. Ye Feiye and Wu Gui followed Qingfeng closely, fearing that something would suddenly emerge from the water.

The sound of the rushing water was getting closer and closer, and ripples were slowly spreading in the water.

The three of them stopped and wanted to see what it was.

Soon the ripples stopped, and then a human face appeared in the water, a woman's face. This face was extremely beautiful, but behind the head was a thick and long snake body.

The blood-red snake body gave people a very stunning visual feeling.

The woman looked at the three people, and there was a puzzled look on her face. Then she asked the three people: "What are you doing here? This is not a place you can come to. Go back quickly."

Her voice was gentle and slightly magnetic.

Qingfeng said: "Why, who are you, and where is this place."

The woman was not angry, but said: "This is a place to subdue demons. I am responsible for guarding here. No one is allowed to enter. Otherwise, I will kill you without mercy."

The woman said this as if it was a very easy thing.

Qingfeng and the others looked at each other, and they all saw shock in their eyes, yes shock.

Because this woman was too strange, as if she was talking about something very easy.

Qingfeng saw her frowning, and after thinking for a while he said, "Let's just go over and see if there's anything unusual here."

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