At this time, the white tiger continued, "I'll give you one more chance, otherwise I'll search your soul."

The old demon sighed and said, "I only saw a few big demons taking away a person wearing the same clothes as you, and I don't know where they went."

"Hmph, if you had said it earlier, why would you have caused such a killing."

The old demon remained silent, and no one knew what he was thinking.

At this moment, the white tiger suddenly grabbed the old demon with a claw, clasped it on the top of its head, and actually used the soul-searching method.

The old demon was shocked and angry and said, "You don't keep your word."

The white tiger snorted coldly and said, "I see that you look suspicious and uncertain, and you must be hiding something from us. And let me tell you, we are disciples of the Demon Sect, and our words are never counted."

"Ah..." The old demon kept screaming.

After a while, Baihu threw the old demon who had fainted from the pain to the ground and said to the people around him: "This guy did not lie. It seems that Zhuque should have been captured, but this guy did not tell the truth. Those who captured Zhuque should be the subordinates of Jiutou Niao. It seems that they want to use Zhuque to revive something. This means that Zhuque is in danger."

At this point, he waved his hand and ended the old demon's life.

At this moment, Xuanwu stood up and said: "I don't know where this guy Zhulong went. I forgot to leave a special way to find him with him. Now it is almost impossible to find him in this vast demon domain."

Baihu nodded and said: "It's more important to find Zhuque now, otherwise I'm afraid her life will be in danger."

With that, several people flew away.

Qingfeng and others were flying deeper into the demon domain according to the memory of the fox.

The seven sons of Shangqing Palace had just killed a demon, but unfortunately, the only female disciple was captured by another demon.

This made several people extremely angry. Ling Xiaozi said angrily: "We must save the third brother and kill the monster."

Looking at the monster area again, women were robbed by monsters from time to time, which made people panic.

A few days later, Qingfeng and his party finally came to the foot of a high mountain.

The fox demon told Qingfeng that this mountain was called Black Rock Mountain, and this was the old nest of the nine-headed bird.

Now you can see that the whole mountain is bare, and there are waves of destructive power everywhere. This can also show how tragic and powerful the battle was that year.

But since we are here, of course everyone will not give up. We will continue to go up and move forward along the mountain path. The more we go up, the weaker the destructive power will be.

Until halfway up the mountain, the power disappeared completely, which made people speechless. According to normal reason, it should be more powerful as we go up.

Although I don’t understand the reason, Qingfeng naturally doesn’t think much about it.

But all the way up, everything was clear at a glance, and there was no difference, let alone the nest of the nine-headed bird.

Just when Qingfeng was worried, there was a bang in front of him, and a beam of light shot up to the sky on the other side of the mountain.

Everyone hurried to the mountain, and at the top of the mountain, there were already many people watching in the valley a few miles away.

Qingfeng looked over and saw that there were many righteous disciples among them.

After a while, there were several golden lights rushing in from the horizon. When those golden lights were not far away, Qingfeng recognized that they were the twelve holy warriors wearing golden holy clothes.

Just as more and more people came, the earth began to tremble constantly, and finally there was another loud bang, and there was a roar in the valley.

The people surrounding the valley kept retreating, and heard another crackling sound in the valley, and the earth actually split to both sides, revealing a huge deep pit.

Just when everyone was confused, there was a flash of light in the deep pit, and something flew up.

It got closer and closer, and the thing finally rushed out of the deep pit.

The next moment, everyone saw that it was a nine-story altar, each floor was three feet high, and each floor was smaller than the previous one.

Looking at it again, there were countless runes and demon characters engraved on each floor, and countless big demon patterns were carved.

The most eye-catching thing was that at the edge of the top layer of the altar, there were a total of twelve columns standing on it, and a woman was tied to each column.

All these women fainted, and Qingfeng looked over, and suddenly his eyes showed an extremely excited look.

Why, because he actually saw Yu Zixin on the altar, and for a moment he was furious.

In the center of the altar, there was a blood-colored sphere about ten feet in size, which was constantly rotating slowly, emitting a burst of extremely strong power.

Seeing this scene, countless people exclaimed in anger.

Because the people on the altar are all the best of the major forces.

The Seven Sons of Shangqing Palace, the accompanying disciples, and the Twelve Saint Warriors of the Demon Immortal Sect all had anger in their eyes at this time.

At this moment, several lights flashed underground, and several monsters jumped directly from underground to the altar.

Those monsters looked inconspicuous and extremely old.

Among them was the black-mouthed fox that kidnapped Yu Zixin, and a Qiongqi. Both of them were human-bodied monsters, and they were very old.

Behind them were several young and strong monsters.

Some had pig heads, some had tiger heads, and one looked very fierce, and some looked like crocodile heads.

At this moment, a roar came from the deep pit, and then a giant snake that was a hundred feet long rushed out of the hole. This guy was actually a hundred feet long, with puffs growing out of his cheeks, and a pair of blood-red eyes. It turned out to be A repair snake.

As soon as the snake came out, it raised its head and roared, and then it sprayed a stream of hot flames at the blood-red sphere in the middle of the altar.

The blood-red sphere was sprayed by the flames, as if it was instantly activated.

Then twelve tentacles branched out from the sphere and shot towards those people.

The sound of banging and banging kept sounding, and the bloody tentacles sucked on their bodies.

At this moment, countless dark clouds suddenly rolled in the sky, and the sound of thunder roared in the sky, as if the end of the world was about to come.

But Qingfeng frowned, and he clenched his fist tightly, and you could see the veins emerging from the fist.

He was very nervous, but he didn't dare to take action rashly for fear of hurting Yu Zi's heart.

At this time, the face of the fox demon next to him changed drastically and said: "It's him, the scum of our Sky Fox clan. It was he who betrayed the entire Sky Fox clan and attracted the nine-headed bird. That's why our clan was exterminated." .

Unexpectedly, it is still alive in the world after so many years. It is really unfair. "

Qingfeng didn't care about these things at the moment. He asked: "What should I do? What is that thing? Will it hurt those people."

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