The Evil Sword Immortal's nose flapped, and his eyes suddenly lit up as he said, "Good wine, really good wine. What's the wine in that gourd in your hand?"

Qingfeng smiled calmly and said: "The one in your hand is Monkey Wine, and this is Baiguo Wine. Although the two are slightly similar, they are very different. Only by tasting them can you know the taste."

Having said this, he stopped talking and threw the gourd wine in his hand to the Evil Sword Immortal.

Evil Sword Immortal took it, opened the stopper of the gourd, smelled it, and kept sighing: "Not bad, not bad, it is indeed a good wine. Since you and I are so destined, let's have a good time drinking and chatting."

Qingfeng asked Qixie to quickly prepare food and drinks, and the two of them headed to the still intact main hall in the Valley of the Wicked.

Guixin Shu looked at all this with confusion.

But he thought in his heart, what happened to the Seven Evils and Five Jue, they actually listened to Qingfeng's words.

He really couldn't figure out how many things happened during the time he was unconscious.

He wanted to find someone to ask, but unfortunately those guys were silent when they saw him, and looked at him like a dead relative, which made him even more confused.

For now, he could only think about the future and ask Qingfeng what happened.

In the main hall, delicious food was served on the table in a blink of an eye.

Qingfeng and Xie Jianxian sat on both sides.

Qingfeng looked at the Evil Sword Immortal and said with emotion: "I can't believe that I, Qingfeng, have the honor to drink at the same table with such a peerless Sword Immortal like you. It's such an honor."

The Evil Sword Immortal smiled and said: "You kid, why do you have to belittle yourself? I just saw your momentum in overcoming the tribulation, and I knew that you are not an ordinary person."

As soon as he said this, the door was pushed open and another person walked in. This person was none other than the young monk Yi Nian.

He looked at the two of them and recited the Buddha's name: "Amitabha. I wonder if I can drink with you."

The Evil Sword Immortal looked at Yi Nian, and couldn't help but a glint flashed in his eyes: "Hey, you are not a simple little monk. You look just a little bit bigger, but your cultivation is unfathomable. Even I can't see through it. You Who is it?"

The monk's eyes were extremely pure, and there was no trace of fear on his face.

Just listen to him slowly say: "I am me, who else could I be? My name is Yi Nian."

"One thought!" Evil Sword Immortal muttered.

Qingfeng stood up at this time and said: "I thought, you are a monk and you can drink wine and eat meat."

"Amitabha, wine and meat have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha's heart remains. As long as there is a Buddha in your heart, why care about these little bits and pieces."

Qingfeng was speechless after saying this. This guy was similar to the Three Treasures.

So he took out another luminous cup and put it on the table.

The Evil Sword Immortal didn't say much, but there was confusion in his eyes. Even in his long life, he had never seen such a young cultivator with such terrifying cultivation.

The monk looked at him and said: "My fellow Taoist, why are you so persistent? I see that you have countless sword techniques, but unfortunately they are extremely complicated. Although many sword techniques are supreme secrets, it is a pity that you still don't have one in the end." His own sword intention.

This is not good, so you will never be able to break through yourself and reach the highest secret of Sword Immortal. "

Hearing what the monk said, the Evil Sword Immortal couldn't help but be stunned. He pointed at Yi Nian and said, "You, how do you know that?"

The monk smiled calmly and said: "I, the monk, are born with a wise eye, and I can see all the phenomena in the world. However, with all the minds in the world, nothing can escape my wise eye."

The Evil Sword Immortal looked at him for a moment, and suddenly said with a serious face: "I have no respect, I, the Evil Sword Immortal, have wielded the sword Tianya. I have fought countless large and small battles. I don't know how many people I have tried the sword with, and I have learned countless mysterious swords." Jue, it's a pity that as you said, I haven't created my own sword yet.

It's not that I don't want to create sword moves, it's just that I have learned too many sword skills, which has also formed a fetter on me, making it impossible for me to get rid of their shadow. It's really embarrassing to say it. "

Yi Nian poured a glass of wine by himself, took a sip and said, "Good wine."

Then he looked at the Evil Sword Immortal and said, "No one else but me, your heart is your sword."

The hand of the Evil Sword Immortal holding the wine glass trembled slightly. He looked at Yi Nian with admiration in his eyes.

He raised his glass and said, "Disrespectful, disrespectful. Listening to your words is worth thousands of years of practice."

Monk Yi Nian looked at him and said: "Why do you belittle yourself so much? It's just that you have been entangled in the sword intention, but you have forgotten why you chose to practice swordsmanship in the first place.

Since you have forgotten your original purpose, you have fallen into a strange situation. Perhaps only when you break away from that state can you fully realize your unique sword intention. "

"Haha, hahaha, I really didn't expect that this trip to me, Evil Sword Immortal, is really not in vain. Monk Yi Nian, this time I, Evil Sword Immortal, owe you a favor. Please ask me if you need me in the future. "

"Amitabha, it's fate that you and I met each other, so why do you care so much about it?"

"Okay, okay, you monk is still open-minded. Come on, let's have three drinks together."

The Evil Sword Immortal is both good and evil, but his personality is particularly cheerful.

The three of them chatted, and the Evil Sword Immortal also told them many secrets and strange things.

And he also told the two of them that he was an outgoing person by nature, and he was happy and angry, so he didn't like to be controlled by others, and he offended many people because of this.

But he dared to guarantee that at least he had never killed a good person by mistake. He had his reasons for killing people, but some things could not be explained, and he was too lazy to explain to others in the end, so everyone called him evil.

Of course, he didn't care about these things. Whether it was good or evil, at their point, they didn't care much about reputation.

Several people simply didn't talk about this, but just talked about everything happily.

The wine must be dispersed. Before leaving, Xie Jianxian patted Qingfeng's shoulder and told him that it was enough to have one confidant in life, but today he got two.

He only regretted that they met too late.

Qingfeng also liked Xie Jianxian's free and easy personality. Qingfeng told him that he could come to the Demon Immortal Sect to find him if he had anything in the future.

Xie Jianxian told him that he usually practiced on the Sunset Island on the top of the sea. If he passed by there, he could look for him.

Several people waved goodbye. This world is so big, and they don't know if they will meet again in the future.

At the same time, in Tianlong Temple, in a Buddhist hall that had been closed for many years.

An old monk with wrinkles on his face suddenly opened his blurry eyes.

He suddenly murmured: "Hey, I am a Buddhist disciple who was born into the world. It's really strange. Why is there no warning from the Ruyi Bell for such a grand event?"

He thought for a moment, and then he saw him raise his hands and draw a circle in the air.

The circle turned into a transparent lens as soon as it was formed, and then a picture appeared in the mirror. In the dark devilish energy, a pure white lotus grew in it.

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