Chen Xin's whole body was not well. He seemed very confused when he heard what the man in front of him said to the teacher.

What's the meaning?

Since when did I get so shy, you obviously stuffed this thing in for me from the outside!

How can you defile people's innocence out of thin air?

"Teacher, I don't have it. It's not mine. They stuffed it in for me from the outside!"

Chen Xin naturally couldn't accept Zhou Fan's frame, so he immediately opened his mouth to defend himself.

But he only has one mouth, so how can he cope with Zhou Fan's so many mouths?

Ning Wu has long been disgusted with him, Class 4 is obviously behind this time, but he just wants to play a scoundrel, especially this kid in front of him.

The others came out one by one after the classmates from Class Five knocked on the door.

Only this kid has been stuck in it, Zhou Fan knocked so many times in a row but still won't open.

So after hearing Chen Xin's explanation, Ning Wu spoke immediately.

"What do you mean? You mean we framed you?"

"Such a big comic book, our fifth class will bring it here to deliberately frame you? Your reason for evading is too far-fetched!"

"And you are suspicious of my brother Zhou? Do you know what state my brother Zhou is in now? Will you frame you?"

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to stare at Chen Xin with contempt.

As for Lu Chen and Xiao Xiaohuo, they also quickly spoke up.

"Chen Xin, you did what you did. If you dare to wrong my brother Zhou, I want to see if your Chen family will keep you!"

"Is this the Chen family? That's all."

"Admit it if you have the ability, and accept the punishment frankly!"

Chen Xin looked at everyone with grievances, his eyes were full of grievances, he was from the Chen family.

Although he is just a side branch in the Chen family, and a side branch with not very good cultivation talent, but even so, there are still not many people in this school who treat him like this.

But at this time, he was really wronged by a person, and there happened to be someone in his team who he couldn't afford to offend.

"Teacher, don't listen to them. I never did that. After I entered the training room, I couldn't afford to practice. How could I watch this kind of thing?"

"Teacher, you trust me!"

Chen Xin continued to explain.

This caused the teacher's face to change slightly, he frowned, and looked at Zhou Fan again.

He also felt that Chen Xin shouldn't do this.

But he also felt that it was impossible for Zhou Fan to carry a copy of such comics with him to frame others,

So he couldn't decide for a while.

But at this moment, Zhou Fan interjected: "Teacher, the time has almost passed now, I don't think there is any need to pursue this matter further."

"Teacher, let's just pretend that this incident didn't happen. Our fifth class is now focused on practicing, and we really don't want to waste our training time on such things."

Zhou Fan's words seemed dignified, and they also meant to speak for Chen Xin.

When the words fell to the ground, Chen Xin looked at Zhou Fan gratefully, and thanked Zhou Fan with his eyes.

But Xiao Xiaohuo, who really understands Zhou Fan, secretly rejoices in his heart, Brother Zhou is obviously retreating to advance.

Sure enough, when the teacher heard Zhou Fan's words, he immediately relaxed his brows and became strict.

He analyzed that Zhou Fan spoke for Chen Xin in this way, and Zhou Fan was practicing hard at this time, so he was already a student of Qi Refining Realm.

It was impossible to carry a dirty comic with him, so Chen Xin was identified.

He looked at Chen Xin, looking a little scary.

"The school emphasized repeatedly, but you didn't abide by it at all, and you were still watching in the training room. This is really ashamed of the school's teachings!"

"I'll hand over this manga to the head teacher of your fourth class later, and you can figure it out yourself then!"

He severely criticized Chen Xin, and then looked at Zhou Fan kindly.

"Student Zhou, go and see now, see who else from Class 4 has not come out, I will go directly to open the door."

"If everyone has come out, then everyone will go in and practice by themselves, and I will go to the control room!"

"Well, I'll go see it right away."

Zhou Fan nodded, smiling and polite.

Then he turned around immediately, inspected the room, and after confirming that all the people in Class 4 had come out, he came back and reported to the teacher.

After the teacher leaves.

Xiao Xiaohuo looked at Zhou Fan and smiled.

"Brother Zhou, it's really you. Chen Xin is really suffering."

"It's okay, I'm just teaching him a random lesson."

Zhou Fan replied calmly.

Ning Wu and Shang Tao both looked at Zhou Fan in surprise when they heard the conversation between Xiao Xiaohuo and Zhou Fan.

"Brother Zhou, you stuffed that comic into it?"

"This is too beautiful, I saw that kid Chen Xin was about to shed tears, hahaha."

But the doubts in Xiao Xiaohuo's heart have not completely disappeared. He looked at Zhou Fan curiously: "Brother Zhou, I know what you are talking about, but what I want to know is, why do you carry a book like this with you?" comics?"

It stands to reason that Brother Zhou should be carrying a book on cultivation of common sense. How could he carry such a comic?

This is obviously not in line with Brother Zhou's character.

Ning Wu and Shang Tao also looked at Zhou Fan.

Hearing this question, Zhou Fan paused for a moment, then shook his head.

"Because of cultivation."

"You think I'm looking at those white jade rabbits inside?"

"Wrong, what I look at is just a piece of colored paper, what I hone is my will, and this is also a way of my cultivation."

After speaking, Zhou Fan directly entered the first training room, and then closed the door.

Ning Wu: "..."

Shang Tao: "..."

Ning Wu: "He seems to be bragging again."

Shang Tao: "No way, he doesn't brag, the sun is probably coming out from the west."

Xiao Xiaohuo: "What's the matter with you two? Do you even doubt Brother Zhou's words?"

Xiao Xiaohuo frowned and looked at Ning Wu and Shang Tao, and was a little unhappy about what he said.

When Ning Wu and Shang Tao heard his words, they both turned to look at Xiao Xiaohuo.

"You don't believe me, do you?"

"Of course, Brother Zhou's words can still be false?"

Ning Wu: "..."

Shang Tao: "..."

The layout of the practice room is very simple, just lay a mat on the floor, and every student who comes in to practice can just meditate directly on it.

Of course, you can also lie on it and sleep.

But no one would do this, because for all the students, it was a one-month opportunity to enter the practice room provided by the spirit gathering array, and they were not willing to waste a minute or a second.

Only Zhou Fan is an exception.

After closing the door, Zhou Fan lay down comfortably.

Cultivation is simply impossible.

Anyway, there is no monitoring here, so no one can find out that he is lazy.

Originally, Zhou Fan could still read manga, but Chen Xin contributed the manga because of his lesson.

So Zhou Fan has no choice but to play with his mobile phone. Find some electronic version to have a look, and choose one from a dozen or so websites.

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