A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 157 - GOF (XX) & Loose Ends (I)...

[POV Reo(Edgar)]

I silently watched as the rat Pettigrew made his way towards the end of the wards. I also brought the invisibility cloak with me because I was having a stakeout... and it isn't a stakeout if the person you are watching notices you.​​

I slowly pointed my finger out of the cloak towards the rat Animagus. As soon as the rat left the protection of the wards a stunning spell was fired from my finger towards the rat. The rat didn't even notice the red spell flying towards him and dropped stunned on the ground.

I grabbed the rat and Flash Stepped away from the Mansion. I appeared inside a forest and threw the rat on the ground and took off my invisibility cloak. I shot the rat with Animagus reversal spell and the rat immediately transformed into Pettigrew. Now that I am seeing him up close he has become much more uglier.

I quickly bound the ugly rat man and revived him. Pettigrew immediately gasped when he saw Dark Lord Magneto standing in front of him.

"Please! Please let me go! I didn't do anything!" the rat-man started to beg. He was truly a coward... I didn't even ask him a single fucking thing and he started to beg. He would grovel too if only he could move.

"Don't worry... I will definitely let you go" I said. This made the rat-man ease up quite a bit but I am sure that he would attack me given any chance. Last time when I kept him in my castle and used him as a Guinea pig to learn Leglimency... I had carefully modified his memories so that he won't remember anything about me or getting tortured in my dungeons.

"But I need to know what your master is planning... so please bear with me" I said in a gentle tone but it seemed to scare the rat-man even more. "Legilimens" I said while pointing my finger towards him. His shields were kind of pathetic... but so, I feel everyone's shields are pathetic. I ripped into his mind without any mercy and shuffled through all the plans Babymort has shared with him.

Currently, Babymort hasen't told the rat all of his plans but he has told him that he needed his father's bones for his resurrection. He has also told the rat about how to make Potter take the cup. Currently Potter was 2nd on the points table following behind Roxanne Ravenclaw so Peter has to get a portkey on Potter before he enters the maze. This was a backup plan if Potter wasn't the one who would pick up the cup. They could easily deal with the winner.

I finally finished reading his mind and saw that even though a lot of things have changed Babymort was still going to follow some similar plans to the original story. The rat man was on the ground writhing in pain.

I crouched beside Pettigrew and slowly modified his memory before letting him go. I had to slightly heal him to so that Babymort doesn't gets suspicious. By the time Pettigrew returns to Babymort he would be completely healed. I saw Pettigrew transform into rat again before running off to complete his master's task.

Now what? I have completed the task and I have about 4 hours left... I contemplated for a few minutes before nodding my head. Yes, I could do that... no need to keep enemies alive who can be dangerous for you. With this thought, I apparated to Spinner's End. I don't know if Snape has turned a new leaf or not but he is Dumbledore's supporter and the first person who Nemuri had asked me to kill. So, obviously I was going to do it... even though it was quite late but Snape didn't have any use now.

And as a matter of me killing a good person, I never thought about that before, so, I am not going to do that now. My motto is simple... if you attack my family then you are my enemy, no matter if you are a good person or bad person. Even if someday Amelia would attack my family... she would also be treated like my enemy.

Because of my power I already knew that he was in his house. Even if he is under Fidelius spell, it only makes his house invisible. My powers can easily sense him. I quickly activated the heat vision spell and found Snape was brewing a potion. I used my power on his blood and he immediately dropped on the floor while screaming and clutching his chest.

I casted a strong notice-me-not charm around the house, after all, what I was going to do is going to be messy. I blasted the wall of his house with Bombarda Maxima. Using the heat vision spell I could easily see his house and it's structure. The whole side wall was blown apart because of the spell... only now I noticed that I was looking at the house from a side.

"Well... well... well... who do we have here... the slimy Snapey... or should I call you Snivellus" I said while entering the house. Snape was in no condition to answer me because his own blood was his enemy and because of it he was feeling an unbearable pain in his chest. I finally stopped using my power and Snape laid flat on the floor gasping for breadths.

"Snivellus... your time has come today..." I was cut off when Snape pulled out his wand to attack me. I already knew that he was acting and wanted a chance to attack... that is why I began to speak with Snivellus... so that he would think that I have lowered my guard and he would attack.

But unfortunately for Snivellus I was already aware of his plan. As soon as, he pulled his wand... a well placed reducto from my finger blew apart his wand along with his right hand upto his wrist. For a few seconds Snape didn't notice what happened until he looked at his wand hand.

"Aaarrrgghhhhh" Snape grabbed his arm and screamed in pain. I let him stay there and casted anti-apparation and anti-portkey wards so that he can't run away. I casually strolled in the room looking around...

"I am quite impressed... you have some really rare ingredients here. If you don't mind me asking... can you tell me what potions can you make?" I asked in tone like Snape was my friend. Snape has stopped screaming and looked at me with utter fury in his eyes... I didn't mind that.

"Well, I guess you are silent kind of person. No problem" I said while nodding to myself and I finally turned towards Snape who finally got up from the floor.

"Oh no... you can't get up... you must stay on the floor... let me help you" I said in a cheerful voice. "Crucio" I said pointing my finger twoards him. Snape's eyes grew wide in fear but he was unable to dodge and was hit by the spell.

Snape dropped on the floor and started to scream in pain and roll on the floor. After a minute of the curse I finally lifted it up.

"I got bored... Legilimens" I said and rammed on his mental shields. I have to say... after Dumbles his mental shields were the strongest... his shields were able to stop me for a few seconds before I blew them apart. I immediately started to look for any memories related to Order of Phoenix and Snake face.

Just like I have thought... Snape was a vile piece of shit. Yes, he was definitely manipulated by Dumbles to join Snake Face. I also saw how Dumbles arranged Snape to be there when he would make Trelawney recite the first part of the prophecy. Then how Dumbles played on his emotions and made him become a spy... even though there were a lot of manipulations done by Dumbles but it didn't change the fact that Snape was an evil fucker.

He r@ped every redheads he found during his raids. It was disgusting that he used glamour to make that girl look like Lily Potter and if the girl or woman had a husband or boyfriend then he used to glamour him to make him look like James Potter and made him watch while he r@ped the girl.

This sick piece of shit has even killed babies to just get some rare potion ingredients to work with. He didn't ask Voldemort to spare Lily but make her his sex slave... wow... just wow. And it wasn't that he has stopped r@ping redheads now that Voldemort wasn't here. He still did that but he did it very discreetly.

"You are one sick piece of shit" I said and continued to rip apart his mind for the location of Ol Twinkles and he didn't disappoint me. Snape was the secret keeper and I found him telling the secret to Molly Weasley... I also saw the house. Even if I am unable to break the charm like this... I would still be able to find the place because I have seen the surroundings and found the general location.

"Ah... if you don't mind, I will be killing you. This is nothing personal you see but someone asked me too... and if I don't avenge those women... then, even a guy like me would feel really bad. Now... everything isn't going to be bad... you are going to die with the thing you love most" I said in a happy tone. Snape was so disoriented that he wasn't even able to look straight.

I conjured several chains and bound Snape tightly then conjured a couldron. I put Snape inside the Cauldron and filled the cauldron with water using Augmenati.

"Now, be a good boy and stay there... happy journey" I said and lit up fire beneath the cauldron. All the time Snape was looking at me with a horrified expression and kept shaking his head. Snape finally gathered his wits and started to scream... I didn't want him to make noise so I hit him with a silencing charm.

"Goodbye Snivellus" With that I left his house while he was getting boiled in the cauldron... that was cruel I know... but I can't say that I felt bad for him...

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