A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 176 - Reasons & Chat With Ancient One (I)

A/N: Some characters you love might be insulted by MC's girls but you have to understand they have never seen the movies and they treat them how they see them.


[SHIELD Headquarters, New York]

"Agent Romanoff, what exactly happened out there?" Fury asked in an indifferent tone. Even though he was currently looking completely neutral, he was really angry.

Natasha didn't know what to do, her position in SHIELD was never good. She knew very well that she didn't hold any actual value to them. She knew that they were just using her skill sets and the moment she became useless they were going to put a bullet in her head.

(A/N: Natasha has joined SHIELD for only four years. Clint Barton was sent by Nick Fury to kill Natasha Romanoff in 1998 but Barton was able to persuade Natasha to join SHIELD instead. But the higher-ups along with Nick doesn't trust her enough. Yes, this might make it slightly AU but this scenario is quite possible if you think about it)

So, she decided to tell the truth after all she gained nothing from hiding anything. But she would never accept that she thought that the woman was her Mistress. Yes, she was taking that secret to her grave. Even though she was really angry at the woman but she was also curious about the method the woman used.

Natasha wasn't loyal to SHIELD but had no other choice after all she was only alive because she was working for them. Natasha was definitely loyal to her friend Clint Barton who gave her a chance to join SHIELD but that won't mean much if SHIELD deemed her useless.

So, Natasha did what she could and told everything that happened in the bar. Fury's face contorted in displeasure. It was quite clear to Natasha that she was being blamed for this mess as all the other Agents have been dismissed. Fury was really displeased hearing the report because they didn't get a single thing after investing so many resources.

"So, you are saying that the woman could make any of my men her personal flying monkeys on a whim?" Fury asked Natasha with worry clear on his face.

"Yes, I don't know what she did, but as soon as I reached for my gun it happened" Natasha said making her point.

"Sir, she also knew my name and about SHIELD" Natasha continued, she just wanted to lessen the blame as much as she could. Fury didn't look happy at all. Well, Fury was never happy obviously.

"Coulson, did we find the account from which the money was sent?" after thinking for a few seconds Fury spoke to Agent Coulson.

"No, sir. All of our experts are banging their heads… they are saying that they have never seen anything like this. Even when they were waiting for the transaction to start they weren't able to track down the account from where the money was coming from" Coulson said and showed Fury the report.

"Agent Romanoff you are dismissed!" Fury dismissed Natasha who left the room.

While this was happening in the SHIELD HQ, the main culprit behind this was happily making her next plans. She was using the laptop made by Momo and Fleur to watch the whole meeting and she has to say she was quite impressed with this Natasha Romanoff. After the meeting in the pub, she had dug deep into Natasha's files and found that SHIELD didn't trust her at all. She pitied the woman but didn't have any personal feelings for the woman.

[POV Nemuri]

I snorted in amusement when I saw what Fury and his pet Coulson were chatting about. They were planning to remove Romanoff from the case and they have decided to put someone named Barton on it.

I pulled up his files and saw everything I needed to see, as long as they are human it won't be a problem for me to deal with them. I chuckled when I heard how they are planning to seal up the companies I have bought. According to them, I have bought 2 companies in New York and they are going to close it down. They are really naïve if they think it was all I have done.

Those companies were just distractions while I bought more shares from the bigger companies. Now, they can close all the small companies they want but they won't be able to close the larger companies or industries from where most of my money was coming from.

These fools call themselves the best spying organization when I am playing them like fools. I am purposefully leaving trails so that they think that I am doing these things in New York but the truth was I was using the shell companies to buy shares and companies throughout the whole country. I know someone was going to notice this but it was going to be too late for them.

"Muhahaha!!!!" I laughed out loud thinking about my evil plans. But a pillow was slammed into my face.

"Shut up ya pervert!" Dora screamed and hit me with another pillow.

"Tonks, how many times do I have to tell you that I am a Super Pervert! Whatever I was making plans, your clumsy brain won't understand" I deadpanned.

"So, what kind of evil plans were you making?" Dora asked looking curious.

"Just how to collapse this country's economy" I said with a straight face. Dora looked at me skeptically.

"Um, why are you doing that?" but this time it was Momo who asked me the question. Before I could answer Luna chimed in from the side.

"It must be done… it would be much easier for Reo to make a safe haven for mutants like this" Luna said and went back to watching cartoons.

"Well, there was that, I knew that to complete Reo's mission, we would need a huge place but there were several problems with that. If Reo wanted he could have bought a small island for the starters but it wouldn't have worked like that. After all, most of the countries are trying to get rid of the mutants but there are some who are willing to experiment on them to find all their secrets. So, if we got all the mutants in a single place then we would become easy targets" I said with a sad smile on my face.

"After Reo, left me this" I said showing them the laptop. "I dived into research and what I found disgusted me. All of you think that the Witch Hunts were bad? Then you haven't seen what they have done with the mutants" I said in a solemn tone.

"You must be joking, right?" Fleur asked me.

"I hope I was, but all these governments are just trying to gain control over these mutants so that they can weaponize them" I said and the girls looked really sad.

"So, you are trying to destroy this country's economy so that they would be unable to go after the place we built for the mutants?" Momo asked.

"Yes, that was the plan, we already know that you can't raise wars with empty pockets" I said with a smile remembering my time in the HP World.

"But then, we would need to collapse the economy of all the strong countries" Fleur said.

"I already have a plan for that, this world runs on a very delicate balance, and if one link of this balance breaks then the whole system would collapse" I said with an evil grin on my face.

"Then, show us. We will also help you. After all, we can't allow the depraved pervert to do all the hard work" Rumi spoke up for the first time in the entire conversation. Even though she called me a depraved pervert I didn't mind… because I was pervert and proud!

A huge grin appeared on my face because I am so lucky to have sisters like them…

[Xavier Mansion, New York]

While the girls were making their plans for world domination Reo was having his meeting with Ancient One. After Ancient One greeted Reo he didn't know what to do or how to start the conversation. After all, he had attacked the Ancient One.

It was the same case with Ancient One, she had expected some kind of attack. Any normal human or mutant would have a hole in their body because of the lightning bolt but she hadn't thought anything beyond a greeting. She was also nervous… she knew that this being in front of her was way stronger than her and she has no confidence to imprison him in the Mirror Dimension.

"Who are you?" While Ancient One was busy with her thoughts, he decided to ask the million-dollar question. Even though he knew who she was… he couldn't just blurt it out.

Reo had no idea what Ancient One was thinking so he decided to take a risk and used Legilimency but he didn't know she had any kind of mental barriers or not so he decided to only read the surface thoughts and found that it worked. He found that Ancient One was quite worried about him. She also feared him… this confused Reo but he wouldn't waste a chance like this…

"I am known as the Ancient One, I am the Sorcerer Supreme, I protect Earth from the threats of different realms" Ancient One introduced herself but Reo decided to ask the most important question in this situation.

"Why are you bald?" Reo asked, he always wanted to know the reason, it wasn't his fault…

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