A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 185 - Aftermath & Boat Ride...

A/N: For those who don't know what Fire-Sale is. I have previously mention Fire Sale from Die Hard 4.0 to avoid misunderstanding but still I will explain.

A Fire Sale is an all-out cyber-warfare attack that performs a three-stage systematic attack on a nation's computer infrastructure. Hackers called it Fire Sale because "Everything must go".​​

Three Stages of A Fire Sale

Stage 1: Shutting down all transportation systems; such as traffic lights, railroad lines, subway system and airport systems.

Stage 2: Disable the financial systems; including Wall Street, banks and financial records.

Stage 3: Turning off public utility systems, such as electricity, gas lines, telecommunications and satellite systems.


[POV Natasha]

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in some kind of hotel room… my memory seemed to be quite fuzzy. What the hell happened? I felt really weak… I checked my pillow and found my gun missing. Yeah, something is definitely wrong. I tried to sit up but a groan came out of my mouth unwillingly, it fucking hurts!

"I was waiting for you to wake up. Hello, my name is Luna Lovegood" a chirpy blonde woman came into my view and introduced herself. I saw the girl and memories started to flash through my mind. Another groan escaped my mouth when I finally remembered what happened.

My hands instinctively went towards my stomach to check my wound. What I found surprised me completely… this must be a dream, I just found a scar mark where I was stabbed and nothing more. How many days I have been out??

"Oh, don't worry Nemuri healed you, she was quite diligent" the girl who has introduced herself as Luna said to me. Nemuri?? Does she mean Fox? Is that her name… I remember Luna too… she was sleeping along with that man.

"Do you mean Fox? How long was I out?" my usual skills kicked in. Luna seemed kind of friendly and innocent so I decided to get as much as information I can before Fox or that man comes in.

"Yes, her real name is Nemuri though and you have been out for about 3 hours" Luna said with a dreamy look on her face. I started to check the room… I wanted to see if there was something in the room that I could use for my escape but I froze when she told me that I was only out for three hours… that is not possible!!

"Don't need to look so surprised… magic is capable of wonderful things. And someone like Nemuri could easily heal you, after all, you were just stabbed" Luna spoke with a huge smile on her face. Did she just say magic?? Like real-life magic? Not like the card tricks on the streets?? I wanted to scoff at Luna but I still remembered how Nemuri's ears and tails appeared as soon as we arrived in the room.

"Where am I?" I asked Luna who just smiled at me while looking outside.

"We are currently in Madagascar" I didn't expect Luna to answer with her facial expression but she did answer me.

I laid in the room and looked around still looking for something I could use but I don't think that I will able to run with my weak body. And where would I go after getting away from here? SHIELD will hunt me down with all their might after all I was on a black op and we failed the mission. Its not like anyone else would be alive… I am only alive because Nemuri or Fox saved me.

And if I hurt Luna, Fox will hunt me down but this time it will be for vengeance. I almost died once and I would do anything to not feel like that again. My eyes shot towards the door as soon as I heard the door open. Fox or Nemuri walked in along with the man I saw on the bed with Luna.

"Oh… look who is awake?" Nemuri spoke in an excited voice.

"We have rested enough, and I don't think the President would feel merciful for any longer" the man said in a dry tone. The man didn't feel like anything dangerous… I felt more danger from Nemuri though… and what the hell is he saying about the President.

"Yeah… dude has to wank now to relieve his stress" Nemuri said in a sullen voice.

"What?!!" I unwillingly exclaimed.

"Nemuri, you should have more tact. Only his wife died, he could marry again, then he won't need to wank on his own" Luna decided to give them her thoughts on the matter. Nemuri looked thoughtful for a few moments when she nodded her head.

"Yeah, you are right… it is not like he can't marry again" Nemuri said while nodding her head.

"Will someone tell me what is happening??" I screamed but I shouldn't have. I winced in pain.

"Oh… here check the news" Luna said and handed me a screen (it was a tablet), I have never seen anything like this… how the hell this thing works. Natasha pay attention, I berated myself, I have more important things to do now.

My eyes almost fell out when I saw the news… is this real??? Senator Kelly along with his family was hanged on the streets with 'Mutant & Proud' carved on all of their chests… this is disgusting. This kind of thing doesn't happen in the States… the citizens will cry for blood.

But at this point in time, this wasn't the most important news, the First Lady was killed in an assassination attempt on the President, the President was fine but he hasn't made any statement. This is not something that should have happened… are mutants this stupid? Now, there is no saving them, they will be prosecuted just because they are mutants.

With one swoop they have succeeded to anger the whole nation and it's never good to anger a whole nation…

[POV Reo]

I kept my eye on Natasha while she was watching the news on Luna's tablet. Well, I expected something like this but I didn't think that they will kill the First Lady… Nightcrawler was able to get away. Meh… how the hell he was caught by Stryker was a mystery… must have been stupid ideals…

I prepared the table since we needed to head out and we have got someone injured with us, so, I decided to bring food from the outside. Natasha looked completely horrified after watching the news. Natasha finally finished watching and handed the tablet to Luna, robotically. Luna accepted the tablet with a smile on her face.

"Come on join us for breakfast. You are going to need it" I said to Natasha who was brought out of her thoughts when she heard me. Nemuri and Luna cheered and Luna sat down to eat food. Natasha didn't know what to do but Nemuri helped her to get up, Natasha worriedly eyed the food and sat down beside Nemuri.

I didn't say anything to her, the three of us started to eat, Natasha looked at us for a few seconds before she started to eat too.

"What do you want from me?" Natasha asked looking towards Nemuri. Nemuri just grinned.

"I was just interested in you, so I saved you" Nemuri shrugged and continued eating.

Natasha looked completely bewildered. "Just like that?" Natasha asked in a surprised tone.

"Honestly, it was a whim, I was interested in you when we met for the first time, so I kept an eye on you" Nemuri again shrugged.

"I don't like this… too much grease" Luna said while eating her steak.

"I will make pancakes for you later" I said with a smile, Luna nodded her head happily.

"And I want pudding too" Luna added to which I just nodded my head with a smile.

The meal continued in silence until Natasha broke it again. "Are all of you mutants or magicians?" Natasha asked, even without using Legilimency I knew that she was trying to get as much as information she could.

"None of us are mutants" Nemuri said and all of us were finally done with our food. Luna waved her hand and all the packages disappeared.

Nemuri handed Natasha another potion, Natasha grimaced but still drank it. After that Natasha didn't need Nemuri's help to move around, she went to the couch and asked Luna for her tablet. Luna happily handed her the tablet and Natasha continued to watch the news…

Nemuri started to pack the runes inscribed papers in her trunks along with all the stuff she had brought along with her. Luna was happily watching the sea waves. I also helped Nemuri with her packing.

We finally left the room and Natasha silently followed us, she had many chances to run but she didn't which means she has given up hope on the others. We finally arrived in the garage where Nemuri kept her way to the shiny car.

"What am I going to do with my baby?" Nemuri whined, she even gave a name to that car?

"Slap a teleportation seal on it and transport it to Knox" I said and without saying anything Nemuri disappeared with a pop. Only after a few seconds, she returned with paper in her hands and she gently put it on her shiny car. It would be really an injustice to call it simply, a car. It must be called the shiny car, Nemuri's shiny car disappeared in a flash.

The four of us left the hotel and started to walk towards the port, Nemuri led us towards a boat… surprisingly this wasn't shiny. It looked normal for any speed boats in 2002.

"This isn't shiny?" I asked Nemuri in an awkward tone.

"Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to visit a boat paint shop" Nemuri declared proudly and all of us boarded the ship. Luna decided that she was going to be the captain of the ship and the rest of us allowed her, I gave her the coordinates…

"Sit tight! Captain Luna is going to take you on a ride!" Luna declared with a victory sign and started the boat.

"Luna you also took him on a ride yesterday" Nemuri said with a perverted grin on her face.

"Oh, right. Reo, do you want to have a ride during a boat ride?" Luna asked in an innocent tone. I was almost tempted to take her up on her offer but I held myself back. I will ride both Luna and Nemuri during a ride but that will happen later.

"Are they always like this?" Natasha asked me looking towards the duo who were having sexual banter.

"Yes, sometimes it's worse too" I said with a gentle smile on my face.

"So, what is going to happen to me?" Natasha asked, she is just like I have expected. It is quite clear that she doesn't trust us even after Nemuri saved her life, personally, I have no problem if she trusts us or not. As long as she doesn't try to hurt my family I will allow her to stay with us…

"You have two options… first, you leave us, trust me I won't stop you. If you have decided to run before boarding the ship then I would have allowed you… you can also jump into the water but I won't recommend it. Second, you stay with us… I will give you protection, even SHIELD won't reach you but if you try to hurt my family then, your death is going to be very painful and slow" I said in a neutral voice… Natasha heard me and nodded her head in understanding.

Finally, Genosha came into our view, but isn't this way bigger than what I saw in the movies??

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