A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 192 - Start Of The Collapse...

[Xavier Mansion, New York]

"What are we going to do Professor? Soon we will run out of both food and water… you know we can't leave the Mansion" Jean said in a desperate voice. Jean didn't look like she did normally, she looked completely tired… it was quite clear that she was lacking sleep.​​

Charles just remained silent, a week has passed since mutants lost all of their rights and now they were being treated like nothing more than cattle. Charles has never thought that this incident would escalate to such an extent. He believed that even if some humans start to cause them harm… some would definitely show them kindness and that is what he needed. But it didn't turn out like that.

Both of their water and electricity connections have been cut… a radio was the only thing they had was running, and it was their only source of information. After the mutant hunts started, they took in several refugees out of goodwill but few of their own sold them out to the authorities. First, they cut off their electric connection, and then, it was their water connection.

They could see several military vehicles waiting outside of the mansion keeping watch. Some of them got scared and tried to run away but were immediately stunned and captured. The current adults present inside the Xavier Mansion had no idea why they haven't attacked the mansion itself but all of them knew one thing, it was only a matter of time.

The adults spent most of their time keeping a watch outside, they knew that it won't mean much if they attack but maybe some of the kids would be able to run away because of confusion.

"I don't know what I should do… it seems that I have really failed" Charles said with disappointment in his voice.

"Professor, we can plan an attack though, after all, if we stay here we will die because of starvation or dehydration. This way we might be able to save some kids…" Ororo started to say, if someone would have told her a week ago that she would be planning to attack humans then she would have just laughed at their stupidity, but now, the situation has completely changed.

"Ororo, I have said multiple times I will never allow someone to use our powers to attack humans… our powers should only be used to protect not harm" Charles said and left the room. Scott followed the professor and left the room. Everyone left in the room were seething in anger… some were parents whose kids were here while some had their little brothers and sisters here.

"He is a stupid fool and he is going to drag all of us down" someone said from the crowd but no one refuted him.

Ororo clearly remembered what has transpired during the last meeting and what Magneto had told them. At that time, she knew that Magneto was telling the truth but she didn't want to believe him. She knew first-hand, how cruel humans can be and now it was an open season for humans to oppress some humans with special abilities there was no way in hell that they would give up this chance.

All of them were suddenly brought out of their thoughts by the news, this was the first time in the whole week when something other than mutant hunts was being reported. At first, it was surprising that news about traffic was being reported but after a few minutes the reports started to become detailed and that is when everyone in the room reached a similar conclusion… someone did this or how could all transportation systems get crashed at the same time…

[ELYSIUM] {A Few Hours Ago}

[POV Reo]

I finally arrived back on Elysium and found that all the meta-humans we have brought here were calmly listening to Momo's speech. All these meta-humans were imprisoned in Camp X-Ray, they were brought from all over the world so Momo was using a modified announcement spell that would allow someone to announce their words using magic.

Everyone on the receiving end would only hear the speech in their common language. Let's consider that you are speaking in English and at the receiving end of your speech is a French, a German, a Russian, a Japanese, and an Indian. The French will hear the speech in French, the German would hear the speech in German, a Russian would hear in Russian, the Japanese would hear Japanese and the Indian will hear in either Hindi or some other language common in India.

I heard some of her speech… and found out that she was only explaining the rules now. She told them that they are free to leave if they want or they can stay here with other meta-humans in their own country away from any kind of harm humans can cause them. Unsurprisingly all of them agreed to stay here… Momo told them that they will be given their own property to reside but it might take some time since they have 7 million new residents now.

Momo finally announced about food and clothes, everyone was happy to hear that and all of them will be given tents, until a permanent residence was given to them.

"Nemuri, I want you to empty all the warehouses of the companies you own. Food and clothes are the first priority but I don't want to leave anything behind" I said to Nemuri who just nodded and Apparated away.

I arrived in front of Magneto who was looking like a kid on Christmas, Mystique was also the same. She was already crying… but I knew that these were tears of joy. Both of them thanked me profusely…

"But we still have a lot of work left, I want to put the human nations in such a position that they would have no way other than accepting our terms" I said and left, since I have already made my first move… I need to finish my other moves quickly otherwise the check-mate won't be satisfying.

I directly Apparated in my room and opened my laptop and hacked into the defense systems of various countries and became their administrator. Using, the administrator commands it wasn't hard to change all the passcodes and firewalls. I also changed multiple protocols and deleted all the information so that no one will know how the changes were made… of course these systems could be returned to their previous state but they would need my laptop to do that.

And if they wanted to fix those systems then they will have to completely destroy the whole system and build it from the ground up. Formatting or rebooting won't work as it would still recognize only me as its administrator. After I had crippled the defense systems of all the countries I hacked into their satellites… hacking into satellites was slightly complicated with all the backdoors and all that but with this cheat laptop in my hands, it wasn't a problem.

I disabled all the functions those satellites had except the information relay. If I shut that down… how are the humans going to fight back. It would be a futile attempt but it would be quite amusing to see them try to fight me and then squirm.

Next, I attacked the flight systems, even in the year of 2002 a lot of functions depended on digital stuff like their land mapping software, their weather mapping software, and then their radio. If I disable their radio and all other mapping systems then they will be forced to cancel all the flights. Yes, I might cause a few crashes here and there but it's not my fault that their system was vulnerable.

So, I shut down their systems, I already got several pings of SOS messages, asking for help. Someone would call me heartless and cruel so I send some limited information to all those flights that were still in the air. If they still crash then it won't be my fault… it would be the pilot's fault because he was a moron, and the flight administration was also responsible… if the planes crash and people die then it won't be my fault… the flight companies should have provided parachutes… phew… at least, my conscience will be clean. It's not like I care…

Next, I hacked into the stock market and bought everything using Nemuri's fake names which she used to buy things with while I transferred all the money to Nemuri's various accounts. Hell is going to break loose as soon as the news gets out. Next, I started to transfer all the digital money available to Nemuri's accounts. Someone might ask what the hell is digital money… well, money is not always kept in cash.

You keep your money in banks and banks give out loans, but when you check your bank balance it shows the money you kept but the actual money is a lot less since it is given away… the money that is given away is the digital money. It is not present there physically but it is displayed digitally…

Hehehehe… Nemuri is going to be really happy when she sees all these monies in her account. After, that I hacked into the traffic systems… I decided to start with the US, after all, they were the first to declare that meta-humans would no longer be treated as humans and given citizenship.

"This is just the start… Muhahaha!" After another successful hack I started to cackle madly like any other evil Supervillain…

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