A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 21 - UA Sports Festival (END)

I noticed that Todoroki was moving similar to what Izuku was doing. He must have noticed Izuku movements during the match and copied them. Well again, it was a nice much better than what Izuku did because of I want to catch Todoroki when he lands he would just use his ice to block the sand.

No matter, slowly I started to surround him like I did to Izuku. Todoroki was becoming more frantic now. He also noticed that the sand was starting to surround him from all the sides. As a desperate move Todoroki made a huge dome around him to protect himself.​​

I have to say that this ice is much harder and denser than those he made before but it isn't enough to stop me. I made several spike of metal sand and launched them towards the ice dome. Those spikes turned into drill bits and started to rotate and soon the whole dome starred to crack but before I reached the inside, a sea of flames erupted from the ice dome.

[With the Pro-Heroes]

'Finally he accepts his power, now show everyone that you are the strongest' Endeavor said in his mind. He was really excited to see that his son had finally accepted his strongest side (according to him).

[Back in the Arena]

I saw Todoroki walk out of the sea of flames without any injuries.

"So you finally accepted your other side... good for you" I told him but Todoroki's face still remained indifferent.

I again gather my metal sand and attacked Todoroki with them but this time it was met with another sea of flames but this time it was many more times hotter than the previous one. I backed away slightly due to the immense heat. I have to say, this heat is too much for me.

The looked at the metal sand which I used to attack him which had now completely melted down. I just waited to see what he was going to do... I really wanted to see.

He didn't let me down and attacked me with his ice. But the attack wasn't for me. The attack hit the molten metal which immediately released a huge amount of steam covering the whole arena. Damn... I already knew where Todoroki was because of the iron in his body. He seemed to be just waiting for the fog to clear, but isn't it stupid? He could have attacked me already.

The fog cleared and I saw Todoroki was now standing over a huge chuck of solid metal. Ooo... so he did all this so that he could take away my sand? Really good plan... but it would only work of I hadn't mastered metal morphing.

"What will you do now?" Todoroki asked me with a smug expression on his face.

"Just this" This time I reaised both of my hands and Todoroki's feet were grabbed by metal sand which I got from the chunk of metal. Soon the whole chunk was reverted back to metal sand. Todoroki was too shocked to even react, I used this chance to move his hands towards his own body using the metal sand. Now, if Todoroki wanted to use his power, he was going to hurt himself.

"Surrender, you can't fight any longer" I told him but it seem to have a lot of effect on him. He didn't try to escape like the others but kept his mouth closed. Fine... stubborn emo...

I tightened the metal sand around him successfully slowing down his blood flow, this time he tried to escape the binds. After a few seconds he passed out and my metal sand moved away from him leaving him unconscious in the arena.

"Shoto Todoroki is unable to fight any longer! Itsuki Reo is the winner! Midnight announced as the crowd grew louder and louder.

While I was walking towards the stands, I was stopped by a certain her-haired hero. What do fuck he wants with me? This ain't a cultivation world chump so it is highly unlikely that he came to attack to get revenge for his son... but I still decided to be vigilent and the metal sand started to come towards me slowly.

Both of did nothing and kept glaring at each other. "Thank you" Endeavor grunted out and walked away. Did he thinks that I made his son use his other side? He isn't wrong but I didn't do it knowingly. He son used it because otherwise he would be screwed... well whatever. While thinking these stuff I finally reached the stands. Ibara and Todoroki's fight had already started.

I sat beside Momo and everyone around congratulated me for entering the finals. This fight was much quicker of compared to mine, I still remembered what Bakigo said and a flash of coldness spread across my face for a second before going away. I will crush him...

The match was over with Bakugo's win. After a short break both of us were told to head to the arena for the finals by Midnight.

"And now the for the finals of the third round! Itsuki Reo VS Katsuki Bakugo" Midnight yelled into the mic, I saw her eyes were completely fixed on me while see was announcing. She kept watching while licking her lips seductively... wow, I must have really impressed her too much.

"Are you two ready?" Midnight asked us and my attention again moved towards Bakugo and I nodded my head. Bakugo also did that same, "Then START" with that the fight had officially began.

Before Bakugo could rush towards me the whole arena crack and I pulled out two steel beams from under the arena. I used the metal sand to make myself a throne and sat on it with a bored expression.

(Image Here)

The whole arena stopped shaking and Bakugo was finally able to balance himself. The steel were ripped into hundreds of small steel rods.

"Are you mocking me aga-" Bakugo started to yell but was cut off when a steel rod hit him in his gut really hard. Bakugo crouched down and emptied whatever food he ate in the morning on the floor. Another steel rod slammed onto his back which made his face slam into his own vomit.

"Yes... just right there, like that. This is your status in front of me. Bakugo's face was completely filled with rage and used his explosions to rise up but was again slapped down in his own vomit but this time he even spat out blood.

"You are nothing but a pathetic weakling who only knows how to bully weak people, now see what you are truly worth of" the words were completely calm coming out of my mouth but it would send chill down anyone's spine.

The crowd didn't mind the display neither did the heroes, is it so common or they didn't react because they didn't seem to hear what I was saying.

"You were shouting about how I am a coward hiding a wall not fighting back and now when I start to somewhat seriously use my power you end up on the floor" I said loud enough so that only Bakugo could clearly hear me.

"You are just a weakling!" he tried to get up again but he was slapped down. "Stop dreaming about being the strongest because you would never pass me... and that is a fact weakling!" the steel rods wrapped around his hands and feet and dropped him outside the arena this time.

I don't want to bully a weakling any longer.

"Ka-Katsuki B-Bakugo is out of the bounds! Itsuki Reo is the winner!" Midnight announced, I looked at her and her face was blooming with a huge smile and she was also clutching her thighs together. Looks like she is both S & M.

As soon as Midnight finished the announcement the crowd erupted in another cheer. The crowd kept getting louder and louder. As I kept walking I heard the thunderous crowd and their cheers, some of them were even shouting my name to praise me for winning the first place. I was back in my usual happy personality and waved towards the whole crowd. I was really happy that they appreacited my win. I was also happy that my parents would be proud of me.

[With Reo's Parents]

Both Ai and Shomei were hugging each other while crying. They were really proud of their son. They knew how their son was and they knew that the other kid must have said something to him to anger him like that. So, they didn't mind that display that much.

[With UA Staff]

"That was really brutal" a teacher spoke.

"Yes, but nothing new. Many students use and have used this stage to get rid of their grudges" another teacher spoke.

"He could have done much worse" Aizawa said.

"I have read about that Bakugo kids personality, arrange some sessions for him" Nezu said before looking back again at Reo.

"And what about Itsuki Reo?" another teacher asked.

"Not needed, he is usually easy going and mild mannered. Only other time he was brutal was when he fought in USJ against the villians, Bakugo must have said something to him" Aizawa said.

"Yes, young Reo through the tournament only used defensive and binding methods to win" All Might said when he suddenly popped out from somewhere...

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