A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 29 - Back To School...


The room was occupied by Tomura, Kurogiri, Muscular, Dabi and a few unknown villian mobs.​​

"How can that be?" Tomura yelled in rage.

"Sir, we tried everything and looked everywhere but werent able to find anything." One of the unknown villian started to spout off.

"Just get out! Both of you get out before I turn you both into dust!! All of you are completely useless." Tomura yelled in rage throwing another of his tantrum. A voice was heard from his laptop which finally calmed him down.

"It doesn't matter, he goes to UA we can always abduct him from there. His Quirk will be a wonderful addition for our cause" All For One finally said something calming down Tomura's tantrum.

"Can I trust both of you with this?" Tomura asked while looking at Muscular & Dabi.

"Do we have to bring him intact?" Muscular asked, it was a open secret that Muscular liked to play with his victims.

"As long as he is alive, you are free to do anything" Tomura answered Muscular making a huge grin on his face.


After chatting with Rumi for sometime more I finally decided return. I had thought that she might want to know about my Quirk but her answer was "I am not interested in that as long as we can have fights like this". Well that is a typical battle maniac & masochist combined, what more can you expect.

After getting back home it was another normal day, I trained, had dinner and then sneakes into Momo's room but tonight both of us felt pretty excited so after a romp in the sheets we finally settled down. Honestly, I don't like sneaking into her room like a theif but none of us were ready to tell our parents that we sleep together. Even if Momo's mom knows that I sneak in her room to sleep in one bed, she might not know that we already 'did it'.

Since both Momo and me were pretty busy last night tiring each other out so we didn't have much time to talk about our last day of our internship. So, when walking towards school I told her about yesterday.

"Mirko asked you to be her partner?" Momo asked me astonished. I was pretty bewildered by her late reaction towards the whole fight.

"Eh... beating her didn't shock you?" I asked her.

"No, not so much. I know how strong you are, if it was only a physical brawl then she would easily beat you but since it was normal battle with Quirks so it's pretty obvious." Momo reasoned, well she is first one I told the full capabilities of my power.

While chatting both of us entered the school gates but the gate guard stopped me. "The principal wants to meet with you" I thanked him and separated from Momo to visit the principal. I reached his office and knocked on his door. After hearing the permission to enter, I opened the door and walked in.

"Please take a seat" the mouse told me. I did what he told me and took a seat. Is this about Stain or the Nomu?

"During the USJ, I tried to give you protection but you refused saying your father needed it more. So, after the Hosu Incident, I was finally able to get that done" Nezu told me looking quite proud of himself.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. Well he didn't exactly elaborate what he did, so I am obviously curious.

"I destroyed any and all records of you and your family. Now this school only have information related to you, but everything regarding your parents has been removed. Now, only three teachers know that you have a family, me, Aizawa, and All Might" Nezu told me.

When I walked in here, I didn't imagine this but what did he mean destroyed or removed. Nezu must have noticed my face and decided to continue again.

"You don't need to worry... all of that data is protected and cannot be accessed by anyone other than three of us. You and yours family's public data is secured by police chief and can be accessed by only him." Nezu said clearing all the questions that were popping inside my head. But I still had one question.

"But, why bother with me so much sir?" I asked him. Honestly, I want to know. They should treat Izuku like this.

"All of us believe that you are going to be great hero one day... how to protected every student and defeated the villians, your performance in the Sports Festival, you also defeated the hero killer and one of those monsters, again. So we did this to appreciate your effort and your report from Rumi is shocked everyone in the hero association." Nezu answered my question. Well, all of the above were done by me for selfish reasons. USJ, so I could get a reward from Momo. Sports festival is also the same, I just wanted to fight Stain... and I might have saved Izuku and took down that Nomu as a real hero.

"Thank you, sir" I happily siad to him. No, I will happily accept this gesture. I also noticed that he didn't say anything about my brutality so either they didn't bother by it which I highly doubt, they are just turning a blind eye towards it because what I am doing must be permanently keeping the villians off the streets.

After that, I left his room quite happy with myself and kept walking towards my class. I reached my class and saw Aizawa was already there. I knocked on the door, he looked at me along with my classmates and gestured me to enter. He didn't ask or say anything to me, so Nezu must have told him. I took my seat and noticed Ilda was looking at me oddly along with several others. Ilda must be bothered that I defeated Stain, taking away his chance to take revenge. I ignored the wannabe villian, Izuku... I don't know what he wants. Todoroki... he is also an odd kid.

Before the class ended Aizawa finally announced about the end of term exam. Fuck... I forgot about that. After Aizawa left the class, I immediately turned towards her and gave her my puppy dog eyes.

"You don't need to do that... I have already included you in my study plans" Momo said me reassuring me.

Hah... that relieves me so much. I relaxed in my chair, I just can't bring myself to study those stuff but when I work on something seriously then it is completely different. Damn...! I blame my previous life.

The classes after that continued, they were pretty boring. After lunch we had a class with All Might, from what I remember today we will have Rescue Training Race on Ground Gamma. As soon as lunch started I was approached by Ilda.

"Reo..." I heard Ilda calling me. This seems quite familiar like what happened with Bakugo. I turned around to look at Ilda who seemed half grateful mixed with other emotions.

"Thank you for defeating Stain... I wanted to defeat him myslef but he attacked you thinking you a pro-hero." Ilda started to speak like he was in a trance. I placed a hand on his shoulder which made him stop speaking.

"Ilda I heard what he did to your brother, I know that is why you wanted to defeat him yourself,right? I asked him to which he nodded. "But now that Stain is finally off the street he won't be doing that to anyone else's brother. I think that piece of news would make your brother more happy" I told him.

"That he was" after saying that Ilda finally walked away. I don't know what would be the result of me telling him that, it sounded cool inside my mind at that moment and told him.

As soon as Ilda walked away I was immediately approached by Izuku.

"Reo,I-I j-just wanted to t-thank you again for saving my life. As a hero I shouldn't let my guard down and got caught easily because of it" he said while stuttering. I don't know what makes him so nervous, I don't think that I am scary.

"Don't worry about it... it was my duty as a hero" I told him with my usual smile. But before Izuku could leave I was ambushed by my two friends from left and right... Denki and Eijirou snaked their arms around my neck which made him lower my head slightly. I was much more taller than both of them.

"Dude... I heard you had internship with Rabbit Hero Mirko, tell me how was it?" Denki asked me.

"I can tell you that she made me work really hard" I told Denki, I obviously knew what he wanted to know but I decided to tease him.

"So how strong was she?" This time it was Eijirou. Izuku was still there, interested about the conversation. I don't mind him listening, he is truly a hero fanboy.

"She is strong... very strong." That was all I said.

"Enough about that... tell me how she looked?" Denki unable to hold back finally asked me.

"She was really beautiful if you wanted to know but don't flirt with her if you see her face to face if you want to keep your head on your shoulder" I told him. The whole line didn't seem to effect him like I had thought... after only hearing the first part he stopped listening to me and went to dreamland.

We finally decided to walk to the cafeteria for lunch and as soon as we left the class we heard someone make a comment about Momo's ass. I looked at the side and found the perverted purple midget. The three of us immediately froze and turned around to look down on him. The sudden appearance of the shadow over him scared the midget.

"Care to repeat that, midget?" I said while cracking my knuckles...

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