A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 400 - Petty Revenge & Destroy Hate...

A/N: Finally 400 chapters...


[POV Nemuri] 

"Miss Kayama, please have a seat" the man in front of me offered. I took the seat with a neutral look on my face, my eyes were completely fixed on the man in front of me. 

"It's nice to meet Senzaemon Nakiri-dono, believe it or not, it was really hectic for me to get a meeting with you…" I said in a neutral tone and the man in front of me didn't even bother to react to my words… Well, that will change. 

"Miss Kayama… you might know but I am a really busy person. That is why I told my managers to reject meetings…" Senzaemon said in a completely neutral tone. 

"That's good and all, Senzaemon-dono but these documents point out where you went wrong…" I said and pulled out some documents from my fur-lined coat and handed him the papers. 

Senzaemon raised an eyebrow and accepted the papers. As soon as he started to read the first document and eyebrows shot up while his eyes grew wide in shock and surprise… Yes, that is the reaction I was expecting. 

"Impossible!! How were you able to get this?" Senzaemon almost yelled out in exasperation. 

"Surprised?? You thought no one would be able to gain the majority shares of Totsuki, didn't you??" I said with a smug grin on my face. The hard work I had done in the past month was completely worth it. 

47% of Totsuki Culinary Academy was owned by the Nakiri Family while the rest was owned by various Organizations and some governments too. It was practically impossible to buy all those shares… Even if everyone was ready to sell their shares, you won't have enough money to buy them. 

Throughout the last month I have tracked down every shareholder and then I bought the shares from them using any means necessary. Most of them have refused to sell their shares so I simply had to use the Imperius Curse or threaten their family. 

Buying shares from the Governments was very hard… dealing with Governments is always hectic. I have to spend 3.6 trillion US Dollars to buy only 53% of the Sabres. I almost became a pauper… at least, I still have my gold. 

Now, there is a reason why I had to spend so much money. It was because I wasn't using my Fox persona here… I had to use the money to keep transactions legal. This way, they won't be able to get Governments involved. As for the blackmail incidents… they won't matter since there is no proof and if there was then Alter had destroyed it. 

"...How did you do this?" Senzaemon asked me coldly and I simply smirked. Like hell, I would tell you. 

There was another reason why I was able to pull this off… that was because I pulled this stunt in three days. The rest of the days I was busy collecting information on the shareholders. So, they didn't get time to communicate with each other to stop me. 

"Wouldn't you like to know?? But a woman must keep her secrets…" I said with a grin and Senzaemon slammed down his fist on the table trying to intimidate me. I practically stole Nakiri family legacy legally and he can't do shit about that. 

"Oh… are you trying to intimidate me? I am so scared… My hands are shaking" I said in a mocking tone. I understood where this man's arrogance came from but I was really annoyed that this man's manager dared to refuse my meeting proposal. 

A month ago, I have tried to get a meeting with him multiple times but his manager had denied it every time. Call me petty but I am what I am. I wouldn't have done something like this if his manager had agreed to arrange a meeting. 

"Blame your manager Senzaemon, he was the one who made me do something like this… you must have heard the saying, 'Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned'" I said with a grin and Senzaemon was staring at the papers in front of him. 

"...Cheer up. I am not going to take away your position, at least for now…" I said with a grin. I didn't know shit about how to manage a school. I might have been a teacher but managing a school is very different from being a teacher. 

UA High couldn't be compared with something like Totsuki and this was a cooking school. I only know how to make instant ramen… as I said, I would have proposed a business deal but his manager annoyed me so I bought the whole thing. 

I pulled out an envelope from my coat and put it on the table. "Give this to your manager… tell him that he is relieved of his duties" I said and got up from the seat. 

"...I don't know how you bought all the shares but this isn't over…" Senzaemon said and I simply smirked. 

"I know… don't worry, next time we will be meeting in the Headquarters of Kayama Industries… I simply came here to shatter your delusions, you are the underling now, so you should come to meet me from the next time" I said and walked out of his office… 

This feels so great… but I almost went broke… I only have a few million dollars left in my personal bank account. I will ask Luna or Reo to take me to the HP World, I need to collect some money…

[Shopping District, Karakura Town] 

An odd-looking young woman could be seen browsing through stores. The woman was dragging another middle-aged woman along with her. The duo was receiving odd and weird looks from everyone but neither of them were bothered in the slightest. 

One of the women was wearing a rainbow-coloured summer dress and a wolf topped hat on top of her head. The woman was skipping around instead of walking. The other woman was bald and she was dressed in robes. 

"Luna… you need to calm down… there is no need to hurry like this" the bald woman tried to dissuade the over-energetic girl but it didn't work. 

"You don't understand, we must taste all these foods…" Luna said with a serious look on her face. Flavia simply rolled her eyes but didn't retort anymore. 

It has been a couple of hours since the two of them have arrived here. "Luna… can we have a drink?" Flavia asked in a tired tone and Luna nodded her head with a bright smile on her face. 

Both of them sat down on a nearby bench after they bought two sodas. "So why are you so excited Luna?" Flavia asked, seeing Luna this excited wasn't something rare but whenever Luna was excited it meant something interesting was going to happen. 

"Oh… I am going to awaken my Zanpakutou today and get seen by two interesting individuals" Luna said brightly and Flavia almost choked on her drink. 

Flavia decided this was something normal for Luna so she decided to ignore it. When the two of them finally finished their drinks, Luna looked in a certain direction and a loud roar was heard. "Oh oh… It's here. Let's go Flavia" Luna once again grabbed Flavia's hand and started to drag her through the crowd. 

"..." Flavia simply deadpanned and allowed Luna to drag her through the shopping district. The two of them finally arrived inside an alley where a ghost boy was being cornered by a snake-like monster. 

"Let go of him you fiend…" Luna yelled loudly and pulled out her Zanpakutou. Flavia simply cringed after hearing Luna's words. Luna's Zanpakutou was much different from the others. Luna tucked her hair behind her left ear to reveal a sword styled earring… she touched the earring and it came off from her ear. 

The Hollow turned its head towards Luna and roared loudly. The snake Hollow started to slither towards Luna but Luna wasn't worried. Luna simply smiled. "Destroy all hate, Ai" Luna called out and her Zanpakutou started to transform from an earring into a dagger. 

(Images Here)

As soon as the dagger appeared in Luna's hand the Hollow lost all of its power and dropped to the ground. Luna skipped towards the Hollow with a bright smile on her face and poked the Hollow with her dagger. The Hollow simply died after Luna poked it. 

"...Eh… how did you do that?" Flavia asked with a confused look on her face. 

"Not here, Flavia… someone might hear us" Luna said innocently and the two of them disappeared. Just like Luna had said, two people saw what happened in the alley. 

"Interesting…" the man said and covered his face with a fan while a black cat was sitting on his shoulder. 

"Neither of them were from the Soul Society… What do you think, Kisuke?" the cat asked in a manly tone. 

"I don't have an idea… they weren't even using a gigai… they were in their physical bodies. How interesting…" Kisuke said with a glint in his eyes. Kisuke was a researcher and there was no way he wouldn't be interested in learning new things…

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