A Mutant's Ascension
Chapter 43 - Villains Win (& Aftermath)
A/N: For those who are thinking about when MC will get together with Rumi, it will happen during Hero Work Studies.
[With Momo & the others]
"This poison fog is getting more deeper now" Mina said scared.
"That means we are near it's origin" Momo spoke.
"But didn't Mandalay say that we should head back to base camp?" Jiro said.
'Students are allowed to use their Quirks freely to defend themselves' Mandalay's broadcast was again heard.
"Well, there you have it" Denki said.
"Wait... someone is there" Jiro said making everyone stop in their tracks and she pointed at a direction.
"So... how are we going to do this?" Eijirou whispered.
"We bait him, he gets distracted and we attack from all the sides" Momo said, to which everyone nodded.
"Wait...!! Two students are coming this way" Jiro again said and the next moment Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Itsuka Kendo could be seem through the fog.
They had also noticed Momo's group and they finally decided to attack together.
They moved towards the villian, Momo made a cannon and fired at Mustard. Mustard had already notices their presence because of the flow of the fog. He was already anticipating the attack so he was able to dodge the cannon but he didn't expect that, at that exact moment a lightning bolt would hit him from behind.
The lightning attacked numbed his body and gave the students enough time to hit him. He noticed several students rushing towards him but he was just a sitting duck. The next second he was hit from every direction, after Mustard was treated to a serious beatdown by the whole group he fell unconscious. As soon as Mustard fell unconscious the poisonous fog disappeared.
The students cheered in joy and decided to carry Mustard to the pro-heroes.
[POV Reo]
After leaving Izuku and Kota with their own devices I was already in flight towards Himiko Toga. I flew over the place where Shoto and Katsuki were fighting against Moonfish. I didn't bother with them and continued my flight towards Himiko.
'Students are allowed to use their Quirks freely to defend themselves' Mandalay's broadcast was again heard.
Still there wasn't any sign of Dabi, Mr. Compress or Kurogiri.
When I finally reached the place where Himiko was along with Ochako and Tsuyu. What I found there made my head hurt.
There was two Ochakos fighting against each other in front of Tsuyu. Tyusu just looked at them dumbly not knowing who the real Ochako was.
As soon as I landed both Ochakos and Tsuyu noticed me. The Ochakos pointed their hands at each other and yelled "She is the fake". Seeing no other way I immediately immobilized both of them.
"What should we do?" Tsuyu asked me worriedly.
I think I might have an idea. I turned towards the Ochakos and spoke "So, when are you going to propose to Izuku?"
Yeah, it was dumb but it worked like a charm, the real Ochako's face turned bright red and my eyes immediately turned towards the fake one who had fear etched into her face and eyes. I immediately compressed the iron sand holding Himiko's right leg and bone crunching sound was heard followed by Himiko's scream.
I let go of the original Ochako and Himiko returned to her own form unable to hold it due to pain. I again compressed the iron sand holding Himiko's left leg and another bone crunching sound was heard. Hiimiko was already crying because of the immense pain she was feeling.
"Please stop!!" Both Ochako and Tsuyu grabbed me from two sides and moved in between me and Himiko. But before I could say anything a black portal appeared right behind them, I knew it was Dabi. So, I pushed away both Ochako and Tsuyu so Dabi could grab me. If I wanted I could have easily stopped him but that would ruin my plan.
Dabi grabbed me by my neck and I was immediately pulled into the portal. I heard both Ochako and Tsuyu scream no but they couldn't do anything. The next moment I opened my eyes I found myself in a house of glass and plastic.
A display lit up and Kurogiri, Tomura, Dabi, and Mr. Compress appeared on the screen. It was a glass display without any trace of metal in it... quite impressive place they made to keep me here.
"Where are the others?" Mr. Compress asked Kurogiri.
"We lost everyone, only Moonfish is still there but the police and pro-heroes have arrived." Kurogiri said in his usual emotionless tone.
"What happened to them?" Mr. Compress persisted.
"Magne and Spinner seem to be vanished into thin air. The same thing happened to the Nomu. Muscular's both arms and legs were cut off. Twice is also crippled, he seemed to have crushed Himiko's both legs just before we reached him" Kurogiri finished and by this time both Dabi and Mr. Compress looked like that they would rip me apart with bare hands.
"Bastard!! I will fucking kill him!" Mr. Compress shouted.
"No, we cripple him like he does to the others" Dabi said but both of them were stopped by Tomura who raised his onky remaining arm.
"No, sensei ordered that he must be in one piece until he arrives and extracts his Quirk. Then, he will be a free game" Tomura finished looking at his missing arm.
"Tch" Dabi clicked his tongue and walked out of the room followed by Mr. Compress.
"Enjoy the time you have left" Tomura said to me and he also walked out of the room along with Kurogiri.
I just smiled seeing how naive they were if they thought that I can't do anything. I can still control the lightning, I don't know how Kurogiri got rid of the coins I was carrying with me in just an instant. Though I will commend them for their A1 effort. I decided to relax and laid down on the floor. I started yo think how was I going to explain this to my mom, dad, and my girlfriends. They would be completely heatbroken... but I didn't have another way. If I didn't use this chance then I might not ever get this chance again. All the villians left in league of villians and All For One together in one place...
[Back in Beast's Forest]
"Wh-what??!!" both Momo and Nemuri screamed when the news was broken that Itsuki Reo was kidnapped by the villians. They both felt like their whole world shatter. Momo immediately broke down in tears and was hugged by Mina and Jiro for support.
Everyone who heard Nemuri were confused because of her reaction. She just walked away from there but she didn't even notice that tears were already flowing out of her eyes.
Denki and Eijirou both cursed themselves for being weak not being able to help their friend. It was clear now that except for Moonfish and Mustard, Reo defeated all the villians on his own. Everyone looked solemn, even if they got most of the villians bit they still lost at last. Nezu and All Might were dreading over the fact that if All For One gets their hands on Reo's Quirk then he could easily destroy everything on his own.
Momo didn't even know how she was going to break this news to Reo's mom.
The atmosphere was really bleak, Ochako and Tsuyu blamed themselves. If they didn't try to stop Reo, he should have been still here with them.
Momo finally left Mina's and Jiro's embrace and got up. "I need to find someone" Momo said and walked away. She had wiped away her tears now and walked towards the direction when Nemuri went. Mina and Jiro looked worried but they decided to give Momo some space.
Momo walked inside the forest and found Nemuri kneeling by a tree for support. Nemuri was silent but tears didn't stop flowing from her eyes. She had finally found someone who earnestly cared for her and loved her for who she was. Someone who she wanted to make her family with but he was taken away from her.
Suddenly she tensed when she felt someone place a hand on her shoulder. She didn't want anyone to see her like this... so weak. Ahe turned her head and saw Momo.
"I have known Reo since we were four, and now that I can clearly think. I know that he let himself get caught willingly" Momo spoke. This stunned Nemuri, she immediately wiped her tears and grabbed Momo by her shoulders.
"What are you talking about?" Nemuri asked completely serious.
"Not here... we can talk in my home" Momo said, Nemuri didn't protest and followed Momo.
Within the next hour the news was out in public and UA High's image was dragged through the mud and disgraced by the media for allowing another villian attack to happen on their students.
Nezu decided to call a meeting.
"Where is Midnight?" Kan asked.
"She left with Momo Yaoyorozu, she seems to have some sort of relationship with Itsuki Reo" Ectoplasm said.
"It doesn't matter now if she has a relationship with her student, we have more important matters to discuss now" Nezu said.
"I think there is spy in UA, otherwise how were the villians came to know about the class schedule and now they came to know where the training camp was happening" Present Mic gave his own piece.
"You can't be serious, right?" Power Loader looked at the others and asked.
"No matter how much I would like to say that your thoughts are wrong but I have also come to believe this" Nezu said, this made everyone quiet down.
"With this the villians have declared a war on whole Hero Society while dealing a serious blow to UA's reputation." Nezu continued.
"Now our first priority is to find out where they have taken Young Reo" All Might spoke for the first time and everyone completely agreed with him...
A/N: Bam!! Five chapters done today... goodnight guys now, I am gonna sleep like a log...
[With Momo & the others]
"This poison fog is getting more deeper now" Mina said scared.
"That means we are near it's origin" Momo spoke.
"But didn't Mandalay say that we should head back to base camp?" Jiro said.
'Students are allowed to use their Quirks freely to defend themselves' Mandalay's broadcast was again heard.
"Well, there you have it" Denki said.
"Wait... someone is there" Jiro said making everyone stop in their tracks and she pointed at a direction.
"So... how are we going to do this?" Eijirou whispered.
"We bait him, he gets distracted and we attack from all the sides" Momo said, to which everyone nodded.
"Wait...!! Two students are coming this way" Jiro again said and the next moment Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Itsuka Kendo could be seem through the fog.
They had also noticed Momo's group and they finally decided to attack together.
They moved towards the villian, Momo made a cannon and fired at Mustard. Mustard had already notices their presence because of the flow of the fog. He was already anticipating the attack so he was able to dodge the cannon but he didn't expect that, at that exact moment a lightning bolt would hit him from behind.
The lightning attacked numbed his body and gave the students enough time to hit him. He noticed several students rushing towards him but he was just a sitting duck. The next second he was hit from every direction, after Mustard was treated to a serious beatdown by the whole group he fell unconscious. As soon as Mustard fell unconscious the poisonous fog disappeared.
The students cheered in joy and decided to carry Mustard to the pro-heroes.
[POV Reo]
After leaving Izuku and Kota with their own devices I was already in flight towards Himiko Toga. I flew over the place where Shoto and Katsuki were fighting against Moonfish. I didn't bother with them and continued my flight towards Himiko.
'Students are allowed to use their Quirks freely to defend themselves' Mandalay's broadcast was again heard.
Still there wasn't any sign of Dabi, Mr. Compress or Kurogiri.
When I finally reached the place where Himiko was along with Ochako and Tsuyu. What I found there made my head hurt.
There was two Ochakos fighting against each other in front of Tsuyu. Tyusu just looked at them dumbly not knowing who the real Ochako was.
As soon as I landed both Ochakos and Tsuyu noticed me. The Ochakos pointed their hands at each other and yelled "She is the fake". Seeing no other way I immediately immobilized both of them.
"What should we do?" Tsuyu asked me worriedly.
I think I might have an idea. I turned towards the Ochakos and spoke "So, when are you going to propose to Izuku?"
Yeah, it was dumb but it worked like a charm, the real Ochako's face turned bright red and my eyes immediately turned towards the fake one who had fear etched into her face and eyes. I immediately compressed the iron sand holding Himiko's right leg and bone crunching sound was heard followed by Himiko's scream.
I let go of the original Ochako and Himiko returned to her own form unable to hold it due to pain. I again compressed the iron sand holding Himiko's left leg and another bone crunching sound was heard. Hiimiko was already crying because of the immense pain she was feeling.
"Please stop!!" Both Ochako and Tsuyu grabbed me from two sides and moved in between me and Himiko. But before I could say anything a black portal appeared right behind them, I knew it was Dabi. So, I pushed away both Ochako and Tsuyu so Dabi could grab me. If I wanted I could have easily stopped him but that would ruin my plan.
Dabi grabbed me by my neck and I was immediately pulled into the portal. I heard both Ochako and Tsuyu scream no but they couldn't do anything. The next moment I opened my eyes I found myself in a house of glass and plastic.
A display lit up and Kurogiri, Tomura, Dabi, and Mr. Compress appeared on the screen. It was a glass display without any trace of metal in it... quite impressive place they made to keep me here.
"Where are the others?" Mr. Compress asked Kurogiri.
"We lost everyone, only Moonfish is still there but the police and pro-heroes have arrived." Kurogiri said in his usual emotionless tone.
"What happened to them?" Mr. Compress persisted.
"Magne and Spinner seem to be vanished into thin air. The same thing happened to the Nomu. Muscular's both arms and legs were cut off. Twice is also crippled, he seemed to have crushed Himiko's both legs just before we reached him" Kurogiri finished and by this time both Dabi and Mr. Compress looked like that they would rip me apart with bare hands.
"Bastard!! I will fucking kill him!" Mr. Compress shouted.
"No, we cripple him like he does to the others" Dabi said but both of them were stopped by Tomura who raised his onky remaining arm.
"No, sensei ordered that he must be in one piece until he arrives and extracts his Quirk. Then, he will be a free game" Tomura finished looking at his missing arm.
"Tch" Dabi clicked his tongue and walked out of the room followed by Mr. Compress.
"Enjoy the time you have left" Tomura said to me and he also walked out of the room along with Kurogiri.
I just smiled seeing how naive they were if they thought that I can't do anything. I can still control the lightning, I don't know how Kurogiri got rid of the coins I was carrying with me in just an instant. Though I will commend them for their A1 effort. I decided to relax and laid down on the floor. I started yo think how was I going to explain this to my mom, dad, and my girlfriends. They would be completely heatbroken... but I didn't have another way. If I didn't use this chance then I might not ever get this chance again. All the villians left in league of villians and All For One together in one place...
[Back in Beast's Forest]
"Wh-what??!!" both Momo and Nemuri screamed when the news was broken that Itsuki Reo was kidnapped by the villians. They both felt like their whole world shatter. Momo immediately broke down in tears and was hugged by Mina and Jiro for support.
Everyone who heard Nemuri were confused because of her reaction. She just walked away from there but she didn't even notice that tears were already flowing out of her eyes.
Denki and Eijirou both cursed themselves for being weak not being able to help their friend. It was clear now that except for Moonfish and Mustard, Reo defeated all the villians on his own. Everyone looked solemn, even if they got most of the villians bit they still lost at last. Nezu and All Might were dreading over the fact that if All For One gets their hands on Reo's Quirk then he could easily destroy everything on his own.
Momo didn't even know how she was going to break this news to Reo's mom.
The atmosphere was really bleak, Ochako and Tsuyu blamed themselves. If they didn't try to stop Reo, he should have been still here with them.
Momo finally left Mina's and Jiro's embrace and got up. "I need to find someone" Momo said and walked away. She had wiped away her tears now and walked towards the direction when Nemuri went. Mina and Jiro looked worried but they decided to give Momo some space.
Momo walked inside the forest and found Nemuri kneeling by a tree for support. Nemuri was silent but tears didn't stop flowing from her eyes. She had finally found someone who earnestly cared for her and loved her for who she was. Someone who she wanted to make her family with but he was taken away from her.
Suddenly she tensed when she felt someone place a hand on her shoulder. She didn't want anyone to see her like this... so weak. Ahe turned her head and saw Momo.
"I have known Reo since we were four, and now that I can clearly think. I know that he let himself get caught willingly" Momo spoke. This stunned Nemuri, she immediately wiped her tears and grabbed Momo by her shoulders.
"What are you talking about?" Nemuri asked completely serious.
"Not here... we can talk in my home" Momo said, Nemuri didn't protest and followed Momo.
Within the next hour the news was out in public and UA High's image was dragged through the mud and disgraced by the media for allowing another villian attack to happen on their students.
Nezu decided to call a meeting.
"Where is Midnight?" Kan asked.
"She left with Momo Yaoyorozu, she seems to have some sort of relationship with Itsuki Reo" Ectoplasm said.
"It doesn't matter now if she has a relationship with her student, we have more important matters to discuss now" Nezu said.
"I think there is spy in UA, otherwise how were the villians came to know about the class schedule and now they came to know where the training camp was happening" Present Mic gave his own piece.
"You can't be serious, right?" Power Loader looked at the others and asked.
"No matter how much I would like to say that your thoughts are wrong but I have also come to believe this" Nezu said, this made everyone quiet down.
"With this the villians have declared a war on whole Hero Society while dealing a serious blow to UA's reputation." Nezu continued.
"Now our first priority is to find out where they have taken Young Reo" All Might spoke for the first time and everyone completely agreed with him...
A/N: Bam!! Five chapters done today... goodnight guys now, I am gonna sleep like a log...
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