A Mutant's Ascension
Chapter 45 - Magneto VS All For One (I)
"Yes... there is too much iron in your blood... let me take care of it" I said and raised my hand, this seem to have gotten the reaction I wanted.
I didn't want to kill either of them at least for now so I didn't have to put too much pressure and two of them dropped on the ground screaming their lungs while clutching their chests. All For One was still standing but he also clutched his chest in pain. I didn't have to do much, I made their blood to slightly get more active in their bodies. Even with such a small change it could have a drastic effect and I can clearly see that in front of me.
"How naive can you villians be... hah, well whatever." I finished speaking and the whole room started to shake. For the first time ever I put my entire force to pull out metals from the underground. All For One understood that he messed up and immediately tried to call for help.
"Kurogiri!" All For One screamed and Kurogiri started to appear but as soon his neck became visible I crushed it completely killing Kurogiri. The black mist dispersed leaving behind only the crushed neck brace. Unlucky for him, All For One was only able to call him and wasn't able to tell him about the situation here.
"For a super villain you are pretty stupid" I said to All For One, who still was caught up in Kurogiri death. Mr. Compress and Tomura were still on the floor clutching their chests and screaming. The metal dust have already started to gather around me and room was cracking now unable to hold the force I was applying. The building in which the glass cell was build was also cracking.
Seeing all this All For One decided it was time to run. He must have never imagined this happening. As soon as he used warping I increased more force and a loud splat sound was heard from Mr. Compress and stopped screaming while his body stilled. So, I ended up accidentally killing Mr. Compress. This was a classic example of being at wrong place at wrong time. Tomura withheld the force that means he already has All For One.
All For One dropped on his knees and spat out blood from his mouth. "Don't do that... I went to such huge lengths to get you come to me. Now, I can't have you running away" All For One knew that he needed to attack or he would die and he had to get his protege out of here. He raised his both arm and launched Air Cannon at me... seeing this I generated electricity and used Rupture at full power.
When the two attacks collided a huge explosion happened. I immediately activated Aegis Shield and everything around us was ripped arapt. The explosion was so big and so powerful that it must have taken out a whole block. I felt Tomura being vaporised by the explosion. Pity... I wanted to make him a armless, legless thing.
When the explosion finally subsided a huge crater was formed around me, the metal I pulled from around me have also vaporised but I could still feel All For One. We were out in the open again, I was standing in the middle of a huge wasteland and All For One could be seen floating in air with both of arms missing but they were healing rapidly.
"You will pay for that!!" All For One screamed in rage. His mask was also gone along with most of his suit. He was injured heavily but only survived because of Life Force and Super Regeneration.
"Then, what are you waiting for? The stage is already set... let's not make the everyone wait!!" I said to him slowly rising up in the air upto All For One.
[In Police Headquarters]
The police has already gathered a team of heroes and were discussing possible locations the villians could use as a hideout.
All Might, Endeavor, Edgeshot, Mt. Lady, Best Jeanist, Gran Torino, X-Less, Gang Orca, Kamui Woods, and Tiger were working with police.
Suddenly a police came barging in the room and whispered something in Naomasa's ear.
"What??!" Naomasa yelled in worry and shock. This surprised everyone present in the room.
"What happened now?" Endeavor asked in his usual haughty manner.
Naomasa turned towards the heroes and started to speak "We have confirmed that All For One had appeared and is currently engaged in a battle against Itsuki Reo, they are fighting in Kamino Ward."
Everyone in room was stunned still, they never expected this. Another police ran into the room and handed Naomasa some papers. Naomasa's face filled with worry.
"We must hurry and save Young Reo" All Might said in his usual charisma.
"No... the priority for us now is to evacuate Kamino Ward, according to the report their battle is so destructive that two blocks have completely disappeared. I again repeat the priority is to get the civilians to safety currently Itsuki Reo seems to holding back All For One from causing more destruction" Naomasa spoke reading the report.
"We can't let a student fight All For One" Gran Torino said. All the heroes in the room agreed to him completely.
"Then watch this" Naomasa said in a solemn voice and turned on the TV. As soon as the news channel was tuned in everyone in the room saw something that they would be never forget.
In a area of about two blocks a dome made of steel beams, iron pillars, cars, trucks and several other metal objects were rotating making a shield to contain the destruction. Inside they could see two silhouettes seemed to be engaged in long range battle, one of using air based attack and the other was launching metal objects at unimaginable speeds which were leaving only a blue streak behind them.
All of them gulped seeing the whole scene.
[In Yaoyorozu Compound]
Both Momo and Nemuri were sleeping but they were woken up by sudden knocking on the door. Momo didn't knew what happened, but it was obviously something important. She got two full body bath robes, she wore one herself and handed the other one to Nemuri. After they wore the robes, Momo opened the door.
"Come down immediately! You need to see this" Momo's mom said and grabbed Momo hand and started to drag her down. Nemuri decided to follow them and recahed the hall room and saw Reo's parents were already there watching TV. The news channel was tuned in and the scene on the screen took their breadth away.
Momo knew her boyfriend was strong, very strong but this was insane. Nemuri also had a similar reaction, they didn't even bother to sit down and just stood there with wide eyes watching the fight.
Nemuri's phone started to ring this immediately brought out Momo out of stupor and she ran back to her room to bring her phone. She needed to inform their friends.
Nemuri picked up the call, it was from Hero Association, she was being called to evacuate Kamino Ward. Momo also came back running down while speaking in phone. "Yes Mina, just open any news channel and you will know", saying that she cut the call and decided to inform both Denki & Eijirou.
"I need to go, they are calling in all the heroes to evacuate Kamino Ward" Nemuri said and rushed to Momo's room to get her hero costume.
Momo just nodded to her and dialed Denki and informed him. She did the same with Eijirou and Jiro. Nemuri finally came down in her hero costume and left the compound. The two pair of parents didn't even react to them, they were too busy watching this collosal fight.
[POV Reo]
As soon as I rose up to air the earth beneath us was ripped arapt and metal dust started to rise up. All For One attacked me with Rivet Stab but a Aegis Shield appeared and protected me.
Seeing the attack didn't work All For One launched a huge air cannon on me. The Aegis Shield didn't even budge but everything behind me was blown away because of the force of the attack. I started to make metal spikes from the spikes and lauched them towards All For One using Railgun.
All For One nimbly dogded all of my attacks. Didn't Life Force's Quirk drawback was reduced mobility? Then how the fuck this old bastard is moving so fast. While dodging he kept launching Air Cannon's at me. It didn't cause me any harm but nearly another block was blown away because of his attacks.
I raised both of my hands in air and everything metallic around me in two blocks rose up in the air. I made them rotate around me in a shape of dome to stop any attack getting out but it wasn't enough. I closed my eyes and concentrated really hard, I immediately found all the empty vehicles that were in my range. I pulled all of them twoards me making them join the dome shield. A also found a construction site and pulled everything metallic towards me finally strengthening the shield enough to hold back any of our attacks.
"Impressive but useless" All For One said while attacking my shield directly but the shield tanked his attack. This stunned him still and I used this chance and blew a hole in his stomach. All For One screamed in pain but it was already healing. Damn... that's cheating.
"Let's see what lasts long, your regeneration or my metals?" I said and generated massive lightning bolts around me charging the iron spikes floating around me and launched them at All For One...
(Naughty Cliff-kun attacks again)
I didn't want to kill either of them at least for now so I didn't have to put too much pressure and two of them dropped on the ground screaming their lungs while clutching their chests. All For One was still standing but he also clutched his chest in pain. I didn't have to do much, I made their blood to slightly get more active in their bodies. Even with such a small change it could have a drastic effect and I can clearly see that in front of me.
"How naive can you villians be... hah, well whatever." I finished speaking and the whole room started to shake. For the first time ever I put my entire force to pull out metals from the underground. All For One understood that he messed up and immediately tried to call for help.
"Kurogiri!" All For One screamed and Kurogiri started to appear but as soon his neck became visible I crushed it completely killing Kurogiri. The black mist dispersed leaving behind only the crushed neck brace. Unlucky for him, All For One was only able to call him and wasn't able to tell him about the situation here.
"For a super villain you are pretty stupid" I said to All For One, who still was caught up in Kurogiri death. Mr. Compress and Tomura were still on the floor clutching their chests and screaming. The metal dust have already started to gather around me and room was cracking now unable to hold the force I was applying. The building in which the glass cell was build was also cracking.
Seeing all this All For One decided it was time to run. He must have never imagined this happening. As soon as he used warping I increased more force and a loud splat sound was heard from Mr. Compress and stopped screaming while his body stilled. So, I ended up accidentally killing Mr. Compress. This was a classic example of being at wrong place at wrong time. Tomura withheld the force that means he already has All For One.
All For One dropped on his knees and spat out blood from his mouth. "Don't do that... I went to such huge lengths to get you come to me. Now, I can't have you running away" All For One knew that he needed to attack or he would die and he had to get his protege out of here. He raised his both arm and launched Air Cannon at me... seeing this I generated electricity and used Rupture at full power.
When the two attacks collided a huge explosion happened. I immediately activated Aegis Shield and everything around us was ripped arapt. The explosion was so big and so powerful that it must have taken out a whole block. I felt Tomura being vaporised by the explosion. Pity... I wanted to make him a armless, legless thing.
When the explosion finally subsided a huge crater was formed around me, the metal I pulled from around me have also vaporised but I could still feel All For One. We were out in the open again, I was standing in the middle of a huge wasteland and All For One could be seen floating in air with both of arms missing but they were healing rapidly.
"You will pay for that!!" All For One screamed in rage. His mask was also gone along with most of his suit. He was injured heavily but only survived because of Life Force and Super Regeneration.
"Then, what are you waiting for? The stage is already set... let's not make the everyone wait!!" I said to him slowly rising up in the air upto All For One.
[In Police Headquarters]
The police has already gathered a team of heroes and were discussing possible locations the villians could use as a hideout.
All Might, Endeavor, Edgeshot, Mt. Lady, Best Jeanist, Gran Torino, X-Less, Gang Orca, Kamui Woods, and Tiger were working with police.
Suddenly a police came barging in the room and whispered something in Naomasa's ear.
"What??!" Naomasa yelled in worry and shock. This surprised everyone present in the room.
"What happened now?" Endeavor asked in his usual haughty manner.
Naomasa turned towards the heroes and started to speak "We have confirmed that All For One had appeared and is currently engaged in a battle against Itsuki Reo, they are fighting in Kamino Ward."
Everyone in room was stunned still, they never expected this. Another police ran into the room and handed Naomasa some papers. Naomasa's face filled with worry.
"We must hurry and save Young Reo" All Might said in his usual charisma.
"No... the priority for us now is to evacuate Kamino Ward, according to the report their battle is so destructive that two blocks have completely disappeared. I again repeat the priority is to get the civilians to safety currently Itsuki Reo seems to holding back All For One from causing more destruction" Naomasa spoke reading the report.
"We can't let a student fight All For One" Gran Torino said. All the heroes in the room agreed to him completely.
"Then watch this" Naomasa said in a solemn voice and turned on the TV. As soon as the news channel was tuned in everyone in the room saw something that they would be never forget.
In a area of about two blocks a dome made of steel beams, iron pillars, cars, trucks and several other metal objects were rotating making a shield to contain the destruction. Inside they could see two silhouettes seemed to be engaged in long range battle, one of using air based attack and the other was launching metal objects at unimaginable speeds which were leaving only a blue streak behind them.
All of them gulped seeing the whole scene.
[In Yaoyorozu Compound]
Both Momo and Nemuri were sleeping but they were woken up by sudden knocking on the door. Momo didn't knew what happened, but it was obviously something important. She got two full body bath robes, she wore one herself and handed the other one to Nemuri. After they wore the robes, Momo opened the door.
"Come down immediately! You need to see this" Momo's mom said and grabbed Momo hand and started to drag her down. Nemuri decided to follow them and recahed the hall room and saw Reo's parents were already there watching TV. The news channel was tuned in and the scene on the screen took their breadth away.
Momo knew her boyfriend was strong, very strong but this was insane. Nemuri also had a similar reaction, they didn't even bother to sit down and just stood there with wide eyes watching the fight.
Nemuri's phone started to ring this immediately brought out Momo out of stupor and she ran back to her room to bring her phone. She needed to inform their friends.
Nemuri picked up the call, it was from Hero Association, she was being called to evacuate Kamino Ward. Momo also came back running down while speaking in phone. "Yes Mina, just open any news channel and you will know", saying that she cut the call and decided to inform both Denki & Eijirou.
"I need to go, they are calling in all the heroes to evacuate Kamino Ward" Nemuri said and rushed to Momo's room to get her hero costume.
Momo just nodded to her and dialed Denki and informed him. She did the same with Eijirou and Jiro. Nemuri finally came down in her hero costume and left the compound. The two pair of parents didn't even react to them, they were too busy watching this collosal fight.
[POV Reo]
As soon as I rose up to air the earth beneath us was ripped arapt and metal dust started to rise up. All For One attacked me with Rivet Stab but a Aegis Shield appeared and protected me.
Seeing the attack didn't work All For One launched a huge air cannon on me. The Aegis Shield didn't even budge but everything behind me was blown away because of the force of the attack. I started to make metal spikes from the spikes and lauched them towards All For One using Railgun.
All For One nimbly dogded all of my attacks. Didn't Life Force's Quirk drawback was reduced mobility? Then how the fuck this old bastard is moving so fast. While dodging he kept launching Air Cannon's at me. It didn't cause me any harm but nearly another block was blown away because of his attacks.
I raised both of my hands in air and everything metallic around me in two blocks rose up in the air. I made them rotate around me in a shape of dome to stop any attack getting out but it wasn't enough. I closed my eyes and concentrated really hard, I immediately found all the empty vehicles that were in my range. I pulled all of them twoards me making them join the dome shield. A also found a construction site and pulled everything metallic towards me finally strengthening the shield enough to hold back any of our attacks.
"Impressive but useless" All For One said while attacking my shield directly but the shield tanked his attack. This stunned him still and I used this chance and blew a hole in his stomach. All For One screamed in pain but it was already healing. Damn... that's cheating.
"Let's see what lasts long, your regeneration or my metals?" I said and generated massive lightning bolts around me charging the iron spikes floating around me and launched them at All For One...
(Naughty Cliff-kun attacks again)
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