A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 492 - The End Of Heroes (I)...

[Unknown Location, Tokyo] 

"So, we are doing this, right?" Connla questioned looking around. 

"Yes… the convoy is about to enter the Tokyo Bridge. We hit them there as planned, and remember, no humans must be harmed" Cao Cao pointed out with a hard look on his face. 

"There is no place for mistakes, if she gets away then we are going to have a lot of problems" Cao Cao added and everyone nodded their heads in understanding. "We are Heroes!!" Cao Cao exclaimed loudly and the others cheered loudly. 

"Georg, let's go" Cao Cao called out and moments later, the whole group was engulfed by purple mist and after that, everyone inside the room was gone. 

Cao Cao and the others appeared near the Tokyo Bridge. This was the perfect spot for an ambush and they are going to do just that. After waiting for a few minutes, they finally noticed a convoy of black sedans approaching. 

Cao Cao finally gave the signal and Georg immediately used his Longinus, Dimension Lost to trap the whole convoy in a separate dimension. The cars stopped and several men dressed in black suits came out of the cars and started to look around, searching for the enemies. 

"Let's go, we must greet them formally. We are Heroes, and Heroes don't hide!" Cao Cao said in a righteous tone and Georg gave a small nod and all of them finally entered the separate dimension they had just created. 

"Who are you??!" Some of the men dressed in black suits immediately noticed the arrival of Cao Cao and the other members of his Faction. 

"We are Heroes, and we simply want your leader. A lot of bloodshed could be avoided if you hand us over to us" Cao Cao answered with a smug grin on his face. His words seemed to agitate the men dressed in black suits and they decided to give up the illusion. Slowly, all of them transformed into Tengus. 

"My my… did we hit a nerve?" Heracles asked in a mocking tone. 

"Yes, it seems so. After all, they must be under a lot of pressure working for a weak leader" Siegfried said in a neutral tone, but it was pretty clear that he was trying to agitate their enemies and worked like a charm. 

"What did you say, you bastard!?!!" One of the Tengus screeched hysterically. Everyone except the leader were dressed in similar uniforms, so it was kind of hard to recognize them. 

"Wait!" A voice came from inside the car in the middle. The door opened with a click and Yasaka, the leader of the Kyoto Youkai Faction climbed out of the car. She glared at the humans who dared to attack her, she was really angry and at the same time, she was quite nervous on the inside. 

Kunou was also present with her… she didn't care if anything happened to her, but she was really worried about her daughter. Usually, she never brought Kunou with her to usual boring meetings, but for whatever reason, she had decided to bring Kunou along with her this time. 

Yasaka immediately knew that this attack wasn't a fluke or a coincidence, they knew that her daughter was going to be present with her. Yasaka would grudgingly accept that she was weaker than the leaders of the other Youkai Factions, but she was still capable enough to handle herself. 

But her daughter's presence had handicapped her, she knew that she couldn't actively participate in a fight while protecting her daughter at the same time. Yasaka vowed that she was going to flay the Youkai who had tipped her enemies about this trip. She was sure that this was an inside job. 

"What do you want from me?" Yasaka questioned, she was trying to buy time and get as much information as she could from the group of humans before a fight could break out. 

"...If I reveal that, then we would need to kill everyone" Cao Cao answered with a grin. Yasaka gave him a filthy look. 

"Hah… and you call yourselves Heroes" Yasaka spat in a mocking tone and Cao Cao or any of the other members weren't impressed by that statement. 

"I think we have talked enough… surrender yourself or we are going to attack!" Cao Cao exclaimed out loud and several members of the Hero Faction got into their battle stances and the Tengus also did the same. 

Yasaka would have happily surrendered herself, but she had no idea if the humans would even allow Kunou to leave. Using Senjutsu, Yasaka knew that they were trapped inside some type of separate dimension. She had tried teleporting away, but she couldn't activate teleportation Magic. 

"Kaa-san, I am scared" Kunou muttered fearfully. She was hugging her knees in front of her chest. 

"Don't worry about anything Kunou, everything will be fine" Yasaka said softly, trying to reassure her daughter, but in truth, she was also trying to reassure herself. 

Cao Cao finally gave the signal and Heracles, Siegfried, Connla and Jeanne immediately initiated their attacks. For now, Cao Cao and Leonardo decided to stand back and frontal assault wasn't Georg's forte. Of course, he could attack if push came to the shove, but he wasn't going to initiate an attack. 

"Blade Blacksmith!!" Jeanne loudly exclaimed and huge numbers of swords were erected from the ground. Jeanne decided to direct her attack towards the car, Yasaka immediately reacted and pulled Kunou out of the car. 

The attack collided against the first car, and it turned into a pincushion. All the Youkais including Yasaka and Kunou immediately jumped away from the cars. As soon as the Youkai group landed on their feet, they were attacked by Heracles who was now covered in a shining armour. 

Yasaka immediately knew that it was a Sacred Gear, but she had no idea what Sacred Gear was. The Tengus were barely able to repel Heracles when Siegfried jumped into the fray. Siegfried was using two swords right now. Yasaka immediately recognized the swords as Gram and Tryfing. 

'This is bad! This is really bad!!' Yasaka nervously screamed inside her mind and placed Kunou behind her in a protective manner. 

Gram was also known as the Sword of the Sun, it is the strongest Demon Sword. Known as the Demonic Emperor Sword, it is a Dragon Slayer sword with the destructive power of the Holy Sword Durandal. It was an insanely strong weapon and in the hands of someone strong, it was a devastating weapon. 

Tryfing is much weaker than Gram if compared. Tryfing is a simple Demonic Sword with destructive properties. Aside from that, the sword wasn't anything special, but the way Siegfried was using his swords, it was pretty clear that they needed to do something or all of them were doomed. 

'But what??' Yasaka questioned herself desperately. She had tried everything, there was no way to escape. They could only fight… Yasaka growled in anger, if she was going to go down, then she would go down fighting. She would try to protect Kunou as long as possible. 

Yasaka was about to attack on her own as she noticed that the Tengus were barely holding up, but she froze when she noticed two presences enter the dimension. Senjutsu was pretty attuned to sensing and moments later, she felt her blood freeze inside her veins. 

She could feel the amount of bloodlust rolling off from one of the newer arrivals and Yasaka was scared. Even though the bloodlust wasn't directed towards her, she could feel her skin crawling and Kunou shuddered in fear as she hugged her mother tightly from behind. 

Heracles, Connla, Siegfried, and Jeanne finally stopped their attacks and turned around. They immediately recognized their attacker as Yachiru Unohana. They have heard a lot of things about this woman. Cao Cao immediately became tense, toying with Youkais was one thing, but from what he had heard about this woman, this woman was seriously dangerous. 

Yachiru started to approach the group while cackling in mad glee and after a few seconds, she became completely silent, but she didn't stop approaching the group. "...It has been some time since I have spilled some blood" Yachiru said in a monotone. Her voice was completely devoid of any emotion, but there was an underlying hint of pure malice. 

"I was looking for a few targets to try out my new powers" Yachiru said and a cruel grin appeared on her face. "Thank you for assisting me, I will reward all of you with my art" Yachiru gushed out looking slightly excited and her voice filled with a hint of insanity. 

Nobody dared to make any moves, they were simply too scared to do anything. They have faced a lot of enemies, true, but they have never faced an enemy like this woman. They simply couldn't fathom how many sentient beings this woman must have slain to possess such strong bloodlust. 

The bloodlust wasn't directed towards anyone, but they could still feel Death approaching them. Yachiru's Zanpakutou appeared in her hand in a wisp of reddish-black smoke. With a swift motion, Yachiru pulled out her Zanpakutou and looked at the group of humans with her gloomy and menacing eyes. 

"Let's spill some blood, wouldn't you agree?" Yachiru questioned hoarsely and traced the Zanpakutou with her fingers. "Bankai, Minazuki" Yachiru said in a gleeful tone as she released her Bankai… 


1611 words in this chapter.

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