A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 280: Yaoyao's identity is suspected

Chapter 280: Yao Yao's Identity Was Suspicious

Yaoyao quickly raised his head, only to find that two women and one man were in front of him. "Well. Hello."

"Oh, we are your colleagues. Since you have been, you have been in the office, and we have not been able to disturb you in the past. Actually, I have always wanted to give you a welcome party or something."

Khan, she didn't expect her colleagues in the Legal Department to be so enthusiastic. "Sorry, sorry, I always have a case at hand, so just ..."

"Well, we know. By the way, how old are you?" A female lawyer looked up and down her.

Today, Yaoyao wears casual clothes and no makeup, so the baby face is fully revealed. To avoid the doubts of others, she hurriedly said, "I, I am 24."

"24 ?!" The lawyers glanced at each other: "Oh, when you first came we thought you were 20 years old, and now you look like a junior high school student. I didn't expect you to be 24 Now, the maintenance is really good. "

"Oh, ha ha." Yao Yao smiled slightly awkwardly.

The lawyers looked at each other again, and one of the female lawyers turned her eyes and asked tentatively, "Yes, which university did you graduate from? The number of lawyer qualifications?"

"Ah?" She was still a student at school, and she couldn't say anything about the lawyer's certificate ... "I, I graduated from the first university. It's just a national junior lawyer's certificate."

"Junior? !!!" When Yaoya's words were finished, the enthusiasm of those lawyers was absent for a moment: "Oh, I thought you must be a senior national lawyer. It turned out to be junior !!"

There will be comparisons between every industry, and nothing less than lawyers. In general, the national lawyer qualification certificate is the same level as the world-class qualification certificate, and it is also divided into junior, intermediate, and advanced levels. Those who can basically have a senior lawyer qualification certificate are already quite powerful. As for the elementary level, it is exactly the entry level. So those lawyers looked down on Yao Yao.

"Oh, if I don't understand anything in the future, I have to learn from you."

"Well, I don't have time to hand in the students, I'm very busy." The woman opened her mouth disgustingly, her eyes can not help but cast aside the woman next to her: "You can ask Miss Rong, she is an intermediate lawyer . "

"Come on, are you sarcasming me? Which one in our office isn't a high-level lawyer in the country? Ask me for advice? I'm really afraid of being laughed at."

"What are you laughing at? A Rong, everyone's junior lawyer has come in. Your status has now improved."

"Oh, that's weird to say, it's really the first time our office has been a junior rookie."

"That's it." You said to me, two women, as if you meant it to Yao Yao, and ignored her completely.

Yaoyao suddenly felt that they should not welcome themselves, so they had to leave quietly.

There is no way, it seems that such things as snobbery really exist everywhere, they will be admired if they have status, and they will be despised without status. Ugh……

"Ah, hey, I thought that little girl would be reused by the general manager anyway because she is also a senior lawyer. You said that she is a junior lawyer, how could she be regarded by the general manager?" Three lawyers, a woman and a man, began to gossip.

"Who knows, and I'm curious. Does she have a huge background?"

"You should know that our president Yu does not value these backgrounds or backgrounds at all. He only values ​​ability."

"Cut, but what if the little girl has a" special relationship "with Mr. Yu's relatives?"

"Huh? Isn't it ..." Thinking of this, the people laughed sarcastically ...

At lunchtime, Yaoyao stretched out lazily. After finishing his desk, he planned to go to the restaurant for lunch.

"Well, wait ..." Arriving at the elevator, the elevator just closed the door slowly, and she hurried over.

Colleagues who were on the elevator apparently saw that Yao Yao who came to this side chose to ignore them and shut down the elevator without waiting for her.

Are they ... intentional? Yaoyao shouted in front of the closed elevator.

Just then, the elevator suddenly opened.

It seemed that she was more attentive. Maybe those colleagues did not respond. She raised a smile and just wanted to thank her, but what caught her eyes was Wang Han.

"Little girl, see you again."

"Director Wang ?!" She stepped into the elevator and smiled politely. "Actually, I just came back to the company not long ago. I wanted to go to your office to say hello, but I've been busy recently, so on……"

"It's okay." Wang Hanruya smiled, glanced at the lawyers in the legal department standing behind him: "Did you hear that Xiao Luo asked you to wait?"

The lawyers stared at each other, and Pi smiled back without smiling: "Director Wang, we really didn't hear it, but we didn't intentionally leave her with the elevator door."

"Then why did I hear it while standing in the elevator?" Wang Han was almost forty years old, but he was not a truer man, but he also had a temper. Yao Yao had a face that was easy to be bullied. When no one gave her a head, she was afraid that it would be difficult for her to mix in the arrogant crowd of the Legal Department.

"Director Wang ..." Yao Yao, who was next to him, shook her head in embarrassment. She understood Director Wang's intentions, but it really turned out that it didn't help anyone. Moreover, this is not a big deal.

"Well." Wang Han sighed meaningfully, shook his head helplessly.

At this time, the elevator just arrived at the restaurant. "Little girl, I'm going to eat."

"Well, Director Wang, goodbye." Yaoyao and Wang Han walked out of the elevator.

The rest of my colleagues in the Legal Department look at me and I look at you. "Did you hear the conversation they just had? The woman seems to have been in Boson before, right?"

"It seems to be like this. Hiss ... She met with Director Wang, and it can be seen that the original position should not be low, but there are no such young people in the senior management."

"Then I don't know. I can't remember whose relatives she is. It looks like the woman is really backgrounded."

"Take care of her, anyway, well water doesn't make river water, so don't mess with me, mess with me, let me manage her background." Several colleagues said as they entered the restaurant. They chose a location by the window. However, Yaoyao happened to be sitting at a double dining table diagonally opposite.

After a while, Long Yan sat anxiously in front of her.

"Hey, hey, look, General Manager Long." The lawyers pointed mysteriously at Yao Yao, and a small group of people in the restaurant also focused on Yao Yao.

After all, high-level management like Xiang Long's usually eats in the private room or outside, and rarely appears in the lobby of the restaurant, so naturally it will cause a lot of commotion.

This novel comes from the King of Books

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