A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 324: Long Qi's desire

"Long Qi, have you found Aotian?" In the cabin, Long Chan patted his brother's shoulder.

He stunned slightly: "No, no." He shook his head nervously, then rushed into the bathroom.

‘Flop, flap 'The heart is beating fiercely and undulatingly, Long Qi ’s handsome and fair face is covered with a touch of flushing, and the pair of Ling Mou Feng is filled with the strong desire of men.

"Huh ... huh ..." He was breathing heavily, his hot body leaning on the door panel, eager to cool down, but his ears kept echoing the scene just seen in the cabin lounge. .

‘Big brother, please, put you ... into me ... I ... the fingers in my body ... take them out. ’

He was asked by his brother to go to Yu Aotian, but he happened to see the scene where Yu Aotian and Yao Yao were ambiguous.

Yaoyao's expression on his face and his seductive voice hit his senses over and over again.

"Damn !!!" Long Qi suddenly felt that her lower abdomen was extremely tight, and her swimming trunks also supported a huge tent.

‘Wowa’, quickly unscrewing the faucet, and constantly rushing your head with cold water, eager to tell you to quickly forget the scene you should n’t see.

‘叩叩 叩’ “Long Qi, are you all right? Are you seasick?”

"I, I'm okay." He closed the faucet, exhaled a long breath, pretending that nothing had happened, and opened the bathroom door: "I have a stomachache and ..." I inadvertently saw standing in the dragon owl Behind Yaoyao, his pale face hung a hint of red again.

"I have found Aotian. Let's go to the deck."

"Well, oh ..." Long Qi nodded chubby and walked to the end of the team. But his gaze never looked at Yao Yao.


"Hey, uncle, why don't you go swimming? Maybe your body is so bad, so you dare not take your clothes off to swim?" While everyone was playing in the pool, Gong Xiaoman came to the bow and found Han Li.

He sat at the farthest end of the bow, glanced at Xiaoman with a light eye, and continued to look coldly at the endless blue sea.

Gong Xiaoman's eyes turned: "Uncle, let's go play together." Stretching out his hand and holding Han Liyu's arm.

His sharp eyes glanced at her grasping his arm's hand, and in the next second, the cold face sketched a strange smile: "Okay."

"Come, come, let's play water volleyball together." As soon as Gong Xiaoman and Han Liyun arrived at the pool, Long Yan's girlfriend issued this proposal.

At this time, Long Ye and others also returned to the pool.

"Okay!" Gong Xiaoman raised his hands to agree, took a beautiful pose, and then jumped into the pool. "Uncle, join together."

Han Liyu standing on the shore was silent for a long while, and slowly took off his vest.

The perfect figure full of muscles was immediately displayed in front of Gong Xiaoman's eyes. She really regretted that she would think that this uncle was afraid of bad physique and would not go swimming.

The strong pectoral muscles and perfect abs are perfectly impeccable when paired with that stern face.

Xiaoman Gong swallowed droolily like a idiot. If there is no one here, she can't wait to throw this uncle right away!

"Hey, uncle, your figure is so good. How did you practice it?" Gong Xiaoman swam to the pool and asked curiously.

Han Lixuan smiled slightly, and those cold eyes slowly moved not far away: "angel, together."

"Oh." Angel got up from the lounge chair and walked in front of Han Liyu with a smile.

When she was about to enter the pool, Han Liyu carefully held her arm: "Be careful, the water is cold."


"Er." Gong Xiaoman who saw this scene always felt strange, as if the cold man was particularly gentle in front of a woman named angel. Are they good friends?

"Little Lolita. Come, play together." Long Yan plunged into the water and waved to Yaoyao on the shore.

She quickly shook her head: "No, no." Taking a quick step backwards, but who knows, the next step, she fell into the pool: "Ah !!!"

Fortunately, at this moment, relying on her nearest Long Qi's hand, her eyes were fast and she held her arm.

"Thank you." Yao Yao smiled sweetly.

But who knows ...

"Big brother, please ..." Long Qi's mind reappeared, and his heart was beating fiercely.

Next second ...

He let go.

"Flop", Yaoyao fell into the pool. Fortunately, the water was not deep enough to just pass her neck. "Long Qi, you are not human!"

He squeezed his nervous heart and smiled badly: "Sorry, I slipped my hand."

"You !!!" Yao Yao was instantly furious.

At this moment, I saw Yu Aotian walked quickly behind Long Qi, and before he reacted, Yu Aotian extended his foot ...

Kicking him relentlessly into the pool.

"Aotian, you ?!" Long Qi looked at Yu Aotian standing on the shore in puzzlement.

He tilted his head and smiled evilly, "I'm sorry, my feet slipped."

"Hahahaha." Yaoyao laughed mockingly.

Long Qi gritted her teeth and glared at her: "Just make you laugh! Make you laugh!" She kept splashing water on her face.

"Little Man! Little Man! Help me !!!"

"Come here!" Gong Xiaoman, who was not far away, swam over quickly, joining Yaoyao's team to attack Long Qi together.

Suddenly, the celebration party set up for Royal Sky reached the highest point.

"Why not play together?" While everyone was playing water volleyball, Yu Aotian sat beside Mo Xuetong.

She glanced coldly at the rising atmosphere in the pool, and smiled helplessly: "Too naive, you know, I don't like it."

"Oh, Xue Tong, there are times when you should relax yourself. It is estimated that this will be my last day of relaxation." With that said, Yu Aotian turned to lie on a reclining chair and looked at the blue sky intoxicated.

How difficult it is to take this road of politics, he knows better than anyone else; he fought the first battle at the age of 16 and won the underworld of Japan; 26 fought the second battle at the age of business; he is now 28 at the age of his life The third battle ushered in by China is also a crucial one. In the future, I am afraid that there will be no more relaxed days as now.

"Aotian, when did you break up with that little girl?"

"Huh?" Yu Aotian's deep eyes stared at Mo Xuetong.

"Nothing, just curious."

"Xue Tong, you should be concerned about your own business!" Yu Aotian's tone was a little dark, and his eyes narrowed at the location of the pool: "You can't help wondering why Long Yan changed his girlfriend one by one?"

"I know. But, what does it have to do with me? That's because he's not mature enough." Mo Xuetong laughed disdainfully, but the next second, the cold and stern face sank: "Kao Tian, ​​you know again I don't know ... why haven't I found a boyfriend?! <

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