A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 355: I don't think I deserve him

"Miss Luo, you want to tell me that you are very kind and love Chen Yi, and aren't you coming for the money of my family? These can't move me."

"Uncle, you're wrong with me. I don't mean to express how noble my personal qualities are. As you said, this can't move you. And the reason why I say that what I have is money and wealth. The second generation couldn't buy it because ... "She started, slowly pulling out a certificate from her bag. "This is my lawyer's qualification certificate." She said, putting the certificate on the table.

"If you know a little bit about the lawyer industry, then you should know how valuable the world-class senior lawyer is. I really can't help Feng's with the power of the family, but ... I can use my mind. It's called Fengshi become more powerful! Which will make Fengshi develop faster, I believe you know better than me. "

Feng Xiao is already in his 60s, what hasn't he eaten? I haven't seen anything.

How big is the gold content of senior lawyers in the world, how can he not know?

There are only a few senior lawyers in the world. He didn't expect that this little girl would be one of them? !! !! No wonder she would say. ‘I never thought that I was n’t worthy of your style. ’

Yes, with such a position, I believe many companies will break their heads and fight for her! "Miss Luo, ask a personal question, how high is your IQ? I'm not malicious."

"Oh, I understand, uncle. I am indeed a member of the 'rare' group and my IQ is 200."

"200 ????" Feng Chenrui on the side was stupid after listening, and this little girl would be a group of super intelligent businessmen? !! !!

In contrast, Feng Xiao is a little more indifferent: "No wonder I will get a world-class lawyer qualification certificate. Oh ..."

"Luo, Miss Luo, I admire your own ability. But it is also true that you are a lover to Yu Aotian? My father will not understand this." Feng Chenrui saw that the situation was not good, The wind blows again.

Sure enough, after listening to this, the old man's expression that had just eased was gloomy again.

But this time it was Feng Chenyi's turn to watch the show, and he knew very well that his elder brother had stolen horse honeycomb this time.

"Mr. Feng Chenrui, if it wasn't for your brother Chen Yi's sake, based on your sentence, I can sue you for slander, but the charge of insulting the senior lawyer is great!"

"Do you dare to say that you have not been a lover to Yu Aotian?" Feng Chenrui stood up angrily.

"I did stay with Mr. Yu, but I just acted as his attorney." In the face of the ugly past, she didn't want to be so assertive in denial; but in the face of such an ugly brother, she could only choose so!

"Oh? I have received news that Yu Aotian has a world-class lawyer, so he will run successfully. Is it you?"

"Oh, uncle, I dare not say that Mr. Yu's election success is my credit, but I did represent Mr. Yu's election."

"Father! Don't listen to her sophistry, she really has been a lover to Yu Aotian !!!" Feng Chenrui said relentlessly.

Yaoyao shook his fist vigorously, and his small face suddenly hung a sharp smile: "Feng Chenrui, do you have any evidence that I have been a lover for Yuao Tian? On the contrary, if you are so sure I am Yuao Heaven's lover, then why did you court me in the restaurant last time? Call me your girlfriend ??? Could it be that it was because I rejected you and you hated me, so you slandered me? "


"Um? I really have an impression when it comes to this." Feng Chenyi didn't give Feng Chenrui a chance to speak at all, and quickly opened his mouth: "Yao Yao, I remember my elder brother gave the gold card to Are you there? "

Khan, Feng Chenyi now looks like a treacherous villain, but he really can stitch.

"Chen Rui !!! Is she telling me the truth? You gave her the gold card?" At this moment, the woman sitting silently opened her mouth and yelled.

Feng Chenyi's eyes turned around, pretending to be soothing: "Dasao, don't be angry, how can Yaoyao be my girlfriend to accept my elder brother's gold card? After my elder brother left, she gave it to After me, I have already returned it to the elder brother. Right? Elder brother. "

After hearing his brother say this, Feng Chenrui raised his fist in anger.

Yaoyao knew that this woman was Feng Chenrui's wife? Knowing this, she wouldn't talk about it. After all, Feng Chenrui's wife is innocent. She didn't want to pull her wife into the water because she hated Feng Chenrui.

"Feng Chenrui, you are too much, even your brother's girlfriend ?!" Feng Chenrui's wife growled louder and louder.

Feng Feng, who was beside him, patted the armrest of the sofa hard: "Stop it for me! Chen Rui, did you know at that time that she was your brother's girlfriend? !!!"

"Father, listen to me, I ..."

"That is to say, you know? Chen Rui, I'm so disappointed in you, you are ashamed of us !!!!"

"Father, don't be angry."

Watching Feng Xiao's muzzle tune turned to Feng Chenrui, while Feng Chenyi pulled Yao Yao's hand and left quietly.

As soon as he went out, he couldn't stop smiling.

"How do you keep laughing?" Yaoya asked curiously while sitting in the car.

Feng Chenyi eased her mood and said, "I am happy to see you working so hard for our marriage."


Khan, really, she had been obstructing the marriage, but it turned out that she started to guard the marriage.

But ... she saw Feng Chenyi sacrificed so much for herself, she didn't even realize it ... want to work together.

It doesn't matter, if it wasn't for the trouble of the old man, she would be upset even if she got married. But after that ordeal, she made up her mind to accompany Feng Chenyi for a lifetime, even if that love is gone, it doesn't matter ...

"Che, I think you laughed so treacherous because your brother was so embarrassed, right?"

"Maybe there is a relationship in this regard." Indeed, he was very proud to see his brother like that. But more are ...

He once again witnessed Yaoyao's ability to turn decay into magic.

He had said long ago that Yaoyao had the ability to turn an impossible thing into a possible one!

"Where are you going now?"

"Go for your wedding photo."

"Ah? But hasn't Uncle promised us to get married?"

Seeing Yao Yao's surprised look, Feng Chenyi smiled slightly and said, "I said it, he didn't need to agree. Moreover, after listening to your introduction, my father will definitely agree!"

Feng Feng was born of a businessman. He must have the nature of profit. Talents like Yaoyao can be met but not in demand. Being able to stay with her is more important than marrying ten wives with family and background. Heavy and light, the wind is very clear! <

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