A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 358: The lover incident was exposed

Leaving the restaurant, Hei Yanlong followed behind Yaoyao all the way.

It is said that he is following, but it is so eye-catching. There is still a long line of bodyguards behind him, and his elegant car is moving forward slowly.

But he didn't follow it, just walked all the way without saying hello to her.

In the end, Yao Yao was the first to lose her breath. The main "tracking" team attracted a lot of passers-by. She didn't want to be so shameful. "Mr. Hei, it's not a way for you to follow me like this, do you have something to ask me?"

Hei Yanlong stood still, slowly peeping into the pocket with his hands, and the dark eyes instantly cooled down: "I was in the restaurant just now, was Li Nuoting saying true?"

This is the second time he heard someone say that Yaoyao had broken things with Meiyun.

If it is said that the first time Shang Yunyin was a lie, then is the second time Li Nuoting also a lie? Even lying is too much the same.

"It's true." Yao Yao's answer was indifferent.

Heiyanlong frowned slightly and rushed forward: "Are there any misunderstandings?"


He shook his fist sharply: "It is Chen Yi who chooses to believe in you again and again, we will support and bless your marriage. If Li Nuoting just said the truth and Chen Yi wants to marry you, he is A fool! "

"Oh, you are Chen Yi's friend. Do you really think he will become blind because of a woman?"

Hei Yanlong didn't want his good brother to be stupid for love, but ... "Woman, you just said those are the facts, and now what do they mean ?!"

She didn't know what she wanted to express. In short, she didn't want Feng Chenyi's good friends to think he was a fool. "It wasn't something I provoked, but it was related to me. It was what I expected from the beginning to the end, but it couldn't be changed."

A vague word fell, and Yao Yao smiled softly and turned and disappeared in front of Hei Yanlong.

Yes, Li Meiyun's child was not removed by her own hands, but it was because of her that Li Meiyun used that strategy.

The kidnapping was not her plan. She could even escape with Li Meiyun safely, but unexpectedly Li Meiyun limited her to injustice. In order to protect herself, she could only use such a strategy.

One thing, not what she thought, was all sparked by the existence of her lover.

From the beginning to the end, she knew everything, and wanted to change, but Li Meiyun didn't give her the chance to change at all, and could only come to that end step by step.

This may be the answer, I will not kill Beren, but Beren will die because of me ...

First University, Class A classroom.

"What? Really and false, you want Feng Chenyi ..."

"Shh, Xiaoman, I don't want to make this public so early."

Even if she didn't want to be revealed so early, everyone would know when she had the wedding. When Gong Xiaoman heard the news that Yaoyao was going to marry Feng Chenyi, he was so scared that his chin was about to fall off. I believe the classmates would also scare the diapers when they knew. "You, do you think about it well? Although ... you and Feng Chenyi are really a good match, plus his background and net worth, he is the perfect candidate for a perfect husband. But ... but you just broke up with Yu Aotian, just Is it too hasty to marry him? "

"Well, I also think ... we shouldn't get married. But this is Chen Yi's own proposal."

"... Dizzy, but forget it, how do you two have so many years of love, it is normal to get married." After careful calculation, these two people have been together for 6 years, and it is also a long distance love run. It just said that there was an Aotian in the middle, and it was impossible for Gong Xiaoman to be relieved. "I tell you, the place of your bridesmaid must be left to me."

Oh, and the bridesmaids, she doesn't want to have a wedding anymore. Gong Xiaoman is an outsider, just to see it lively, but how can Yao Yao, an insider, not know that this wedding is actually a transaction!

"Hey, look, there are a lot of reporters out there."

"Yeah, what happened, so many reporters came?" In the classroom, exclaimed students.

Yao Yao and Gong Xiaoman looked at the window, and a large number of reporters were rushing to their classroom.

"Classmate, who is Luo Yaoyao?" The reporters hurried to the door, and asked Luo Yaoyao whenever they were.

The students pointed curiously and pointed at the first row of the classroom: "The **** the left is Luo Yaoyao."

"Thank you, classmates." The reporters immediately spotted the target person, and in order to win first-hand news, they swarmed in front of Yao Yao. "Miss Luo, yesterday, our newspaper received an anonymous e-mail saying that during the period of Mr. Yu's presidency of Bosen, he had adopted you as a lover. Is this true?"

"Miss Luo, the content of the e-mail is quite clear about your private affairs. May I ask, is this true? Have you ever been a lover to Mr. Yu?"

"Yes, Miss Luo, the content of the email also tells you about the murder of the former international actress Miss Li. Can you explain?"

Questions one by one are like a sharp blade, and the turbulence of cultivating on campus has finally been lifted again.

If last time, she did not know who revealed her lover, then this time she can be sure that all this must be done by Nuo Ting!

Well said to face all this, then this time she will not be so useless up! "Reporters, I do n’t know who sent the anonymous e-mails, but I will hold them legally responsible. In addition, I ca n’t tell you about the matter between me and the Royal Representative, you can directly ask the Royal Member. "

enough! She's really had enough!

Wasn't she a lover of Yu Aotian, did she think? Had it not been for him to live a life like a gnat, would he be a lover for Yu Aotian because of those more than one million?

Why do these journalists and those who are interested in the interest just keep this matter?

"Miss Luo ..."

Yao Yao's face sank, and he stopped the reporters' questions: "I said that, I have nothing to say about this! If you still have to ask questions, then you are also waiting for my lawyer's letter! ! "

Seeing Yaoyao's determination, those reporters had no choice but to go back home.

"Yaoyao, your performance is really strong this time, but ... you talk to reporters like that, how bad they are and how bad you write with their unscrupulous attitude." Gong Xiaoman's worry is definitely not Worrying.

Some reporters today do not exaggerate the facts. Today's Yaoyao has such a strong attitude. Tomorrow's headline will be the arrogant and arrogant attitude of Yu Aotian's lover. <

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