A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 377: Sit and eat

"Chen Yi? You haven't called me in a long time."

On the other side of the phone, a voice familiar to Yaoyao was heard. It's Royal Sky ...

Why does Feng Chenyi call Yu Aotian, and is also driving hands-free? !!

"Well, isn't this why husband and wife‘ life ’is more frequent lately, and they have forgotten to contact Chairman Yu. Oh, by the way, I ’m pretty good and do n’t need you to bother.”

On the other side of the phone, Yu Aotian's expression sank instantly after hearing this, but his tone was still in a hurry: "That's good, that's good. You know, I don't want my family to get Yao Yao Satisfy."

"Relax, Chairman Yu, but she is my wife. How could I tell her to stay alone? That's it, hang up first." The moment all Fengchenyi hung up the phone, all the expressions on her face disappeared.

Sitting in the co-pilot position, Yao Yao looked at him with strange eyes: "Chen Yi, you ..."

"What's the matter?" Feng Chenyi smiled coldly, with a look that could not be read.

what happened? What's wrong? Why is Feng Chenyi so strange today? "You send someone ... monitor me?"

"Don't you tell me the truth ?!"

"That's because I'm afraid you're worried, so I won't tell you. I really didn't expect that you would call Yu Aotian directly. Have you ever thought that when Yu Aotian said that kind of thing, my What is it in my heart ???

Again, once the two men have a war, the most unlucky one is Yao Yao. But she seemed to have no reason to be angry at anyone, because she was exactly the source of the war.

Feng Chenyi suddenly fell into silence, and for a long while, he smiled, "Let's go out to eat today."

No, Chen Yi was not like this at all.

If she gets angry, he will get even more angry. Until the last two quarreled one after another and laughed as the end.

But now, she clearly felt that Feng Chenyi was holding back her anger, so why not send it out? He was so afraid of her ...

"Well. Then call your father-in-law. I'm afraid the father-in-law will be angry."

"Okay. Think about where to eat."

"Hmm ..." The atmosphere became harmonious in an instant, but Yaoyao knew that this was just a superficial phenomenon. I hope Feng Chenyi will change back to the past ...

The driving car was parked slowly at the entrance of a fine Japanese restaurant.

"Oh, it looks like you haven't had enough time in Japan."

This is what Yaoyao had been thinking about for a long time. Listening to Feng Chenyi's slightly ironic voice, she frowned doubtfully: "Don't you like it? I remember you didn't eat too much when you were in Japan?"

"It ’s you who eats it?" Feng Chenyi really ca n’t forget. When Yao Yao was taken to a Japanese restaurant for the first time, Yao Yao swept all directions, and he knew from then on that little girl Appetite is comparable to 2 adult men! "Get off the bus." He took Yao's hand and walked slowly into this Japanese restaurant.

The waiter inside greeted him warmly: "Mr. Feng, Mrs. Feng, please inside."

When they arrived in a Japanese-style private room, they sat facing each other.

The waiter looked at Yao Yao with a smile and made her feel a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Feng, Mrs. Feng is really pretty."

"Ha ha." Feng Chenyi smiled elegantly, and closed the menu: "Just click these."

"Okay. Mr. Feng, Mrs. Feng, please wait a moment." The waiter left the box on his knees and closed the door.

Yaoyao then asked her own doubts: "How did she know that I was Mrs. Feng? !!!" What about it?

"Are you stupid? Just recently I was told that I was married. Today I took a woman by the hand to eat. Normal people will know who you are, right?"

"Well ... too."

"Oh." Looking at Yao Yao's waking up like a dream, Feng Chenyi shook his head in disgust, his little wife, who is smarter than anyone when he is smart, and less powerful than a mentally weak when he is stupid. go with.

"Did you see Mrs. Wind just now? It looks so pretty. It looks like a crystal doll." The waiter in the lobby talked to his colleagues.

"See. It's beautiful, otherwise how could she marry into a wealthy family with her ordinary background."

"That's true. Whoops, Mr. Feng is so young, why are you getting married so soon?"

"You haven't read the previous news report. His wife is his high school classmate. The two have known each other for 6 years. Is it normal to get married?"

"Don't talk, don't talk anymore, there are guests !!!" At this time, the supervisor pointed to the door.

Several waiters hurried over to greet them, but this one looked at them, their eyes widened. You look at me, I look at you, and there are weird smiles in your eyes. "Council member, President Han, welcome."

I saw, Yu Aotian and Han Lizhen walked in tandem.

The helpers in front of several guides looked helpless: "What to do? In which private room?"

"Don't you just return a vacant private room? Just arrange it there?"

"You're stupid. You haven't watched the news. Not long ago, it was reported in the news that Master Feng Er's wife was a lover who had been raised by the governor. If you arrange them next door, you are not afraid to fight?

"... Don't you say that Feng Er Shao's wife is his high school classmate? Why is she now the Queen's lover? What should I do this time?"

"I don't know." The two waiters whispered in embarrassment, and had to brace their heads and take Yu Aotian and Han Liyu to the box next to Feng Chenyi.

In fact, if this is just what a common restaurant is called, each box of the Japanese restaurant in question is interoperable, and there is only one door. The two boxes can open the Japanese-style door to talk at any time. The privacy is very private. Bad!


Yu Aotian and Han Liyu took their seats. They simply ordered some food and the waiters retreated.

"Aotian ..."

"Giggle ... when you go to school you have a poker face all day, don't you feel tired?"

Han Liyu was about to speak and was stopped by Yu Aotian. In the next room, Yao Yao laughed and spoke loudly.

Han Lixi frowned slightly: "Changing another house!"

"No." Yu Aotian waved his hands expressionlessly, sitting quietly without saying a word. Han Liyu was also caught in silence.

However, because of their quietness, the dialogue in the box next door seemed extremely jarring.

It can be said that Yu Aotian and Han Liying were eating food while listening to Yao Yao talking to Feng Chenyi.

at this time……

"Zla", the Japanese-style sliding door opened.

"Give me!" 7 or 8 men with black choppers and men in black clothes are going to run into Yu Aotian's box. <

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