A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 420: She is poisoned

‘Yu Aotian, this ... this is the first and last time. After this night, no matter whether you die or live, I owe you debts. !! ’


Although she lost her consciousness, she didn't know why, he seemed to hear every word that Yao Yao said yesterday; he seemed to see everything she did, so true.

"Small things, small things." Yu Aotian patted her little head weakly.

For a while, Yaoyao didn't give any response.

Perhaps it was because she was too tired, Yu Aotian couldn't bear to wake her up, just staring at the sky like that, holding the petite and lovely person in her arms, watching the clouds drifting in front of him .

Heart, quiet.

This is a quietness that has never been seen in these 13 years.

Suddenly, he suddenly had the urge to stay here forever. However, it is only fleeting, he knows that there are too many, too many things waiting for himself in the future ...

About half an hour or so quiet.

The pleasant expression hanging on Yu Aotian's face gradually turned gloomy. "Yao Yao? Yao Yao? Yao Yao? !!!" An evil thought struck, he clasped her body with both hands, and sat up with all his strength.

Suddenly, a small green face came into Yu Aotian's eyes, was it poisoned? !!

He thought this little thing was too tired to sleep so deadly, but the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable it was, the little thing was so restless that he couldn't lie down on him so long and sleep so long!

Hurrying to sort out her naked clothes, Yu Aotian tried to hold her up, and looking at the vast surroundings, he realized that it was an isolated island!

Endured with the tingling sensation from his back, he hurried to the beach ...

It is still endlessly vast!

He really wanted to know how this little thing lived through this desperate environment alone! ?

‘Hey, Yu Aotian, it ’s better for both of us to think and consider and die together here. You ’ve owed me my ‘debt’ and I ’ve owed you my ‘debt’. How? Ok? Give a response? ‘

No wonder the little guy would talk to him with such words. In the face of this desperation, the first choice is suicide, and the second choice is ...

Depressed, waiting for a miracle!

"It used to be that I met you when I was most helpless. It was a miracle, so ... I believe that there will be new miracles." The petting murmured, Yu Aotian smiled charmingly, using The face lightly rubbed her little face.

However, at this moment ...

A spot suddenly appeared on the calm sea, and instantly lit his dim eyes. An excited smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and he kissed her forehead vigorously: "Look, baby, with you, a miracle will happen!"

In a dilapidated thatched house, Yaoyao lay quietly on the bed. Her nearly green skin was constantly expanding, and now it has spread to the neck.

An aunt, about sixty years old, sat by the bed, carefully observed her skin color, and carefully covered her quilt.

The uncle has two sons and a young granddaughter. When his eldest son went out to fish in the morning, he happened to meet Yuao Tian and Yao Yao who were trapped in an isolated island, and brought them back to his village.

Their appearance is similar to that of the Chinese, but according to the flight route of the aircraft, they have long been separated from China. So Yu Aotian tried to communicate with them in English, but found that they did not understand English at all. Those people can understand me when they switch to Chinese.

So Yu Aotian asked them if they were here in China? !!

With a blank expression on their faces, they didn't even know where China was.

After arriving in this village, he gradually realized that people living in this village had all races of different colors. And everyone basically doesn't know where they come from.

Then it is very likely that the people who live on this island are the descendants of those killed. After the multiplication and reproduction, this place will be interspersed with people of different nationalities and regions. And they also forget who their ancestors were, and their roots are there. This island became all of them.

"Dasao, how is my wife?" Looking at the amiable old woman sitting next to the bed, Yu Aotian smiled and asked about Yao Yao's injury.

"Lady, your wife should be poisoned."

"Then do you know what's wrong with my wife?"

The old woman looked at Yao Yao's face in embarrassment, and then looked at Yu Aotian: "Just now, my son told me when he was treating you the wound, you have green leaf residue on your back. Your wife should have chewed the green leaf grass and put it on your back. "Having said that, the old woman stood up slowly:" She may be poisoned by green leaf grass. "

"Then why am I fine?"

"Hehe, this kind of grass has anti-inflammatory and purulent effects. It can only be applied externally but not internally."

It turned out that Yaoyao chewed these grasses before causing poisoning. Thinking of this, Yu Aotian inquired softly: "Is my wife's poison serious?"

"Well, how to say it. This poison is not fatal. After the effect is over, your wife will wake up. But ... if you don't detoxify, your wife's complexion will always be green."

"..." Somehow, Yu Aotian almost laughed after hearing the old woman's words. The bottomless eyes looked at the green-eyed Yaoyao. If this little thing is always this complexion, will Feng Chenyi divorce her when she sees it?

"Boy, don't you want to know how to detoxify?" The old woman didn't want to ask Yu Aotian, and she was curious.

"I don't want to, just like that." He sat slowly beside the bed, his big warm hand stroking her little face: "She is my wife, and I won't dislike what she looks like."

Looking at the thick pampering hanging on Yu Aotian's face, the old woman seemed to be deeply infected, and smiled kindly: "Oh, young man, you are really good to your wife. But ... wait for her Would you mind if you woke up to see yourself like this? "

The old woman's words stopped Yu Aotian's smile from floating in the corner of her mouth: "Dasao, I changed my mind, please tell me how to detoxify!"

Under the guidance of the old woman, Yuaotian took Yaoyao to a hot spring on the island's mid-mountain.

According to the old woman, this hot spring can cure all diseases and naturally also relieve the green leafy grass poison on Yao Yao, but this magic hot spring belongs to the bully on the isolated island. The bully is fierce. Don't provoke them, sneak in here while the Negro is still. <

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