A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 4 Chapter 472: You are my enemy

Chapter 472: You Are My Enemy

‘Yu Aotian, do n’t forget, you are my mother-in-law's enemy? You are my enemy! ’

It hurts Yu Aotian's heart even more, so that prompted him not to suppress his temper!

"Hmm ..." He breathed a sigh of relief, Yu Aotian slowly pulled out the phone, pressed Yaoyao's mobile phone number, and just dialed ...

‘叩叩 叩’

Knocking at the door, Yu Aotian quickly put away the phone: "Please come in."

"Chairman." A middle-aged man walked in with a smile.

"Director Zhao, sit down."

The man pulled out his chair and sat across from Aotian.

"What's the matter? Come here in person?"

"Oh, it's not the birthday banquet of Deputy Prime Minister Zeng. It's five-thirty now, go, come with me."

Royal Sky knows that today is Zeng Kairui ’s birthday banquet, so special overtime has been added to it now, just to ... "I still have a little work to do and I do n’t want to go?"

"Don't go? All the big guys have gone, don't you go, aren't you provoking gossip?" Director Zhao mysteriously glanced at the doorway and whispered: "Oh, oh, oh, I can hear someone say You do not deal with Deputy Prime Minister Zeng. "

"Oh, what the hell. I can't talk to the deputy prime minister as a close friend, but I won't be hated." Yu Aotian smiled helplessly.

Director Zhao heard this: "Then you have to go even more. You think, you are the top three of the State Council. Except for the Deputy Prime Minister Zeng and the old relatives, it is you. It is too conspicuous if you are not going. What do you think? Don't you have to say that you are not dealing with Deputy Prime Minister Zeng? "

"Hmm ..." Yu Aotian picked the corner of his lips and slowly closed the documents in his hand: "It seems that I want to break the rumor, I just have to go there if I don't work."

"Go. My car will stop at the door, let's go together." Director Zhao finished, smiling out of the office with Yu Aotian ...

On the magnificent large cruise ship, the lanterns flashed, and the men and women dressed in Chinese clothes talked and talked on the deck.

To ensure privacy, Zeng Kairui's birthday banquet was chosen to celebrate on a cruise ship. All the guests who came to the birthday party were political figures who were hard to meet.

From the acting Prime Minister to the mayor. The smallest official title is estimated to be the mayor. Of course, many well-known domestic wealthy businessmen also attended.

"President Yu." The appearance of Yu Aotian has attracted the attention of many people.

He politely greeted everyone and slowly walked to the acting Prime Minister and Prime Minister Qi: "Prime Minister Yu and Prime Minister Qi."

"Aotian, you are almost a family with the old Qi, are you so polite?" Prime Minister Yu joked.

"Prime Minister Yu, look at what you said. Miss Qi and I haven't skimmed."

"Seriously, Aotian." Prime Minister Qi mysteriously pulled Yu Aotian aside: "Which step have you and my girlfriend taken? I asked her, and she did not answer me. Tell me about you. "

Yu Aotian smiled helplessly: "Prime Minister Qi, I have only met with Miss Qi a few times."

"Ah? Aotian, to tell you the truth, are you satisfied with my girl?" Premier Qi's question was very straightforward, which undoubtedly showed his love for Yu Aotian.


He wants to say satisfaction, this Prime Minister Qi must not ask him to marry Qi Huier immediately?

If you are dissatisfied, this is undoubtedly not to give the face of Prime Minister Qi, but also to degrade the excellent Qi Xier.

Helpless, Yu Aotian turned his eyes and smiled, "If I were a friend, of course I would be very satisfied with Miss Qi."

"Your boy! It ’s so cunning. Okay, I do n’t care about your young people's affairs. But ... my girlfriend has very few friends and is not very active. You have to meet her more, you know?"

"Well. Certain, certain ..."

"Well, I'll go with Prime Minister Yu."


Watching the back of Premier Qi leaving, Yu Aotian secretly relieved.

He was only 28 years old, and he was urged to marry every day. It is estimated that in a few years, his personal problems have to be promoted to one of the projects that must be performed.

Footsteps, walking towards the edge of the deck. He half leaned on the armrest, staring blankly at the sea under the night.

‘Dip ...’ With the buzz of the ship, the luxury cruise ship gradually sailed away from the shore.

"Well." At this moment, a woman not far away moaned in pain. "Damn!" She looked at the broken heels and limped to the front of Yu Aotian: "Help me!"

There is no politeness at all, the woman seems to have known Yu Aotian for a long time, and the wine glass in her hand is forced into Yu Aotian's hand. Then he bent over and broke the high heel of another shoe.

"Hey. This time it's done." The woman was quite satisfied with her masterpiece, raised her head, and patted Yu Aotian's shoulder with a bravery: "Thank you a lot."

The moment she saw the appearance of a woman, Yu Aotian's eyes flashed with a touch of surprise!

To be honest, this woman is not a beautiful woman. It can be said that compared with the women he saw, this woman was at best even in the first class.

However, the rare aura between her eyebrows made Yu Aotian extremely familiar and nostalgic. And this woman's personality is similar to her ...


This ‘she’ is Yu Aotian ’s second girlfriend and the only woman who called him a passion.

"What's your name?" The bottomless eyes looked at the woman up and down, Yu Aotian opened his mouth coldly.

"Me? Hello, don't you think you should report your name before asking someone's name?" The woman's tone was very sharp.

Facing this, Yu Aotian didn't have any anger, but concealed the cold air of his body: "Yao Aotian."

"Uh ... you're the chairman? My name is Lei Lei."

"Lei Lei?" At the moment he heard the name, Yu Aotian's expression was clearly marked by an incredible amount.

He did not expect that not only the woman's personality and looks like his ex-girlfriend, but even the name ... is the same! ?

"Why look so surprised? Do you know me?" Lei Lei asked tentatively.

Yu Aotian smiled helplessly: "My former girlfriend has the same name as you."

"Cut! It's an old-fashioned way of talking. I said, did the director, the senior officials of your government, rely on this method to pick up girls?"

"Oh." Yu Aotian smiled helplessly again, and handed the wine glass back to Lei Lei. "I still have something to do. Let's go first." He turned and left.

"Autumn, the banquet will begin soon, let's go in."

"Yes." Yu Aotian followed the Prime Minister Yu into the cabin.

The banquet hall of this cabin is 100 meters high and has an area of ​​several thousand square meters. It can be said to be one of the most luxurious cruise ships in China.

Everyone was holding a wine glass, standing quietly in the middle of the hall, waiting for today's birthday star Zeng Kairui to play.

All of a sudden, all the lights in the hall dimmed. A spotlight hit the entrance ...

"This old man, the birthday banquet is like a wedding, he really has him!" Premier Qi, standing at the end of the red carpet, shook his head helplessly.

### Chapter 645: The Best Time!

Along with the melodious music, the door at the entrance slowly opened. Zeng Kairui slowly walked in in an extremely formal black suit, and he was holding beside him ...


"That girl ..." Prime Minister Qi suddenly recognized the female companion Zeng Kairui said: "Isn't it the daughter-in-law of Lao Feng's family? How can I be with Lao Zeng?"

"His ... Aotian, was that girl the lawyer who was running for you as a member of the Politburo?" Prime Minister Yu set his sights on Yu Aotian beside him.

He narrowed his eyes coldly, and barely gave out a smile: "Well. Yes."

"Yo, this girl is quite capable. She is also a lawyer and a daughter-in-law of Feng Xiao's family. She also has a friendship with this deputy prime minister. She is really young and promising. Shouldn't she be young?

Yu Aotian didn't hear what Prime Minister Yu was talking about, and those squinting eyes stared at Yao Yao who was walking in slowly. He held the big hand of the wine glass full of blue tendons, and the blue tendons on his forehead pulsated.

Suddenly, the opening music was banned by a symphony. Zeng Kairui, who walked to the middle of the banquet hall, and Yaoyao sang elegant waltz with the sound of music.

"Miss Luo's martial arts are really good." Zeng Kairui whispered.

Yaoya frowned slightly: "Deputy Prime Minister Zeng. According to your request, I have come and I am your partner. I don't know, when can you answer my question?"

2 hours ago ...

Zeng Kairui personally sent a car to Fengjia to pick up Yaoyao.

She didn't intend to come at all, but ... Gong Xiaoman fell into Xie Yiqing's hands. If it was not for Zeng Kairui's permission, how could Xie Yiqing dare to act?

When arriving at the birthday party. Yao Yao saw Zeng Kairui go straight: ‘Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, my friend ... was caught by your people. You should know this? ’

‘Miss Luo, let ’s talk about this issue. Now that you are here, let me be my female companion. ’

Before the banquet officially started, Yao Yao tried to talk to Zeng Kairui several times to discuss this issue. Unfortunately, too many people gave Zeng Kairui Heshou, she couldn't find any opportunity to talk with him alone.

At this time, it seems the best time!

"That's it, Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, I have already begun to deploy the chip that was stolen from Yu Aotian. I just ask you one thing now, don't you hurt Xie Qingqing, can you?"

"Miss Luo ..." Zeng Kairui gave a difficult smile: "Some things, not to say, I can control. You should understand this sentence that will be inconsistent with foreign military orders. But, I believe, As long as you get things done, everything will be as you wish. "

Yaoyao really admired Zeng Kairui's language ability and couldn't find any loopholes. Outsiders can't hear what he said, but those who know it can hear it at once, the threat between his words.

In other words, if she couldn't handle this, Xiaoman would be killed, wouldn't she? !!

Eyes with anger gradually dropped, Yu Guang inadvertently turned to Yu Aotian standing in the crowd!

Heart tightened a bit.

What happened to Royal Sky? I thought he would not attend Zeng Kairui's birthday banquet.

Quickly recover the afterglow. At this moment, Yaoyao didn't dare to look at Yu Aotian more, because she already felt how furious he was on his body ...

The melodious symphony is finally over. With warm applause, the hall gradually returned to light.

Yaoyao barely squeezed a smile, holding Zeng Kairui's arm, and slowly walked towards the remaining equal men at the end of the red carpet.

Of course, there is also the figure of Yu Aotian.

"Vice birthday, Deputy Prime Minister Zeng." Under the leadership of Prime Minister Yu, everyone raised his glass and drank it.

Zeng Kairuiya smiled: "Thank you all. I also want to thank Prime Minister Yu, Premier Qi, and of course the arrival of the Chairman of the Board."

Among the more than 100 people who attended the birthday banquet, the official ranks of Deputy Prime Minister Zeng and Deputy Prime Minister Yu were basically the same, followed by Premier Qi and Yu Aotian.

Zeng Kairui can thank these people in particular, enough to witness their extraordinary status.

"Lao Zeng, when did you follow Mrs. Feng?" Premier Qi asked in amazement.

"On your birthday." Zeng Kairui lightly lowered Xia Yaoyao's shoulders: "This girl is very powerful. She is an international lawyer at a young age, so I thought of bringing her today, especially the introduction Let everyone know and understand. "Eyes gradually turned to Yu Aotian:" Miss Luo, take advantage of this opportunity to pat the chairman's flattery. Now the State Council is dealing with the size of things, if you want to enter the State Council, It depends on him! "

"Yu, Chairman Yu, hello." The lowered eyes gradually raised, and Yaoyao reached out his hand hardly, and squeezed out a smile.

Ke Aotian was very indifferent: "Ms. Luo, are you so polite with me?" One hand inserted into the pocket.

Yao Yao awkwardly retracted her raised hand. She knew that although Yu Aotian's tone sounded very peaceful, the gesture of not shaking hands was enough to be ironic.

"Lao Zeng, don't you know that Mrs. Feng and the director have long known each other? I still use you for referrals?"

"How could I not know?" Zeng Kairui sighed helplessly: "Problem, Chairman Yu has such a powerful lawyer around you and does not draw us to the political circle, is he planning to hide it?"

"Oh, that's how I hid it, isn't it ... Did you 'dig' it out by Deputy Prime Minister Zeng ?!" Yu Aotian subconsciously glanced down at the end of his eyes when he said this. Yaoyao.

"Of course, talents, you must be excavated." Zeng Kairui patted Yaoyao's shoulder with a smile: "Miss Luo, you have to exchange more information with the chairman, please ask him and ask him Take you to the State Council. "

"Yes. Aotian, you also know that we do not have talents like international lawyers in the State Council. In fact, it is good that you consider and consider recruiting Miss Luo." Prime Minister Yu's tone was very sincere.

Counting the entire world, there are only a few world-class senior lawyers. Therefore, the country will certainly try every means to draw talents like Yaoyao into politics.

"Yu ..."

"Prime Minister Yu, I will slowly negotiate with Miss Luo."

Yao Yao originally wanted to reject everyone's kind intentions. Who knows, Yu Aotian took the lead in opening his mouth.

"Well. Then you can talk with Miss Luo slowly." Prime Minister Yu smiled at Zeng Kairui: "Vice Premier Zeng, how did you arrange the visit to Japan you told me earlier?"

"Oh, this thing, I'm considering candidates." Zeng Kairui and Yu Shou and other people talked away and walked away. All of a sudden gave Yao Yao the chance to be alone with Yu Aotian.

Noisy banquet, the atmosphere was hot, but Yu Aotian and Yao Yao's boundary was extremely cold.

The two just stood face to face for a while, or was Yu Aotian the first to break the deadlock: "Want to participate in politics?"

"No." He slowly raised his eyes. When facing Yu Aotian's eyes, he realized that the luster in his eyes was so temperatureless.

### Chapter 646: The bomb on the birthday party

"Since you are not interested in politics, why are you so close to Zeng Kairui?"

Yaoyao was asked a little verbally. Can't say that it was because Xiaoman was abducted that he was so close to Zeng Kairui? "You know, Deputy Prime Minister Zeng can help me."

"Oh, can he help you?" Yu Aotian smiled disdainfully, raised the wine glass in his hand, took a big sip of wine: "Keep away from him!" The words with orders fell.

"No!" Yaoyao directly gave a negative answer without any retreat.

At this moment, Yu Aotian's hand in his pocket clenched into a fist. "Little thing, now someone is going to kill Zeng Kairui. You stay by his side, be careful and get involved!"

Looking at Yu Aotian's stunning eyes, Yao Yao was very confused. How did Yu Aotian know this?

Is he trying to kill Zeng Kairui?

Impossible, he has already stated his position clearly and will pull down Zeng Kairui by means of fairness!

That would be ... who would kill Zeng Kairui? !!

Is it ...

Will it be related to Feng Chenrui's death?

Needless to say, the moment Yao Yao received the news of Feng Chenrui's death, she was sure that this was done by Yuao Tian!

"Thank you for your reminder, I will pay attention to myself!" Turning around, I was about to leave.

Yu Aotian grabbed her by the arm: "You ..."

"Chairman, your girlfriend?" At this time, Lei Lei walked to them with a smile.

Yu Aotian had to let go of his hand holding Yao Yao's arm and said coldly, "No."

"Oh." Lei Lei nodded politely to Yao Yao: "Miss, don't you mind if I dance with the director?"

A glance at Yu Aotian beside him. "do not mind."

"Oh, Chairman, please ..."

"Miss Lei, she doesn't mind, don't you ask me to mind?" Yu Aotian asked blankly.

Lei Lei patted his chest without hesitation: "Hey hey, I am a girl asking you a big man to dance, what do you mind?"

"Oh." For this woman who is vaguely similar to her ex-girlfriend, Yu Aotian is obviously unable to parry. Looking at Yao Yao next to her: "Miss Luo, suffer." After handing the cup in her hand, he and Lei Lei walked into the dance floor of the banquet center together.

For a moment, many eyes in the banquet were cast on Yu Aotian's body, as if he was the protagonist of this banquet.

His handsome appearance is matched with elegant dance steps, just like a prince from a fairy tale, it is difficult to make people not want to put their eyes on him.

"Oops, oops, look, look at the ladies on the scene, are you probably drooling?" A man standing on the edge of the dance floor joked.

"Oh, who doesn't know that the Chairman of the Board is a fan of our politics? It's no wonder that young and old can kill him, and it's no wonder that he hasn't married yet. If I want, I won't plant it on a woman.

"That's right." The man nodded in agreement, then pulled out his phone from his pocket.

"what are you doing?"

"Video footage."

"Why the video?"

"Oh, don't mention it, the little girls in our department knew that I was going to attend the birthday banquet of Deputy Prime Minister Zeng and kept asking me if the chairman would come over. Say, if they come, they must ask me to shoot A few photos. You see, the governor dances so well. If the little girls were to see them, wouldn't they be strangled? "

"You are really bad. I guess after you show them, they must not have entered the State Council's" kidnapping "of the chairman? Hahaha."

Listening to the whispers of the two men in front of him, Yao Yao smiled slightly. Yuao Tian has been welcomed enough. Now adding the identity of the top three, it will definitely be the object of all women scrambling to marry.

Eyes gradually turned to the middle of the dance floor, and after thinking about it, she seemed to never dance with Yu Aotian. However, at her height, people would laugh at dancing with Yu Aotian, right? Ah……

Suddenly, Yu Aotian, who was dancing with Lei Lei, suddenly turned to Yao Yao.

The moment the two eyes crossed, she jerked a cold.

Yu Aotian's eyes ... so terrible!

Should he be angry?

Angry that she was attending this birthday party with Zeng Kairui?

Angry that no matter how he persuades himself, he insists on staying with Deputy Prime Minister Zeng?

If so, should explain to him, in fact, he did not want to come at all.

However, Yaoyao thought about it, but forgot it. Even if the explanation was clear, Yu Aotian would thunder when she stole the chip. Might as well be like now, a little bit, a little bit towards the real enemy relationship ...

When the birthday banquet reached its climax, the lights in the banquet hall went down again. At the same time, the melodious birthday song also sounded.

I saw a waiter pushing a 10-layer cake slowly to Zeng Kairui.

"Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, make a wish." There was no word from anyone in the crowd.

Zeng Kairui Ruya smiled: "I am all this age, so I wo n’t engage in this kind of play." As he said, he waved to Yao Yao not far away: "Come, little girl."

"Me?" She opened her mouth exaggeratedly.

"Yes. Come and cut the cake with me."

"Oh, Deputy Prime Minister Zeng treats you so much, don't you hurry up?" A man standing next to Yao Yao nudged her.

The small body poked out of the crowd.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes gathered on Yao Yao. It was embarrassing to see her, and she slaps Zeng Kairui in the back.

It's strange that Zeng Kairui called himself a female companion and invited himself to cut cakes with him. What is the reason? You can't, you really want to pull her into politics?

No way ...

Yu Guang subconsciously glanced at Yu Aotian not far away. Although the lights were dark in the banquet hall, she still saw a colder look on his face.

Zeng Kairui originally wanted to provoke alienation? !!

He was so sure he was afraid to tell Yu Aotian about Xiaoman's abduction, right? So you can call Yu Aotian unscrupulously and mistakenly believe that you intend to trust Zeng Kairui?

High, really clever trick!

Sitting on the mountain watching tigers fighting.

However, she is really an enemy to Yu Aotian!

With a bitter smile inside, Yao Yao walked slowly to Zeng Kairui, and picked up the knife next to the cake with him.

One shot down.

Together with Zeng Kairui, she felt as if something was in the cake.

Zeng Kairui quickly seized the knife, fiddled with the obstructing cake, and saw ...

A bomb is counting down!

"Deputy Prime Minister Zeng ?!" The crowd seemed to notice that something was wrong, and they all looked puzzled.

"There is a bomb!" With Zeng Kairui's words fell.

All security personnel in the banquet hall responded sensitively to the division of labor to protect important political leaders.

A dozen security personnel rushed towards Zeng Kairui.

However, the bomb countdown was only 10 seconds.

Yaoyao wanted to escape subconsciously, but the security personnel who came to protect Zeng Kairui forced her to the ground.

### Chapter 647: Self-protection

At this time, everyone must first protect a few leaders. Who cares about her life and death? !!

However, while the crowds evacuated outward, Yu Aotian hurried to the cake position ...

"Chairman, dangerous!" Several security guards responsible for protecting him held his arms firmly.

Yu Aotian's face sank, and he shook off the man's hand, and pulled Yao Yao who fell to the ground sensitively.

At this moment, time seems to freeze ...

When everyone chooses to protect themselves and be protected, Yu Aotian, an important leader, is completely disregarding life and death. The first reaction is to protect Yao Yao who is ignored by everyone.

Unable to describe the heart at this moment, her heart was faintly painful as if stabbed by something.

This is not the first time Yu Aotian has protected her at a crisis.

Obviously he is so angry, obviously he cares so much about being with Zeng Kairui, but ... at this moment, he still relieved all his anger and ran over ...

Is it guilty? Still moved and unable to speak.


In the future, she will have to hurt Yu Aotian once again, unavoidably, and cannot turn back!

"Chairman Yu!" Many security personnel ran to Yu Aotian nervously.

Yu Guang glanced at the bomb counter hidden in the cake, and his pupils dilated instantly.

The next second, he threw Yao Yao to the ground and wrapped her body tightly around her small body.

"Yu ... proud ... God ?!" A small face crossed a pale look ...

Next ...

A huge bang sound banged through the quiet sea ...

A strong flame permeated the entire cabin. The rescue fleet arrived within 3 minutes, quickly transporting injured people and important leaders.

Because this matter has been implicated in the image of the country, the rescue fleet still stays on the sea and dare not to dock.

"How's it going ?!" Premier Qi, who was slightly injured in the cabin, questioned several colonels in military uniform with a serious face.

"Prime Minister Qi. Statistics have been completed, and there were 28 injured people."

"How are the injuries of Prime Minister Yu, Chairman Yu, and Deputy Prime Minister Zeng ?!" Before the explosion, the closest to the explosion was Yu Aotian and Zeng Kairui.

"Prime Minister Yu is slightly injured. The medic is dealing with the wounds of the Prime Minister. The Deputy Prime Minister Zeng is in a coma. It seems to be no big deal for the medic to examine it. As for the chairman ..." The colonel looked distressed.

"How's the director?"

"Because the director is the closest to the explosives, he was seriously injured and needs blood transfusion immediately."

When Premier Qi heard this, he fisted angrily: "Then don't give blood to the Chief Executive soon."

"The ship carrying the blood bank is rushing. The military doctors are afraid of delaying the rescue of the director, and have begun to ask everyone for the same blood."

"Hmm!" Premier Qi nodded slightly, sitting solemnly on the chair: "This time, the birthday banquet of Deputy Prime Minister Zeng was very tightly guarded. How could this happen?"

"Prime Minister Qi, we have initial suspicions that our people were bought."

"Huh! It's ridiculous! If this thing is known to the outside world, we still have to laugh at our Chinese side? The leader of a ship has almost been killed?" Premier Qi thought more and more annoyed: "In any case, this matter must be given to I know it all! "


"Also ... notify everyone on board that the matter must be kept secret."

Needless to say, this bombing event symbolized a security breach in China. You can easily be bought, and the bomb has not been detected by the metal detector. There seems to be nothing else but to use negligence to describe it.

"I see, Prime Minister Qi."

In the cabin's lounge, Yao Yao lay pale on the bed.

The brain seemed to stay just before the explosion.

The man's warm body wrapped her tightly. At that moment, she was really at ease. She was not afraid of a bomb explosion at all, and she did not even think about death.

Because she knew that with Ao Tian, ​​she would not die. Even if it really died, it didn't seem so terrible.

This may be an invisible sense of dependence. I do n’t know when, from the fear of Yu Aotian, she gradually became a reliance on peace ...

"Yao Aotian!" Opening his eyes violently, Yaoyao quickly got up and looked at this small bedroom in a panic.

"Miss Luo, you're awake. Is it uncomfortable?"

Looking at the medic wearing a military uniform and white coat beside her, she wiped the cold sweat from her forehead instably. "Yu, how about the chairman? How is the chairman ?!"

"The director is seriously injured and needs blood transfusion, but he has found a suitable blood source."

His eyes were drooping, and looking at the bandages wrapped around him, except for the faint burning and pain in the wounds, it didn't seem to matter.

All this is because of Yu Aotian. Because of his protection, she was so hurt slightly, but he ...

"Oh, Miss Luo, I heard everyone said that the director is only injured to protect you, is that so?" The military doctor asked curiously.

Yaoyao nodded in distress.

"Well, the chairman is really great. This is the first time I've seen a leader give his life to protect ordinary people." The medic's words were normal.

For important leaders, they must put their first personal safety first.

This is not selfish, but the state needs them, so they must not make any mistakes. So like the scene just now, even if Yaoyao is in trouble, some leaders will not say anything if they don't help.

"Yes ... heh, hehh, it's great ..." Yaoyao smiled awkwardly.

"Miss Luo, are you going to visit the chairman?"

"I ..." There was a flash of eager light in his eyes, but instantly, it faded. "I ... I still won't go."

"Huh?" The military doctor did not expect that Yaoyao would have such an attitude.

She could even feel the contempt of the medic for herself, but ... what else could she do?

Little hand, squeezed the horn tightly. At this moment, Yaoyao's heart is being tortured and tortured in pain. "Excuse me, when can I leave?"

"The boat should be docked in a few hours, and you can leave after docking."

"Thanks ... Thanks ..." Barely thanked in a normal voice, Yaoyao quickly lay on the bed, pulled his quilt and covered his head. The salty tears drowned her eyes instantly ...

In the superior bedroom of the warship, more than twenty central defenders in the navy guarded the room.

In the room, three generals and two lieutenants sat serious in the room.

"Report! Dear leaders, the chairman is awake!" A military doctor saluted a military salute upright.

Five leaders in the living room rushed into the bedroom. "Chairman!"

"Chairman, you finally woke up !?"

Bandages were tied to Yu Aotian's body, legs, and head, and her handsome face looked pale at this moment. "Oh, why are you here?" Then he was about to get up.

This article comes from reading novels

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