A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 4 Chapter 480: Full time dad

"What ?!" As soon as his nasty words fell, he found the little one startled, and immediately turned: "What's the matter? Baby ..." he smiled.

"Brother, why are you different from Yaoyao?" Little head crooked, and she looked at Yu Aotian's body intently.

"咻" All of a sudden, Yu Aotian's handsome face turned red instantly. Obviously he is not such a shy man, but I do not know why, when Yao Yao asked such a question, he turned blushing? !!

Now that he finally understands the embarrassment of parents, it seems that those parents should encounter this kind of problem at least?

He hurried into the bath, barely squeezed out a smile, and said, "Because I am a man and Yao Yao is a girl. So we are different."

Haven't returned to God, **** it! This little thing is actually!

Think about it, it was his arrogant blushing and helplessness that he had made this little thing before. Unexpectedly, now that Feng Shui is taking turns, his Yu Aotian has even gotten this crazy by a little girl? !!

Gradually, Yu Aotian's bottomless eyes were permeated by a sheen of flames. He frowned and grabbed Yao Yao's wrist: "Baby, stop playing."

"No, Yaoyao is going to play, have fun."

Yu Aotian's original steady breathing sound gradually became sharper, and those black and white eyes were slowly cast on her.

Suddenly, she picked her up from the water.

"Um? Brother, don't we take a bath?"

A handsome smile crossed his face: "Baby, call me proud."


"Well. Good. Now I'll take you to play more fun games." Quickly walked out of the bathroom, Yu Aotian hugged her and went straight to bed. The fiery lips couldn't wait to press on her lips ...

Early next morning.

Yu Aotian slowly opened his sleep eyes, looking at the sleeping person in his arms, and kissed her forehead pettingly.

All night last night, after the end, Yu Ao's heart felt abnormal guilt.

He had felt guilty enough since they had been together before, let alone she was like a three-year-old now.

After the end, he vowed that there would be no next time.

who knows……

This little thing seems to have tasted the beauty between men and women. Yu Aotian had to suppress her guilt and follow her. I thought it was over.

When they hugged and hugged each other, the little things knew the taste ... and asked again.


All night, he was just happy to squeeze him out.


Unexpectedly, the change of this little thing is from the inside out. Not only has the personality changed, but even the desire for that aspect is extremely strong. Yu Aotian really doesn't know if this is good or bad?

"Where is Mr. Yu?" At about 10 am, Chiba Mamoru arrived at Yu Aotian's villa.

"Mr. Chiba, the host is in the restaurant ... with children ..." The maid resisted a smile as she said this.

Chiba shouted: "Bring a child?" Rushing into the living room, she really saw that the grandmother of Yu Aotian was feeding Yaoyao to eat. "Uh ... Yu ... Mr. Yu."

"Thou Shou, are you here?" Yu Aotian showed a kind smile.

This smile is as dazzling as the sun in winter, Chiba Mamoru has looked dumbfounded, because he has never seen Yu Aotian show such ... Such a loving smile, it is ... terrible. "Yu, Mr. Yu, the deputy leader of the Yamaguchi team wants to get you together."

"Huh?" Yu Aotian stopped the chopsticks in his hand.

"Autumn, eat ..." Yao Yao immediately opened his mouth.

Seeing this, he hurriedly took a slice of ham and fed it into her mouth. "The deputy patriarch of the Yamaguchi group asked me?" The bottomless eyes flashed a flash of light. You know, he hadn't had much contact with the Yamaguchi group since a long time ago, and the good Yamaguchi group asked him? !! "What time?"

"12 o'clock noon."

"Okay, I see. Mamoru, go to the living room and wait for me."

"Yes ..." Chiba Mamoru walked slowly to the living room, and looked back at the scene of the restaurant.

Now, apart from using his full father's love to describe Yu Aotian, he simply doesn't know what more appropriate words to use to describe the present scene.

Taking a closer look, Yu Aotian has left Japan for three years. How can his temperament change so much? !!

"Mr. Yu has been taking care of that lady since she came back last night?" Chiba really kept chatting with the housekeeper in the living room.

The housekeeper stole a glance at the living room, and let go of her mouth helplessly: "Yes, Mr. Chiba. When I got up this morning, the host started washing the lady and changing clothes ..."

Chiba shouted for a moment, and the words of the full-time milk dad immediately passed his mind.

When he knew Yuao Tian from the past, he still thought, would such a powerful man still have a child one day? Now that Chiba Mamoru has finally seen this scene, I did not expect that Tian Zhijiao will also have a tender and loving side.

"Thou Shou, take care of Yao Yao for me. I will fight back within 2 hours." After a while, Yu Aotian changed his clothes and came to the living room holding Yao Yao.


"Aotian ... Where are you going?" Yaoyao seemed to feel something, his brows frowned, and his small hand held his horn tightly.

"Yao Yaoyao. I have something to go out now, and tell Brother Zhenshou to play with you first. May I come back soon?"

Yao Yao gave a tentative glance at Chiba Shinshou. When he saw that gentle brother yesterday, he nodded immediately: "Oh. Okay, you must come back soon, Aotian."

"Hmm ..." Yu Aotian petted and touched Xia Yaoyao's head, and quickly walked out of the villa ...

Arriving at the agreed Japanese restaurant, several staff members of Yulongsha opened the Japanese-style sliding door of the box respectfully.

There was no one in it. He looked at the time a few minutes before the appointed time, and entered first, and found a place to sit down.

The Yamaguchi group was originally Japan's largest gang, and its principal was their team leader, but it was said to have been assassinated by the British mafia six months ago, and everything was temporarily represented by a newly elected deputy team leader.

As for the deputy team leader's identity, Yu Aotian has never been interested in neglecting it. After all, others in China and Japan have already become a companion.

Now, the deputy leader of the mysterious Yamaguchi team has asked him, I'm afraid ... it's impossible to go to the Three Treasure Hall!

‘Zla…’ A sliding door opened suddenly.

Yu Ao subconsciously looked to the door: "You!" His expression froze instantly.

"I haven't seen you in a long time. Chairman of the Board of Governors." The talking man was about 27 or 8 years old. His dark complexion was matched with short silver hair and glaring and sexy. The facial features of Zhang Junmei's face are as lifelike as carvings, especially the pair of keen eyes are looming with a dangerous luster.

Men are so tall that they need to bend over when entering the room. From the tight shirt wrapped around him, his muscles were strong and burly, very British.

### Chapter 672: Leo Appears

"Leiou !?" Yu Aotian stood up incredibly.

Leo chuckled his lips and said, "Ha, we haven't seen each other for more than 10 years, have we? Did you really recognize me?"

At the beginning, Yu Aotian was not sure whether he was Leo or not. It was just those bright eyes and dark eyes that made him unforgettable. "Oh. You did change a lot."

"How have you changed? I remember that year when I knew you, you didn't seem to be taller than me." Lei Ou stretched his hands to be taller than Yu Aotian: "Look, they are taller than me now."

"I'm here less. I seemed taller than you then?"

"Have you? I remember you were just 1.8 meters at that time, I was already 1.85 meters. And, you are now a lot stronger than before." Leiou tentatively pinched Yu Aotian's The pectoral muscles clearly felt his strong body under his clothes.

However, to say that Leo was indeed much stronger than Yu Aotian when he was young. When they met, Leo was on the same side as Yu Aotian. No matter how physically or physically they were, they were much stronger than adults.

"Oh. Let's sit down and talk." Yu Aotian smiled into the seat.

Leo sat in front of him informally: "Brother, it has been developing well recently."

"It's okay." Yu Aotian picked up the jug and filled him with a glass: "You're not the same. Didn't expect to join the Yamaguchi group, or the deputy leader of the Yamaguchi group?"

"Hey. I was lucky. It happened that our team leader was fired and I was missing a deputy team leader, so I went up. You know, if you pick up a fight, they're not mine."

"This is ... this is ..." Yu Aotian nodded thoughtfully, the memory seemed to gradually return to the past ...

That year, it was only about a year after he first arrived in Japan. Long Qi was still a child, and the Royal Dragon Club was just established. And Leo is already a leader of a mid-range gang. He is famous for being able to fight.

They met during a gang operation. Seeing that Leo's gang was going to be completely wiped out by the Royal Dragon Club, but because Leo had a manpower to turn the tide, he suddenly repelled thousands of opponents to protect his own help.

Suddenly, Yu Aotian was full of interest in Leo. He repeatedly proposed that Leo should join the Royal Dragon Club, but Leo's character was more stubborn and he refused every time. But the relationship between the two of them is getting deeper and deeper.

"Aotian, what is the job of the Chinese Academy of Political Affairs?" Lei Ou drank a glass of wine boldly.

Yu Aotian smiled slightly: "It's okay." The bottomless eyes gradually met Leo's sharp eyes: "You came to me today, just to tell me the old?"

"Of course not." Leo's answer was very straightforward, which is also his usual style. "Aotian, don't tell me, what about me? I want to go to China for development. You are now the leader of the Chinese side. I hope you can give me a bridge and a line. How?"

Deep eyes were drooping, Yu Aotian smiled and said, "If it's money, it's fine. If I need to exercise my power ..." He shook his head silently.

"I have money. What I want is your right! You can rest assured that if I pass, you will be in good shape. You must know that after all, the strength of the Yamaguchi team is renowned throughout the world."

"Oh, Lei, I didn't mean this ..." Yu Aotian took a sip of Japanese sake: "I'm not in the dark anymore."

"Huh? This is a rare thing. As far as I know, Yulongshe is still taking care of you? Why did you come to me and say no to it?"

"No." Yu Aotian put down the wine glass in his hand: "I no longer manage the Yulong Club, where did you get the news?" A sly smile hung at the corner of his mouth.

It's not that Yu Aotian doesn't miss the old feelings. The mixed years of years have already tempered his prudent character. In the face of a friend he hasn't seen in a decade, he can't guarantee whether Leo is the same as before. At least……

"Aotian, have you changed?"

Correct! At least, Royal Sky is no longer the previous Royal Sky. "Oh, are you there? It's just a lot older than before?"

"Oh, huh ..." Leo laughed slightly and shook his head helplessly. It's time to do this, Yu Aotian is obviously playing a slip, can he still see? "Okay. Let's talk about this later. Let's talk about your experience in this decade."

"I have been in this decade ..." Yu Aotian downplayed the ups and downs of ten years. If I really want to elaborate, how can I finish it in a few hours? "That's it. What about you, Leo? Back then ... Where did you disappear ?!"


Leo suddenly disappeared. In fact, he was a gang boss before he disappeared. If he stays, it is likely that Japan will not only have the two powerful gangs of Yamaguchi Formation and Yulongsha.

"Travel around the world ... Go around and go around, almost 3 years ago, when you went to China, I returned to Japan. I joined the Yamaguchi group at the invitation of the Yamaguchi group leader. Hehe, Simple? "

It's really simple!

As simple as that, with Leo's ambitious character, just going out and traveling the world? Moreover, he knew the whereabouts of Yu Aotian.

In the end, who of them has changed more?

Yu Aotian smiled silently, picked up the jug and filled two cups, drinking quietly.

For a long while, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, slowly asking: "Lei Lei ...?"

Suddenly, Leo's eyes flashed, he picked up the entire jug and drank directly into his mouth. "I do not know."

"Huh? Isn't it ... wasn't it Lei Lei you took?"

This Leo's first identity is Yu Aotian's friend, and the second identity ... is the bloodless brother of Lei Lei, Yu Aotian's second girlfriend!

Back in the year, Gong Xiaoman said that Yu Aotian's acquaintance with Lei Lei originated from a gang war, and that battle was also a battle against the Leo gang.

Yu Aotian first had a hostile relationship with Leo in reality. It was not until he and Lei Lei had a love relationship that they became friends with Leo.

Lei Lei and Leo were born in an orphanage from an early age. Their relationship can be said to be closer than that of their brothers and sisters. If it wasn't for the love of that younger sister, Leo might not have become a friend with Royal Sky, or even fought side-by-side with Royal Sky in multiple gang battles.

The siblings and Yu Aotian met at the age of 16 and a year later ...

When Lei Lei was cast, the relationship between Leo and Yu Aotian was completely broken, and the two brothers and sisters also disappeared from the public's sight.

No matter how many people Aotian sent to find Lei Lei and Leo, there was no news. It can be said that at the age of 20, Yu Ao genius completely abandoned the search for Lei Lei.

Because he knew that if Lei Lei didn't want to see him, how hard he was trying to find it, he would not find it!

"No, Lei Lei has never been with me ..." Lei bowed his head expressionlessly: "The reason why I left that year was just to find Lei Lei, unfortunately ... I haven't found her until now! "

### Chapter 673: Distressing

The light in Yu Aotian's eyes gradually faded: "I thought ... she would be with you."

"So, you can rest assured? Have you taken care of your food and clothing?" Leo was ironic in his words.

Facing this, Yu Aotian remained silent.

"Aotian, don't blame me for bringing up the past. But Lei Lei wouldn't have encountered that kind of thing if it weren't for you. In these years, have you ... remembered her?" Leo asked blankly. With.

Yu Aotian raised his eyes and lowered, still silent.

He is such a man and does not like to express his emotions to anyone. But if he hadn't remembered Lei Lei, he wouldn't look for her for three years. Nor would he say quietly when Yaoyao asked which woman he likes best after 11 years ... Girlfriend.

Lei Lei is a lifetime regret in Yu Aotian's heart, but also a lifetime pain. He can never forget his debt to her ...

In the room, suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Leo saw Yu Aotian's silence, and his big hands clenched his fists. He really cared about the younger sister, and that kind of attention was just like Lei Lei's life. He also knows how and how much his sister loves Yu Aotian. Unfortunately, Yu Aotian does not seem to love his sister so much!

‘Oh ...’

Suddenly, the girl crying faintly came from outside the room, and Yu Aotian turned back with a spirit, and had uneasy tension in his eyes.

At this time, just listening to the ‘zla’, the Japanese-style sliding door was opened from the outside.

"Woo ... Aotian ... Aotian ..."

Chiba Mamoru looked helpless and led the crying face of Yao Yaoyao standing at the door: "Sorry to disturb you."

"Shou Shou, what's going on? How did Yao Yao cry?" Yu Aotian ran to the door nervously, holding Yao Yao in his arms.

"Mr. Yu, shortly after you left, Miss Luo kept asking me when you would come back, almost every 5 minutes on average. After that, she cried and wanted to come to you. So I ..." Chiba Mamoru He bowed his head in embarrassment. He thought he was not weak, but he really couldn't do anything about bringing children.

"Forget it, it's okay." Yu Aotian smiled at the little thing in her arms, and gently passed away the tears in the corner of her eyes: "Baby, don't cry."

"Aotian ... don't you leave me in the future, okay?" The watery eyes contained a pitiful luster, and it really looked a little distressing.

"Oh, okay. I won't leave you in the future." Yu Aotian smiled helplessly, but what should I do? Small things are so sticky, eh!

"Aotian, huh ... your daughter?" Leo stood up, walked to the side of Yu Aotian with a mock face.

"Leiou!" Yu Aotian left his mouth helplessly.

"Joke, joke. But ..." Leo's eyes turned: "It can never be your sister, right? I know you have only one younger brother and no younger sister!"

Yu Aotian was silent.

Lei Ou twisted his face, and Chong Yaoyao smiled: "Little guy. How old are you?"

"Huh?" Yaoyao stopped pumping and scratched his head in confusion: "Aotian, how old am I?"

"19 years old."

"Hmm ..." Bai Jing's small face looked at Leo again, and she grinned: "Brother, I'm 19 years old."

"Oh, it's so cute." Lei Ou spoiled Yan Yaoyao's cheek droolingly.

She blinked her big watery eyes and stared at Leo tightly: "Brother, are you poisoned?"

"Huh? Why do you ask?"

"You're so dark ... like chocolate." When Yaoyao said this, he couldn't help swallowing.

Leo and laughed at Yu Aotian.

"Autumn, this little guy is really interesting. But, you have become more patient now than before?"

"I've always been patient, okay?" Yu Aotian pretended to be angry at Leo.

He patted Yu Aotian's shoulder: "Less come, then Lei Lei told me that she would not have children in the future. I asked her why, she said, you don't like it! Now it seems that you don't like it too 'Children'? "

These words, Yu Aotian did tell Lei Lei.

Although it was only 16 years old and Lei Lei was only 15 years old, the legal marriage age in Japan was 18 years old, and early marriage and early pregnancy were also advocated.

Lei Lei loves Aotian very, very much, and wants to get married as soon as possible. Every time she talks about this problem and talks about the future, her attitude is to avoid it, because he hates mentioning marriage and having children. Things.

Finally, I was annoyed by Yu Aotian. He said directly that he hated children and would not have children in this life. As for marriage, he would say after he was thirty.

So Lei Lei told Leo this secretly ...

"Oh." Yu Aotian obviously didn't like Leo's mention of the past, and those bottomless eyes also shone with evasion.

"Okay, okay. It looks like we don't have much to talk about today. Hurry up and go home and bring your children! Super Daddy!"

"Well, then I'll go first, and I'll be together next time."

Watching the back of Yu Aotian and others leaving, Leo's smile on his face gradually disappeared: "Oh, surely everything Lei Lei paid for you in the past should not be. A man who is kind is always a man who is kind ... "Angrily murmured, he sat down, leaning against the wall, and slowly pulled out the phone:" Boss! "

"How's it going, Leo?" Zeng Kairui's voice came over the phone!

Yes, this Leo is exactly the man who appeared twice in Xie Yiqing's house. "I've met Yu Aotian."

"How are you talking?"

"Do you still need to ask, how can he trust me just once with his cunning character? After all, we haven't seen each other for ten years." Leo said, playing with the wine glass in his hand.

"Oh, then you can do your best. Qinger has failed, I don't want you to fail too. This time, I managed to get him to Japan. You better delay him for a while."

"Relax, Boss. Oh, by the way ..." Leo put down his wine glass: "Luo Yaoyao is now at Yuaotian."

"Huh?" Zeng Kairui took a look at God, and did not expect Luo Yaoyao to run to Japan. "It doesn't matter, Qinger said she was injected with a rejuvenation needle. It shouldn't be long before Luo Yaoyao will die."

"Okay. I see." Leo hung up the phone, picked up the jug next to his hand and drank up ...

the other side……

"Mr. Yu, does the Deputy Chief of Yamaguchi look familiar?" Chiba Mamoru felt familiar when he saw Leo when he entered the room.

"He is Leo."

"Leo ?!" Chiba Mamoru thought thoughtfully. "Ah, is that the Leo who is rumored to be Japan's first batter?" Leo had disappeared for more than two years when he joined the Royal Dragon Club, but the legend of Leo did not disappear because of this. Therefore, he is still familiar with the name.


"Ha, when I joined the Royal Dragon Club, I heard my brothers say Leo is your good friend. Now that he is the deputy leader of the Yamaguchi team, shouldn't we be able to cooperate with him? You know, the Yamaguchi team The ability is extraordinary, and has always had an extraordinary relationship with the Japanese government and the British government. "Chiba Mamoru said with anticipation.

### Chapter 674: So handsome!

Yu Aotian just smiled lightly.

Indeed, he is now trying to deal with Zeng Kairui, and the Yamaguchi group has close ties with many governments. If Yamaguchi can form an alliance with senior British officials, it will be very simple to disintegrate Zeng Kairui.

After all, Zeng Kairui's sole partner and the most powerful backer was the British Deputy Prime Minister.


Again, ten years of change can change many people and many things. Leo is obviously not the previous Leo, especially ...

It was Lei ’s reaction after seeing Yaoyao!

With the character of Yu Aotian, Yao Yao was not introduced to anyone. He just stayed in the room for a while and reported the age of Yao Yao. He just wanted to see Leo's reaction.

You know, Yaoyao ’s performance is only a 3 or 4 year old child, but she is 19 years old. Yu Aotian is so fond of her. Leo should have seen what their relationship was, but he did not show a little curiosity Why did Aotian find a mentally handicapped girlfriend? It can be seen that ... Leo should be no stranger to Yao Yao.

In addition to their conversation, Leo mentioned several subtle changes in Yu Aotian over the past ten years. Obviously Leo has been paying attention to him.

Obviously said that when he went around the world, he still had the mood to pay attention to him? !!


Yu Aotian would like to know if he is too cautious, or if Leo's appearance is not so simple? !!

"Thou Shou. I'll take Yao Yao to buy something. You go back first."


Yu Aotian took Yao Yao and got into Chiba's car, and he drove straight to the supermarket.

The moment he stopped his car, it immediately attracted thousands of eyes.

This car is a Chrysler hunter prowler, although the price is not particularly expensive, but the shape is too rare, like a triangular car, driving on the road can be described by eye-catching.

Passers-by took out their phones and took photos.

But when Yu Aotian hugged Yaoyao and got out of the car, those little girls with camera suddenly became peach-eyed. "So handsome ..."

"So handsome ..." There was a scream around.

After all, it is a fascinating symbol for a man to hold a child. Adding to his driving car and the handsome appearance of a manga-like character, it is bound to attract a lot of attention in a populous city like Japan.

After entering the supermarket, there will always be eyes to Yu Aotian, he pushed a car, put Yaoyao on a baby chair, went straight to the snack shelf.

"Aotian, many people look at you ..." Yaoyao kicked a pair of little feet and smiled sweetly.

"Oh. Baby, come and see what you like to eat, I'll get it for you."

"Well. Aotian, you are so generous. Yao Yao likes you so much!" Looking at the dazzling snacks, her eyes shined.

Yu Aotian sighed slightly. The reason why he brought Yao Yao to the supermarket to buy snacks was mainly because he saw that Leo's skin color was like chocolate and he kept swallowing.

Presumably, the little thing is for snacks.

After a while, the snacks in their carts were piled up, and there were a lot of toys. Finally had to let the supermarket use delivery methods to get their stuff home ...

"Hmm ..." It was 12 o'clock in a blink of an eye. Yu Aotian finished coaxing ‘Children’ and sat tired on the sofa.

Chiba Mamoru has not left yet. Seeing Yu Aotian's hard work, he couldn't help but smile: "Mr. Yu, I really admire your perseverance. Seriously, I brought Miss Luo 1 I was caught off guard for hours. I didn't expect that you could take her for two days without stopping, and still be so patient. "


Can he say that he has been patient?

God knows how difficult that little thing is.

Once Yu Aotian didn't follow her intentions, she lost her temper or cried, and he could only accompany his smile in a low voice.

If you want to work with peace of mind for a while, and do not rely on small things, you must play with her and coax her happy.

To be honest, if he goes on like this for more than 3 days, he will certainly be tempted to kill this little thing!

"Now, I finally understand how hard it is to be a parent." Chiba Mamoru sighed with emotion.

Yu Aotian sneered: "I am harder than normal parents ..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Chiba Mamoru did not quite understand what the intriguing words of Yu Aotian meant.

But Yu Aotian knew it!

Normal parents are just coaxing their children to sleep, right?

But what about him? !!

He also has to be in charge of 'sleeping ...'

1 hour ago ...

‘Baby, go to bed soon. good or not? ‘Yao Aotian, who was exhausted for a day, can be considered to coax this little thing into bed.

It ’s a pity that small things are not willing to sleep: ‘No, Yaoyao does n’t want to sleep. ’

‘How can Yaoyao sleep? Shall I tell you a story? ’

‘No! Yaoyao doesn't listen to stories! ’

At that time, Yu Aotian was close to the brink of collapse, but still forced out his smile: ‘how can Yaoyao sleep? ’

‘Hee hee…’ She flipped over and hugged him with a small hand: ‘Yao Yao wanted to play yesterday ’s game with Aotian! ’

‘Yesterday ... the game? ‘Yu Aotian immediately responded to what this game meant.

He has been working hard for a day, and he is almost exhausted. Where can I have energy to play with her?

It's strange. When he was full of energy, when this little thing was still normal, why didn't she come to him every day to play games?

No matter how Aotian refused, Yaoyao didn't follow. Eventually he had to bite the bullet and follow her. The little thing fell asleep sweetly.


She has the behavior that a 3 or 4 year old child should have, but she also has a behavior that a 3 or 4 year old child does not.

Other children can sleep when they listen to the story. She has to ‘that way’ to fall asleep. Isn't this kidding? !!

"Nothing ..." Yu Aotian avoided the question of Chiba Mamoru, and he was embarrassed to tell others that he was doing that kind of thing with a 3 or 4 child every day.

"Yes, Mr. Yu, why don't we hire a nanny to bring Miss Luo."

Chiba Mamoru's proposal is very good, Yu Aotian also thought about it, but ... "When Ming Ming Yao Yao came out of the suitcase, you were so good to her, she did not play with you. I was not good to her Instead, she was sticking to me. Do you think, ask a nanny, would she agree? "

"Uh ... this is also ..." Chiba nodded and nodded in agreement. "It seems that although Miss Luo has lost her memory of the past, there are still some things that cannot be forgotten. From this, you can see that you were in Luo The position in Miss's heart must be very high. "

"Oh ..." Yu Aotian smiled lightly.

Although these two days came down, he was almost exhausted and was tortured to death by Yao Yao. But there is indeed joy in my heart.

When Yao Yao is normal, she is always far away from him. He wants to go closer, she will be afraid, and she will avoid.

However, she is ill. He sticks inexplicably and doesn't say anything, but also treats him abnormally. This is a kind of inconsolable heart comfort.

### Chapter 675: Yao Yao Yao is Involved

Perhaps, as Chiba Mamoru said, although Yaoyao lost her memory, some things are still unforgettable. Her behavior today is exactly exposed, and she deeply buried her feelings for Yu Aotian ...

"Have it!" Suddenly, Yu Aotian opened his mouth excitedly.

"Huh? Mr. Yu, what's up?"

"Oh ... I know who to look for as a nanny!" The weird words fell, and Yu Aotian's mouth fluttered with a subtle smile ...

Early next morning.

‘Ding Ding, Ding Ding’ It was only 9 in the morning, and the doorbell of the villa rang.

The maid quickly opened the door, and this look ... "Mr. Dalong? Hello ..." She bowed deeply to Long Yu with a smile.

Long Yan took his luggage and quickly walked in: "What about Aotian?"

"In the living room."

"Um." He walked into the living room in a few steps. The charming eyes glanced at Yu Aotian, and looked at Yao Yao who was eating snacks in his arms.

"Longliao, are you here?" Yu Aotian put Yaoyao beside him.

She hid behind Yu Aotian, staring straight at the dragonfly standing not far away.

"Um." Long Yan nodded at Yu Aotian with a smile, and those charming eyes gradually pitched at Yao Yao: "Sister. Brother just knew that you were because of Gong Xiaoman ... I'm sorry, brother blame you Now. "

The truth of this incident was also told by Han Liying. Immediately, his response was to ask Yao Yao to apologize. Later, he realized that Yao Yao was beside Yu Aotian, and he thought, waiting for Yao Yao to come back and say.

"Okay, don't apologize to Yao Yao, she doesn't understand."

"What's going on ?! Why don't you understand?" Long Yan suddenly became stupid, excitedly walked in front of Yao Yao, and couldn't help looking at her small face.

"Hmm ..." Yu Aotian exhaled a sigh of relief: "Xie Yanqing should have given her some medicine. Now she is only about 3 or 4 years old. I don't remember the previous things."

"This?" Long Yan frowned in panic: "Li 殇 ... I don't know about this?"

"I didn't tell him."

The reason why Han Liying, Long Ying and others will be so loyal to Yu Aotian is because he treats his good friends with a heart.

He knew that once he told Han Liyu that Yao Yao was killed, he was afraid that Han Liyu would definitely blame himself. On the one hand, he blame himself for not protecting Gong Xiaoman; on the other hand, he blamed Yao Yao.

"Yeah. Really. Is there a way to cure it?" Long Yan sat beside Yaoyao, warming her petite palms and stroking her small face. "Yaoyao is so smart, now it has become like this, hey ..."

"I'll think of a way."


"Brother. Eat ..." Suddenly, Yaoyao picked up a shrimp stick and put it in Long's mouth.

"Hehe, Yaoyao is really a good boy. Brother doesn't eat it, you can eat it." He rubbed her chin on the top of her head.

Seeing this scene, Yu Aotian's eyes can't help flashing a sly gloss, his first reaction was ...

It's a matter of telling Long Yan to be the nanny ...

You know, Yaoyao doesn't just give snacks to others, at least when Chiba really keeps looking for her, she won't give it.

"Aotian, you are so anxious to call me over, what happened ?!" Long Yan anxiously looked at Yu Aotian. He received his phone call at midnight yesterday. Yu Aotian didn't explain anything, so he said Something happened in Japan. He called for him to come right away, and he flew in early in the morning after buying a ticket.

"Well, something very serious happened." Yu Aotian shook his head in difficulty.

"What's wrong?"

"I do n’t know how to describe it to you in detail. I called you for the purpose of coming here ..." A bottomless look turned: "You have also seen it, the small things are like this now, and I ca n’t walk away. And she Nor is anyone allowed to bring it. Just thinking, she is as good as you in normal times, will she be allowed to bring it. But it seems ... there should be no problem. I can handle my business here. "

Looking at Yu Aotian's troubled look, Long Ye always felt that something was wrong, but he nodded understandingly: "OK, rest assured. Give Yao Yao to me."

"Well ... then I'll go to work." Said, Yu Aotian smiled gratefully, but the moment he turned around, the grateful smile was immediately banned by a bad smile ...

"Yao Yao, what do you want to play? Brother will come to play with you, OK?" Sitting on the sofa, Long Yan patiently asked the little guy beside him.

She smiled ‘hehe’. "Brother, I want to ride a big horse."

"Ah? Riding a horse?" Long Ye knows what kind of game this is, the question ... Although she is 3, 4 years old, but a girl who weighs 19 years old, can he bear it?

"Okay, brother ..." Yaoyao wrapped her arms around Long Yan.

He glanced at it and nodded heartily: "Yes. OK."

"Oh ..." Yaoyao immediately threw away the snacks in his hands and jumped off the sofa.

Long Yan looked at the maids around him awkwardly, and slowly knelt on the ground.

Yaoyao struggled to climb down. "Drive ..." The voice of the command dropped.

Long Yan walked slowly.

She raised her mouth unhappy: "Slow ..." Big eyes glanced at a strap placed on the coffee table, quickly picked it up, and slammed it on Long Yan's ass.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", Yong Lian, who was suddenly in pain, paled. "I said, ancestor, can't you hit your brother know? Otherwise, my brother won't play with you."

"No, no. Brother is going to accompany Yao Yao to play, then Yao Yao will not hit his brother." Then, she honestly threw away the belt in her hand.

Long Yan looked expressionless in the living room with Yaoyao crawling around. The maids who were standing aside laughed so long that their stomach hurt.

After a long time ...

He fell weakly to the ground.

"Brother? Brother, what's wrong with you?" Yaoyao shook his arm constantly.

"Brother is going to be exhausted. Little ancestor, is it OK to rest? You have been riding for half an hour."

"Oh!" She raised her mouth, and unhappyly slaped Long Yan's chest: "Ming Aotian didn't say that, it didn't say that!"

"Huh?" Long Yan seemed to notice something was wrong, quickly sat up and grabbed Yao Yao's wrist: "What does that proud day say?"

"Aotian said that as long as Yao Yao is good, Long Yao brother will play with Yao Yao. If Yao Yao is not good, run away Long Yong brother. Ao Tian will not Yao Yao anymore. Also called Yao Yao must take Long Yao Brother stays. "

Upon hearing this, Long Yun immediately thought how strange Yu Aotian's performance was. How could he talk to him so sadly with his crisp personality? !!

When he got up, Long Ji strode to the study on the second floor. He kicked the door of the study with a bang, "grass, Royal Sky, you, what a special belly!"

"What's wrong?" Yu Aotian pretended to look stupidly at the door of Long Yan who was angry.

He raised his fist in indignation: "You just said what's so embarrassing. After all, it was you who called me to bring you a child, right ?! Feelings, you just tricked me into Japan to give you a free nanny ?! "

### Chapter 676: Relieved Nanny

"You can't say that completely. Long Yan, you dissipate." Yu Aotian patted his shoulder calmly. "I really have a job on my side. Small things are particularly sticky. Only you can help me now."

"It doesn't matter if you ask me to help, do you need to use a trick? I was tricked into Japan first, and I was called to be your nanny. You can't finish talking on the phone?"

"Speak straight?" Yu Aotian embraced his hands in front of him, and said coldly, "I'll say straight, will you come?"

"Uh ..." At this moment, Long Yu gave a question and stopped. Because, like Yu Aotian, he hated children abnormally. "Don't you call Lie away? Is he over? He loves children so much!"

"Li Yao? Yao Yao was so afraid of Li Yao when she was normal. Now that's all, do you think she would call Li Yao?" Yu Aotian said the same thing.

Long Yan thought for a while: "Okay, I know. Yaoyao is my sister, so take it."

"Well. It's hard for you. I'm going to the embassy for a while. Maybe I'll be back later."

"Let's do it ..." Helpless, although Long Yan was still unwilling to be tricked by Yu Aotian, but since he came, he can only take care of everything.

Throughout the afternoon, Yaoyao was extremely peaceful, and this time, he was no longer noisily going to find Yu Aotian.

However, Long Yan was forced hard. The vitality of children is unimaginable for ordinary people. They can play and feel tired when they wake up. But Long Yan is not a child, he will be tired. After spending the afternoon with the little guy, he ran tens of thousands of meters and almost collapsed.

"Brother, Yao Yao is going to pee ..."

"Ah?" This question is embarrassing. Yu Aotian and Yao Yao's relationship can say anything, but what is he? "Yao ... Yao Yao, brother sent you to the bathroom door, can you hush yourself?"

"it is good."

Long Yan secretly relieved, and led Yao Yao to the bathroom door.

After a while, she walked out of the bathroom.

Looking at Long Yan, Yaoyao's pants were half raised, and most of his body was still exposed. "Depressed!" He frowned helplessly, squatting down and quickly lifting her pants up.

"Brother, play with Yao Yao ..."

"Are you still playing?" Long Yan was almost dead. "Yaoyao, why don't you chat with your brother?"

"it is good!"


Long Yan relieved with relief, and led her to the living room: "Does Yao Yao like Aotian?"

"Yes, I like it."

"Does Yaoyao like me?"

"Like." Little head nodded, and Yao Yao smiled sweetly.

Seeing this, Long Yan's eyes turned: "Yao Yao prefers Aotian more? Or does he like brother?"

"Like Aotian!" Without any hesitation, Yaoyao directly gave the answer.

"Why does Yaoyao like Aotian more?"

"Hee hee, because ... his name is Yao Yao very comfortable." The cute little mouth slightly evoked, almost like a ripe apple.

"Comfortable? What's comfortable?" Long Yan twisted his head in puzzlement.

She lay on the sofa strenuously, kneeling on top of her knees, and opened her little hand to catch Long Yan's neck, her small mouth, and immediately passed over ...

"Hey!" Long Ye looked at it, and quickly stopped Yao Yao's next behavior. "Yao Yao, what are you doing ?!"

"Yaoyao likes her brother and wants to make her comfortable, so that Yaoyao will be comfortable too, okay?" Then she clumsily wanted to take off her clothes.

"Wait! Wait a minute!" Seeing that the situation was getting more and more wrong, Long Yan held her little hand that was **** ...

Looking at Yaoyao's naive appearance, Long Yan basically knew what the words she used meant.

It seems that playing with this little guy is no longer enough. He must ask Yu Aotian to give her some special education.

Gradually approaching the evening, Yu Aotian finally returned home. But he obviously felt something wrong with Long Yan's eyes. "What happened?"

"Aotian, you're back!" Yaoyao hugged his waist happily, and his small head kept pacing around, not to mention how cute it was.

"Yaoyao, hurry up, tell Aotian to take you 'comfortable'." Long Yan smiled badly, with a sarcastic charm in his tone.

When Yu Aotian heard this, she immediately looked at Yao Yao in her arms, and her face darkened in an instant. "What did she ... tell you?"

"I should have said everything. I should have said something. I didn't expect you to be such a beast. My sister is 3 or 4 years old now, and you have to go?"

Yu Aotian knows that once someone tells him about this, he will definitely lose his face, and he also feels disgusted with the question, okay? But this little thing is demanding, he doesn't want to come, it won't work.

"But forget it. After all, Yaoyao has a 19-year-old body, I can understand you. But ..." Long Yan reluctantly picked up a box of "balloons" from the table ... and shoved it into Yuaotian's hands: " How about you put on this? "

Facing the irony of Long Mao, Yu Aotian's face became extremely dull instantly. This time, Long Hao could catch his handle, right? !!

"Well, Aotian, I want to remind you that it doesn't matter what you do with Yao Yao, but you have to educate her, 'this kind of thing' can't come with anyone. Today, she urged me to give her ... 'Comfortable'! "With Long Ye's words falling down.

Yu Aotian's entire face became iron-blue and iron-blue. He looked coldly at Yao Yao, who was unknown, and rushed to her bedroom on the second floor.

"Who told you to tell us what happened to us?" As soon as he arrived at the bedroom, Yu Aotian almost used it, and threw her on the bed.

Yaoyao thought it was playing, ‘giggle’ smiled, and those big eyes flashed with virginity: “You did n’t tell me, do n’t say ya.”

This little thing has become a little idiot, don't you forget your teeth? "Give me back ?!"

"What's wrong ... Aotian ..." When she got up, she crawled hard to the bed, and tentatively pulled his corner of his clothes.

"Let go!" Yu Aotian opened her hand coldly.

The little guy finally knew that Yuao Tian was getting angry. "Aotian ... I won't tell my brother Long Yao next time, will you? Don't be angry ... Don't ignore Yao Yao ..." She bowed her head with grievances, and tears dripping down her eyes Fall.

When Yu Aotian saw her pitiful look, her anger suddenly subsided a lot. If you think about it, now that she is only 3 or 4 years old, it ’s true that he did n’t have a good education. of.

"Baby, don't cry." Crouching beside the bed, he gently rubbed the tears in the corner of Yaoyao's eyes. "I won't ignore Yao Yao."

"Then ... would that brother kiss Yaoyao?"

Yu Aotian smiled helplessly and kissed her lips gently.

Yaoyao seemed unsatisfied with this dragonfly's kiss. Instead, he caught Yu Aotian's shoulder and kissed hard.

he knows……

Looks like this little thing ... wants it again!

### Chapter 677: Yao Yao Was Beaten

"Yaoyao!" Yu proudly pushed away the entanglement of the little guy: "Not now."

"Why ?!" She twisted unhappy.

Yu Aotian really didn't know what to do with her. "Oh, it's such a ridiculous little thing." She tapped her nose. "Listen to Yaoyao, do you like to do this kind of thing?"

"Yao Yao likes it."

"Then ... you can only do this with me, you know?"


Asked why this is a common problem for children, Yu Aotian frowned in distress: "No reason, if Yao Yao did it with others. Then I won't Yao Yao, I will ignore Yao Yao in the future!"

"No. Yaoyao likes Aotian. Then Yaoyao will only do it with Aotin, okay?" He blinked with innocent eyes and blinked twice.

Seeing Yu Aotian is that helplessness, if such words are said when she is normal, I am sure he will be very happy. But now ... "OK. And ... in the future, Yaoyao can only show it to me, not others, okay?"

"Then ... what if Yaoyao booed?"

This is really a headache. Yaoyao will take off clothes, but not very well. Yu Aotian frowned slightly: "Now I teach Yao Yao to wear clothes. After Yao Yao learns to wear clothes, he can boo alone. Okay?"

"it is good……"

Seeing Yaoyao ’s attention shifted from ‘that aspect’ to dressing, Yu Aotian was not happier. Children are just like that. Anything that is more interesting to them will happen, and they will be able to stop making things happen immediately ...

A few days later.

In the Chinese ambassador to Japan, Yu Aotian successively received senior officials such as the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister of Japan in one day, mainly to discuss issues of friendship and cooperation between China and Japan.

"Chairman, I have your emergency call." Secretary Wu entered the conference room.

Yu Aotian smiled apologetically to the Japanese leaders, and quickly returned to his office: "Hey?"

"it's me."

"Bing Ye?" Yu Aotian finally waited for Bing Ye's call. "Why are you calling now ?!"

"Sorry. It was not convenient for me to return to Aslan from China, so I delayed a little time. Yes, before Lando fainted, I had taken her blood and brought Aslan. Now the doctor She is studying the toxins in her blood. Also, is there any adverse reaction to Landau now? "

The country of Aslan has always been known as a highly intelligent businessman, so it is much better to hand over the matter of antidote to Bing Ye than to China and Japan. "She's basically like a 3 or 4 year old now."

"Okay. I see. I will develop an antidote as soon as possible!" Bing Ye said coldly and hung up the phone.

When Yu Aotian was about to return to the conference room, his cell phone suddenly rang again. "Li, what's the matter?"

"Aotian. These days, the Feng family, Luo Yaoyao's private villa, and Luo Yaoyao's mother's residence all have signs of being stolen."

"Stolen?" Yu Aotian frowned slightly, no need to ask that the purpose of the 'thief' was definitely Yao Yao. But what are they trying to steal? What secret did Yaoyao hold in their hands that caused them to carry out a carpet-like search without even letting the Feng family know? "Okay, I know this."

"In addition ..." Han Liying's speech front turned: "Aotian, since you went to Japan, Zeng Kairui has secretly met with the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom many times and contacted many Ministers of the State Council. I suspect his purpose is you! "

After receiving the mission to Japan from Yu Aotian, he already had a premonition that Zeng Kairui deliberately removed him this time. "It doesn't matter, let him do it slowly. I'll go back in two days. I want to see what he wants to do!" Then he hung up the phone coldly ...

"the host……"

"the host……"

The one-day talks were finally over. It was dark when Yu Aotian arrived home. The maids greeted respectfully at the door.

He walked quickly towards the living room.

Seeing the toys and snacks scattered around the living room, Yu Aotian frowned.

He has always been a clean-minded person, and it must be unacceptable to see such a scene. "Why don't you clean up ?!"

"Master ..." The maids were crying with a face: "We have been cleaning, but Miss Luo will mess up just after cleaning; Miss Luo will mess up just after cleaning. We have ... "

There is a child at home like this. No matter how you clean it, you can never clean it.

Yu Aotian took a deep breath: "What about the dragon?"

"Mr. Dalong is in the living room ..."

Just in the living room?

Yu Aotian looked around the whole living room and did not see the figure of Long Yan, and took two steps forward.

He kicked something inadvertently and looked down, only to find that Long Ling was sleeping in the toy pile. "Dragon, wake up! Wake up!"

"Huh?" Long Yan opened his sleepy eyes, holding a teddy bear in his hand, and sat up quickly: "Ah ... Aotian ... you are back."

"How did you fall asleep ?! You fell asleep, what should Yao Yao do?" Yu Aotian's tone was slightly complained.

Long Yan waved his hands weakly: "I'm really exhausted these days. I'm really exhausted ..."

In the past few days, Yu Aotian has been busy contacting senior officials in Japan. The task of bringing children will no doubt fall on the shoulders of God. God knows how tired he is these days? The whole person was a lot thinner.

"Oh ..." Yu Aotian sighed hard. He could understand the fatigue of some dragons, and shook his head helplessly.

When the room was quiet, bursts of crying faintly passed to Yu Aotian's ears. "Yao Yao? Crying?"

"Well. I've been crying for 2 hours ..." Long Yan bowed his head listlessly.

When Yu Aotian heard this, her eyebrows were suddenly twisted into a ball: "Dragon! I know you've been tired these days. But Yaoyao cry, so please coax it, just let her cry?"

"Brother ... I really did my best ..."

Helpless, Yu Aotian quickly ran towards the second floor. As soon as the door was opened, Yao Yao was lying on the bed and crying. "Baby ... baby ... what happened?" He walked to the bed with pity.

The little guy saw Yu Aotian immediately, and immediately rushed into his arms: "Aotian ... Aotian ... They scolded Yao Yao as a fool, and they also beat ... Yao Yao ..."

"Eh? Someone hit you?" His bottomless eyes crossed a cold chill. He stared at Yaoyao's face, and sure enough, her forehead and chin were looming bruises. .

"Longji!" You can't help but say, Aotian ran to the living room holding Yaoyao: "Someone beat and scolded Yaoyao, do you know?"

"I know ..." Long Yan answered calmly, got up, and sat on the sofa with a teddy bear.

"Do you know it doesn't matter ?!"

"What's the matter?" Wushen's eyes glanced at the angry Aotian.

"Did you forget what you came from? They bully Yao Yao so much and call Yao Yao a fool, so you let them go?" <

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