A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 4 Chapter 483: Eat Dongdong

It wasn't until Yaoyao ran away from home that Yu Aotian realized that he needed her that way. Even if she was wayward, grumpy, sticky, and full of problems, he was acceptable. As long as she can come back safely.

God knows how cold and boring it is when there is no naughty figure in this home. This is only the first day of Yao Yao's departure, and his lack of sense is already so obvious.

The next day, the third day ... I don't know how to survive it.

Perhaps, Yu Aotian has been lonely for too long, and has been out of ordinary life for too long.

When the normal Yaoyao appeared in his world, he gradually warmed his heart unknowingly, and told him to slowly discover that once a person is tired, he can occasionally stop and take a rest and appreciate Look at the real beauty. And the so-called truth is Yaoyao ...

And when the abnormal Yaoyao appeared, he felt unprecedentedly helpless and crazy. Yu Aotian, who has been tasting the fruits of victory, has never been so helpless. He can go from a street to a politician; he can also change many, many impossible endings. But in the face of a 'little child', he really has no way at all.

At that moment, he realized that even a successful man actually needs home. If the family can't manage it well, how do you really understand what is responsibility, patience, and tolerance?

It seems that the state will vigorously promote politicians with families for a certain basis.

"Hmm ... I always thought it was right to start a business before starting a business, it seems ..." Quite the opposite. Yu Aotian smiled helplessly, and those bottomless eyes stared straight at the ceiling: "Baby, are you sent by heaven to change my life? 13 years ago, you changed my life; 1 year You reversed Qiankun and sent me into the political path. Now ... you told me completely that I still lack a home, a hostess, and children ... "

And Yaoyao ...

The role played earlier was a hostess; the role now played is exactly a child. Yu Aotian experienced two different flavors on her. He suddenly wanted to be thankful. Xie Yiqing changed Yao Yao into this picture ...

Leo residence.

There were all kinds of cakes on the table. After Yao Yao wakes up at noon, he just sits in the dining room and looks at the cakes, without moving, without the previous excitement.

"Little guy, haven't you been asking me to buy cakes? I've bought so many cakes for you now, why not eat them?" Leo sat in front of her and asked with a smile.

Yaoya raised her eyes expressionlessly and lowered her eyes again ... "I want to be proud of the sky ..." Two watery eyes overflowed with big watery eyes.

After Leo heard this, the dark and handsome face immediately sank: "Yao Aotian doesn't want you anymore."

"I know ..." Yaoyao lay on the table with a blind eye: "Because I'm not good, Aotian hates me; because of my waywardness, Aotian hates me. But ... even if I'm not good, even me Willful, Aotian didn't really abandon me. As long as ... I get rid of those bad things, Aotian won't want me. "

Leo didn't expect to say such words from the mouth of a little idiot? !! At this moment, Yaoyao didn't seem as stupid as before.

This shouldn't be ...

Rejuvenation is that as time goes by, the more naive the injection's age and behavior become. Now counting, Luo Yaoyao has been injected almost a cycle, she should be in a stage of degradation.

Hiss ... why?

Thinking, Leo narrowed his eyes coldly: "Yao Yao, even if you become good, Aotian will not ask you. Because you are superfluous for Yu Aotian."


"Yeah, it's like kittens and puppies. Yu Aotian is tired of playing with you and will abandon you. Even if you perform well, he won't want you."

Suddenly, after hearing Leo's words, Yaoyao's mind flashed inexplicably. Although those pictures are blurred, for her only 3 years old, she is constantly repeating a word in her heart.

That is ... Luo Yaoyao is Yu Aotian's pet.

Because, once, while they were still together, Yaoyao doubted several times whether Yuaotian was using himself as a pet.

Although I do n’t remember the past, I still have that sentence, but some things are always in my mind ...

"It turns out ... I'm just a proud ... pet." Tears rolled from her eyes ‘patter, patter’, Yaoyao grabbed the cake on the table and stuffed it into her mouth.

The cake is sweet on the mouth. But it was painful to enter the heart. Although, she is only three years old now.

But for emotions, it is not completely unknown. She needs Royal Sky, and she has inexplicable feelings for Royal Sky.

It's fine when she's normal, or when it's abnormal. This feeling has never changed ...

"Xiao Qinger, what's the matter?" In the study, Leo sat in front of the computer and opened video contact with Zeng Qing.

"I heard ... Luo Yaoyao is on your hand now?" Zeng Qing put her feet on the table and asked with a smile.


"How? How? What does she look like now?" When mentioning Yaoyao, Zeng Qing had some inexplicable excitement.

"What do you think it can be? Little idiot is a puppet."

"Ha! I want to see her." Zeng Qing put her feet down on the table in excitement, and quickly approached the position of the camera.

Leo thought about it for a while ... "Pap, Pap" took two consecutive shots.

"What is your command, Lord?" A woman pushed in.

"Go and bring me that little idiot."

"Yes ..." The woman nodded respectfully, turned and closed the door, and walked straight to Yaoyao's room. Push the door open ...

Yaoyao was lying on the bed playing with her fingers, and when someone saw her in, she blinked suspiciously and looked at the woman leaning at the door quietly. "Sister, what's the matter?"

"Hey, little idiot. The Lord is looking for you ..."

The sweet little face was sinking gradually, and I can see that I didn't like this title, but nodded reluctantly: "Oh ..." followed the woman and went to the study.

"Brother." When he arrived at the door, Yaoyao nodded politely. There is no more bad faith and princess.

"Come, come here." Leo waved to her.

Yaoyao walked slowly and stood at the desk.

Lei Ou stretched her wrists and hugged her to sit on her legs. "Come, Yao Yao, say hi to my sister."

Wu Shen's eyes gradually turned to the computer screen. When Yaoyao saw Zeng Qing in the screen, her eyes flashed a flash of Ruiguang, but ... it just passed away. "Sister ... sister, hello."

"Oh, huh ... Little idiot, make a grimace for my sister?" Zeng Qing smiled wildly.

### Chapter 684: Little idiot

Yao Yao looked at Leo behind him lightly.

"Hurry up, sister asked you to make a face, you do it!" Leo said in a commanded tone.

Yaoyao turned his head, pinched his own face with both hands, and spit out his tongue at Zeng Qing in the computer.

"Hahaha, I really have enough idiots. Then, little idiot, let's learn two dog barkings for my sister. She wants to listen ..."

"I ... I ..." Yaoyao nervously squeezed his hands and asked tentatively, "I don't learn dog barking, can I?"

"Of course not!" With a slam, Zeng Qing patted the desktop vigorously.

Yao Yao was frightened and slammed a spirit, and immediately ‘Wang… Wang… Wang…’ shouted.

Lei Ou and Zeng Qing listened and immediately laughed back and forth.

But this is not over yet. Zeng Qing's eyes turned and she grinned viciously, "Luo Yaoyao, kneel down for me now!"

She lowered her eyes expressionlessly and tentatively glanced at Leo behind her. She knew that Leo would not help herself ...

Leaping from Leo's body, Yaoyao was silent for a long while, kneeling slowly and slowly on the ground, but the tears in his eyes couldn't help falling.

"Okay, okay, Xiaoqinger, in case this little idiot is crying, I have to coax. Don't tease her." Leo resignedly poked and patted his own hands: "Go , Took her back to the room. "

"Yes, Lord." The pretty woman walked to Yao Yao's side and stomped her knees on the ground with her feet: "Go, little idiot."

After struggling to stand up, Yaoyao bowed his head, followed the woman and walked towards his room.

As soon as she arrived at the door, the woman leading the way turned back and gave her a heavy slap ...

With this slap, Yaoyao's long-standing grievances finally broke out ... "Wow ...", she burst into tears.

"Cry what cry ?! Dead idiot!" The woman stepped forward, choking her long hair fiercely: "I ask you to be ashamed when you come up, hum ..."

"Different ... not the same ..." Covering her small face, she looked at the woman pitifully.

The woman frowned and wondered: "You idiot, what are you talking about?" She shoved her into the room.

"Different ... not the same ..." Arriving in the room, Yaoyao leaned on the cold door and sat down slowly, still repeating the words in his mouth.

I thought that if we were a good boy, then everyone would not hate ourselves. But ... even if you become obedient, even if you become obedient, here at Leo, everyone still does not like her.


At Yu Aotian, even if she was so bad and mischievous, everyone didn't call her a little idiot, nor would she tell her to learn dog barking and kneel her, let alone hit her for no reason.

This may be the gap.

Even a three-year-old child knows who really loves himself. "Aotian ... I'm sorry ..." she mumbled softly, and she bowed her head with guilt ...

‘Aotian ... Aotian ... Save me! ’

"Aotian, don't leave me ... I'm so scared ..."

"Yaoyao!" Exclaimed, Yu Aotian sat up suddenly from the bed and looked at everything around him, only to find that it was just a nightmare.

After wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, he gloomy face, rushed into the room quickly: "Haven't you found Yao Yao ?!" Standing in front of the handrail on the second floor, he overlooked everyone on the first floor.

Chiba Mamoru, Ryugao, and several younger brothers of Yulongsha shook their heads in embarrassment.

It's been three days, and Yao Yao has been missing for almost three days. As she is now, if a passerby found out, she would have been sent to the police station. Even if passersby didn't find her in the wrong state, the ability of Yulongshe should have found her long ago. But until now there is no word, only one proof ...

"Zhou Shou, Long Yong, call your lord and accompany me to the Yamaguchi group!" Yaoyao must now be in the Yamaguchi group.

Chiba Mamoru stared at Long Yan: "How come I didn't expect that Miss Luo might be in the Yamaguchi formation?" With the power of Yulongsha, it is not difficult to find someone; but if there is one with Yu The gang shouldered by Longshe hid that person, so they couldn't find anything.

Chiba Mamoru watched Ao Tian who walked down the second floor quickly, and he knew ... the state of the Boss was restored again!

In the past few days, Yu Aotian has been indulged in negative emotions almost every day. Regardless of the government's work and ignoring the company's affairs, it is almost unthinkable for tea, and there is no vitality.


The look on Yu Aotian's face now was completely different. The arrogance of that arrogance, the arrogance of the king who could control everything, appeared again.

"Boss, please ..." Chiba bowed his body respectfully and gave way to Yu Aotian.

With no expression on his face, he took the dragonfly into the car. Subsequently, Chiba Mamoru and others took the back of the car and went to the headquarters of the Yamaguchi Group, which was located on the outskirts of the city.

"Aotian, I heard Lingzi say that the Japanese government has not been monitoring your contact with the Yamaguchi team? If you go directly like this, won't you?" Long Yu in the back row asked anxiously.

"It doesn't matter ..." The cold words fell, and Yu Aotian looked gloomily out the window.

Is he really afraid that the Japanese government is in trouble? !!

Oh, if Ao Tian was afraid, it would not be possible to cooperate with the Japanese Prime Minister against other political ministers.

He just doesn't want to participate in Japanese politics now, but if the Japanese side really bothers him, he will have a lot of time to play with them ...

"Who are you?" At the door of the Yamaguchi group, two men dressed in Japanese samurai guarded the door firmly.

Chiba Mamoru stepped forward and said blankly, "Yulongsha!"

When the two listened to these three words, they couldn't help looking at Yu Aotian not far away. "Yulongsha? Wait a minute, I will report to our deputy team leader."

Chiba really kept looking at Yu Aotian subconsciously.

I saw his deep eyes twinkling.

Next second ...

"No need to report!" Chiba really guarded a maneuver kick and turned one of the guards at the door to the ground.

When another person intended to come forward, the younger brother of Yulongsha had already pulled out a gun and held their heads.

"Oh ..." Yu Aotian sneered, pulled the tie on his neck, inserted it into his pocket with one hand, and walked in.

This is the style of Yulongsha, and it is also the style of Yu Aotian. When he was in Japan, he wanted to see whom and where to give them the opportunity to report. He had already taken people directly to kill him.

A crowd of black people went straight to the lobby of the Yamaguchi group.

Others guarding in the courtyard saw the figure of Yu Aotian and others, and took hold of God: "You?" They couldn't help but say that they held the wooden sword and attacked Yu Aotian and others: "Come, Someone broke into the Yamaguchi formation! "The roar fell.

‘唰, 唰, 唰’, people in samurai costumes came from all directions.

Seeing such a familiar scene, Yu Aotian's blood suddenly boiled. He hadn't been involved in underworld matters for too long. It's been too long since I've touched such a scene.

### Chapter 685: Old rules

The corner of his mouth provoked a near-death-like evil charm smile, and he just waved his hand slightly.

Those under the Dragon Club quickly engaged in a fierce battle with Yamaguchi's men.

"Oh ..." Yu Aotian looked at the spectacular scene far away, and could not help recalling the pictures of the past. For him who was still in Japan, such a life was almost in contact every day.

I thought it was possible to embark on the political path, and I would not feel the excitement of the year. I did not expect that Leo could fulfill his ‘dream’.

All the younger brothers of Yulongsha are fighting with the Yamaguchi group. Long Yan and Chiba Shinshou followed left and right behind Yu Aotian and continued.

From time to time, people from the Yamaguchi group will come to stop.

In the face of this, there is no need for Yu Aotian to take a shot, Long Zheng and Chiba Mamoru have long been equalized.

All the way to the Japanese-style hall of the Yamaguchi group.

Leo was wearing a blue dojo uniform, sitting quietly on the ground, welcoming Yu Aotian's drive. "Oh, who am I to have the courage to dare to break into my Yamaguchi group directly. But think about it and know that this is your Yuaotian style."

"Leo ?!" So far, Long Ling has not known that the leader of the Yamaguchi team will be their former friend Leo. "why you?!"

"Hi, Long Ye, long time no see." Lei Ou smiled slightly, and kindly waved to Long Ye.

He looked at Yu Aotian's expression, and it seemed that Yu Aotian had known that the leader of the Yamaguchi team was Leo.

"Leiou, don't talk too much nonsense. Give me Luo Yaoyao!" Yu Aotian opened his mouth coldly, without any temptation or negotiation in his tone, it was totally a pair, Yao Yao was in your mine Ou hand, and give it to me! If you don't give it, give me a tone.

"Huh?" Leo pretended to be stupid and crooked his head: "Aotian, I'd like to know, did you come to negotiate with me as a friend? Or as we used to, as a gang? Come to negotiate? "

"What do you think?" Yu Aotian narrowed his eyes coldly.

Leo stared at his face, and when thinking about the meeting with him a few days ago, Lei's only feeling was that ... Yu Aotian completely discriminated from them a few days ago. The current Royal Sky is the old Royal Sky!

It turns out ... this beast didn't fall asleep because he got on the stage of politics!

"If I tell you, that little girl is not in my hands."

"Not here ?! That's easy ..." Yu Aotian smiled with one hand into his pocket: "Old rules, gang warfare!" The cold words fell, and he turned to leave.

"Yao Aotian, what do you mean ?!"

Behind him came Leo's slightly angry interrogation. Yu Aotian turned his head expressionlessly, and those bottomless eyes couldn't hide a domineering luster: "meaning, no matter if Yao Yao is in It's not in your hands, I'm going to fight with your Yamaguchi team! Leo ... you should always know, I ... will not allow other gangs to stand side by side with my Royal Dragon Club! "

As early as a few years ago, the reputation of Yulongsha had already covered the Yamaguchi formation. It is only said that three years ago, he went to China, and the Yamaguchi Formation gradually died and recovered.

A domineering character like Yu Aotian, he couldn't tolerate this incident at all, but just said ... that his mind was partly taken away by Zeng Kairui, so he didn't bother about it.

As if, after arriving in China, he wiped out the top three gangs in China, leaving only the basalt gang of Ouyang Zixuan's mother, did Yu Aotian not want to annex the gang gang?

not really. It was also at that juncture that he just stepped onto the stage of politics and temporarily stopped!

"Oh, you are still so overbearing. Obviously you have gone to China to develop, and Japanese things are still deadly domineering ..." You can see that Leo knew him.

‘Pap, Pap’ Leo took two shots.

I saw a woman leading Yao Yao out of the screen.

When Yaoyao saw Yu Aotian and the others standing at the door, she immediately showed an inexplicable expression of excitement: "Pride ..." However, she found that the expression hanging on Yu Aotian's face was so cold. It seems that Aotian is still angry?

Lost dropped her head, she really wanted to run over and hug him, and told him that she was wrong. But ... she was more afraid that Yu Aotian would push herself away.

"Come here." Leo ticked his fingers.

Yaoyao bowed his head and walked obediently to him.

Suddenly, Leo reached out and grabbed her arm, dragged her into her arms.

Jiongshen's eyes looked at Yu Aotian provocatively.

He was standing like that, without any traces on his face, which made people wonder, how much did he care about Yaoyao? !!

For a time, Leo was a little confused, he was the most annoying! The most annoying thing is that Yu Aotian can show an uneasy look in the face of everything.

Of course, this is also the terrible part of Royal Sky. Often when the opponent wants to use the people around him to threaten him, the response will always be silent. For those who are deliberately deliberate and want to control Yu Aotian to death, there is no way to start.

"See? Aotian. She wants to follow me now!" Lei Ou clenched Yao Yao's hand tightly and smiled provocatively.

"So what?" An understatement fell.

Leo narrowed his eyes: "That is to say, she's mine now! You came to Yamaguchi and robbed me. It doesn't seem right?"

State-owned laws, family rules, and underworld rules. If Yao Yao is a member of the Royal Dragon Club, Yu Aotian initiates a gang war and is a normal behavior; if Yao Yao is a member of the Yamaguchi group, Yu Aotian also initiates a gang war to steal a man, then it is against the rules to behave. Besieged by all the underworld!

"Rules? Then I'm going to act against the rules today!"

"Yao Aotian! Are you crazy?" Lei Ou pushed Yao Yao down to the woman beside him, got up, and walked angrily to him: "After so many years of mixing, I don't know what will happen like this End ?! "

"Oh. I'm here, I haven't thought of anything else!" Unhurried words fell, and Yu Aotian smiled grimly.

When he arrived in the Yamaguchi formation, he was already challenging the Japanese government; what's the point of coming in the opposite direction? !!

Lei Ou can see that Yu Aotian is in a state of embarrassment today, he smiled slightly: "Let's take a stand."

"Aotian ?!" Long Yan stepped forward and quickly pulled Yu Aotian's arm.

Leo was already a popular hitter then. Ten years later, Leo's ability must have improved a lot.

Although Yu Aotian's kung fu is not weak, but ... after all, he has not used his kung fu for a long time, and it will definitely decline.

Yu Aotian patted Long Yan's arm, signaled that he was fine. He turned to look at Leo with a wicked smile: "I won, what will I get?"

"She ... here you!" Lei Ou pointed to Yao Yao not far away. "But if you lose ..."

"Rest assured, I won't lose!" Yu Aotian completely took off his suit jacket without giving Leo any chance to speak, and took off his tie and tossed it aside. <

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