A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 4 Chapter 485: Royal Sky Favorites

Chapter 737: Yu Aotian's Favorite (2009 Word)


Yu Aotian took a deep breath, and lowered her head slowly ...

At that time, it was a hostile gang of the Royal Dragon Club, who kidnapped Lei Lei in order to avenge Yu Aotian, and then raped her.

After Lei Lei was rescued, Yu Aotian wiped out the opponent's entire gang under the anger. And promised Lei Lei, she would never dislike her because of this, Lei Lei was greatly moved.

All this seems so kind and righteous, Yu Aotian shouldered the responsibility of a man to cope.


It seems that Lei Lei has not changed much because of that injury. Actually, she has become sensitive, nervous, and her personality has become dark.

From three to five times, they will quarrel with Yu Aotian, and they suspect that Yu Aotian simply abandons herself, has other women outside, and occasionally commits suicide to threaten Yu Aotian.

Where in the world would a man endure such a neurotic woman? What's more, is only 17 years old? !!

Finally, in a quarrel, Yu Aotian broke up. Lei Lei committed suicide again on the grounds of his dislike of himself. This time, Yu Aotian didn't discourage her and gave no explanation.

Lei Lei also knew that he had completely lost this man, so he disappeared into his world silently ...

"Yes. Lei Lei's disappearance was caused by my own hands." Yu Aotian raised his head expressionlessly and looked at Leo's face: "You hate me, so you have trusted in Zeng Kairui, and want to be angry for Lei Lei, are you? ? "


"Okay. It was because of me that Lei Lei met that event; it was also because of me that Lei Lei would disappear. I am willing to bear the price for everything I do." Yu Aotian said calmly.

Leo laughed dismissively: "What next? You should say more than that, right?"

"Give me Yaoyao's antidote!"

"Ha, I knew it would be the case. You deliberately led me out for the antidote to that little idiot, didn't you? So much to say, in fact, you have no regrets at all for Lei Lei. You just want to solve it. The medicine stopped !!! "Leo's mood suddenly became extremely excited. He couldn't stand it. His sister disappeared for many years for Yu Aotian, but Yu Aotian lived in the sun without any guilt about it.

"Whatever you think. Or that sentence, your purpose is me, let go of irrelevant people!" Yu Aotian's tone carried a command tone.

Leo's eyes were filled with badness instantly: "Impossible!" He waved.

"Aotian! Aotian !!!" I saw Yaoyao tied his hands with a rope and hung from the highest point of the church. As the rope slowly dropped, she was afraid to kick her feet: "Woo ... I'm so scared ... Aotian ... Save me ..."

Raising his head, Yu Aotian looked tightly at Yaoyao who was hung in the air, barely squeezed out a soothing smile: "Don't be afraid, baby, I'll save you right away." Sharp eyes quickly cast on Leo. : "Are you this kind of person? Will you use such a weak person to threaten others ?!"

Leo, although of ordinary origin, has a sense of warfare and grandeur, he disdains those dirty means, and even disdains the bullying of the weak. But ... "I didn't like it before. But now it's different! In the past, my dearest person was taken away by you. You can ignore her life and death. By now you may forget what she said and forget her. Look like now. And now! I also call you to feel the pain !!! Feel the pain of being taken away by the closest one !!!

"Leiou !!!" Yu Aotian snarled and grabbed his collar: "Do you really think that Lei Lei's leaving, I don't mind at all ?! You really thought, Lei Lei said before Have I ever forgotten anything? I just don't want to think about it, I don't want to mention it! "

"So did you find her after Lei Lei left ?!" Lei opened her hands holding Yu Aotian's collar.

"Do you think I haven't looked for it? !!!"

"Oh. How long have you been looking for it? Six months? One year ?! I don't think you still keep the women around you?" Leo smiled ironically, this is where he hates Yuaotian most, his sister is Yuao God sacrificed so much, but Yu Aotian can continue his life as if nothing was wrong.

"That's because, I thought, Lei Lei was always with you !!!"

"Be with me? What's the use of being with me? Lei Lei needs you!" Leo shook his fist in anger, and hit him with a punch: "What you *** said is Is it human? "

Yuao Tianji stepped back two steps and stroked her cheek: "Lei Lei doesn't need me anymore. Even if I really find Lei Lei back, do you think there is any meaning? She It will only be more painful! "

Yu Aotian is a man who sees everything very thoroughly. He is even more clear about what he wants and doesn't want for his feelings.

At first, he liked Lei Lei, and he liked her personality. However, Lei Lei gradually lost his self for him. He knew that this was Lei Lei's love for himself, but the more lost Lei Lei was, the less he liked Lei Lei.

Until that happened, Yu Aotian shouldered the responsibility of a man and took responsibility for Lei Lei.


Lei Lei's personality has undergone a 360 ° change. At that moment, Yu Aotian knew that she was only with her for responsibility, and she no longer felt the way it was. If Lei Lei is really left by her side, it is actually not fair to Lei Lei.

"Lei, I always knew that you love Lei Lei. Your love has exceeded your brother and sister's emotions. When Lei Lei disappears, then you disappear. At that time, I was thinking, Together, at least she can get happiness. But I still haven't forgotten everything I owe her !!! "


Lei's love for Lei Lei is not a sibling relationship at all, it is simply a relationship between men and women.

Yu Aotian said these words not to get rid of responsibility, but he took everything too thoroughly, and he knew clearly that Lei Lei's stay with Leo was definitely happier than staying with him.

This is kind of letting go.

One of the greatest respects for a woman I've ever liked!

Lei Lei really sacrificed too much for him, changed too much. But Lei Lei can always keep herself in front of Leo.

Yu Aotian knew that when they were dating, Lei Lei was very tired and tired, and she had to constantly cater to his preferences to change. There is absolutely no need for this!

Chapter 738: He, the former beloved appears (2032 words)

These ten years ago, although it was impossible for Yu Aotian to live in pain and guilt every day. But when Yaoyao asked him, did you ever like someone? His answer was Lei Lei. It can be seen that Lei Lei did not love wrong at that time; Yu Aotian did pay.

Sometimes, love ...

May not always be eternal. Just ask, the moment I met you, you liked me; I also liked you, this is love!

"Okay. All I want is this sentence! You just need to remember that you owe Lei Lei and owe her for a lifetime! Now ..." Leo yanked a gun from his pocket and pointed at him Yaoyao on the roof: "I finally asked you a question. If you answered me satisfactorily, I let her go. If not, I will kill her!"

"Just ask."

"If Lei Lei and Luo Yaoyao are hung on the roof together now. You can only save one person. Who do you ...?" This hypothetical question is actually very cruel, just like asking Yu Aotian directly Who is the same

However, without any hesitation, he responded directly: "I save Lei Lei."

The moment he heard the answer, Leo smiled with satisfaction.


On the roof, Yao Yao's expression gradually became lost. "Aotian ..." whispered softly, and a tear passed through the corner of her eye.

Even though they said a lot, she didn't understand now. However, it does not mean that she completely lost all thinking ability.

At least, she knew that at the moment ... the heart was so painful, so painful.

Although, she didn't know why it hurt ...

"Lei Lei! Lei Lei! Come out soon!" Suddenly, Leo looked back excitedly at a small door behind him.

Yu Aotian's eyes drooped, and a slight smile came from the corner of his mouth. No doubt, his guess is correct. Lei Lei has been with Leo for the past 11 years, so he can rest assured.

"Squeak". The door opened.

A woman who looked like twenty-seven or eight came out of it. Her height is not very high, her skin is as white as snow, she is not the beauty of the country, but she has her own uniqueness.

she was……

Exactly, Lei Lei, who disappeared for 11 years!

Years left many marks on her face. Those eyes that were once full of aura also became extremely dark.

Yu Aotian looked at her with a smile, without any surprise on her face, but more like a reunion with her old friend: "It's been a long time."

"Hehe." Lei Lei just smiled lightly.

Leo, who was watching all this, frowned in doubt. He thought that Yu Aotian would be extremely excited to see Lei Lei. Didn't expect that the reaction would be so dull? "Aotian, your reaction ...?"

"Brother. Do you think you cheated Aotian too? I'm afraid, he already knew that I had been with you." Lei Lei smiled helplessly and walked slowly to them.

She knew Yu Aotian. For this hidden man, and a man with a keen sense of intuition, he must have known everything before he suddenly gave up searching for her a few years ago.

"I didn't find out what we did?" Lei still didn't seem to believe it all, and turned to look at Yu Aotian: "How can you be so sure, I've been with Lei Lei forever ?! "Obviously, he has denied it before.

"Hehe." Yu Aotian shrugged his head with one hand in his pocket. "I'm just guessing. Based on your personality, if you don't find Lei Lei, you might have come over and killed me. How could you be safe The points have disappeared for so many years? "

However, when they met a few days ago, Leo said that he was not with Lei Lei, and Yu Aotian's psychology still appeared worried.


When he stepped into this manor that Lei Lei has always dreamed of today, I am sure that Lei Lei must live here. Otherwise, where would such a beautiful rose live in Leo's character? !!

"Let's just say, brother, we can't lie to Aotian!" Lei Lei smiled, and then glanced at Yu Aotian with Yu Guang, then immediately lowered her head nervously.

When Leo saw his sister's reaction, he knew it was a shy gesture. At the same time, I also believed those words that Yu Aotiangang said. He let go only because he foresaw that his sister had been with him.

"Lei Lei, no matter what, Aotian just said, did you hear that? He said it would save you, just to prove ..."

"Brother!" Just now, Lei Lei heard all the conversations in the church, and she really felt Yu Aotian's affection. It ’s a pity ... "Aotian said to save me, does not mean that he still likes me! It does not mean that he likes me more than he likes Miss Luo." Eyelight gradually turned to Yu Aotian: "You saved me, Luo The lady died. What do you do? "

"Hehe ..." Yu Aotian smiled ruefully, and looked up at Yao Yao who was lost: "I will die with her."


This is the real answer for Royal Sky! !! !!

In that year, he owed Lei Lei once, so if he was given a chance, he would pay back all that owed Lei Lei.

As for Yao Yao, he very much hopes that he can go hand in hand with her to the end of the world! !!


It does not necessarily mean eternity.


It does not necessarily mean that two people must live happily together and feel good.

Sometimes, it might be the most beautiful once. It was like the moment when Yu Aotian and Lei Lei liked each other, he gave true feelings; she also gave everything.

Sometimes, death together is also a proof of beauty, just like the answer given by Yu Aotian. No doubt prove the belonging of his emotions at this moment.

"Aotian ..." Yao Yao, with a lost expression, smiled foolishly. Although she still didn't understand the meaning of these words, but she knew that even if she died, Aotian would be with her.

The answer is that simple!

It's a pity that Leo didn't understand, and didn't understand! !! "Yao Aotian !!! Although Lei Lei has always been by my side for the past ten years, Lei Lei has always loved you. Now you have given such an answer? !!!" He just calmed down again excitement.

"Brother !!!" Lei Lei frowned anxiously.

"Okay. Don't you only have Luo Yaoyao in your heart now? Then I will kill her now. I think it was you who committed suicide, or did you choose to be with my sister!" Leiou quickly raised his hand to grab.

Lei Lei and Yu Aotian glanced at each other and ran up to try to **** Leo's hands.

"Brother !! Calm down, I like Aotian is my business. Why do you have to force Aotian to like me ????"

Chapter 739: Yao Yao, Fallen ... (2030 words)

"Because you are my sister, as long as you are happy. You like Yuaotian, Yuaotian must be with you !!" Leiou's personality is extremely persistent. He doesn't consider too many things. As long as his sister is happy, even if Yu Aotian doesn't like her sister, Yu Aotian must be with her sister. Unless, Lei Lei likes others! !!

"Brother, listen to me, it's not like this, the relationship shouldn't be like this, but ..."

'boom! !! ‘Between the three of them, Leo ’s gun suddenly went out ...

The bullet instantly broke through the rope hanging Yaoyao's hands.

"Woo ..." The moment of falling, Yaoyao's face turned white and white.

"Yao Yao? !!!" Yu Aotian didn't hesitate for a moment, and subconsciously ran towards the place where Yao Yao fell. however……

One step too late!

'boom! ’With a loud noise, Yaoyao ’s petite body fell heavily on the red carpet, and his head hit the ground fiercely. Instantly ... The dazzling blood dyed the red carpet even more dazzling ...

‘Hi Royal Highness, my name is Bing Ye, and I ’ll be your guard in the future. ’

‘Landor, you go to China for a year to visit, by the way ...’

‘Brother, what ’s your name? Why are you being held here? ’

‘Hi Royal Highness, will you stay here for the time being? When the limelight passes, I will send you back to the country of Aslan. ‘The door of the locked memory seemed to be gradually broken, and sporadic pictures flashed in front of Yaoyao ’s eyes.

It's just that those pictures flash too fast, and it's too late to piece together these plots.

She just felt that her body was so painful and painful at this moment, and her eyes were painfully looked at Yu Aotian, which was only one step away. The little hands that had become weak lifted up painfully: "Pride ... Tian ... "A faint voice spit out from between the lips. At that moment, Yao Yao's eyes were all full of resentment and longing for him.


Next second ...

The eyes full of longing disappeared, she closed her eyes tightly, and her raised hands fell down weakly ...

"Yaoyao !!!" Yu Aotian's screaming roar filled the entire church instantly. He picked up Yaoyao, who was already soft, and rushed out of the church.

"Brother !!! You are really too extreme this time!" Lei Lei looked at Leo reproachfully, his face full of helplessness.

"As long as you can be happy. I will spare no matter how many people die. In the future, Yu Aotian will fall in love with whomever I kill! Until he is with you !!!"

"Brother !!!" Lei Lei waved her hand, just a slap, hitting Leo's face heavily: "I admit that I really want to be with Aotian. But I heard After what he said just now, I am sad and happy. Sad, it is because he no longer loves me; happiness is his kindness to me. "

"Benevolence ?!" Leo narrowed his eyes in puzzlement.

"Yeah! After all, Aotian is a man. I am a woman. He doesn't care about me as a woman, but because he wants me to be happy, he is not barely with me. Do you think that I and Aotian Can I get happiness with barely being together? He doesn't love me, what happiness can I have? It is also because Aotian knows that he can't give me happiness. my love!!"

Once, Lei Lei hated Yu Aotian when she ran away from home.

But slowly, slowly, over time, she slowly found out how wrong she was and how torture Yu Aotian.

Relying on being a victim, he began to become unreasonable, and felt that Yu Aotian owed himself, and kept going crazy and losing his temper. Recall that no man can stand such a woman.

So Lei Lei released everything, and the hate returned to love.

Unfortunately, she wasn't sure if Yu Aotian had any feelings for herself or whether she still likes her, so she hid for more than ten years as soon as she hid. Until ... she had just heard Yu Aotian's words, and she realized that she used to be ...

"Brother! It seems that you haven't understood it yet. Aotian is answering your question, saying why he saved me but died with Miss Luo. This is exactly how I feel now. If Aotian doesn't love me anymore , I would rather not be with him; so is Aotian. I would rather go to Huangquan with people I like than with people I do n’t like! "

Leo was silent. His silence meant that he had gradually understood the true meaning of love. Gradually also felt Yu Aotian's mood, Lei Lei's mood. "You mean, have I been wrong all the time? Lei Lei."

"You ... yes." Lei Lei bowed her head expressionlessly and sighed in embarrassment: "At least, from your standpoint ... yes. Brother ... thank you ... for loving me so much For many years ... I'm sorry, these years, I'm calling you ... sad. "She clenched her fist, and slammed into Leo's arms.

"I'm not sad. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." Lei Ou hugged Lei Lei tightly.

She smiled helplessly, and suddenly felt that her brother was really slow in feelings!

For so many years, how could Lei Lei not know that Leo likes himself as a man and woman? Leo also knew this. Unfortunately, he was born to look at Lei Lei for happiness. Therefore, Lei Lei likes Yu Ao Tian. Although he is sad, he is more happy.

And the meaning of Lei Lei's sentence just now is telling Leo that she has loved Yu Aotian for so many years, and now finally let him go, and it's time to look back at the others.

It's a pity that it seems that he doesn't understand Leo's slowness ...

But, whether he knows it or not, Lei Lei knows that Leo will always be with him, which is enough ... "Brother ..." Suddenly, Lei Lei pushed Lei's arms away: "If Miss Luo has three longs and two shorts ..."

"I know Aotian's temper. If Luo Yaoyao really died, I would return my life !!"

"Brother !! I ... I don't want to see you have trouble with either side of Aotian. This was the case before, now ... it is still the same !!!" Lei Lei shook his fist anxiously: "No! Brother, hurry Let's go. If Miss Luo really has something to do this time, then I ... "

"What are you talking about? Silly girl. Aotian will not hurt you. Moreover, even if I really leave, I can still find me with Aotian's ability." Because sister, Leo hated Yu Aotian, but he I have always and always recognized the ability of Royal Sky. Whether it was before or now.

Chapter 740: Yao Yao Was Given A Death Notice (2061 Words)

In fact, for a person with a personality like Leo, it is far better to die in the hands of Yu Aotian than to kill Zeng Kairui! !! "Let's find Aotian now. If Luo Yaoyao is in trouble, I will be responsible!" After that, he quickly led out of the church with Lei Lei ...


At the gate of a private hospital, the three floors inside and three floors outside were blocked by Yulong's men. Inside the hospital, all doctors and nurses went out of the hole. Non-stop in the rescue room hurried to Yaoyao.

"Boss Yu, you ... sit down for a while." Chiba really looked helplessly at the door of the emergency room and paced Ao Tian, ​​this was the first time he saw that he was extremely calm in everything. Yu Aotian with a calm attitude revealed her demeanor like an ant on a hot pot.

"It's okay." He shook his head stiffly, and the hand in his pocket clenched into a fist.

Suddenly, the door of the emergency room opened.

After seeing the two doctors panicking out of the inside, Yu Aotian rushed forward excitedly and intercepted in front of the two doctors: "How is my girlfriend ?!"

They looked at each other one after another, shaking their heads nervously: "Mr. Yu ... Your girlfriend is still in the rescue, but ..."

"but what?!!!"

"But the situation ... the situation ... no ... not too optimistic!" The moment the two doctors said these words hard.

Yu Aotian's face immediately became extremely gloomy: "Not very optimistic ?! If you can't cure her, the doctors in your entire hospital will give me a funeral."

"Mr. Yu ... Mr. Yu, rest assured, we ... we will do our best." The two doctors said nervously and left quickly.

After a while, they pushed for a transcontinental instrument. This thing is for people who have stopped beating their hearts and restore their heart rhythm through electric shock.

When Yu Aotian watched them pushing the instrument past him, the gloomy complexion suddenly turned white.

"Boss Yu, don't worry about it first. Maybe they are prepared for it from time to time. I believe that Miss Luo Ji has his own nature and should be fine." Chiba Mamoru hurried to comfort Yu Aotian.

He sat weakly on a hospital bench, and his deep eyes gradually dimmed: "Hope ... so ..."

"Autumn !!" At this time, the brothers and sisters of the Lei family hurried into the hospital.

When Yu Aotian saw Leo, the hand that raised his fist was full of muscles.

When I got up, I got a punch and hit Leo's face: "I have said that, if you have any anger, you can just rush at me. She is a little girl, this is how she looks again, you hurt What good can she do? !!! "

"Autumn, my brother just missed. Can you calm down?" Lei Lei stopped from this situation, this situation is not the first time between the two.

At the time, Lei Lei was so excited to question Yu Aotian when Lei Lei disappeared. At this moment, Lei Lei felt deeper is Yu Aotian's love for Yao Yao.

"Yao Aotian! Listen, if there is any accident with Luo Yaoyao, if you want to kill and slay, I will follow Lei All. But this does not mean that I owe you!"

Again, Leo's purpose has always been to not bully the weak. If he is really despicable and shameless, there are times when he can completely cure Yaoyao. But he didn't do that. Even if it was just shot to kill Yao Yao, it was an impulse.

"What's the use of killing me and shaving you?" Yu Aotian's emotions gradually subsided: "If you really feel sorry for Yao Yao, give me the antidote!"

"Antidote? No antidote!" Leo's reply was decisive.

"Brother, you don't want to help Zeng Kairui at all?" If you have an antidote, give Aotian !!!!!! Lei Lei begged Lei anxiously.

But he still shook his head: "It's not that I don't give it, but this kind of thing really has no antidote!" Jiongshen's sharp eyes gradually turned to Yu Aotian: "Zeng Kairui found me a year ago, he seems Knowing my relationship with you, I was thinking of using me to deal with you. He just used me. Similarly, I did not want to kill him, just to avenge you. It was also unintentionally, I knew This medicine, and learned that it is made with different viruses, has no antidote at all! "

"No antidote has been developed ?!" Regarding Leo's words, Yu Aotian was convinced. He believes that if Leo has an antidote at this moment, he will definitely give it. However ... "Leo, tell me, what is the worst result of this medicine?" He grabbed Leo's arms with excitement.

Leo embarrassed his lower lip. "Directly ... to death!"

‘Sorting’ The moment he heard this, Yu Aotian ’s heart sank heavily… This was the result he least wanted to hear: “Is there a date?”

"Yes. Within thirty days of the day of injection, people with a virus will die from atrophy of muscles and internal organs."

Thirty days ...

Counting it, it has been more than twenty days since the time of the virus in Yaoyao, that is to say ... her time is running out! ?

Ice night! !!

Yu Aotian quickly pulled out the phone: ‘Beep… Beep… Beep…’ Bing Ye ’s phone has been left unanswered, and he threw away the mobile phone in his hands: “Damn !!!”

"Aotian?" Looking at Yu Aotian's disheartened look, Lei Lei wanted to step forward to dissuade her, but she had experienced this feeling of loving someone but couldn't be together, so how to persuade her use.

The emergency room door suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Doctors and nurses are still doing their best to rescue Yao Yao.

After about 8 hours ...

The emergency room lights suddenly went out and all the doctors came out of the emergency room.

"How's the situation ?!" After waiting for 8 hours, Yu Aotian rushed to the doctor first in a stride.

"Mr. Yu, Miss Luo is still out of danger and she will be sent to the ICU ward for monitoring." The doctor took off her mask and said helplessly.

"What does it mean?"

"The specific meaning is ... Miss Luo's life and death can only be seen ... Heaven ... destined ..." The doctor has done his best, but Yaoyao belongs to the land that fell from a high altitude and his head fell first. It can really be rescued. Not easy, the survival rate is only 0.5%.

For a moment, he fell into the dead corridor and was once again covered with a desolate atmosphere. Yu Aotian looked silently at Yao Yao who had been pushed out of the emergency room ...

Can't describe what kind of mood is at the moment, pain or suffering? Or is it the heart that dies again?

This weather-beaten 28-year-old man has gone to heaven and hell, but he has never had the mentality at the moment, that kind of ... <

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