A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 4 Chapter 486: The memory of the past is turned on (middle)

Chapter 745: The memories of the past are turned on ----- Landuo, Feng Chenyi and Hei Yanlong (2046 words)

"Bing Ye, it turns out that not only Prime Minister Qi Lian will treat me as a child. Everyone here seems to treat me as a child. Why do you say that? Am I really acting like a child?" In the room, Lan Duo and Bing Ye chatted about these days.

Bing Ye's face was cold: "They can treat you as a child, but you can't treat yourself as a child!"

"Well, I know. Because I was born with a heavy responsibility, wasn't it?" This is the one sentence that Bing Ye has spoken to her since childhood.

"Just know." As you can see, Bing Ye doesn't like others to think of Lando as a child.

‘叩叩 叩…’ The door opened, and Prime Minister Qi Lian walked in with a smile: “Bing Ye, Landau.”

"Prime Minister Qilian, what's the matter?"

"Bing Ye, I think Lando has been living in the State Council these days. You also know that we are all adults in the State Council. I think, after all, Lando is only 4 years old. Maybe she is lonely. It ’s better to ask her to live temporarily. The wind family. First, the wind family wind lady is the prince of your country of Aslan; second, the wind family has a daughter about the same size as Lando, and a son four years older than Lando. Will it be better for Landau? "

Prime Minister Qi Lian was just out of good intentions, but Bing Ye obviously didn't appreciate it: "Thank you Prime Minister Qi Lian for your kindness, His Royal Highness Lan Duo does not need to play with children of the same age."

"Huh?" Prime Minister Qilian looked at Landau in an incredible way: "Don't you all play with other kids when you were in Aslan?"

Lan Duo shook his head coldly: "I don't need to play with others."

"How does this work? You are so young, you will not play with other children, it will be very detrimental to your future growth. No! If you do n’t want to go to Feng's house, you can come to live in my house, there are two in my house Son, the eldest son is about the same as Bing Ye, you should not be able to get along with him, but the younger son is only 4 years older than you. I believe he will like you very much! "

I believe that in the spirited Qi Lianhao, in this life, he would not have thought that after 14 years, the eldest son whom he had said that he could not get along with Landuo was just tangling with Landuo.

However, the youngest son in his mouth would like Lando, but it was truly fulfilled ...

Pulling back to the topic, seeing Qi Lianhao's enthusiasm, Lan Duo was really indifferent, and eventually chose to live temporarily in Feng's house; Bing Ye temporarily lived in Qilian's house ...

When I first arrived at Feng's house, I was most impressed with ...

Feng Chenyi's second son, Feng Chenyi, is different. Everyone is like a family, but Feng Chenyi doesn't seem to fit into this family.

"His Royal Highness, my daughter went to France as an exchange student, so I can't call her back to play with you."

"It doesn't matter, Prince Lan Nipei, His Royal Highness has only come here to live there occasionally!"

"No problem, no problem." Feng Xiao on the side saw this, and quickly ushered Feng Chenyi, who was standing coldly, not far away: "His Royal Highness, this is my second son Feng Chenyi. Chen Yi You spend more time with your sister these days, you know? My sister comes from a long distance, you have to take care of your sister a lot. "

At that time, don't look at Feng Chenyi when he was only 8 years old, but there are already some handsome silhouettes in the future.

But I don't know why, when Lan Duo and Feng Chenyi's eyes staggered, they obviously felt that they had a strong hostility in their eyes.

Perhaps, because Lando's personality was arrogant and cold at that time; Feng Chenyi was also such a personality, so the two proud people collided, and there was only one ending, that is ...

Can't look at each other! !! !!

The next day.

"Chen Yi! Didn't you say hello to me after school ?! It's too rude, right ?!"

As soon as Lan Duo woke up, she heard a sound from the living room. She stepped out of the room, stood at the handrail on the second floor, and watched Lan Nipei coldly condemning how and how impolite Feng Chenyi was.

Feng Chenyi stood there coldly throughout, unable to find anger or timidity on her face.

I don't know why, at that moment, Landuo's cold heart sympathized with Feng Chenyi, perhaps because she had been living in the pain of being rejected by her loved ones.

"Prince Lan Nipei!" Lan Duo coldly interrupted Lan Nipei, who was scolding Feng Chenyi.

"His Highness, aren't you taking a nap?"

"Your voice is so loud, how does Your Highness take a nap?" Lan Duo 唰, 唰, 唰 rushed to the first floor in two steps: "You know Your Highness is taking a nap, how dare you wake up Your Highness? !!! "

"Sorry, Sorry. Your Royal Highness. It is Chen Yi who is not sensible, so I scolded him, who knows that it is noisy to you."

Lan Duo's cold and shiny eyes glanced at the expressionless Feng Chenyi. "He is your son, he is not sensible, but you teach the child no way!"

"His Highness, you are misunderstood. He is not my son. His biological mother has died."

"Huh?" Lan Duo opened his eyes doubtfully and said subconsciously, "No wonder it would be so rude !!!"

This sentence was really her accidental loss, because when she first saw Feng Chenyi, she felt that he was very impolite. When everyone saluted her respectfully, only Feng Chenyi Standing coldly.

However, Lan Duo, who was only 4 years old at that time, did not know what kind of pressure Feng Chenyi was bearing in this home, and she didn't know ... her unintentional mishap just hit Feng Chenyi's dead point! !!

Suddenly, Feng Chenyi lost his schoolbag in anger, glanced at Landu with a resentful glance and left.

Lan Duo also felt that he was very wronged. He obviously wanted to help Feng Chenyi. Who knew that he would be treated like this! ?

"Hum!" In a rage, she returned to the room in anger and never came out.

Until the next day ...

Lan Duo was sitting alone in the garden of Feng's house, and his big watery eyes accidentally glanced at a 6-year-old boy who ran into the house with a smile.

After a while, the boy joked with Feng Chenyi and ran to the garden to play with the toy.

It seemed that their laughter had infected Landau.

She sat quietly not far away watching them play, and there was an inexplicable urge to join them. After all, she has never played with children of her age from birth to now, and she has never seen anything like toys.

Footsteps, could not help but swim to their side.

Out of her arrogant personality, Landau didn't know how to say hello to them, nor did she know how to join them, so she had to pace there and wait for them to find themselves.

Chapter 746: The memories of the past are turned on --- the turning point of destiny (2028 words)

"Chen Yi, Chen Yi, who is that girl?" The 6-year-old boy took the lead in discovering Lando, and his pair of ink eyes were particularly striking. This little boy is Hei Yanlong 14 years later!

"Ignore her !!" Feng Chenyi glanced coldly at Lando, who couldn't let go of her insult to herself yesterday.

Lan Duo clearly heard Feng Chenyi's ‘Ignore her’ and shook her fist.

"Um ... Chen Yi, why don't we call her to play?"

When Hei Yanlong heard this sentence, her original anger suddenly dissipated, and her heart was banged with excitement.

Who knows ...

"Then you play with her, I'm gone!" Feng Chenyi got up and left.

Hei Yanlong grabbed his arm: "Then let's play, I don't like to play with girls."

Suddenly, Lan Duo's eyes full of expectation were covered by the light of anger, and she rushed to Feng Chenyi and Hei Yanlong in a short stride: "What bad words are you talking about?"

Feng Chenyi was silent, but Hei Yanlong covered his mouth and laughed: "You even call yourself Your Highness? Did you watch too much anime?"

"What are you talking about ?! Your Royal Highness is the future queen of Aslan. How dare you say that to me ?!" Then, raising his hand, Lang Duo gave Hei Yan fiercely. Dragon slapped.

"Hey !!!" Hei Yanlong stared angrily. "No wonder Chen Yi hates you so much! A girl like you, I don't think there will be friends in this life, right?!?"

"Oh, Your Highness never needs a friend!" Lan Duo's disdainful hands embraced both of them, glanced coldly at the two of them: "It's just like your unidentified and statusless people are eager to make friends. One Impolite, an extremely stupid !!! "

"Are you trying it again ?!" Feng Chenyi stepped forward, clutching Lan Duo's collar.

"What? Are you afraid to face it?"


"Let go, your mediocre people are not worthy of touching Your Highness !!" Lan Duo opened Feng Chenyi's hand holding his collar, and lowered his eyes coldly, glanced at the toys on the ground, Smashed the toy model. "Boring ..." Leaving this sentence, she left without looking back.

Hei Yanlong looked at the slumped toys that had been trampled on the ground, and raised his fist resentfully: "How can she be so annoying? !!!"

"Like a girl like this, whoever marries her in the future will have to be unlucky!" Feng Chenyi watched Lan Duo's departure in a condensed state, and turned to look at Hei Yanlong: "Your face is all right?"

"It's okay. Chen Yi, I'll go home first. When is this nasty ghost gone, you are calling me, I will come to you to play."


The memory suddenly pulled back ...

"Oh!" When recalling his first meeting with Feng Chenyi and Hei Yanlong, Yao Yao could not help but laugh.

To be honest, when she was 13 years old and met Feng Chenyi for the first time, she thought the guy was well dressed. But I did not expect that when I was younger than Feng Chenyi, I was able to pretend.

I did not expect that when he was a child, he was so violent that he furiously attacked Black Yanlong and insulted Feng Chenyi.

Alas, this may be the cause and effect cycle. When he was a kid, he inexplicably slaped Hei Yanlong, but after more than 10 years, their first encounter, Hei Yanlong continued to insult her. Does this count as retribution?

of course……

Yaoyao felt guilty about the insult to Feng Chenyi that year, but after all, she was only 4 years old and she didn't know about Feng Chenyi's life, so she would say that kind of thing?

"In the next ... should be ... the beginning of my destiny change?" Whispered, Yao Yao's mind returned to the memory of 14 years ago ...

It has been a month since Landau returned to the State Council from Feng's house, and everything is proceeding step by step.

Quiet night, as usual boring life.

But the moonlight on that day was unusually dark ...

"Someone attacked the State Department!" With a dissonant voice, the tranquility of the night was finally broken.

The overwhelming killer broke directly into the VIP residence of the State Council. The purpose of those people was very clear. At a glance ... the target of the attack was His Royal Highness Lando!

"Night! Go and protect Princess Lan Nishan, hurry up!" At the most critical moment, Lan Duo finally revealed the longing for family that had been hiding in her heart.

"Landor, if I leave at this time, you will be in danger!"

"Night! Princess Lan Nishan is my mother, and I must protect her !!" Mother, this is the first time Lando called out, and said that human nature is the most authentic moment. Obviously, she has always wanted to call Lan Nishan's mother, and has been longing for a long time.

However, the persistent ice night still refused to leave.

In anxiety, Lan Duo directly put his identity as heir: "Bing Ye! Your Highness now orders you to protect Princess Lan Nishan immediately!"

"Lan ..."

"You are my guard, you must listen to my order, immediately! Go !!!!" Lan Duo snarled, Bing Ye had to settle her for a while and went to another room to protect Princess Lan Nishan and her horse. went.

Who knows, as soon as Bingye's forefoot left, the killers flooded into Landor's room in large quantities, even if Landor was only 4 years old, so she was eventually captured by the killers and taken away from the State Council.

"Secretary General Luo, Your Royal Highness will be given to you." The killers handed Lando to Luo Tianming's hands, and he will handle Lando.

"Well, you leave quickly."


Luo Tianming took the kidnapped Lando and quickly hid in the car. As soon as he entered, he took off the cloth stuck in Lando's mouth: "His Highness Lando, rest assured, I won't hurt you."

"I remember you. You seem to be ... the secretary of your country's deputy prime minister, right?" Lan Duo never met with the deputy prime minister, because when she visited China, the deputy prime minister also visited the country.

However, she has always lived in the State Council, so she has met one or two with Luo Tianming.

Looking at Luo Tianming sitting in the driving position, the 4-year-old Lan Duo immediately reacted! "Your Deputy Prime Minister wants me? !!!"

"Excuse me, I can't explain too much to you. But believe me ... I won't hurt you." With that, Luo Tianming drove the car directly to Deng Huihong's home.

"Little Red! You help me take care of this child."

This is the first time that Lando has met Deng Huihong, and Deng Huihong's first impression is that she is beautiful.

"Tianming, is she?"

"She is His Highness Lando, the heir to Aslan. The Deputy Prime Minister Zeng is going to kill her. You help me take care of her."

Chapter 747: The memories of the past are turned on --- the reason for deciding to stay in China (2014 words)

Deng Huihong immediately felt that the situation was critical: "Tianming, what do you do?"

"I'll tell Deputy Prime Minister Zeng that Landor has been executed when I fell down." Luo Tianming said anxiously, crouched down, and said solemnly, "His Highness Landor, I can't send you back to Aslan now because I There is also my family, and the only thing I can do is to temporarily save your life. If there is a chance, I will send you back. "

During the whole process, Lan Duo's attitude was extremely calm. She had super strong insight ability, so at a glance you can see who is disadvantaged to herself and who really helps herself.

Facing the man in front of her, she felt that he really wanted to protect himself. But ... "Why help me ?!"

"Hehe ..." Luo Tianming smiled a little, he didn't know what the reason was, maybe because ... "I haven't had any children. When I first saw you in the State Council, I liked you very much. Maybe, That's the reason. I'll go back for a job first. Xiao Hong, my wife, she will treat you well. "After that, Luo Tianming left.

Future days.

Landau tried to contact the people of Aslan to rescue herself, but in getting along with Deng Huihong, she slowly felt the warmth from her family. She also knew that once she got in touch with the people of Aslan Kill this kind family. Therefore, he has been hovering back to the country of Aslan, still staying in the ideological struggle here.

When you go back, you will be caught in endless fighting.

If you stay, you will live a life of inactivity.

This idea has been entangled with Landuo for a long time, until she lived here for about three months, once sick, and completely opened her to welcome the arrival of this new home ...

The memory pulled back again.

Yaoyao clearly remembers that when she had a high fever, Deng Huihong kept taking care of her.

No matter what time she awakened from the nightmare, she could always see Deng Huihong's kind smile. At that moment, she was really touched and felt the taste of being cared for and being a child like never before.

Although this mediocre life is more polar than the royal family, the kind of warmth from emotion is never found in that luxurious royal family.

"Oh, although my choice was correct. However, this choice just killed Prime Minister Qilian ..." Yaoyao remembered that Qi came shortly after he decided to stay with Luo Tianming and Deng Huihong. Even the fire in the Prime Minister's villa ...

The fire has been called the fire of Huamei Villa!

But Yao Yao, who is already 5 years old, knows that this is just a means of dealing with a senior official within politics.

At that time, she thought that if she appeared, she could rehabilitate the Prime Minister Qilian, but after she appeared, she would kill the Luos and his wife, and she kept struggling and tangling.

Although he did not have too much or too much affection with Prime Minister Qilian, the Prime Minister Qilian really cared about her. Although the behavior of the Rocks was wrong, they really treated her with heart. In the end, Yaoyao chose to remain silent ...

"Next, it's time ... Yao Aotian appeared, right?" Yao Yao smiled helplessly, until this moment, she remembered the fetters with Yu Aotian 13 years ago ...

Memories go back to 13 years ago.

At this time, Lan Duo had decided to stay at the Rock's home, and the fire in the Huamei Villa had already passed for almost half a year. Lando was five years old.

In order to hide Lando's identity, she also changed her name to Luo Yaoyao and officially became a member of the Luo family.

"Not good! Xiaohong!" One day, Luo Tianming hurriedly ran home.

"What's wrong? Tianming."

"Deputy Prime Minister Zeng seems to have discovered the fact that Yao Yao is not dead, and has sent people to search around!"

"It's impossible ..." Deng Huihong frowned incredibly: "Yao Yao has been with us all the time, and no one can know the news that she hasn't left."

"Well, it seems that Yao Yao was the former guardian Bing Ye. He insisted that Yao Yao was not dead, and now he has returned to Aslan to ask for rescue. Because of this, Deputy Prime Minister Zeng became suspicious!" I don't know, when he took Lan Duo away from those killers a year ago, he had been seen by Bing Ye secretly.

Hiding in the room and overhearing all this, Lan Duo quickly opened the door: "Uncle, aunt, don't worry. Even if Bing Ye returns to Aslan, no one will really come to my rescue."

"Huh?" Luo Tianming didn't quite understand the meaning of Lan Duo's words.

But Lan Duo knew very well that Grandma Queen wanted her to die. How could she really send troops to China to find her? What's more, she won't have any nostalgia for the Aslan state, maybe the only reluctance is Bing Ye.

"Forget it, Tianming, since Yaoyao is like this, then it should be okay. Moreover, you have also newly established Yaoyao's archives in China. Deputy Chief Zeng should not find it here." Deng Huihong tried to soothe Luo Tianming emotion.

He can only think so ...

But three days later ...

A group of people in black broke into Deng Huihong's home suddenly, and his identity was exposed. Yaoyao could only arrest him and let them take themselves to a dungeon.

This is the first time Yaoyao has played tricks with Zeng Kairui! !!

"What's your name?" There was a musty smell in the dark dungeon. Zeng Kairui sat on a chair and asked Yaoyao standing in front of her with a smile.

She stepped back two steps pretending to be nervous: "Uncle ... Uncle, my name is ... Luo, Luo Yaoyao. I ... I want to find my mother ..."

"Yes? Your Royal Highness, it's only been a year, haven't you become such a character?" Zeng Kairui said with a smile.

Yaoyao knew that Zeng Kairui didn't recognize himself at all, otherwise he would kill himself directly. He was just a trick to attract attention. Seeing this, she showed a blank look. "Ok?"

"His Highness Lando, rest assured, I will not hurt you. Your parents have been killed by Prime Minister Qi Lian. After I have confirmed your identity, I will take you back to Aslan to meet your queen grandma. Come ... … Tell me, are you Lando, right? ”Zeng Kairui walked slowly to her.

Yaoyao stepped back tense again: "Uncle, what are you talking about? I, I want to find my mother ... Wow ..." In a hurry, she had to cry to block this conversation.

"Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, shouldn't she be Landau? I have checked her information. She is the daughter of Secretary General Luo and her lover, so her identity has never been revealed." A subordinate whispered in the ear of Zeng Kairui. After that. <

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