A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 4 Chapter 487: The memory of the past is turned on (below)

Chapter 748: The memories of the past are opened ----- Meeting with Ao Tian (2078 words)

He narrowed his eyes coldly: "I know what happened between Tianming and Deng Huihong, but I'm sure they have never had children! Moreover, Lando was taken away by Tianming in the past, and now she is much more for no reason A daughter, who knows, will this daughter be Landau himself! "After that, he smiled and looked at Landau crying:" Child, how old are you? "

"I, I'm 6 years old." Luo Tianming was afraid that Zeng Kairui would find out that Lando was not dead, so she specially changed her age by one year.

"Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, if Lando is still alive, he should be 5 years old."

Zeng Kairui fell into silence, and he frowned: "Go and try, someone in the State Council who has seen Landau, and then take him to recognize people!"

When Landor was visiting China, Zeng Kairui was traveling to Europe. With Qilian's protection against Landor tightly, not many people in the State Council actually met her.

"Yes! That Deputy Prime Minister, this girl ... what to do?"

Zeng Kairui lowered her eyes and glanced at Yao Yao: "Lock her up temporarily. After finding someone to confirm her identity, let her go if she is not Lando."


Yao Yao was imprisoned in an abandoned room by Zeng Kairui's men. She looked very dignified, because once Zeng Kairui found the person who had met her, her identity would be revealed!

and so……

She must flee here before Zeng Carey finds someone who has seen her!

Looking through the closed large iron door, watching the group of black men guarding the outside, it is really difficult to escape from here with their own strength.

While Yaoyao was thinking of a countermeasure ...

"I heard that the eldest son of Prime Minister Qilian has been captured?"


"Well, don't say, this kid is so fatal that he hasn't been killed by the fire."

"Yes, but aren't we still caught by our bosses!"

Listening to the conversation of the black people outside the room, Yao Yao's expression became extremely dignified, the eldest son of Prime Minister Qi Lian?

Vaguely remembers that Prime Minister Qi Lian mentioned that he has an eldest son, should he be 15 years old now?

Unexpectedly, he is still alive ...

Yaoyao has been worried about the death of Prime Minister Qi Lian, and now he receives the news that his eldest son is still alive, and he feels a little relieved.

However, she knew that the son of Prime Minister Qi Lian had once again fallen into the hands of Deputy Prime Minister Zeng this time and would definitely not end well! !! !!

"Squeak", the big iron door opened.

Two men in black took a teenager into the abandoned room.

The scars of this boy's body are hard to hide his handsome appearance, but those gloomy and shiny eyes, let people know at a glance that the boy's soul is gone.


It is Qilian Aotian, and it is also today's Royal Aotian!

"Boy, honestly wait for Deputy Prime Minister Zeng to put you to death!" Then, the man in black pushed Qi Lian Aotian into the room and locked the door again.

Qi Lian Aotian looked around this room, and those bottomless gray eyes finally fixed on Yao Yao's body ...

"Hehe." Yaoya grinned sweetly and smiled, which was given to her by Deng Huihong.

Deng Huihong told her that only when you smile will everyone like you, and a smile will not only bring a good mood to others, but also a good mood for yourself. Therefore, Lan Duo, who has never had a smile, gradually learned the habit of actively showing smiles to others.

Who knows, her smile was replaced by Qi Lian's indifferent attitude.

Immediately, Yao Yao clenched his fists in anger. You know, before, everyone smiled at her, and she gave others a blind eye. Today, this situation is reversed? !! How can she stand it?

However, after thinking about it, what Deng Huihong said ...

‘Yao Yao, we have to use warmth to impress others. In this way, others will treat you with warmth. Do n’t always be cold. In this way, you will be lonely. ’

Thinking of this sentence, Yaoyao gradually let go of the small fist he clenched tightly, and looked at Qilian Aotian sitting not far away.

Perhaps he was so closed because of the death of his parents?

Think about her in the past, didn't she close herself because she lacked warmth?

"Big brother ..." Yaoyao once again showed a sweet smile, took the initiative to reach Qilian Aotian, reached out his small hand, and pointed at the injury on his face: "Does it hurt?"

Qi Lian Aotian raised his eyelids, looked at her coldly, and lowered again ...

Really difficult to communicate with. Yaoyao desperately thought of a way to communicate with Qilian Aotian, suddenly ...

"You are the son of Prime Minister Qilian, aren't you?"

Maybe I can start talking to him from this topic?

But who knows, her enthusiasm is still waiting for Qilian Aotian's indifferent attitude.

Watery eyes turned again: "The Prime Minister Qilian has passed away, it's a pity ..." She continued perseveringly.

This time, however, Qilian Aotian, who had been expressionless, finally gave a response. "How did you know?" His voice was cold, as if freezing to death.

"Watch the news." Yaoyao didn't dare tell him his true identity, so he had to pretend to be innocent.

"Oh ..." Qi Lian Aotian nodded indifferently, and fell into silence again.

At this moment, Yao Yao, who had racked his brains, really didn't know what to talk to Qi Lian Ao Tian, ​​and had to sit quietly beside him and start a stay.

After a long time, she couldn't help but peeping at Qi Liantian who was still in a daze: "Big brother, I overheard that Prime Minister Qi Lian was killed by someone. This is true. What? "

"Huh ..." He nodded expressionlessly, and the hand still stained with unstained blood was clenched into a fist.

Yaoyao clearly saw that his fist-struck hand was full of green muscles, and there was a faint glow of tears in those gray eyes. "Big brother ... you should hate those who killed your parents, right?"

"Hate !!!" The heavy word fell, which is enough to prove how deep Qilian's hatred is.

"Then have you thought about finding revenge on someone who killed your parents?"

Waiting for Yaoyao's question to fall, a touch of helplessness and full of anger flashed across Qilian Aotian's eyes.

In the six months after his parents were killed, he was almost chased after every day, leading a life of exile. In this half year, he has thought of revenge countless times, but he is only 15 years old, how can he get revenge? ? ?

This pressure is really too heavy for this 15-year-old! It's too heavy! !!

"Think! But ..." A smile of self-deprecating smile suddenly appeared on Qi Lian Aotian's face: "They are the leader of a country. I am now only the son of a" sinner ". As soon as I appear, I will be immediately Execution. I can't protect myself now, and mention ... what revenge? "

Chapter 749: The memories of the past are turned on --- **** with Yu Aotian (1) (2047 words)

At a loss ...

At this moment, Qi Lian Aotian was so confused about the way forward. After all, his parents' death was too bad for him, and he couldn't get rid of that grief for a while.

"Forget it, tell this to a little girl like you, you don't understand it!" Then Qilian Aotian stood up quickly, looking for something in the room.

"Brother, what are you looking for?" Yaoya blinked curiously.

"I thought about it, rather than die in the hands of the enemy, I ended up with myself! Anyway, I still have a younger brother, as long as he can keep him thorough!" Qi Liantian hated Talking.

He has now fallen into the hands of Zeng Kairui. The reason why Zeng Kairui did not kill him is simply to get Qilian Aoyun's whereabouts out of his mouth. So as to kill everything. Therefore, death is the best choice for him to ensure the thoroughness of his brother! !! !!

All of a sudden, Yaoyao saw in his eyes the despair of life and the pain of having enough heart and insufficient strength.

She understands Qi Lian Aotian's behavior, and knows the helplessness in his heart. After all, he is only 15 years old, and he wants to avenge a leader of a country. This road is really too convincing and long. but……

"Brother, do you think it's a coward's death?"

Qi Liantian, who was looking for something, slammed God, and he looked at Yao Yao who was slowly standing up: "What do you want to say?"

"Brother, I know, you are sad and helpless now. But ... there is nothing more wonderful than watching your enemies die a little bit alive, isn't it?"

She approached Qi Lian Aotian slowly: "I know that your enemies are very powerful, not to say that you can challenge your opponents immediately. But ... there are many ways to get revenge. Even if you do nothing, you should slowly Wait and witness the death of the enemy. This is the real achievement! "

"You said it simple, but I'm only 15 years old! When will I see Zeng Kairui's death? !!!" Qi Liantian's long-depressed emotions erupted instantly. Does he want to commit suicide? He can think of this endless and long road of revenge, and he will be extremely miserable! !! !! ?

"What about 15 years old? Isn't that great? You can just use your time to 'reserve ammunition' while you're young." Having said that, her little white face gradually outlined a weird Laugh: "As long as you try to reach the top, everyone will not remember that you are the sinner's son. They will naturally look up at you, and then your enemies will kneel under your knees. By then ... ... is it the most exciting moment that you don't realize? However ... Once you choose to die, then it really means that you have given up all hope with your own hands! "

Inexplicably, Yaoyao's words, together with her expression, seemed to infect Qilian Aotian, who was already desperate.


He was only 15 years old and seemed weak, but he had a lot of time for his fierce revenge bullets. As long as he can bear the loneliness in the process, sooner or later he can witness the death of Zeng Kerry.


"Even if I can bear it, even if I'm trying. It's in Zeng Kairui's" Under the Five Fingers Mountain, "isn't it ?!" Qi Lian Aotian felt extremely impatient when he thought of this fact.

"Indeed. Zeng Kerry can cover the sky with one hand in China. But ... if you go to other countries, I don't believe he can do anything with you!"

"Oh ... haha ​​..." The cloud that hung on Qilian Aotian's face disappeared instantly.

Why didn't he realize that he could still run abroad? ? ? The sky is big, the world is so vast, and not every place is where he had Kerry! !! ?

Yes, he can go, he can leave this land temporarily.

Qi Lian Aotian rushed to Yaoyao quickly, picked her up, and happily turned around: "You are my angel. When I turn over in the future, I will definitely reciprocate well. your!!"

For Qilian Aotian's words, Yaoyao firmly believed. Because his eyes, which were gradually regaining light, were telling her that this young man would definitely do something in the future. But ... "No need to repay."

She loves such an ordinary life now and doesn't need him to repay anything. Moreover, if he kills Zeng Kerry in the future, he will be revenge for killing his father and mother. "I just want to leave here now. Brother, can you do anything?"

"I want to leave too. As for the way ..." Qi Liantian let go of Yaoyao's hands, and those bottomless eyes blinked: "You do this ..." whispered in her ear Set up his own plan ...

"No! No! That brother ran away." In the abandoned room, Yao Yao anxiously slapped the door.

After a while, three or four men in black quickly opened the door, and a lunge rushed in. I inspected the whole room, and really disappeared the trace of Qi Lian Aotian: "Fuck, is that kid capable of being stunned? Really running away ?!"

At this moment, Qilian Aotian, who was hiding behind the door, kicked him in a convoluted manner, knocking one person to the ground with agility. Before waiting for the other two to react, he slammed his fists ‘唰, 唰’ and lay them down on the ground.

"Come on!" Qi Lian Aotian took Yao Yao's hand and ran out towards the dungeon.

At this time, many people guarding the dungeon have discovered their plans to escape and have started hunting them down.

"Big ... big brother ... you run first. Don't worry about me ..." You know, even if Yao Yao's physical fitness is even better, her height is already doomed to run.

However, although Qilian Aotian was 15 years old, he had reached a height of 1.7 meters. "It doesn't matter, I hug you!" As soon as he looked pale, he hugged Yaoyao horizontally and moved on.

After a short while, Qilian Aotian's physical strength had already had a serious overdraft, sweat was flowing across his body, and his breath was extremely rapid.

"Forget it, elder brother, let me down, I will drag you down !!!"

"It's okay. We can reach the safety zone in no time." Qi Lian Aotian said that the safety zone is the place where the crowds surge, and he believes that the group of thugs dare not make trouble in a crowded place.

They ran for about 5 minutes, and 3 or 4 beaters had caught up with them.

"They caught up, what should I do?"

Qi Lian Aotian was injured in his own body, and with severe physical overdraft, he could not fight with those people at all. After biting his teeth badly, he remained silent and ran quickly towards the 'safety zone'.

at this time……

Chapter 750: The memories of the past are turned on --- **** with Yu Aotian (2) (2042 words)

With a slap, Qilian Aotian wondered whether he was tripped over by the endless reed, or his physical strength had reached the limit, and the whole person fell out with Yaoyao.

This fall, he was incomparably difficult to remember! !!

"Big brother! Big brother!" Yao Yao shook Qi Lian Aotian's body nervously, watching the group of people approaching them from time to time: "Hurry up! They are catching up with us."

"You, let's run ... don't leave me alone." Qi Liantian now struggles to speak, the breathless breath and the continuous sweat are confirming the teenager's near collapsed body.

"No." Yaoyao shook his head firmly: "You haven't left me just now, so I won't leave you. Get up! Let's run together !!!"

Maybe it was because of the girl's gas-infection, Qilian Aotian gritted his teeth and stood up again with a sigh of relief.

When they were about to continue to escape, the men in black had already arrived.

Can not help but say, Qi Lian Aotian pressed his physical overdraft and played against them.

With tenacious perseverance and courage to live, he finally wiped out three men in black, but ... the last one, he clearly felt that he was powerless to deal with him ...

"Oh, boy, you can fight quite well, but ... you're exhausted, right? Hurry up and obediently go back to me!" The man in black smiled slyly and reached out and caught Qilian Aotian's arm.

At this time, Yao Yao, who was standing aside, saw this, stepped forward, and bit the man's hand holding Qi Lian Aotian's arm.

"Ah !!!" The man moaned in pain and said, "Damn!" Raising his hand, he gave Yao Yao a slap and knocked her to the ground.

"Sister ?!" Waiting for Qi Lian Aotian to step forward and lift her up.

"Don't worry about me !!!" Yaoyao rolled and hugged the man's thigh tightly: "Hurry up !!!"

"You ..." Qi Lian Aotian opened his eyes inconceivably.

"Come on !!! There will be more people coming to catch us in a while. In this case, neither of us will be able to run away!" Roared at Qilian Aotian.

She knew that, with her current height, she would be a burden even if she stayed beside Qi Lian Aotian. Even if she ran away, she would be arrested.

But Qilian Aotian is different. She believes that this teenager will definitely escape from this dangerous situation. Once he escapes, he will be greeted with a brand new future! !!

"Let's go !!!" Seeing Qi Lian Aotian's delay, Yao Yao bit his lower lip hard: "Don't you want revenge ?? If you are caught back this time, you really have no hope Come on !!! "

At this moment, Qi Lian Aotian couldn't describe his feelings in words, and he also understood that it was impossible for them to get out together safely.

Especially with this few-year-old girl who wanted to get out safely was harder.

Qi Lian Aotian clenched his fists tightly. The moment he turned his back, the expression on his face was so painful ...

In my heart, I am constantly praying, I am constantly looking forward, I hope ... this girl who suddenly appeared in his life can be safe and able to save the danger ...

"Damn, little girl, let go quickly, don't you want to live any longer ?!" The man in black wanted to shake away Yao Yao's hands holding his legs tightly.

She looked nervously at the back of Qi Lian Aotian leaving. No, he didn't run far enough. If he let go at this time, he would be caught! !!

The man in black seemed to be completely outraged by the stubborn Yao Yao. He quickly took out the dagger on his body: "Little girl, if you don't let go, I will really kill you !!!"

In the face of this, Yaoyao didn't have any fear. She was Lando and lived in the adult world from birth. What hasn't she seen?

For something like death? Huh ... she was numb.

When she learned that Grandma Queen was about to assassinate herself several times, her heart had already lived in hell; if it was not for the Luo Tianming and his wife to rescue him, she would have been assassinated by the killers more than six months ago.

Surviving for more than half a year means that God has given her extra time. Together, she feels the warmth of her home; where her family is and where her humanity is.

Just saying ...

She was a bit reluctant to the Luo Tianming couple, and the kind feeling of being with them ...

However, it is also said that if she continued to live, Zeng Kairui discovered that her true identity would affect the Luos and his wife instead, as it is now ...

At the very least, Yaoyao enjoyed a close relationship for almost a year. And she also believes that ... the son of Prime Minister Qi Lian will one day fly in the sky and avenge her! !!

A firm gaze glanced at the man holding the dagger. She narrowed her eyes coldly, without any intention of letting go.

The man frowned when he frowned: "Okay, this is your own death!" He took the dagger in his hand and pierced her left shoulder ...

"Hmm ..." A sigh of painful sigh, spitting blood sprayed down her left shoulder.

At this moment ... Yu Aotian, who had ran almost 20 meters away, happened to turn around and saw this scene accurately! !!

I thought about turning back to save the girl and leaving, but seeing the large number of figures approaching behind them, if Qi Lian Aotian turned back, it would be equivalent to arresting him! !! Then, invisible, she lived up to all the promises and expectations of this girl ...

In the end, Qilian Aotian was safely out of danger. But he never forgot about everything the girl did. For him, the only regret was ... never asked the girl's name; never asked why the girl was imprisoned by Zeng Kerry! !! !!


Yao Yao, who was seriously injured, was taken back to the dark dungeon.

Not long after, Luo Tianming, who learned that Yaoyao was arrested, hurried and explained to Zeng Kairui that Yaoyao was his daughter.

"Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, my daughter cannot be Lando. I really executed Lando that year. Please, let my daughter go!"

Zeng Kairui was silent, and with his personality that would rather let go of mistakes, he would not let Yaoyao go without accurate confirmation!

Under the pressure, Luo Tianming directly chose to turn his face with Zeng Kairui: "Vice Premier Zeng, if you really hurt my daughter, I will make the matter you framed Prime Minister Qilian public !!

The moment he heard this sentence, Zeng Kairui finally agreed to release Yao Yao.


How can he really betray his own intentions and threaten his belongings in this world? ? <

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