A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 4 Chapter 487: 487

Chapter 782:

"That's it. President Han of the Bosen Group was arrested two days ago for possession of a firearm. As for me, it happens to be President Han's defense lawyer. One of the benefits enjoyed by world-class senior lawyers is that they can apply for protection. My client's information was not leaked and the crimes were not disclosed. However, the news of my client's being spread was exposed by a media this morning. Now I have issued a defamatory lawyer letter to that media. But ... "

Having said that, Yao Yao walked behind Zeng Kairui with a strange smile, as if he had intentionally told him, and slowly said, "I'm afraid the police will not cooperate with me and work with me to protect my client's **. So when I saw it, I went to the United Nations directly without doing anything. "

"Miss Luo!" After the crowd heard this, they frowned helplessly: "Have you ever tried to communicate with the superintendent who handled this case? Since you are a world-class senior lawyer, you should be more careful in your work?"


Does she still know that the lawyer's conduct is rigorous? But if it really ran to communicate with the police, it is estimated that the police had already announced the arrest of President Han, so what's the point?

Moreover, Zeng Kairui's purpose was to suppress Boson by such public opinion, and she did not believe that if this time did not bring the matter out of the United Nations directly, Zeng Kairui would really order his people to keep it secret.

"Uh, if I say that, I'm really a little impulsive this time." Yao Yao deliberately put on a look of self-blame.

Those important leaders shook their heads helplessly, and stood up from the position: "Chairman, you always deal with diplomatic affairs, so this time I will trouble you to come forward and communicate with the UN Prime Minister. What happened this time. "

"Well. Rest assured."

"All right. That's it for today's meeting." As the acting Prime Minister's word fell, everyone went towards the meeting room.

Zeng Kairui slowly got up, looked back, and stared at Yao Yao in front of her.

Yao Yao also looked at him with a smile.

"Little girl, you better not force me to do it again for more than ten years !!" Zeng Kairui said coldly.

She grinned: "It seems that Zeng Qing has told you that I have restored my memory? That's right, Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, I also advise you, it's better not to force me to use Asland to deal with you!"

"Oh. It seems that even if you restore your memory, you haven't gone smart yet." Zeng Kairui took a step forward, and narrowed his eyes, "Did you ever think that 10 years ago, my actions would be so smooth. Isn't there the help of your Queen of Aslan? "

‘Cuckoo’ all of a sudden, Yao Yao ’s heart sank.

Grandma Queen has been killing her, she knows. For more than ten years, the queen sent her to China for a visit. She really thought that the queen had just given her a ‘filled army’ but did n’t expect…

Feelings, things of the year, also had the Queen *** involved? !! !!

Yes, yes. If you think about it, since Bing Ye knew she wasn't dead, wouldn't it be easy for the army of Aslan to get her back from China?

However, she has been in China for more than ten years! !!


The reason why Yaoyao did not think that the murder of that year would be related to Grandma Queen is because ...

Grandma Queen, her biological mother, Princess Lan Nishan, was also killed that time. She did not expect that Grandma Queen could be cruel enough to kill her own daughter! !!

make a fist!

She grinds badly after grinding, and a hint of hell-like smile floats to the corner of her mouth: "Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, do you know why Granny Queen sent me to China at that time? It was because ... I was intending Assassinate her. Do you think that if I go back now, I dare not attack her ...? !!! "

Looking at Yao Yao's grim eyes, Zeng Kairui's eyes widened in shock. He thought that the queen of Aslan only wanted Lando to die to protect the throne, but he didn't want to. Landau also intended to fight Throne? ?

She was only four years old! !!

No wonder the whole country of Aslan said she was a witch! !!

Zeng Kairui took a step back and turned around without saying anything.


Yao Yao smiled coldly, gazing at the eyes of his departing back, and gradually turned to Yu Aotian, who had been sitting in a position to watch all this coldly: "What to see? Haven't you seen a beautiful girl?"

Meeting outdoor.

Zeng Kairui stopped at the door of the conference room.

His expressionless face was bluish.

About 14 years ago, he made it together with the Queen of Assyria, plus the Duke of England, Charles.

The purpose of Zeng Kairui was to kill Prime Minister Qilian through this matter; the purpose of the Queen of Aslan was to simply execute Landau; as for the Duke Charles of Britain, it seemed to be lively, but it was just watching the civil war in these two countries with cold eyes Nothing more.

The Queen of Aslan did not get rid of the suspicion, but just threw an olive branch to Zeng Kerry, which meant that whatever he did, Aslan would definitely not participate.

Zeng Kairui also launched this killing recklessly.

That year, Zeng Kairui faintly found that Lando had not been completely killed, but the incident was exposed, and he continued to track her whereabouts. The ultimate goal was locked in Luo Tianming who was responsible for personally executing Landau.

However, Luo Tianming did everything perfectly, drafted Yaoyao's archives in China, and sealed some archives. Even Zeng Kairui wasn't sure if Luo Yaoyao was Landuo.

In the end, he could only capture Luo Yaoyao and run to the Queen of Aslan to verify everything himself. But before the results were announced, Yao Yao cooperated with Yu Aotian to escape.

In addition, Luo Tianming immediately felt that Yao Yao, who had been stabbed, was taken away.

Seeing this, Zeng Kairui kept doing it and decided to kill the father and daughter.

He thought that Yaoyao had been killed in the car accident. Who knew that Deng Huihong rescued Yaoyao and hid in the domestic life.

A possession is 10 years.

This is why Deng Huihong forbids Yaoyao from participating in politics, and she can only make a living by doing some scattered work. She was afraid that Yaoyao's identity would be exposed, causing Zeng Kairui's suspicion.

However, 14 years later, when Yaoyao repeatedly appeared beside Yu Aotian, Zeng Kairui suddenly learned that the car accident that year, Yaoyao did not die.

After many trials and inquiries, Zeng Kairui found that Yao Yao had no intention of revenge. With the protection of Yu Aotian and Feng Chenyi, two people who called for wind and rain, beside Yao Yao, he could only temporarily remove Yao Yao from his body. Attention shifted.

Chapter 783:

Of course, calling Yao Yao and Yu Aotian to kill each other is also one of Zeng Kairui's important goals! !!


Now Yaoyao's memory has been restored; in addition, Yaoyao is clearly on the side of Yu Aotian. and……

Thinking of this, Zeng Kairui recalled the horrible eyes that had just flowed through Yaoyao's eyes, and had to admit that this was the second time he saw a person who could have such a terrible look, in addition to the eyes he had seen on Yu Aotian. Look.

If these two people join hands successfully, they will add the identity of Chairman Yu Aotian; the identity of Yaoyao International Lawyer will undoubtedly be what they want ...

"No! It seems I have to shift my attention for a while, and I can't let the girl‘ Hu Lai ’!” Zeng Kairui slowly pulled out the phone, just when she was about to make a call ...

"Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, haven't you left yet?" A political minister who had just participated in the meeting suddenly appeared.

"Oh, this is going back to the office, what's wrong?"

"It's okay. I just want to say that Miss Luo's international lawyer's license is really powerful. I said, why do every country hate its people so much to test their international lawyer's license? We were just like grandchildren just now, we had to coax her. It's really depressing. "

"Haha, indeed, indeed." Zeng Kairui smiled in concurrence.

"However, the little girl was really impulsive and ran to the UN to sue before completing the process. It is really immature ..." Everyone thinks that Yao Yao is not mature enough.

But Zeng Kerry still doesn't understand what her purpose is?

Nothing more than to give him a dismount! !! Tell him that she is an international lawyer and don't come to mess with her. Ah……

"Yeah, it's not mature enough, after all, it's young." Zeng Kairui said, and patted the man's shoulder with a smile. "Lao Zhang, I'm going back to the office first, let's talk back."


After parting from that person, Zeng Kerry pulled out the phone again ...

"Head, what's the order?" A male voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Think of a way, get me to remove Luo Yaoyao's lawyer's license. Of course, if you can ... just kill her directly!" Luo, Zeng Kairui's gaze of God's eyes fluttered with a strong murderous gaze. ...

Meeting room ...

"What to see? Haven't you seen a beauty ?!" Yao Yao jerked out a chair and sat opposite Yu Aotian.

He was silent for a long while ... "Your grandma is going to kill you?"

"What's wrong? Is it weird? It's a mediocrity without being jealous. Even my grandma is jealous of me, so I'm terrific." Yaoyao put on a look of pride, and left his mouth to Yu Aotian.

But Yu Aotian clearly saw the sad glow in her eyes. "Have you this little thing started to learn to camouflage now !?"

"I haven't learned it from you yet?" Fucked in disguise, Yu Aotian was second, who dares to say that he is first? !! cut!

Suddenly, Yu Aotian's eyes flickered, and she grabbed her arm sharply, pulling her towards herself: "If you are showing such an attitude with me, I will strangle you!"

The bottomless eyes glow with annoying luster. It seems that Yu Aotian is not joking. Does he really hate himself now?


This is what he looks like now, so why do he need to be adapted? Ah……

With a cold smile inside, Yaoyao's eyes drooped: "My relationship with the queen *** is not deep. She wants to kill me, but I will be a bit sad. But it is also a matter of reason."

"Who do you have a deep relationship with?"

"Bing Ye. From birth to my abduction, it can be said that Bing Ye will be with me every day. He serves as the father to educate me; he also plays the role of mother to take care of me. But ..." she was recovering After remembering, the first thing to hurt is Bing Ye! !! !!

Yu Aotian looked at the growing sadness in her eyes. Somehow, she wanted to know her past and everything.

He is obviously not a curious man, let alone a man who likes to dig into the past of others. However, in the face of Yao Yao who found his memory, he suddenly desperately wanted to know everything about her. Why is this?

"Why did you suddenly sue to the United Nations?" Yao Aotian evoked the sadness of her. Yu Aotian let go of her wrist and quickly shifted the topic.

"I thought, if I do n’t give Zeng Kairui a look this time, my work will be difficult to perform in the future. You do n’t realize that it is so troublesome. No matter where I go in the future, will everyone give me some face? "!" This is killing a hundred dollars.

"Oh." Yu Aotian smiled slightly and pulled her little hand gently: "You can think about it first and tell me later, if I can't solve it, you'll run over to make things international. "

If she did talk to Yu Aotian, what could not be resolved as Yu Aotian's current status? But ... "Aotian, as I said, you ca n’t participate in this matter. In the future, there will be many things that you ca n’t get involved with. Only if I can keep you, Ye Hao, Ye Hao, As long as President Han, we can be safe! "

Yu Aotian is the ancient king. All the dead are protecting the king of a country. Once the king falls, then the country is finished.

"Then have you ever thought that if you did this, you are against the entire government ?!"

"Oh, now you are the top three in the country, who dares to move me with you? And ..." Yao Yao smiled mischievously: "If Zeng Kairui wants to make me, it is very simple, anyway, if I am not a native, if I I ca n’t hang around here, it ’s a big deal to go back to Aslan ’s puppet. ”

Yu Aotian closed her eyes silently.

This is why he didn't want Yao Yao to be too public. If one day, she really returns to Aslan, there will be two parallel lines between them! !!

The hand holding her little hand became more and more imprisoned. He took a deep breath, and the moment he looked up, there was a faint obsession in his eyes: "I don't want you to go back to Aslan!"


‘Flop… Flop…’

Yaoyao's heartbeat sounds more and more rapid. For this man who rarely talks, can this sentence be the bottom line?

One sentence ... I don't want you to return to Aslan, she felt the man's thoughts inexplicably.

Unfortunately, she wants to hear more! More stuff! "Why not ?!"

"Oh ..." suddenly, Yu Aotian smiled helplessly, stretched out her hand, and nodded her head: "You were too stupid before, now you are too fine !!"

Chapter 784:

Previously, he hinted several times that the relationship between them was male and female friends, but stupid Yaoyao, but did not think she was just his lover.

Now, he just hinted at her reluctance, and the girl responded keenly to draw out more of what he said.


It seems that his attitude towards this little thing in the future cannot really be taken lightly, otherwise one could accidentally kill him.

"Cut, it's boring, aren't you more refined ?!" Yao Yao shook his hand unhappyly and rolled his eyes fiercely: "I continue to go back to work. There are 2 days to go to court. There are still some things that are not finished. "

"Well. What about the UN Prime Minister?"

"You don't need to worry about it. I've done it for a long time. He may send you a direct email to notify you to deal with this matter. When you say it's done, it's OK." Yao Yao seemed to be the chief conductor. Commanded Royal Sky.

He shrugged helplessly: "Um ..." He got up and left the conference room with her ...

After 2 days.

Yaoyao submitted a proposal for a closed trial to the court. The court accepted it lightly. However, there are no airtight walls in the world, and several media outlets have appeared at the door of the High Court.

Yaoyao drove to the court door in person. When she got out of the car, the media flocked to her ...

"Miss Luo, we have received the news that it is said that you will defend a big man. What is the case? Who is this big man?"

"Miss Luo, you announced a week ago that you would resign from the position of President of the Wind Group. Are you planning to go back and continue as a lawyer? Who will you work for?"

Faced with questions one after another by reporters, Yao Yao smiled lightly at the camera: "I must keep confidential the information about my client. Unfortunately, I cannot disclose it to everyone. As for who my future owner will be , I believe that everyone will know in the future. The court is about to begin, I'm sorry everyone. "

She was strenuously killed from the press circle.

Just when she was about to enter the court door ...

A Rolls Royce parked slowly not far from her.

The reporters seemed to recognize the owner of the car at once, and hurried forward.

The driver got out of the car with difficulty, ran to the back seat, and opened the door respectfully ...

"Chairman, did you participate in the trial? Could you tell us what the case is?"

Yu Aotian stepped out of the car slowly, and only smiled in the face of the reporter's interview.

He pulled the button of the suit lightly, and the action was not so charming, the female reporters couldn't help raising their peach eyes, and automatically avoided a path to ask Yu Aotian to go.

"Cut ... Yao Aotian is a hormonal aggregate, and is beginning to distribute hormones again!" Yao Yao, who was watching this scene from afar, glared into the air. At this time, Yu Aotian also came to her. "How did you come?"

"Because I have to pick up Li and leave here !!" Although Yu Aotian knew that he should not show up at this time, but the best brother was arrested and he could only sit back and wait. The only thing he can do now is to spend time with him Trouble, if you can, and pick him up from here.

"Yeah." If Yao Yao had her mouth raised, she felt a kind of pressure inexplicably. If she wasn't acquitted today, I'm afraid Yu Aotian would be sad? "Let's go in."


The two walked into the court side by side. Due to the closed trial, not many people were present.

While not yet in court, Yao Yao, accompanied by Yu Aotian, went to the lounge to prepare.

"Are you nervous? Is this your first formal court appearance?" Yu Aotian asked with a smile.

She raised her eyebrows confidently: "So, I want to take advantage of this opportunity to become popular. If I lose, my signboard will be smashed."

"Oh. Then I'll wait for your triumph."

"Relax ..." I will ... try my best. In the latter words, Yaoyao didn't say anything. She didn't want to ask Yu Aotian to be intimidated, but she could only show her confidence. "Right, Aotian."


Yao Yao looked around the lounge and found no one, she whispered: "Give me a 'balloon'"

"..." Yu Aotian opened his eyes wide and frowned inconceivably: "What should you do now?"

"Oh, leave it alone! Do you have it now?"

"Yes!" Said, Yuaotian quickly pulled out a wallet from his pocket and pulled out a 'balloon' along the hidden folder of the wallet. "give."

Yaoyao, who was sitting aside, glanced at the contents of his hand stupidly, and looked at his face again: "How can you take this play with you? !!!"

This is weird! !! Yu Aotian frowned impatiently: "Isn't this what you asked me for ?!"

"I want it, do you have to have it? Why do you carry this play in your wallet every day? Aren't you without a girlfriend?" Yao Yao's roar grew louder, and he finally stood up in excitement and stared angrily. Holding him.

"It's a matter of politeness to take it with you. It doesn't matter if you have a girlfriend !!!"

"Polite question ?!" Yaoyao bit his lower lip tightly: "Ha, Yu Aotian, how emotionally do you feel lonely during this time and start looking for the occasional * night * love ?!"

After hearing her say this, Yu Aotian ‘噌’ suddenly stood up: “It ’s because of you that I brought this thing with me every day !!”

Oh, listen to what he means, that is to say, maybe you are ready to go to bed with yourself at any time? but! !! !!

Yaoyao raised his fist in resentment: "Yao Aotian, come here less often, you are the nonsense! In Japan, we were together every day, and I haven't seen you with me before. This thing !!!!!!? "

Suddenly, Yu Aotian's pupils dilated: "Don't you tell me, have you forgotten about Japan? !!! Little thing, did you lie to me? !!!" She quickly pinched her neck. But it is very light, very light, more like a joke.

Oops! !!

Yaoyao suddenly reacted and said that he had leaked his mouth, turned his eyes wide, and quickly opened his hand around his neck: "Don't change the subject first, I ask you, why do you keep this in your wallet anytime, anywhere? Something ?! Don't you dislike wearing it? "

"For you, I have to wear it even if I don't like it!"

"Cut, for me?" Yaoya scornfully held his hands in front of him: "Once we came back from Japan, we will never have anything to do with it again. I think 80% of it is because you are now the chairman of the board, So I ca n’t give other women a big belly, and I ca n’t bear the loneliness, so I wear this play to the street every day, right? ”

Chapter 785:

Feelings, his psychology in this little woman is so unbearable a lonely fancy man? "Okay! Okay, yes, that's what you said ..." Yu Aotian smiled with his lips raised, his legs crossed and sat back in the chair: "It's you. I go out with this thing every day and you So excited ?! "

All of a sudden, Yaoyao just felt that his brain was blank.

Yeah, how excited is she? Even if you're upset, don't you understand?

But question, what stupid is this **** deliberately pretending to be? ? He really didn't know why he was so excited? !! "Go to your mother!" Yaoyao quickly grabbed the balloon from his hand and turned around.

Looking at Yu Aotian, she grabbed her wrist: "You scold me again? !!!"

"What's wrong with you? Fresh? !!! It's not like I haven't scolded you! Silly!" Yaoyao bit her teeth in a desperate manner. It is estimated that if she can fight Yu Aotian, she would have to bite him.

"Okay! Good ..." Yu Aotian smiled coldly, wrapping her hands around her waist.

"Hey !! What are you doing? Let go of me!" The small hand slammed against his chest.

Regardless of her resistance, Yu Aotian stepped forward and directly landed her on the cold wall.

She held her waist in one hand and tore her clothes with the other.

Yao Yao suddenly took a chill, this guy! !! are you crazy? This is the court! !! "Hello, you are neurotic !?"

"I see, I've been very kind to you these days. If I don't punish you, you'll have to ride on my head and shit!"

"I still run on you to pee!"

"Do you think you've never **** ?!"

"Uh ..." When she was only 3 or 4 years old, she seemed to have actually **** on Yu Aotian ...

While the two were tearing at each other, just listening ... "squeak", the door of the lounge was pushed open from the outside.

Yao Yao and Yu Aotian looked at each other nervously, letting go quickly, pretending that nothing was the same, one was tidying his hair and the other was holding his tie.

The person who came in was not someone else, it was Long Yan! "Heh ... heh ..." He stood awkwardly at the door, and twitched the corners of the two of them.

Yu Aotian and Yao Yao subconsciously looked at the door, and found that it was Long Ling, who could not help but sigh.

"Dragon, when did you come?"

"I can say, have I been standing outside the door for a long time?" Long Yan bowed his head awkwardly: "You two are international lawyers; the other is the chairman of the State Council. The content of the chat ... Is it too vulgar ? "



All of a sudden, Yaoyao's small face ‘唰’ became red to the ears.

Yu Aotian also frowned slightly: "What's your matter ?!"

"Inside ... inside, Brother Longyou, the court will begin immediately. I will go to court first."

"Well. Go. Yaoyao."

She said goodbye to Long Ling, and when she came to the door, she turned her head sharply and glanced at Yu Aotian fiercely, like that, she was completely alike, let's drive and watch! !! <"With the judge's announcement, everyone in the large court stood up.

This is the first time Yaoyao has officially entered the domestic high court. Although the simulation has been simulated several times before, the simulation is after all simulated, which is far worse than the real one. Especially the atmosphere shrouded with strong pressure can make people nervous.

The judge began to read the opening statement and the oath. This is a necessary process, as well as respect and deterrence to the law!

Although it is a closed trial, the court is still full of relevant personnel, family members, witnesses and so on.

Yu Aotian and Long Ling left the lounge and merged with Gong Xiaoman and Mo Xuetong who had been sitting in the court.

Since Han Lizhen was arrested, Gong Xiaoman has never seen her again. Today, she is sitting on the spectator seat, while Han Liying is standing in the defendant seat. This picture looks really sad and more like a wait-and-see between men and women.

Seeing this scene, Yao Yao couldn't help but sighed sadly, his eyes gradually turned to Han Liyu, and he nodded politely.

Han Liyu nodded politely to her.

Perhaps, it was after Yao Yao rescued Xiao Man that Han Li, who had always hated Yao Yao, obviously improved her attitude.

Gradually, Han Liyun's cold gaze moved to Yu Aotian, who was watching the seat. For a while, his face with a cold expression gradually hung a careless smile.

This smile undoubtedly meant that he didn't care. He just wanted to tell Yu Aotian that he didn't care about going to prison! !! !!

"The case of the cold Qiang Tibetan weapon was formally heard! The defense lawyers of both parties were invited to make a statement." With a ‘咚’, the judge symbolically knocked on the mallet in his hand.

Everyone sat back in place, and the court suddenly became silent.

"Mr. Han, at 11 am on August 29, what are you doing ?!"

Because Yaoyao belongs to the defendant's lawyer, he can only choose to defend it later; the plaintiff's lawyer, that is, the government's lawyer, took the lead in launching a cross-examination of Han Liyu.

"I'm in the president's office of the Bosen Group." Han Liyu answered the lawyer's question coldly.

"Mr. Han, I'm asking you, what are you doing !!! Not where you are." The lawyer repeated his question again.

Sitting on the defendant's lawyer's seat, Yao Yao played with the pen in his hand, and his condensed eyes quickly met Han Li's eyes.

Han Liyu seemed to feel something from her eyes, and after a moment of silence, she said coldly, "I'm chatting with someone."

"Chat? Mr. Han, are you sure you are chatting? Who are you chatting with?" The defense lawyer asked indifferently.

Han Liyu pointed coldly at the two blond men standing on the witness seat: "I'm sure I'm chatting with them !!"

Those two blond men, who might have known about Qi Qier's whereabouts, were also the ones who were pinched on his head by Han Liyu.

"Okay. Lord Judge, I demand the summons of Witness 1 and Witness 2."

At the request of the defence lawyer, the two blondes who stood in the witness seat went to the testimony stand.

"Two gentlemen, on August 29, at 11 am, why did you appear in the president's office of the Bosen Group?"

"We were tied to Mr. Bosen by Mr. Han's men."

"Oh? Kidnapping?" The defense lawyer smiled and smiled at the crowd sitting on the sidelines: "Mr. Gang Han said to chat with you, are you sure you kidnapped?"


Upon hearing this, the defense lawyer raised his lips with a smile and focused his eyes on Yao Yao.

Chapter 786:

This defense lawyer is the government's chief lawyer. He has long heard about Yaoyao ’s name. He wants to compete with this little girl, thinking that he is only 19 years old. What can he do? !!

Seeing this today, they have been interrogated for so long. It ’s really strange that Yaoyao didn't raise a word of "opposition".

The man grinned and continued to ask, "Two gentlemen, what's next?"

"Next, Mr. Han asked us some inexplicable questions. We didn't know. He hit us with hands and finally pointed at us with a grab!"

"Very good!" The defense lawyer quickly walked to the judge: "Master, I asked to call witness No. 3, Chief of Police Xiao."

"Summon Witness No. 3!" The judge knocked the mallet hard.

The prosecutor immediately took the two blond-haired young and confused young men out of the witness seat, and Director Xiao was seated in the witness seat shortly after.

"Hello, Director Xiao. At 11 am on August 29, it is said that it was the president of the Bosen Group that you personally led and arrested, Mr. Han?"


"Excuse me, what did you see when you opened the door?" The defense attorney's question was finished.

Director Xiao thought seriously for a moment, and slowly said, "When I opened the door, I happened to see Mr. Han holding a gun and holding the gun against the two men's heads."

"I see." All witnesses and defense lawyers basically asked for them one by one. Combining this series of testimonies, the defense lawyer slowly came to the judge: "Master, judging from the witness's series of testimonies, Mr. Han Liyi, president of the Bosen Group, has been involved in abduction, murder, and holding. Guns, threats, and many more counts. I hope the jury can authenticate and consider the adverse effects of this matter. After all, Mr. Han Liying belongs to the public. My speech is temporarily complete.

After speaking, the man bowed deeply and sat back slowly to the seat of the defense lawyer.

"Now, please speak with the defendant's lawyer."

Finally, it was Yaoyao's turn to speak, and her body was a little stiff.

Turning her head slightly, she slowly got up and walked to the judge and bowed to everyone. "Master, I demand that the witness No. 3 be called directly, Chief of Police Xiao."

"Huh?" The judge didn't expect Yao Yao to play the card in such a way that it didn't follow common sense. It stands to reason that she should interrogate the defendant first and then interrogate the witnesses one by one. Now it can be reversed and completely reversed. "Defendant lawyer, don't you interrogate the defendant first?"

"No need, Lord Judge. I just want to ask Superintendent Xiao."

"Okay." The judge signaled the prosecutor to bring Supervisor Xiao back to the witness stand.

Yaoyao turned his head and walked in front of him with a smile: "Sergeant Superintendent Xiao, when I heard the defense lawyer asked you, you said that when you opened the door, you happened to see me His party, Mr. Han Liying, pointed at someone else's head, right? "


"Oh, that's it. Before I ask you the next question, I'm curious about something." Yaoyao wrapped his arms in front of him with a puzzled hand.

Police Officer Xiao frowned immediately. "What's the matter?"

"I'm just curious, how could your dignified police officer suddenly handle such a small case in person. Besides ... how can you be so coincidental that I just caught my client, Mr. Han Liying, pointing at someone else's head with a grab? ?! "

"No! Lord, I am opposed to the defendant's lawyer asking questions that have nothing to do with the case !!!" The lawyer sitting in the defense seat opened his mouth in an outrage.

Yao Yao smiled secretly, and knew that he had to oppose it, and he really couldn't hold his breath. Obviously it's a guilty conscience, are you afraid this time? "Master, I have the right to suspect that someone wanted to frame my client, Mr. Han Liyu, so my question has a direct bearing on this case!"

The judge hesitated for a moment and nodded tacitly: "Witnesses, please answer the questions of the defendant's lawyer."

Superintendent Xiao narrowed his eyes coldly and quickly looked at Yao Yao with a smile on his face: "I received a report from the informant that I was in the bureau at that time, so I immediately led the team to Bosen."

"Oh ... this, okay." Yao Yao smiled slightly and placed one hand on the witness seat to play with the taste: "Next question. I want to confirm to you clearly that after you push the door to enter the day Is it that you saw Mr. Han Liying holding a pistol and pointing his finger at someone else's head, or was Han Liying just holding a pistol !? "

"It's heavy either?"

"Of course !!!" Yaoyao blinked for sure, stretched out his fingers with a smile, and pointed at the head of Superintendent Xiao: "You are a bastard!"

"Slap!" Superintendent Xiao patted the table fiercely and asked, "Dare you insult me?"

"How can I?" She shook her head in a fool's way, and took off her fingers calmly: "Is it just an analogy?" Turning and facing the audience, those eyes that could understand everything finally fixed in On Yu Aotian's body: "You're an idiot!"

"..." Looking at the audience, Yu Aotian's face was dark! "This little **** is really careful!"

"Did you see it? The same sentence. One sentence was pointed at the head of Superintendent Xiao, and the other sentence was what I said to everyone, so the difference is not so big, everyone should understand?"

"Oh, it's amazing ..." Yu Aotian from the audience couldn't help but admire Yao Yao's remarks.

This is exactly a trick she uses to "find faults" and deliberately seeks holes. Of course, even more powerful is her golden eyes, and suddenly found the key point that can help Han Liyu escape from the crime of murder. Incidentally, I also insulted Superintendent Xiao Zeng's confidante, can it be great? !!

"Superintendent Xiao!" Yaoyao's expression suddenly became serious: "I was asking you one last time. When you entered, did you see Mr. Han pointing at the heads of witnesses No. 1 and No. 2 or holding guns !! ! "

Waiting for Superintendent Xiao to answer.

Her eyes flickered, and the murmured murmur: "Sergeant Xiao, you'd better think clearly before answering, otherwise, my next question is to ask you who the informant is to provide you with information. In case of this What can you do if the ordinary case becomes a case? "

Superintendent Xiao suddenly responded. Yao Yao questioned the purpose of her first question. Does she want to threaten herself? !!

But the problem ...

I really want to ask him to provide an informant, then this case really has to be turned into a case, and it is possible that his top boss Zeng Kairui will be taken out!

In desperation, Superintendent Xiao reluctantly replied: "I saw ... Mr. Han ... is a hand-held gun!"


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